Dirty Talk, Secret Pleasure

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Dirty Talk, Secret Pleasure Page 4

by Opal Carew

  Sonny was the opposite. Being in a gathering of people, having to be on the whole time, made her nervous. And meeting men… talking to them… Her stomach tightened at the thought.

  The door opened and the murmuring of sound from inside turned to a loud rumble.

  Steve smiled at her. “Hey, Sonny. Nice to see you.” He turned to Leandra. “I’m glad you could make it, Leandra.”

  “Yeah, thanks for inviting me,” Leandra said.

  “Well, come on in,” he said. “Let me get you both a drink.

  Sonny stepped inside the apartment with Leandra. There were lots of people standing around in small groups, drinks in their hand. The place was so full she couldn’t see past the people in the dining room as she followed Leandra and Steve into the kitchen. He offered them a selection of drinks.

  “I’ll just have some punch,” Sonny said,

  Ice cubes tinkled against the glass as Steve ladled the pink liquid into it. He handed it to her, then fixed a vodka and orange for Leandra. The smiles Steve and Leandra exchanged made Sonny think there might be a spark there.

  Steve turned to Sonny. “I want you to meet someone. He’s a good friend of mine from Toronto but he’s just moved to town. I’m having this party so he can get to know some people, especially others in the building.”

  “Okay,” she said, but he seemed to sense her nervousness.

  “He’s a really nice guy. And he’s seen you around the building. He’s looking forward to meeting you.”

  “Oh.” Sonny’s stomach tightened, but Leandra placed her hand on Sonny’s back and guided her forward to follow Steve.

  Steve led her through the crowd. Several people from the building said hi as they walked past.

  She followed Steve down the steps into the sunken living room.

  Steve glanced around. “I don’t see him.” He turned to one of the other guests. “Hey, Jenn, have you seen Tal?”

  “Oh, yeah,” the pretty brunette said with a smile. “I think he’s out on the balcony.”

  Steve headed toward the door beside the big windows.

  “I’m going to mingle,” Leandra said.

  Sonny sent her a sharp glance. “But—”

  “You’ll be fine,” Leandra murmured close to her ear. “And I’ll be right in here.”

  Steve opened the door. The evening was a little cool, but not unpleasant. She sipped her punch, then stepped outside with him.

  The balcony was large, just like hers, and he had several planters with flowers and a sitting area with several outdoor chairs and small wooden side tables to set drinks on.

  “There you are, buddy,” Steve said.

  Her chest tightened when she saw it was the tattooed man from the other day. Immediately, her pulse quickened and she drew in a deep breath.

  Suddenly, the balcony felt too small. Filled up by this huge man with bulging muscles. His t-shirt strained across his chest and tattoos flowed from under the white fabric, down his arms and along his neck. The moonlight glinted off the metal of his earrings, and his short cropped hair and dense stubble made her itch to stroke her fingers along his cheek, then over his scalp.

  God, he oozed masculine appeal.

  As soon as he saw her, he smiled.

  “Tal, this is Sonny,” Steve said.

  Tal held out his hand, a warm smile curling his lips and she felt herself relax a little. His fingers curled around hers and she felt heat wash through her.

  God, she never reacted to men this way. Where was the fear that usually heralded her first meeting with any man?

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sonny.”

  She froze. Every part of her turned to stone. Then she began to tremble.

  That voice!

  It was the voice of her phantom lover.

  # # #

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  ~ ~ ~

  In addition, if you would like some free reads, join my Reader Group...

  Dirty Talk, Secret Pleasure is the first part of the Dirty Talk series. Next comes Dirty Talk, Whispers in the Dark.

  Other series you might enjoy just as much include the Mastered By series, which begins with Played by the Master, the Office Slave series, which begins with The Office Slave, and the hot, sexy Ready To Ride biker series which begins with Hot Ride.

  Click on the teaser cards below to jump to a excerpt for each story.

  Played by the Master

  Mastered By #1

  The Office Slave

  The Office Slave #1

  Hot Ride

  Ready to Ride #1

  Ready to Ride, Book 1 & 2

  Ready to Ride series

  And did you know I also write erotica as Ruby Carew?

  If you enjoyed Dirty Talk, Secret Pleasure, you’ll love Tempting the Boss...

  Click here for more about Ruby Carew’s series, Tempting the Boss

  Opal Carew

  Jacqueline crashes a billionaire's exclusive poker game

  in order to seduce him into a favor to save her sister,

  but instead finds herself played by the Master.

  Jacqueline Bell desperately wants to help her sister out of a jam. But to do that, she has to find a way to talk to billionaire entrepreneur Race Danner, and have him drop the charges against her brother-in-law. She discovers he holds an exclusive poker game once a week and finds a way in.

  Race Danner is bored with his life, despite his wealth and extreme hobbies. He doesn't know exactly what he's looking for, but he'll know it when he sees it.

  When Jacqueline Bell walks into his life, he knows she's it. She wants something from him. And he wants her. A combination made in heaven. In a delicious game of cat and mouse, he will leverage his advantage to lure her into his game. And he fully intends to win.

  Warning: This story has Domination, submission, bondage, punishment, and a lot of other fun things, plus explicit, wild sexual encounters. After all, if you're going to play, play hard! ;) Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…


  He smiled and at the predatory look in his eyes, Jacquie realized he was going to win. The blood drained from her face as he flipped over his cards… revealing a full house.

  Oh, God, she’d lost her opportunity to try and convince him to help Ella and her husband.

  “Come over here.” His silken voice curled through her and she stood up.

  Now he would touch her… probably cup her ass with his big hand. Maybe, if she seemed willing…who was she kidding, she was willing… to succumb to his touch, then maybe he would listen to her after all.

  Shock vaulted through her at her own illicit thoughts. She wasn’t going to sleep with him to help Ella.

  No, just strip down to practically nothing. Then let him touch her.

  Did she really know where her boundaries were?

  He watched as she walked around the long table, then approached him, his gaze locked on the swell of her breasts above the lace cups. Her nipples puckered at the thought of him stroking her there.

  He pushed his chair back from the table and turned sideways as she continued toward him. His intense male gaze sent heat shimmering through her.

  Finally, she stood facing him.

  He lifted his hand, and as it approached her, she calmed her breathing, readying herself for his touch. It would only be a moment.

  But she wasn’t prepared for the spark of desire that flared through her when his fingertips brushed against her skin, just above her elbow. Then his fingers moved. Upward. Trailing lightly over her shoulder, then down. She dr
ew in a slow breath as he glided over the soft exposed skin of her breast, right to the lace of her bra. His fingertip grazed lightly under the scalloped edges, but not breaching the barrier of the satin cup.

  Clearly, he liked to push boundaries.

  And she was close to pulling back that boundary, by tugging forward the cup and inviting him to explore further. The thought of his big fingers gliding over her hard nipple sent her pulse fluttering.

  Her own potent reaction to him startled her and she stepped back.

  “I… uh… we’re done now.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”

  “You said a touch,” she stammered.

  “And you didn’t say how long. I’m not finished.”

  “Well, I—”

  “Come here,” he said, his authoritative tone brooking no argument.

  She stepped close again, shocking herself at her own submissiveness.

  “So I just have to stand here for as long as you want to touch me?”

  He gazed at her, his blue eyes twinkling. “Yes.”

  His fingers brushed her ribs this time, below her breast, then glided slowly downward, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. She tried to ignore the heady sensations fluttering through her.

  “But you could go on for hours.”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  Oh, God, if he did this for even ten more minutes, she’d be a puddle on the ground.

  * * *

  Click here for more about Played by the Master

  Opal Carew

  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…

  Sylvia loves to read erotica, and after her latest read, she's developed a sizzling fantasy about being forced to submit to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd have the opportunity to live out her fantasy... until her friend decides to make it happen. Now she's about to become an office slave… to four hunky men she's never even met. But faced with the reality, can she actually go through with it??


  Sylvia walked to the entrance and opened the glass door, then crossed the lobby, her high heels clicking on the marble floor. She glanced at the directory near the elevators, then walked down the hall to the end and stopped at Suite 105. A sign said to ring the bell, which she did. Becca had told her that these four men ran a software business, programming games. This office was where they developed the games. Also, Becca had told her the guys were extremely good-looking. All but one of the men used to work with Cal as strippers before they graduated from college and started this business, so she didn't doubt it.

  The door opened and she gazed up at a totally hot hunk wearing a suit, his long, black hair tied back. He had startling blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled at her.

  "Are you Sylvia?"

  She nodded.

  He pulled the door open. "Please come in."

  She stepped into the office. There was a large table in the center of an open space with a big window overlooking the city below and several doors to offices along the wall behind it. There was a hallway off to the side. The space had a lot of character, with red brick walls and a curved arch around the window.

  "I'm Mike Bairn. Come on into my office."

  She followed him across the central area to the leftmost office. One man was working in the far right office, but he didn't glance up.

  "Am I early?" she asked as she sat down in the chair across from his desk.

  "No, not at all. The others will meet us in the conference room in a few minutes."

  She nodded, starting to feel a little nervous. Would her fantasy begin in the conference room? Would they order her to take off all her clothes, then… other things. She'd been looking forward to this fantasy for over a week—ever since Becca had told her she wanted to set it up, and that it would be acted out by some of Cal's ex-stripper friends—but now that the reality was here, she had a case of nerves.

  This man Mike was extremely masculine, and sexy, and he set her hormones humming, but could she really just strip down and become his sex toy. Along his three partners, too?

  Don't freak out now. This is your fantasy!

  Mike leaned forward, his hands folded on his desk. "So Cal told us what you were looking for. As I understand it, your brother cheated us out of a sizeable amount of money and you agree to be our sex slave in return for not prosecuting him."

  Sylvia felt her cheeks heat as she nodded. In her head, especially after reading that book, it seemed extremely sexy, but laid out blatantly like that made her feel brash and… well, maybe a little slutty. And… maybe she was being… uh…brash. But both Becca and Jan had lived out their fantasies, and both were pretty wild. Why shouldn't she?

  And when she'd become enamored of the fantasy, she'd never, ever dreamed she'd live it out. What woman did? But now that she had the opportunity, she really didn't want to walk away.

  "So, don't get me wrong, I find the whole thing wildly sexy, but…"—he shrugged—"we sound a bit mean, prosecuting your brother." At his grin and the twinkle in his eye, she knew he wasn't making fun of her, but he was teasing her.

  "Well, he did do you wrong."

  "True. But then we're distracted by a beautiful woman."

  Her cheeks burned hotter at his compliment. "Well, a woman offering sex, anyway."

  He chuckled and stood up. "Okay, I think we're ready to proceed. The others know the story and are ready to go and we all know the safe word is Tiger. The minute we step out of this office, we're into our roles. Okay?"

  "Okay." Her stomach quivered as she stood up.

  They walked to the door together, but before he opened it, he took her hand and kissed it. Tingles danced along her skin at the delicate brush of his lips.

  "Sylvia, thank you for including us in your fantasy." Then he winked and opened the door.

  She followed him to the end of the big table in the open area where he gestured for her to sit down. He tapped something on his phone, then leaned back in his chair.

  "The others will be here in a few moments." His tone was more business-like now, rather than the easy banter of before.

  The man from the other office walked to the chair next to Mike's and sat down, glancing at her speculatively. He had short cropped, sandy hair, a wide face with a square jaw, and warm, brown eyes. He wore dark blue jeans and a shirt. A moment later, two men appeared from the hallway, and Sylvia's breath caught at the side of the tall biker named Slade she'd seen entering the building earlier. Man, this fantasy was getting better by the minute. And the man by his side was the cyclist he'd spoken with at the door.

  The cyclist's short, straight hair was a little damp—he'd probably taken a shower—and he wore dress pants and a striped shirt, accentuating his narrow waist and broad shoulders. Thoughts of him naked in the shower, water sluicing over his muscular body sent a quiver through her. Her gaze shifted to Slade, still wearing his jeans and T-shirt. Clearly, he was the rebel of the bunch.

  They sat down and she glanced around the table at these four men, who used to be male strippers. They were all gorgeous and soon she'd be having hot, kinky sex with them all.

  "This is Sylvia, the woman we discussed a few days ago. She's here because of the arrangement to compensate for her brother's debt," Mike said. "Sylvia, this is Granger Smith, Neil Craig, and Slade Forrester."

  She nodded as she gazed at their serious expressions. Tension curled inside her.

  "So, she's going to be our office slave, right?" Slade said.

  "Yes, that's the arrangement," Mike answered.

  "Good, then I think we should start right off with seeing what's underneath those clothes she's wearing.

  Her gaze locked on his and his charcoal eyes glittered as a slow smile spread across his face. Heat washed through her.

  "Excellent idea." Mike said.

  Click here for more about The Office Slave

  Opal Carew

  Hot, hard, fast, and handles
like a dream!

  Oh yeah, and the bike's not bad either.

  Hayley is looking for more excitement in her life, but doesn’t know how to find it.

  Excitement finds Rip, a biker who’s seen more than his share of trouble.

  When trouble finds Rip yet again and a bar brawl starts, both he and Hayley are thrown to the curb.

  Hayley knows this is her chance to find the excitement she so craves, but Rip doesn’t want to be some good girl’s bad-boy experience, so he turns down her advances, leaving her feeling rejected.

  But life is never that simple for Rip, and he soon finds himself in her bed and wanting more. When his three biker friends show up, Hayley’s love of numbers turns into an erotic adventure none of them will ever forget.

  But is there a chance for more than that between Hayley and Rip? Find out by taking a Hot Ride you’ll never forget.


  The young woman—Hayley—gazed at Rip, her eyes widened. Well, fuck, of course she’d be nervous about walking down a dark alley with the likes of him. If she were his sister, he wouldn’t want her taking a chance like that.

  He took her hand and raised it to his mouth. The feel of her soft skin as he brushed his lips against it made him long to feel more of her. His groin tightened at the thought of kissing her, then exploring her round, beautiful breasts. The creamy swell of them exposed by her deep neckline had been teasing him all evening.

  “I promise. I’ll get you to your hotel, safe and sound.”

  She stared into his eyes, mesmerized, then she nodded.

  He smiled and took her hand, then led her into the alley. A cat darted in front of them, startling her. She drew close to him, clutching his arm. The feel of her warm, soft body pressed to his side sent his hormones to alert status, but he ignored that and slipped his arm around her protectively, drawing her close. It didn’t help that he kept remembering when her gaze had dropped to his crotch with obvious interest after he’d told her about his name. He was glad she didn’t know that he actually got the name because his fellow bikers had caught him reading Ripley’s Believe It or Not one day.


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