Wrapped in You

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Wrapped in You Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  Zach tapped his fingers against the edge of the chair. Once he informed Braxton of Chelsea’s wishes, he might not want the burden either.

  “I went to Chelsea’s apartment yesterday.”

  Braxton turned in his seat. “Why didn’t you call me? I would’ve gone with you.”

  With a shrug, Zach went on. “I started boxing up some of her things. I need to have the apartment empty by the end of the month.”

  “Stubborn ass,” Braxton muttered around the drink as he took another swig. “I’m on break. Why not ask for help?”

  “She doesn’t have that much.” Zach crossed his ankles, lacing his fingers over his stomach. “I found something.”


  “Chelsea kept binders with pictures, notes, and detailed plans regarding the Sunset Lake house.”

  Braxton set his can down beside the chair and raked a hand down his face. “I can tell by the look on your face you’re already worried what my reaction will be. Go ahead, tell me. Chelsea had some crazy ideas, so I doubt anything could shock me at this point.”

  Zach wanted to laugh. “She wanted to open a women-only resort and spa.”

  “Seriously? She would’ve been great at something like that. I knew she had some good business sense in that sometimes flighty head of hers.” Braxton’s smile faltered, his eyes narrowed. “Wait. Don’t tell me—”

  Zach allowed a smile to stretch across his face. Smiling always felt so foreign to him, he’d not had many reasons to do so in his life. Seeing Braxton’s stunned expression and a hint of pissed-off thrown in was certainly an occasion to release the grin.

  “At least consider the economic angle of this,” Zach stated, hoping to appeal to Braxton’s business side. “You know how this town already gets an overflow of tourists from Savannah. This women’s resort would be a great idea. Women eat that shit up. Massages, getting their nails done, wine, and all that other stuff.”

  Braxton eased forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees and shoving his fingers through his hair. “Can I ask why you’re so hell-bent on making this happen?”

  Zach had asked himself that same question. The answer was simple really. “I want Chelsea to live on somehow. If making this work honors her memory in any way, I don’t see how we can’t go for it. Do you really want to ignore this?”

  “You’re right.” Braxton sighed, dropping his hands to dangle between his knees. “Damn it, I hate when you’re right.”

  Reaching over, Zach slapped his brother on the back. “That was easier than I thought.”

  “Don’t gloat.”

  “I plan on heading to the house Sunday morning, if you’d like to go. We need to get an idea of what needs doing so we can get a building permit to fix it up. I’m sure the electrical and plumbing aren’t even up to code.”

  “This is going to be a long project.” Braxton laughed. Not an amused laugh, more of a “what the hell are we doing” laugh. “Let’s keep this under wraps. The last thing we need is for word to get out that we’re working on a resort for women.”

  “If it helps, Sophie thinks the business is a great idea too.”

  Braxton’s shoulders stiffened, his eyes widened. “You talked to Sophie about this?”

  Damn it. “She was at the apartment when I got there.”

  “Really? And you two actually had a conversation without anyone else as a buffer?”

  Zach stared at the fire, refusing to rise to the bait dangling in front of his face. This conversation had been about the property. Nothing else.

  “Grouchy Zach is back,” Braxton muttered. “Looks like I hit a nerve. Will you stop closing up when someone brings up a topic you’re not comfortable with?”

  “I’m not discussing this.”

  Braxton sighed, reached down for his can, and took another drink. “I know you have feelings for—”

  “Shut up.”

  No way was he discussing his damn feelings, and definitely not regarding Sophie. Shit. Had he been that transparent? He didn’t need to get his emotions out in the open. They were just fine living deep inside him where no one could see.

  “Zach, it’s me.” Braxton shifted in his seat to glance over. “I’m not judging, I’m not telling anyone. I’m just telling you this thing you’ve got eating you alive has got to be dealt with. You give off some strong vibes. I’m sure she’s oblivious to them, but I know you better. And the guilt you—”

  Zach jumped to his feet. “Shut the hell up. I’m not having a Dr. Phil moment with you. I don’t need anyone inside my head rooting around and trying to diagnose my problems.”

  There were too many for one person to handle anyway.

  Braxton stared up at him. Nothing but an occasional cricket and the crackle of the fire filled the night. Zach clenched his fists, more than ready to take out his frustrations on someone. Damn it, he hated violence.

  Unfortunately, that thread of evil was in his genes. Another reason the fairy-tale daydream of him and Sophie was utterly absurd.

  “Sit down,” Braxton said in that low, controlled tone. “I’m not fighting you, and you don’t want to fight me. You know I’d kick your ass.”

  Zach couldn’t help but smirk. “Bullshit,” he said, falling back into his chair. “You’d mess up that pretty-boy hair of yours.”

  “Don’t let the hair fool you. I could still kick your ass and my hair would still look better than your mountain-man appearance.”

  Tension eased from Zach’s shoulders at the quick way they always fell back into bantering. He missed that with Liam—not that he’d ever admit that to his older brother. Zach didn’t blame Liam one bit for hating him.

  “Why don’t you just tell Sophie how you feel?”

  Groaning, Zach dropped his head against the back of the chair. “Stop beating the dead horse.”

  “That’s not a reason.”

  “She’s dating someone.”

  “Martin is boring. That won’t last.”

  Zach swallowed, hating how he could get so swept up into thinking of Sophie that he actually fantasized about having something with her. “Even if it doesn’t, we are polar opposites. Throw in the accident and we have absolutely nothing to build on.”

  “You never know until you try.” Braxton sank back into his chair. “I can’t believe I’m doling out relationship advice. Anna ripped my heart to shreds, but I’m not letting that stop me from being open to another relationship. Well, as soon as I feel like it.”

  Braxton’s heart got stomped on, and he’d turned into a playboy, refusing to get too close to another woman. One sleepover per woman had been the max lately for his once calm, family-seeking brother.

  Braxton had always stated he wanted a wife, children, and a life like the one he’d had growing up with the Monroes, but after what happened with his ex, who knew what Braxton wanted now. The man had officially closed himself off from letting women in. Zach, on the other hand, refused to ever allow a woman to get so close that he had to reveal his dark childhood. And no way in hell would he pass those genes down to any innocent child.

  Keeping people at a distance was the best decision for everyone involved. Besides, getting close to someone would only open his heart to emotions he knew he wasn’t strong enough to handle. He didn’t want the inevitable hurt to seep in. First his biological parents had damaged him so deeply he honestly would probably never recover. Then his adopted parents passed away, and now Chelsea. Letting anyone else in would just be emotional, soul-crushing suicide.

  Zach eased forward on the end of his chair. He grabbed the poker from the edge of the pit and prodded the wood, sending orange sparks flying.

  “You know I never want a relationship, let alone something long-term. So, whatever Sophie does or doesn’t do with her life is none of my business.”

  “Why don’t you make it your business? Maybe she’s unsure because of you. Did you ever think of that? Maybe she doesn’t want long-term, or maybe she could be the one to change your mind on relations

  Resting his elbows on his knees, Zach shook his head. “You’re not making sense and your babbling is giving me a headache.”

  “Maybe I’m wrong,” Braxton went on, obviously not caring about the headache. “Maybe she does pick up on your vibes. What if she reads through your gruff attitude and sees the truth?” Braxton paused, really letting the words sink in before he continued. “Can you blame her for not wanting to confront you about her feelings? You’ve not exactly been easy to be around.”

  Zach gritted his teeth, willing Braxton to shut the hell up. The last thing Zach wanted was to think about what Sophie might or might not feel toward him. The last thing he needed was false hope where she was concerned. Opening his heart to bleed out again wasn’t an option or a risk he was willing to take.

  “I can’t,” he muttered.

  Braxton came to his feet, staring down until Zach glanced up. “You mean you won’t,” Braxton corrected. “Live your life miserably if you want. But one day you’re going to wake up and wonder why the hell you didn’t grow a set and just take a chance.”

  Chapter Five

  Braxton entered Sophie’s office Friday afternoon. She’d been eagerly waiting all day. She’d had a closing that morning, but had told her assistant if any of the Monroe boys called to make sure to get ahold of her. For several reasons, Chelsea’s property was taking top priority.

  Sophie wasn’t a bit surprised the middleman of the trio had been the one sent to deliver the message.

  Braxton eased his tall, broad frame into the same seat he’d sat in last Friday. The dark jeans and pale blue button-up showcased his tanned skin, his broad shoulders, and masculine physique. Today he wore his glasses, which only made him look more studious. No doubt the young girls on the campus were halfway in love with him.

  “So, what did you decide?” she asked, lacing her fingers together and resting them on her desk. “And please, tell me you all came to a mutual agreement without black eyes and busted knuckles.”

  His rich laughter filled the office. Of the three brothers, Braxton was the most free with his emotions. Liam and Zach, on the other hand . . . she wasn’t even sure they had emotions other than anger and bitterness. Well, Liam only had anger toward Zach. Zach, on the other hand, seemed to be angry with the world.

  “Sort of,” Braxton replied, crossing one ankle over his knee.

  A knot settled in her stomach. “Sort of? You either do or don’t want to sell.”

  “We don’t.”

  As Martin’s girlfriend, she was a little upset at the decision. But, as Chelsea’s best friend and someone close to the Monroe clan, Sophie was elated.

  She wondered what Zach had decided to do regarding Chelsea’s vision, but since he’d asked her not to say anything, she’d keep that to herself.

  “So where does the ‘sort of’ come into play?” she asked.

  Braxton eased back into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest as he drew out a sigh. “Zach and I are going to buy Liam out so the house will just be mine and Zach’s.”

  Sophie nodded. “I’m not surprised. Now both your brothers got their way.”

  “As an added bonus, I didn’t have to break up a fight,” he told her with a sideways grin. “Liam is happy with working in an upscale, city restaurant and he doesn’t want another burden.”

  “What are you and Zach going to do with the place?”

  Braxton shook his head. “That’s what I came to discuss with you. Zach told me about the binders.”

  Sophie couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “And?”

  “A resort? What the hell would we know about running a resort?”

  Shrugging, Sophie came to her feet and rounded her desk. “Who says you guys would have to run it? Fix it up the way Chelsea envisioned and then hire someone to run it.” She sat on the edge of her desk directly in front of Braxton. “It is a women’s resort. Would be a little silly to have you two brutes hanging around.”

  Braxton massaged the back of his neck and groaned. “I know Chelsea is somewhere laughing at us. Leave it to her to have some harebrained idea we’re stuck with.”

  “You loved her and her harebrained ideas.”

  A sad smile stretched across his face. “Yes, I did. I wouldn’t expect less of her than to leave us this surprise.”

  “So you two are going to fix it up?” she asked, hopeful.

  “Yeah. We haven’t gone into any specifics, but that’s the goal in mind. I’ll be heading back to Savannah on Monday. We’re figuring I’ll be more of the financial backer and Zach will be the manual labor portion. We’re partners for now.”

  Sophie couldn’t be happier to hear this plan. Although telling Martin wouldn’t be fun, she still was so excited that Chelsea’s brothers were moving ahead with their sister’s vision.

  “Zach and I are planning to meet at the house Sunday morning to look over the structure and get a list of basic improvements to be done, to take to the zoning commission for a building permit. You can join us if you’d like.”

  Sophie quirked a brow and smiled. “Did you run that by Zach before you invited me?”

  Braxton eased forward, placing his hand on her knee. “You and I are friends, Soph. No matter what turmoil lives between you and Zach, that has never, and will never, affect you and me. Got it?”

  Sophie nodded, knowing he was right. The issues she and Zach had were a world apart from her relationship with anyone else.

  “So, you want to meet us there to walk through? I know you’ve seen it, since you sold it to Chelsea, but I’d like your opinion, now that you’ve seen her vision.”

  Sophie smiled, reached down and squeezed his hand. “I’d love to.”

  “Great. We’re meeting at nine.”

  Coming to her feet just as he did, Sophie wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for seeing this through for Chelsea.”

  Enveloping her in a brotherly hug, Braxton patted her back. “I’d do anything for my family.” Easing back, he looked her in the eye. “I include you in that, too.”

  “I know,” she told him with a smile. “See you Sunday.”

  Once he was gone, Sophie sank back against her desk. The notes and pictures, drawings and dreams Chelsea had poured into two thick binders were going to become a reality.

  The fact that hardheaded, impenetrable Zach had really thought this through said so much about the man he kept hidden from the world. He might want to keep people far outside the perimeter of that wall he’d erected around himself, but Sophie knew, deep down, there was a man with feelings. Knowing that Zach had a passion for something gave Sophie hope.

  Zach had once been reckless, but he’d been full of life and they’d been friends. She wanted that back. Wanted to be close with all three men, as she used to be before the car accident that left her scarred, handicapped, and infertile. Before Liam had been injured and had pushed Zach out of his life.

  Before Zach had been arrested for aggravated vehicular assault and sent to prison for a year.

  But how could they possibly find their way back after all this time?

  Placing the ever-pressing thoughts on the back burner, Sophie turned and reached for her cell. Right now she needed to call the other man in her life and break the bad news to him.

  Letting this relationship go on this long had been a mistake. Being comfortable with someone, dating someone because that’s what was expected of you, was completely wrong.

  And everything about Zach felt deliciously right.

  * * *

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  With her arm linked through Martin’s, Sophie glanced up at him. “What is it?”

  They exited the restaurant after a romantic meal complete with candlelight, a trickling waterfall in the distance, and the most amazing meal she’d ever had.

  They walked arm in arm down the narrow street with old-fashioned lampposts giving off a soft glow. The gentle breeze slid her knee-length skirt around her thighs and set
her hair dancing about her shoulders. Martin steered her toward the bench nestled between two oversized ceramic pots overflowing with greenery and a pop of color from spring flowers.

  When Sophie sat, Martin moved in right beside her and kept hold of her hands. “First of all, I want you to know I’m not upset about the property. I realize I came off as gruff with you yesterday. I think I was just more surprised than anything.”

  Sophie hadn’t taken offense. She’d known he wanted that piece on Sunset Lake for the town. Actually, she’d still been reeling from the excitement of Braxton’s news about the plans to move forward with a resort. Martin’s tone hadn’t even entered her mind. He’d been understandably frustrated.

  She also hadn’t said a word to him about Zach and Braxton’s plans. What went on now with Chelsea’s home was private and nobody’s business until the Monroe boys were ready to disclose the information.

  “I know how much you all wanted it.” Sophie was well aware, but she didn’t want to get into this with him. “Let’s not discuss business. Okay?”

  Martin chuckled. “You’ve read my mind. I have much more important things to talk about.”

  Sophie glanced down at their joined hands and his perfectly neat nails, not a callus in sight. The man exuded office mogul. Whereas Zach’s hands were damaged, rough.

  Stop it. Why did she have to keep circling back to Zach? She was on a date with the man she’d been seeing for a while. A man who embodied everything she was brought up to look for in a man and someone she was comfortable with.

  Zach made her feel anything but comfortable. Yet, she couldn’t let this go on much longer. Martin wasn’t the one for her. Who wanted to just be comfortable the rest of their lives? Guilt gnawed at her because Martin deserved to know exactly how she felt.

  “I know we have such crazy schedules, and it’s taken its toll on you, on our relationship.”

  He shifted so she had to lift her head and look directly into his face. With dark chocolate eyes, light brown hair that would turn blonder in the summer, Martin was a very handsome man. Very polished, but his career demanded perfection.

  “Our jobs have taken a toll on our social time,” she agreed. “I know you’re busy and my career can be insane at times too. It’s out of our control.”


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