Zebir (The Mating Games Book 10)

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Zebir (The Mating Games Book 10) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  The guard escorted them to the suite, it was the one reserved for dignitaries and since Zebir was considered an ambassador for Oison, he qualified. “This is amazing.” Mimi observed checking out the suite which looked like a five star hotel room. “Which room do you want?”

  “You go ahead and pick first.” There were two bedrooms.

  “Why does one have a king but the other has two queens?” She asked.

  “Some of the dignitaries travel with their families. They often had two or more children. Both couches fold out into beds.”

  “I’ll let you have the king.” She offered giving him a look that travel from his head to his toes. His cock hardened instantly. “Are you implying that I’m too big to fit the other beds?”

  “You are too big, but I like big guys.” She winked at him which left him even more turned on. His state of arousal was going to make this a long trip unless Mimi gave in and mated him. She disappeared into her room and he wanted to follow her desperately, but he used every ounce of his self-control not to.

  Instead he went to the small kitchen in the shared area of the suite. Thank the gods he found coffee for his female. She would be his female soon, he was determined to make it so. Putting on the coffee gave him something to do and he searched around and found some chips, dip, and cheese to make a small snack platter.

  “Do I smell coffee?” Mimi came out of her room sniffing and acted as if she was led there by her nose.

  “I told you I would provide for you, Sweetheart. Never doubt it.” Zebir poured them both a cup and set out condiments so she could choose for herself. He used none, because the watered down version of crue was too weak to satisfy. He was only drinking it to be sociable. In the crews break area, he would find the real thing. Crue was, apparently, a male’s drink. Bitter and strong, it made even his demon sit up and take notice. Not many things could do that.

  “We will have several stops along the way. When we near earth, I will be meeting with the governor of Jupiter station. It would be helpful if you accompany me there.”

  “Really?” Mimi looked at him with a half-smile in her face. Her eyes gleamed with excitement.

  “Yes, but we have three stops before then. All three are for trading purposes. Right now the hold is full of trade goods. When we return home the plan is for it to be full of goods traded for.”

  “This ship is huge. What could you possible need that would fill the ship?” Mimi asked.

  “We are trading for several things on this trip. Food of many types, home furnishings of all kinds, and weaponry and technology. The stops are well planned and I believe we will have successful trades. Some of the trading has already been concluded online. There is an aspect of trust in these types of trades, but those are only done with companies we have a previous relationship with.”

  Mimi hung on every word. He was glad she had an interest in this area. It was hard to find people he could work with. Jorgr had told Zebir that she was an outstanding PA and that she had management experience and talent. He found the interests they had in common and her sharp mind, as appealing as the rest of her. Zebir was totally in love with this female.

  The shadow of the mating games coming up pressured him to lay his claim, but Mimi was the kind that would commit only when she was truly ready. He had no clue when that might be or what he could do to convince her they were meant for each other. No matter what it might be, he was more than willing to do it. His need for her equaled his need for air.

  “Mm, you make a mean cup of coffee.” Mimi praised.

  “I’m assuming that’s a good thing since you’re drinking it and you look like you’re enjoying it.”

  “A very good thing. So when is the first stop?”

  Two days later the ship was orbiting the planet they had the first trade deal with. For once everything went smoothly, the product, mostly food stuffs, was all they said it would be and it replaced two tons of baled Oison weed in the cargo hold. This was one of their smaller trades. The whole deal including unloading and loading was completed in less than two hours due to the marvels of technology. Zebir imagined he could feel it as the ship shot back into space.

  “You’re back.” Mimi exclaimed delightedly. They had spent the whole time prior to the stop minus sleep time, together.

  Maybe he was wrong, but she was giving him cause to hope. Her kisses were hotter and sweeter each time he claimed her soft lips. “I came straight here.” He admitted.

  She moved forward pulling him in for a kiss. He let her because there was nothing he wanted more. Heat bubbled under the surface threatening to explode, but he feared if he unleashed his passion, it might scare her. Zebir nibbled her lips and enjoyed her moans. This sweet kissing and petting they did felt good, but it made him burn for more.

  “I missed you.” She offered and his heart sang.

  “Not as much as I missed you.”

  “I missed you more.” She claimed and he kissed her to shut her up. The kiss deepened and his very soul wrapped around her pulling her in. Zebir never wanted to let her go.

  Chapter 7

  It’s a Mating thing

  They had finally gotten though all their stops, completed all their trades perfectly, and now Earth was a circle of mostly blue color hanging just within their long viewers, as their entered orbit around Jupiter. That world was so huge, the gravity so powerful that no one had attempted to colonize it. The space station also in orbit around it had been built there as a military base originally. It was decided it would be an early warning system and it would be the first line of defense keeping enemies from getting into the solar system. There was still a defense array also orbiting and some heavier long range missiles on the planet, but they were archaic and could be taken out easily.

  The space station no longer belonged to earth, it had rebelled and broke free. Now it was a center for trade and jumping off point for those attempting to break free of Earth. The saying, jump to Jupiter for freedom, had been used by antigovernment groups for years. Zebir admitted he was fascinated with earth history and the imbalance between females and males. His opinion of Earthmen wasn’t very good and he didn’t understand why the women gave them the power to rule when they were destroying their race and killing the planet.

  “There she is. She looks so beautiful from a distance.” Mimi admitted.

  “She does. It’s not until you get closer you see the discolored spots and realize the planet isn’t healthy.” Zebir observed.

  “Makes me want to cry when I see what our fucked up government has allowed.”

  “I’m sorry this happened, but it won’t happen in Oison. We will do whatever we must to ensure it.”

  “I know, Zebir. That’s a wonderful thing about you Mazlans, you cherish what’s yours.”

  Like her, that’s what Zebir was thinking. The com buzzed so he answered it. “Yes.”

  “The governor is hailing us, Sir.”

  “Thank you. Put him through.”

  “Zebir? You’re here a bit early.”

  “Yes, Governor Woodrow. We had an easier trip than anticipated.”

  “Good, glad to hear it. Would you like to start early? We’re very excited about the agreement.”

  “Yes, when are you thinking?”

  “Can you be ready in two hours?” Wow. The governor would be clearing his schedule.

  “Yes, if you’re sure that’s alright?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person. Two hours will be 2000 hours our time.”

  “Yes, governor. I’m looking forward to it as well.” They signed off and Zebir turned to Mimi. “We’ll have to rush to get prepared so we have some time to go over the treaty. It was a trade agreement attached. Jupiter is often the third party buyer or seller between parties that are at war or have some other conflict. It allows trade to flow so businesses aren’t harmed by politics. I fear Oison and Earth may become estranged shortly and Jupiter will keep the flow of commerce going.”

  “I fear you a
re right as well. Now how do I dress for this meeting?”

  After much conversation, Mimi ended up having to call the governor’s wife. Zebir knew next time he was in that type of situation, that’s what he would advise. What did he know about what females should wear? Nothing. At least that emergency was dealt with.

  He’d taken Mimi shopping so she could buy a suitable dress and she’d kissed him, on her own without any pressure. Hope had surged inside him and he’d been tempted to seduce this woman he wanted desperately. Zebir stood waiting for her in the living room of their suite and his breath rushed out as if he’d been punched in the gut when he caught sight of her. The sapphire blue gown made her eyes look blue. It also brought out red and gold highlights in her hair. She was relaxed and confident like a woman who knows she looks good. That was sexy as hell and his inner demon wanted out so he could claim this woman that he chose.

  It wasn’t that Mimi didn’t always look lovely, it was the special event that brought out her confidence, the excitement that flushed her cheeks, and that gleam in her eye that made him wonder if tonight would be the night.

  There was something about escorting the most beautiful woman at an event that made a male stand up straighter. “The night went perfectly. You were amazing.” Zebir turned to Mimi as he spoke. They were now on the shuttle returning to the ship after an evening that had run late.

  “There wasn’t much to do. You and the governor already had everything worked out. He already had the treaty and the trade agreements typed up and waiting for you signature.”

  “That was only a part of it. The socializing is equally important and you were a hit with our allies.”

  “You were a hit with his wife. The poor thing drooled all night long. Even her husband prodded her with his elbow so she’d stop staring.”

  Zebir wasn’t sure what to say, because it was true. The governor had been equally taken with Mimi but he’d not been as obvious. “I was not the only one who garnered you were the most beautiful female in the room.” Mimi blushed, but he meant what he said. She was so adorable with her cheeks stained red he leaned in and kissed her. The kiss started out friendly but it changed and took on a life of its own. Had the shuttle not entered the bay when it did, he doubted they would have stopped at kiss.

  Once the shuttle was stopped and they were told they could leave, they hurried back to their suite. Zebir felt heat inside, he had an anticipation that was overwhelming. Mimi would give in tonight, she had shown him that she wanted him. As soon as the door closed. He turned to her and kissed her with a passion she couldn’t resist.

  “I want you, Mimi. Not just for now, but forever.”

  “It’s never been a lack of want, it’s my fears, Zebir.”

  “I’ll take those fears away, if you let me. Never again will you have to fight anything alone.”

  He hoped assuring her that he would always be there for her would be enough to convince her. Looking into her hazel eyes, he saw she wanted him. The doubts that had plagued her seemed to be gone and he hoped that meant they would now move forward together. The kiss he gave her was gentle and full of the love he had come to feel for this incredible woman. The heat inched up, because he felt incredible passion every time he was near her. His hands, pressed against her back, began to stroke her velvety smooth skin.

  “Oh. God, Zebir.” She moaned as his lips pulled back so he could breathe. She’d stolen his heart and now his passion for her made it hard to breathe and impossible to think clearly.

  “Will you have me as your mate forever, my lovely Mimi?” Zebir asked.

  “You are unlike any male I’ve ever known. You’ve shown me how good it can be to have you at my side. I don’t want to be alone anymore. Yes, I’ll have you as my mate forever.”

  Zebir thought his heart would burst from his chest with joy. Mimi had said yes. He pulled her into his bedroom where he saw the cart he had ordered had been set up. A vase with a lovely rose was in the middle, surrounded by food and champagne. Picking up the vase, he handed it to her.

  “This is a small sign of my affection.” He’d been told this was a good way to show his love. It upset him when she started to cry. “Was this not a good thing?”

  “Yes, it was a good thing, Zebir. No one has ever given me flowers before. It means a lot to me. I see you have champagne and snacks. Were you so sure of me?” She teased.

  “No, never that. I just wanted to make sure if you agreed, I would be prepared. Why don’t we sit down and eat, drink, and there is something I must tell you.” She sat in the chair by the bed and he sat in the one next to hers. Fixing her a plate of things her sisters had said she liked, he also poured her a glass of champagne before setting it on the table between them.

  “Thank you.” She said before she took a sip of champagne. While he fixed his plate, she sampled hers.

  “This is very good.” Mimi said, but she seemed nervous. Maybe she worried about what he wished to discuss.

  He poured his own champagne and sampled it. “This tickles my nose, but it does taste good.”

  “You’ve never had champagne?” She asked.

  “No, we had few luxuries until the last two years. What do you know of my people?”

  “Most of you are male, your planet was destroyed, your colony was full of political prisoners set free because of that disaster, most of you are tall and muscular, and you are good to your mates.”

  “So you know nothing of our other form?”

  “Well, Jorgr said something about a demon, but I thought he meant he had a tortured soul because of a hard life. I’ve thought about what he said, are you telling me he meant that in a literal sense?”

  “Yes, we are what you would call demon shifters.”

  “That’s the kind of thing they write fiction books about. In the last few years, since I worked with a company that traded a lot with other worlds, some most of our population knew nothing about, I realize there is so much out there I don’t know. Still a demon shifter is pushing the limits of what I can believe without proof.”

  “Many of the mated males have said their females wanted show not tell. Will you remain calm if I change to my other form? He is a bit bigger and you might find him scary.”

  “Are you still in control?”

  “Mimi, I would never hurt you and neither would he. He is a warrior protector not a savage killing beast. My demon recognizes you as ours and would slay dragons to protect you.”

  “There are dragons?”

  “Yes, and many creatures that will defy the ability to believe in without being shown.”

  “Okay, I’m ready, I think.”

  Zebir was standing there and then a flash of something left a demon standing there. She would have been scared had she not seen Zebir in his eyes. The demon looked at her with such tenderness she stood up and came to him. She reached out her hand cautiously and stroked his arm. The skin was soft and smooth, not tough like she’d expected. His demon whimpered, a sound she barely heard, but she felt the shiver run through him. There was an almost childlike innocence to this demon.

  A flash and Zebir was back. Stepping forward, he pulled her into his warm welcoming arms and kissed her as if she was the only female in the world, because to him, she was. “Mine.” He claimed in his growly demon voice.

  “Yours.” She agreed. She accepted him! His heart flooded and overflowed with love. This was the female for him. He began to work on her clothing needing her naked so he could take her. His clumsy efforts got little result. “Stop, let me.” She pushed his hands away so he started to undress himself.

  His shirt came off and fell to the floor. He reached for his pants undoing them and slip them down until they hung on his shoes. Zebir toed them off. Now he was naked and ready with his cock at attention. “Gods, you’re so beautiful.” He said in an awed whisper.

  Zebir basically jumped on her and they rolled on the bed with her caged in beneath him. His weight was held on his forearms and toes so he wouldn’t crush her. He’d
maneuvered himself between her legs so he was where he wished to be. First he kissed her, then he worked his way down to her already hardened nipples sucking and nibbling on one delicious nub then the other. Her mewls of pleasure stoked his passion higher.

  Chapter 8

  The Ties That Bind

  Mimi couldn’t think as Zebir’s mouth tugged on her breast. It felt so right to be with him, at his side or underneath him like she was now. He was a magnificent male, beyond compare. In her fear of men, she’d almost lost the one that was perfect for her. Thank God she’d figured it out in time.

  “You’re killing me, Zebir.” She moaned with need. His hands stroked her and his mouth was kissing and nipping down her belly.

  “I just want to pleasure you, my mate.” Zebir insisted and she knew it was true. He enjoyed giving her joy and he was good at it.

  Mimi gasped as his face nestled between her legs, his tongue licking from her clit to her entrance. Her body shook uncontrollably with pleasure. He hummed in approval of her reaction and received a stronger one. God, that felt amazing. She’d never had a man do this to her. On Earth, men demanded much, but returned little. Now she saw why they enjoyed it so much.

  “Oh my God, Zebir! I’m about to cum.”

  “Go ahead, my mate, cum.” He coaxed her. Adding a finger to fuck her, he began to lick faster and when he sucked in her clit, she exploded. He lapped up the juice as if he were starving. “You taste delicious.” His murmur sent a vibration through her that tingled. Sliding up her body, he sent a heat wave through her with his mouth and his hands.

  Mimi was stunned, never before had she felt anything like this. The other men in her life had been selfish, never taking the extra trouble to give her an orgasm. Zebir did it as if he received the same pleasure from it she did. It only confirmed she had chosen well this time. She could feel his cock nudging at her entrance and her body getting wetter in anticipation. When he leaned over to kiss her, she could taste herself on his lips and his tongue. It tasted sweet and turned her on even more.


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