Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series

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Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series Page 4

by Blue Saffire

  Crystal took the plates over to the table and sat them down, the food smelled and looked great. I walked over to the table to pull out her chair. She smiled, sitting down gracefully.

  “Do you want to work while we eat?” she asked.

  “No, let’s eat. I think I have the survey under control,” I replied.

  I blessed the table, before we started to tuck in. A groan slipped from my lips as the flavors burst in my mouth. This woman is the one, I know she is. I looked up to see her smiling at me while I inhaled her cooking. I smiled back, trying to finish chewing so I could speak.

  “You like?” she asked.

  I nodded and cleared my throat. “This is off the hook.”

  “Thanks,” she giggled. “So we’re going to the shop tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, Kenny will be waiting for us. I can pick you up from your dorm around two.”

  “Actually, I’ll be at the library,” she said. “I’m going home this weekend so I need to get some things done. Most likely, I’ll do the surveys on Saturday and if I can find time I’ll go on Friday.”

  “Okay, cool. I’ll pick you up from the library.”

  We talked some more about my family while we ate. The subject turning to my dad, I frowned down into my plate.

  “He was never really around unless he wanted something from my mom,” I said.

  “That must have been hard,” she replied softly.

  I shrugged.

  “I’m good. I don’t really get too involved with him. He’s a character. He has never truly supported me in anything. He’s always about some drama. I can do without it. Besides, I have done fine without him.”

  “You seem to have good friends,” she changed subjects with a smile on her face.

  “Yeah, Kenny is the closest thing I have to a brother. Him and Kim are the ones who helped my mom keep me grounded,” I nodded.

  I started to ask her about her family, but my cell rang. I went over to the counter to pick it up, seeing it was Sean. I should’ve known he would be calling tonight. I’m sure the word on my new contracts had gotten out.

  “What’s up, man?” I answered the phone.

  “Yo, I know you coming out tonight,” Sean called into the phone.

  “I don’t know, man. I’m a little busy tonight.”

  “Please tell me you not trippin’ over there, over that bookworm. You better watch that man, can’t trust a big butt and a smile. Besides, I think shorty is coming out tonight. You need to get with that,” Sean coached into the phone.

  I stopped to think. Crystal did have my mind some place she wasn’t ready to go. I have to admit, I did want to move a little faster with her. On the other hand, little mama from the club has been giving me the eye for a minute. However, Crystal was what I really wanted. I could feel the conflict tugging within me. It was a battle between what my body wanted and what my mind knew I needed. As if reading my inner debate Crystal spoke up, pushing the decision in my body’s favor.

  “Lee if you have something to do, I can finish the survey up,” she whispered.

  “Come on, Lee. Don’t miss out on tonight. You should be celebrating,” Sean encouraged.

  I looked at Crystal, warring just a little more. I did deserve to celebrate. Besides, she was giving me an out.

  “Alright, Sean, I’ll meet you in two hours,” I sighed.

  Crystal started to pick up our plates, making her way into the kitchen to clean up. I followed to help her. Secretly wishing she would change her mind. I would love to stay home with her. All she had to do was say the word, I would completely forget about everything else.

  “Lee, do you have something I can put this in?” she asked.

  “You can put those pots right in the refrigerator like that. I’mma finish that off when I come back,” I said as I smiled at her, while I rubbed my stomach.

  “You’re a mess,” she giggled.

  She packed up her laptop, once she was done in the kitchen and put on her sweater. I walked over to her to see if maybe she would give me a reason not to go to the club. She looked up at me with a smile, as she searched my face.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at two,” she said before turning to leave.

  I was very disappointed. I let her out, before proceeding to go get dressed to go out. I didn’t know what to think about Crystal. I didn’t think Sean was right about her, but I planned to find out what made her tick.

  When Sean and I arrived at the club, and sure enough the chick with the eyes was there. Her face lit up the moment she saw me. She looked good too. With her shoulder length reddish brown hair and her caramel skin, she had on this extra tight black dress that showed off her cute little body. Crystal is better looking if you did the math, but little mama was no joke herself.

  I walked over to her and started a conversation. Soon I had the drinks coming her way and kept them flowing throughout the night. She giggled and whispered in my ear, trying to act all cute. I had already made up my mind, I was taking her home. She didn’t have to try so hard, it was a done deal.

  After about two hours, I threw Sean the peace sign, leading shorty out by the small of her back. I saw the excitement light up her eyes when my car pulled up and I opened the door for her. It was a bit of a turn off, as my mind turned to Crystal’s lack of reaction. I frowned, but shrugged it off and got in the car.

  Chapter 6


  I woke up the next morning to the smoke alarm going off in my condo. I jumped up out of the bed and ran to the kitchen. Rachael from last night stood in the kitchen in one of my jerseys, fanning at some burnt eggs.

  How do you burn eggs? I thought to myself, shaking the rest of the fog from my head. I had to still be sleeping. No one burns eggs.

  “Oh sorry, baby, I was trying to make you breakfast,” Rachael said, turning to me with a shamed look on her face.

  “Look, Ma, I need to get to practice. Why don’t you go get dressed,” I replied, trying not to sound annoyed.

  “Oh, okay.”

  I cleaned up in the kitchen, before going to get ready for practice. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Rachael had my cell phone in her hands programming her number into it. I scowled at her when her phone started to ring telling me she just called herself from my phone.

  I was a little annoyed. Last night was kind of a disappointment. I would have to remember to never judge a book by its cover. She was definitely a book that could’ve stayed on the shelf.

  “Let’s go,” I grumbled once dressed and ready to go.

  I remained pretty much silent after that. I dropped her at the train station and made my way to practice. Guilt and something else riding me as I questioned the night before.

  Sean wanted to know all about my night. Even if I was the type of guy to tell, it wasn’t worth talking about. I shrugged it off and changed the subject. In my mind, I knew I wanted to see Crystal, no one else compared to her and I think last night proved it—even if I’ve never slept with her, I just knew.

  When I got to campus, Crystal was out in front of the library waiting. She looked extra good, with a pair of tight dark blue jeans and these black boots that came up over her knees. A pink leather jacket draped over her arm, while the pink top she had on clung to her in the right places, hanging off of one shoulder like her sweater from the day before.

  That look works for her, I thought licking my lips.

  She climbed into the car, before I could get out to open her door. I could smell her perfume take over the confined space, not in an overwhelming way but in a sweet heady way that tightened my groin and my stomach. I couldn’t help myself, I leaned over to her pecking her on the cheek. She looked too cute not to.

  “Hey, Lee,” she giggled.

  “Hey, Crystal,” I said. “I was thinking, would you like to use my car this weekend to go back and forth to the shop?”

  “No, Lee,” she laughed. “I’m good on transportation.”

  “Okay, just trying to help the budget.”

“Thanks for looking out,” she beamed. “I finished the surveys and consent forms last night. I had them printed up this morning. You can look them over before you leave.”


  “How has your day been? How was practice?” she asked getting comfortable in her seat.

  Her interest in my day hit me in the chest. I like the fact that she puts me on display and shows interest in what I want. I talked most of the way to the shop, but I wanted to hear more about her.

  “So how was your day?” I asked, once I wrapped up what was going on with me.

  “Interesting, my mother has been text messaging me all day, driving me crazy about the big graduation party she’s throwing,” she chuckled. “She wants to know if I have a date yet.”

  “Well, do you?”

  She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

  “Please, Lee. I don’t have time to chase guys around, asking them to come to the ridiculous gala my mother insists on throwing.”

  “Well, you don’t have to chase me. Just ask,” I chuckled.

  “You’re probably busy,” she said softly.

  “You don’t know if you don’t ask. Let me know the date, I’ll check my schedule,” I offered, as we pulled up in front of the shop.

  “Thanks,” she leaned and kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll text you the information later.”

  I cut off the car and turned to face her. Her lips were shiny and sparkling, just inviting me in. I tilted my head and lean toward her. She leaned in, kissing me just as I yearned for. After a little while, she pulled away with a big grin on her face.

  “You’re trouble. I want to tell you no, but I can’t help saying, yes,” she breathed.

  I chuckled, getting out to open the door for her. When she stepped out of the car, all the guys in front of the shop stopped to stare. Seeing me in the Porsche was getting old, but seeing Crystal was definitely something new. We walked into the shop and Kenny’s voice was the first thing I heard.

  “Oh, it’s the star,” Kenny called out. “What’s up, my man?”

  “What’s up, Kenny?” I grinned. “I want to introduce you to my research partner, Crystal.”

  “Well, hello, Crystal. If I go back to college, do I get one too,” he teased.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Crystal said, holding out her hand with a laugh.

  “How are you doing?” Kim asked as she came over.

  “Hi, I’m fine,” Crystal replied, holding her hand out to her as well.

  “Crystal, this is Kim. Kenny’s sister and the co-owner.”

  “Oh, it’s nice to meet you. Lee said a lot of nice things about you guys.”

  “He better,” Kim smiled. “Ma, that cut is banging. You need to let me put some color to it and you’ll really have these fools out here drooling.”

  “She don’t need nothing else to get nobody drooling, mommy popping just like that,” Kenny crooned.

  “Come, Crystal. I want to introduce you to the girls. I already let them know you and Lee were coming,” Kim said, as she grabbed Crystal’s hand and pulled her to the stylist side of the shop.

  I took off my coat, sitting in the vacant barber chair next to Kenny. He was supposed to be finishing a cut, but his eyes were watching Crystal. I snorted and cleared my throat at him. He turned to look at me with a grin.

  “Wow, she’s bad,” Kenny said, low enough for me to hear.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Word, son, if you not trying to holla at her, let me know.”

  “Kenny, you trippin’,” I shook my head at him laughing.


  I watched Crystal fall into her element. She talked business with Kim, giving suggestions to better things around the place. She even started schooling the stylist on cutting. I watched, as she took the scissors to show one of the girls how to perfect the cut she’d been attempting.

  Crystal is nice with it. I know the girl getting the actual cut and she never looked as good as she did when Crystal was done. I could tell Crystal loves styling hair and teaching.

  We must’ve spent two hours there, while Crystal fell in right at home. By the way Kim kept her in conversation and laughed with her, I could tell Kim liked Crystal. It was something to watch because Kim doesn’t just take well to everyone.

  Crystal looked at her watch, as she explained a technique to one of the girls. A few minutes later, she came over to where Kenny and I were. I smiled at her, as she approached with a warm smile in return.

  “So Kenny, I’ll be back Saturday and I may try tomorrow,” Crystal said.

  “Baby, you can come here anytime. Day or night,” he crooned.

  “Thanks,” she giggled. “Lee, I have to go. I have to head home to meet my mom.”

  “No problem, I need to get ready for my flight.”

  We got in the car and I drove her back to campus. On the way, we talked about Kenny and Kim’s place. It’s a great shop and location.

  “A while back they had asked me to come in on the business with them but I never made up my mind,” I told her.

  “I have all types of ideas for that place to triple their income,” she chimed enthusiastically.

  I believed her, I was sure she could. I kept sneaking peeks at her as she animatedly threw out some of her ideas. They were good, really good actually.

  I have to admit, I was upset when we made it to campus and she had to go. I would miss her this weekend. Once again, she had my thoughts somewhere she wasn’t willing to go. Just looking at her sent blood pumping through my veins.

  “Have a safe trip and good luck with the game,” she said softly, as she went to step out of the car.

  “I’ll call you when I get back,” I replied.

  She paused, turning back to face me.

  “Okay,” she said, looking at me for a minute, before leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. “Later, Lee.”

  I drove off, wishing I had more time with her. I know I needed to get her off my mind for this weekend. Worrying about making her my girlfriend was only a recipe for trouble. As I tried to clear my head and focus, my phone rang. I picked up, not bothering to check the caller Id.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hey, baby,” I heard Rachael’s voice spill through the line. I wasn’t expecting her to call so soon. “Listen, I wanted to see you.”

  “Ma, I got a plane to catch,” I answered.

  “Oh, well, maybe when you come back,” she said in a seductive tone.

  “Maybe, I need to go.”

  “Okay, I’ll call you later.”

  I hung up the line, before she said another word. She was certainly not what I needed in that moment. I had my head in the game ready to go.

  Chapter 7


  I couldn’t wait for class Tuesday night. Sean had been trying to make my life miserable, giving me lecture on top of lecture about why Crystal wasn’t the one. He felt I should’ve been out partying more during the away game. I wasn’t interested and not just because of Crystal.

  I was focused. I didn’t have time for all the interruptions and distractions. I needed to keep my head.

  When Tuesday did roll around, I sat in class waiting for Crystal to walk in. We talked earlier for a brief minute. She had gotten a few of the surveys completed, but it sounded like she had more fun hanging out in the shop.

  When she walked into class I couldn’t help the huge grin that stretched across my face. The knee length denim dress and stiletto leather boots where on point. Instead of going to her usual seat, she came to my row taking a seat next to me. To my surprise she leaned over, kissing me on the cheek but I wasn’t about to complain.

  “Hey, my little brother was going on and on about the game. I hear you did really good. Congratulations,” she sang.


  “Here are the copies of the finished surveys. There are twenty so far.”

  “Okay, you want to go back this week, we can start on Thursday?”

��Okay, but I’ll have to meet you there. My mom needs me to come home Thursday morning.”

  “Oh okay,” I replied.

  The professor called class to order and Crystal shut me off. All of her attention turned to class. I laughed to myself. Crystal reminded me of myself at game time. I get the same way. I don’t think she remembered I was in the room until class was dismissed.

  “You still want to go to dinner?” I asked as she packed her things.

  “Lee, can I be honest?”

  “Sure, what’s good?”

  “I’m too tired to sit in a restaurant tonight,” she replied.

  “Oh, okay so maybe another time.”

  I know I wasn’t hiding my disappointment. I’d been looking forward to spending time with her.

  “I didn’t say I was too tired for you,” she smiled. “I just thought maybe we could do take out or something. I can come to your place.”

  I liked her idea. I didn’t mind some alone time with her. My thoughts must have crossed my face, because she raised a brow at me.

  “That’s cool with me,” I said with a grin.

  “I bet it is,” she laughed. “Lee, I still have my taser and my emergency date fund.”

  “I thought we were passed all that,” I retorted.

  “I don’t know. I don’t like that look in your eyes,” she giggled.

  “Come on, I’m starving.”

  We drove to my place, after deciding to order from my favorite pizza place. I took note of how tired she actually looked. She didn’t talk as much as usual, only answering my questions. After a while I got quiet and let her rest her eyes.

  When we got to my apartment, I needed to answer a call from my agent so I went to my room for a little privacy. While on the phone I straightened up my room. When I was done with both I returned to the living room to find Crystal curled up on the rug with her shoes off.

  I went over to her, sitting down next to her. Reaching out, I started to rub circles on her back. She sighed, moving closer to me. It struck me to give her a real massage. I gently placed my other hand on her back kneading it gently.


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