Sloan (A Wesley Brothers Novel Book 2)

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Sloan (A Wesley Brothers Novel Book 2) Page 3

by Michelle Smith

  I leave the car door open at the curb and walk over to where she’s still standing on the sidewalk, drawing her attention by reaching my hand out to her. “Relax, okay? I promise you I’m harmless.” I give her a lascivious smile since I can’t seem to stop it from forming across my face. I don’t mean for it to blatantly be laced with desire, but I can’t help it. I’m attracted to everything about this girl so far, and if I had my way, we’d be driving out to my house as opposed to lunch. I want this girl underneath me, moaning my name as I make her come—and the sooner the better.

  She thinks for a second, then smiles and shakes her head, taking my outstretched hand as she lets me lead her back over to the open passenger door. “Says the man with the wicked smile and the sleek black sports car,” she says in an amused voice. I laugh as she climbs into my car, her skirt riding high on a creamy thigh as she swings her legs into the cabin. I close the door and walk around the back of the car, trying to get my libido under control. She’s already buckled when I climb in, and I do the same, check the mirrors, and pull off into the afternoon traffic. I try to make small talk as we head the few miles to my brother’s bar, hoping to take my mind off the luscious curves I just witnessed—curves my hands are itching to touch right now. How easy would it be to reach over and place my hand on her knee, maybe run it up her leg? I wonder what she would do if I slipped it under her skirt? What would I find? Panties or no panties?

  Our close quarters and these less than appropriate questions are not helping me to achieve my goal of taking my mind off her body. They’re only making matters harder to control. I clear my throat and ask, “So, Elizabeth, how long have you been in town?”

  “We’ve only been in the city for a few days now. We moved into our house today in fact.”

  “Our house? So, you live with …?” I let the question drift.

  Shit. I didn’t even take into consideration she could have a boyfriend.

  “My brother Carson. We’re twins, and we’ve always been close. As soon as he turned pro, I started helping him take care of his day to day stuff since he was always busy traveling with his team. You know, like paying bills, laundry, errands, stuff like that. Eventually it stuck. I’ve been doing it for a few years now and we learned early on it’s easier if we live in the same house.” She angles her body towards me and gives me a sexy smile before asking in a more seductive tone, “and what about you Mr. Wesley? What’s your story?”

  Her smile makes me laugh, but the way she calls me Mr. Wesley threatens to make my dick hard. Well, harder. I’m certain I’d be okay with hearing her call me that in the bedroom. I’d prefer Sir, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I haven’t even tasted this woman’s lip gloss yet and I’m already having fantasies of her tied up in my bed, spread open for my pleasure. And hers.

  “Please, call me Sloan, and there’s not a whole lot to tell.” I glance over at her and give her a quick smile as we pull into the parking lot of Cade’s Tavern and I park the car. “We’re here.”

  Cade’s Tavern is the bar my brother owns. It’s located right along the shore stretching out over the water, and even has a boat ramp coming in from the ocean for boaters to dock at and come up to the bar. I thought he was crazy when he first suggested it, but he was right. It’s increased his business substantially.

  I climb out and walk around to her side of the car, opening the door for her. I get another glimpse of that gorgeous thigh as she climbs out, but I do my best not to focus on it. I follow behind her as we make our way into the bar.

  The cool air conditioning blasts us when I open the door and urge her inside, my hand at the small of her back again. I can’t seem to stop touching her. Even at this late afternoon hour, the place is packed, but then again, it usually is. My younger brother has a good thing going here—so good in fact that he’s in the process of opening more bars around the country. It’s a great draw for locals and tourists and is sure to be a hit wherever he goes.

  He’s over by the indoor bar talking to one of his bartenders when he spots me at the front and makes his way over. He’s all smiles when he reaches me, shaking my hand.

  “Hey man. Here for some lunch?”

  “Of course. Best food in town. I think we’ll head out to the patio.” I gesture to Elizabeth standing next to me and Cade finally notices my company, with an intrigued eye. “Cade, this is Elizabeth Vaughn. Elizabeth, this is my brother Cade. He owns this place.”

  She reaches her hand out to shake Cade’s outstretched one. “Pleased to meet you. This is your bar?” She glances around in awe at the scenery in the bar and continues talking after Cade nods yes in answer to her question. “This place is amazing! And a patio out over the water? Genius!”

  “Well, thank you. I’m glad you like it.” He turns his attention back to me. “You two can head on out if you want. It’s open seating and there are still plenty of tables available out there.”

  “Thanks man.” I go in for a quick guy hug and my brother lowers his voice to where only I can hear. “Damn Sloan, she’s hot.”

  I simply smile and nod, pulling away and leading Elizabeth out to the patio. We find a tall, two-person table in the corner, catching the breeze from the water but still under the protective awning and out from under the beating Florida sunshine. I help steady her as she climbs up onto the high-backed chair, catching yet another glimpse of her thigh. I swear that thing is going to be the death of me today.

  We spend the next hour lost in conversation as we make our way through a few plates of fingers foods and some cocktails. She’s funny, intriguing, and easy to talk to. Not to mention, she’s quite easy on the eyes. She’s sexy and flirty and I know I could have a lot of fun with this girl if she’s interested.

  But only fun.

  Nothing too serious.

  Since I’m not doing that anymore.



  Chapter Four


  By the time our food is finished and our cocktails run dry, we’ve spent at least an hour here together and I can’t stand it. My body seems to be in overdrive. It’s humming with sexual energy and what’s worse is, I don’t think Sloan realizes the effect he’s having on me. I want to attack this man, and not in bad way. Not only is he gorgeous, but he’s smart and funny and way too charming for his own good. I want to get my hands and lips all over him. I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I’d had sex until the epitome of it was sitting across from me in an Armani suit.

  I’ve clenched my thighs together more times than I can count, trying to quell my desires. I know it’s probably a bad idea to get involved with this man—after all, he’s my brother’s lawyer—but if he keeps sitting there looking all sexy and delicious, well, all bets are off. It’ll be worth it for whatever grief Carson gives me.

  Sloan has touched me no less than five times since we’ve been here. A brush of the hand when we’d reach for the same thing on the table, a bump of a foot or leg while we’ve been sitting next to each other because, of course, he didn’t sit across from me. No, he sat right beside me at the small round table we occupied, crowding my space, and making me dizzy with lust.

  When we get up to make our way out of the restaurant and his hand slides back to the top of my ass—lower than the other times he’s rested his hand on my lower back today—I can’t take any more of the teasing. I don’t know what I’m going to do about it yet, but hopefully I’ll figure something out before I part ways with him.

  When we get near the car, his hand slips off my back and drops to my hand, taking it firmly and stopping me in my tracks. I think it’s to hold me back so he can open the door for me like he’s been doing all day, but instead I’m surprised when he spins me around and moves me a few inches until my back bumps against the warm metal of the car. At his touch, my breathing increases, my heartbeat right along with it.

  His hands travel north, fingertips skimming my waist and the sides of my breasts until he reaches my face and uses one hand to
brush the hair away that the wind has blown across it. He leans in and, for a minute, I think he’s going to kiss me, but at the last second, he turns his head and puts his lips right next to my ear. His voice is heavy with desire when he says, “Do you realize how bad I want to fucking kiss you right now?”

  He pulls away slightly where he can see my face and geez, talk about fucking hot. His blue eyes are dark and needy and I have half a mind to drop to my knees at this very moment and shove his cock down my throat. But I’m thinking it might be frowned upon, what with it being a public area and all. Not to mention the gravel would be murder on my knees. My lips are parted and my breath is shallow, my body trying to push past the lust to drag in the much-needed air that only took him a second to take away. I try—I really do—but I can’t form the words to answer him, and when his gaze meets mine, I simply nod my head.

  He narrows his eyes, studying me for a moment, before leaning back in, this time closer to my ear. I can feel his lips brush up against the lobe. I can’t ignore the rush of liquid heat between my legs. “Do you want me to kiss you right now, Lizzy?” He doesn’t move away, but I nod my head immediately, hoping he can see it or at the very least feel the movement. Again, words are eluding me.

  I get my answer when I feel his lips kiss the skin directly under my earlobe, heat blazing a trail across my jawline until finally he places a kiss at the corner of my lips. He stands up straight in front of me again, slipping his fingers under my chin and tilting it upward. Our eyes meet briefly before closing as he presses his lips to mine. It’s gentle at first, but it doesn’t stay that way for long. His tongue coaxes mine out and before long, we’re in the middle of a full-on make out session. He nips and licks and tastes, his tongue dueling with mine and it’s quite possibly the best kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life. He slips his hands back down my body, high on my waist, and I can feel his thumbs brushing against my nipples, which are pressed hard against him. They’re nowhere near as hard as his cock is. It’s digging into my hip as he presses me harder up against the side of his car. I’m shamelessly trying to grind up against it, because it feels fucking huge.

  I don’t know how long this goes on. I’ve lost all track of time, but the sounds of catcalls and whistles has Sloan pulling away from me sooner than I would like. A group of young guys, probably in their early twenties, yell and holler their praise for him as they walk by with surfboards and coolers. I can’t help but laugh and neither can Sloan, who gives the guys a wave of acknowledgment, thus earning him more cheers from his adoring fans.

  As the guys move on down the beach, Sloan steps into me again, giving me another much shorter, yet still toe-curling kiss, nibbling on my bottom lip as he pulls away.

  Fuck, he’s a good kisser.

  “Would it be too forward to ask you to come home with me right now?”

  He leans in and delivers another panty-melting kiss, this one much softer but no less powerful. He’s trying to distract me, to persuade me. What he doesn’t realize is I don’t need any persuasion. If I didn’t already have somewhere to be, I’d be all over his offer. It’s not every day I get a proposition like this. No matter how much I want to though, I can’t tonight. Taking this long lunch with him has already put me behind in my errands for the day.

  He nibbles my lip again and I moan loud and long, letting him know I want to take him up on his offer. “As much as I want to take you up on your invitation, I can’t tonight.” I shift my body more to the side, and I can still feel his cock pressed hard against me.

  Sloan makes a sexy growl deep in his throat, and then clears it. I lower my voice to make it as seductive as possible. “I have a counter-offer for you though.” I throw in one of the few legal terms I know from all those lawyer dramas I like to watch on television. “I’m going to my first Thrillers game tomorrow night. How about you join me? Maybe we can head back to your place after?” I grip the sides of his open jacket and pull him closer where I can swipe a quick lick across his bottom lip, earning a twitch up against my hip. “I’m definitely free then.”

  His lips quirk up in a wide smile, one that causes my heart rate to jump a few beats again because this man is easily the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. He leans in again, shifting me to the side. Reaching around me and pulling on the door handle next to me, he pops open the passenger door. His face is close to mine, and I can feel his breath fan across my lips as he says, “I accept your counteroffer Ms. Vaughn.” His sexy smirk plays across his face and he opens the door all the way to let me in. I stand upright, pushing myself off the side of the car and smooth my skirt down before climbing into the seat. He rounds the car and slides into the driver’s seat and we make the short drive back to his office.

  Sloan doesn’t say much, which seems unusual since we’ve done nothing but talk since we left his office earlier. I sneak a glance over at him, his profile sending shivers across my body. His jaw is strong, almost smooth except for the light dusting of dark stubble starting to form. He keeps his crystal blue eyes trained on the traffic in front of us, deep in concentration. Looking at him, I notice that somewhere between leaving the bar and getting into the car, his hair was mussed up, giving him a just-fucked sexy look. I vaguely remember running my fingers through it while we were kissing. The memory leads to thoughts of his breathtaking kiss and the feel of his cock pressing up against my hip. I quickly avert my eyes, blushing at the thoughts going through my mind.

  I hear Sloan chuckle and I turn to face him again. “Did you get a good look?” A slow, knowing smile creeps across his face, causing me to blush harder. This is new. I typically don’t blush like this, but something about this man brings it out of me. I laugh and shake my head, knowing I’m busted for ogling him while he’s driving, but I can’t bring myself to be embarrassed by it too much. I stared at this man throughout lunch and I still didn’t get my fill.

  “Have you seen you? It’s hard not to stare.” He laughs at my comment, and slips his hand over the console, letting it rest on my knee. His fingers trace lazy circles across my skin, sliding the hem of my skirt higher with each stroke, until finally his palm rests high on my thigh. He doesn’t try to go higher, but I’m acutely aware of how close his hand is to where I desperately want it to be. A few inches to the right and he’d be close enough to slip his hand the rest of the way up my skirt and find that his kiss has made me a wet, dripping mess. A burst of heat flashes through me again at the thought, and I have the overwhelming urge to say, ‘fuck it’ and tell him to take me back to his place, or even up to his office. At this point I don’t care where we go. I just want to get this man inside me. But I don’t get the chance because when I finally shake off my lust filled haze, I realize we’re pulling up in front of his office building. I keep trying to convince myself it’s a good thing.

  “Do you have your valet ticket?”

  I reach for my purse and dig through it for my valet stub, finding it right as we’re pulling up to the stand. The valet has the doors open and before I even realize he’s made it around the car, Sloan is there, reaching his hand out to help me climb from the car. He doesn’t let it go as I expect him to when I get out of the car. Instead, he holds it as he pulls me behind him to the stand, taking my ticket from my other hand and giving it to the valet. The young man rushes off to retrieve my car, leaving the two of us alone.

  “What time should I pick you up tomorrow?” He pulls me in close, his arms wrapping around my waist. I’m quickly coming to realize Sloan is a touchy kind of guy. And I love it.

  My arms instinctively come up around his neck, my fingers playing with his already messed up hair. I’m beginning to rethink my decision not to go home with him, again, when I look up into those crazy sexy blue eyes. The struggle is real, but I know it’s for the best that I wait. Besides, I’m trying not to sleep with this man only hours after I’ve met him. A girl should have some self-control, right? Ugh, the struggle is real, though.

  “The game starts at seven. You can get me, or we could mee
t up at the ballpark.”

  He leans down close to whisper into my ear as the valet pulls up with my car. “Oh no, sweetheart, I positively want to give you a ride.”

  The urge to jump on this man’s cock right now is unbelievable.

  Control yourself, Liz.

  Must. Walk. Away.

  He pulls away, tipping my chin and giving me a chaste, sweet kiss, before walking me over and helping me into my car. “I’ll text you later.”

  I can’t help the smile on my face. “I look forward to it.” He closes the door and watches me from the sidewalk as I pull away from the building. It takes at least six blocks to get my heart rate under control, but keeping my panties dry is already a lost cause.


  I’m sinking down into the huge, overstuffed sofa in our living room, when I hear Carson pull into the garage. Since we literally had no food in this house to eat, it was quite the grocery haul and took me a few hours to get it done. I’m sure I’ll need to make another trip to get all the stuff I know I missed, but right now I’m done worrying about it.

  “Yo!” Carson shouts as he walks through the garage entrance into the kitchen.

  “I’m in here!” I shout back, not moving from my comfortable spot on the sofa.

  Carson comes strolling into the living room, collapsing onto the other end of the custom-made giant couch. “Looks good in here. They get everything in okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s all here. Now begins the fun part of unpacking.” This is what sucks the most. At least I don’t have to handle hooking up all the electronics like the surround sound, televisions, and computers. That’s all Carson’s domain.

  “I would have figured you’d get started on it as soon as you got back from the grocery store today.” My brother knows how much I hate to let boxes sit around collecting dust. The sooner we get them unpacked, the sooner this place will feel like home.


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