Wrapped in You

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Wrapped in You Page 18

by Jules Bennett

  By the time he made it to the Sunset Lake house, he was even more confused and anxious than ever. On one hand he’d been relieved she’d called him on his feelings and had come to his house. But she’d left him in his bed and not said a word. Why? Was she afraid of what he’d say? Was she regretting her actions?

  Zach gripped the steering wheel as he stared up at the house. He prayed she didn’t regret what they shared, because even as unsure as he was this morning, he knew one thing for certain. He didn’t regret what had happened in his bed. She was absolutely everything he’d ever wanted, and for a brief time, she was his.

  Zach’s cell vibrated on the seat beside him. Liam’s name lit up the screen.

  “Yeah,” Zach answered.

  “I’m heading into town in a couple of days. The restaurant is closing all next week for renovations before the summer crowd hits. Figure out what you need me to do and I’ll help. None of that spa shit, though.”

  Zach couldn’t help but smile. That actually felt good, especially when talking to Liam.

  “And here Braxton and I wanted you researching chemical peels.”

  “Chemical what?” Liam sighed, muttered a curse. “Do you have some cabinets to bust out or flooring I can haul away? That’s more my speed.”

  “You sure you don’t want to work on the cucumber sandwiches?” Zach teased.

  “Kiss my ass. You’re only hurting yourself if you don’t put me to use while I have the free time. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  Zach appreciated the gesture. He knew it took a lot for Liam to call him and offer, but Liam had a stake in this as well now. Not to mention they both loved and missed Chelsea. Everything they did came down to her and what she would’ve wanted them to do . . . as a team.

  “Do you want to stay at the house?” Zach asked before he could think better of it. Maybe that was pushing the comfort zone for both of them. “You don’t have to, I was just offering.”

  Silence filled the line. Zach continued to stare at the second-story windows when he thought he saw a shadow pass in front of a window. But as soon as he thought it, there was nothing there. Must be the early morning sun hitting just right.

  “I’ll probably stay at Braxton’s,” Liam replied.

  Zach didn’t expect him to say any different, but he’d had a bit of hope in those few seconds of silence. Maybe hoping for closure or even attempting to bridge this gap was too much to expect. Years of anger and holding grudges weren’t going to go away so easily . . . if ever.

  “I’ve got to get back to work,” Liam told him. “See you in a couple days.”

  Zach clutched the phone long after Liam hung up. Maybe one day his brother would forgive him for ruining his life. Maybe one day Liam would find happiness and not feel the need to hide behind his fear.

  But who was Zach to offer advice to anyone on how to recover? He was still a jumbled mess. A year in prison hadn’t done anything but give him time to think about how angry he was at himself, how things could’ve been so much worse and he could’ve killed two of the people he loved.

  They’d all survived, and each day they pushed forward in their own ways. Not surprisingly, though, Sophie had emerged as the strongest. She seemed to be the only one of the three with her head on straight, able to come to terms with the past.

  Which circled him back around to last night. Was she truly only looking for more? Did she not want anything else?

  Part of him wished that to be the case, but the other part of him hated knowing he may never be with Sophie again. He’d thought for sure once he let her in, he’d be able to move on. He’d been lying to himself, because now that he and Sophie had been as physically intimate as they could be, he wanted more. And damn, if that didn’t just confuse him even more.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Yes, Martin, I understand.”

  Sophie sat in her car, head back against the headrest, and gritted her teeth. She hadn’t looked forward to calling Martin, but she’d had no choice. Her assistant was back from an extended vacation and apparently there was an offer on a city building that Sophie had been trying to sell. The buyer had questions that Sophie needed answers to—answers her ex could provide.

  “I’m just asking if the building were to be purchased and turned into apartments, would the buyer be responsible for all the safety codes, or would the city help, since the building is an historical one?”

  “Who’s the buyer?” he asked.

  Rolling her eyes, Sophie brought her hand to her forehead to try to rub away the tension headache. She’d not slept well after her night with Zach.

  Her night with Zach. As if a life-altering experience could be summed up in such a simple way. As if having your entire world flipped upside down by the man you were completely in love with could be simplified and contained into just one night . . . not possible. And now more than ever she knew she loved him, and damn, if that didn’t complicate her whole “this doesn’t have to be more” speech.

  Even though she’d run home and showered, Sophie could still smell him on her skin. Her body still tingled where he’d touched, and he’d touched her everywhere.

  “Sophie,” Martin growled. “Are you still there?”

  Unfortunately. “It doesn’t matter who the buyer is, Martin. They have made a generous offer and personally I think turning the building into apartments will be a smart move for the city. I also think you all should help if the coding needs a major overhaul.”

  “Not if it’s a slum lord buying them.”

  Oh, for pity’s sake. Sophie grabbed her purse and stepped from her car. Her hip was a bit more tender than usual today, but she’d take the extra pain considering the amazing night she’d had.

  “I assure you, it’s not a slum lord.” She stepped into her office, waving at Tasha, who greeted Sophie with a smile. “I need your answer by the end of the day.”

  Without waiting on him to ask another ridiculous question, Sophie disconnected the call and sank onto the cushioned bench with scrolled arms that sat against the wall opposite Tasha’s desk.

  “I’m sorry.” Her assistant wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t know you two had broken up or I would’ve just called and gotten the information myself. I just assumed you’d get it faster than me.”

  Waving a hand, Sophie propped her purse on the bench beside her. “It’s okay. A lot happened while you were away.”

  How could things be summed up so easily? Lately her life had been anything but easy. Frustrating, thrilling, worrisome . . . so many emotions to really nail it down to one.

  “Well, I’ll try to stay on top of things now that I’m back.”

  Sophie smiled. “You’re all tan. I assume the weather was nice?”

  “I didn’t want to leave.” Tasha eased forward on her desk and clasped her hands. “But I don’t want to talk about my family vacation. You look exhausted but happy, and you’re not with Martin. What’s up?”

  Exhausted? Yes. Happy? Deliriously so.

  The dogs had started barking just as Zach had drifted off to sleep. Sophie wanted him to rest; the man deserved it. So she brought the dogs up to his room, hoping they’d be happy if they were with their “master.” That plan had worked, but left no room for her in the bed.

  Okay, that was an excuse. She was terrified of sliding back between those sheets and nestling in next to Zach’s hard, lean body. She had to distance herself emotionally. Being with Zach was more than she’d ever hoped for, but she’d promised him only physical, and she was going to keep her promise.

  “You’re looking pretty content,” Tasha said with a tilt of her head and a smile. Her pretty blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “You’ve met someone new?”

  Tasha knew everything about Sophie’s life, from the overbearing, controlling parents to the accident that left her scarred. Though she didn’t know about the infertility caused by the accident, and Sophie wasn’t going to let her in on her relationship with Zach, either. Zach was her secret, tucked safely away in
that special place in her heart.

  “I’ve just had my eyes opened,” Sophie explained. “Martin wasn’t for me, and now that I’m single again, I’m just really enjoying myself.”

  Thoroughly enjoying herself.

  “I think there’s more,” Tasha said with a knowing grin. “But since I’m swamped this morning, I’ll let you off the hook. You have a message from a doctor who’s moving into the area and he’s looking for a two-story home with charm. His wife is pregnant, so they want a yard. I left all the specifics in a note on your desk and I told him you’d be getting back to him today.”

  Sophie nodded, grabbing her bag and coming to her feet. “I’ll see what all we have available to show him.”

  “I looked through our current listings.” Tasha turned her attention back to her computer screen and started scrolling through. “Really, all I see is the old Marsh house on Campbell Avenue, but it needs a lot of work. I didn’t get the impression the doctor wanted a fixer-upper.”

  Sophie knew of a place that wasn’t in need of any renovations. She’d spent the most amazing night of her life there.

  “I’ll see what I can come up with,” Sophie replied. “I’ll be in my office.”

  Closing herself off from the world was best right now. Sophie wasn’t sure she could handle dealing with people just yet. She was still trying to process how her entire life had changed after last night. She’d known there was a risk going to Zach. There was a risk in being rejected, there was a risk in getting intimate. No matter what she’d decided to do, her life would’ve changed.

  And it had. Mercy, had her life ever changed. Now she knew for a fact just how perfect they were together, just how vulnerable he was and how much they needed each other. Still, he’d throw that past of his up again as a barrier if she let him . . . she didn’t intend to allow him that out. He could face what was happening while they were in that bed together, and there was no way he could deny how fierce and even more intense their relationship had become.

  Sophie hung her purse on the hook beside her door and crossed the room to the window overlooking a small pond. The town had installed a fountain in the middle of it a few years ago, complete with a few ducks swimming around, and added picnic tables around the perimeter for the local businesses. She didn’t get much time to enjoy the area, but she loved the view and would often find it calming.

  Not so much right now. She wasn’t calm. If she were being honest with herself, she was confused. Her wants were pulling her in all directions. No, her wants were all pointing in the same direction. It was her wants versus her common sense that were currently at odds.

  A little row of yellow ducks followed their mommy in the pond. Sophie smiled at the picturesque sight. Working today was going to be quite challenging when her mind was still on the last twelve hours of her life and the man who occupied her every thought.

  She’d not even left him a note. She’d been so worried about him sleeping, and getting out without waking him, she’d forgotten. Was he angry when he woke? Was he relieved he didn’t have to face her?

  Sophie wrapped her arms around her waist. Did he have regrets? Please, please, please, she prayed he didn’t. As much as she wanted more—she wanted everything, actually—she couldn’t regret the most perfect night of her life and she truly hoped he felt the same.

  She’d known Zach would be a tender lover, but she hadn’t realized just how emotionally broken he was. He’d done everything for her, cared for her and pleasured her. He’d had a controlling, dominating, sexy way about him, but at the same time she’d sensed his inner battle.

  Turning her attention to her desk, Sophie decided she was useless today. After all that had happened, she needed to talk to Zach. She needed to keep the upper hand over her emotions and clear the air. The last thing they needed was a new level of awkwardness to settle between them. They had a long journey ahead with Chelsea’s project, and they couldn’t afford to be overrun by their past, or sex.

  The door to the main office chimed, but Sophie knew Tasha would handle anyone who came in. On a sigh, she tried to wrap her mind around what she needed to do. Talking with Zach was first and foremost.

  The door to her office opened and shut. Before Sophie turned, she knew who stood behind her and it wasn’t Tasha. The air in her office seemed to thicken, hum even. Sophie’s quickened heartbeat told her all she needed to know.

  “You left without saying good-bye.”

  Nerves had no place here. What was there to be nervous about at this point? Zach had literally seen her at her best, her worst, and now intimately. She had nothing left to hide.

  Turning, she forced herself to remain calm. But seeing Zach after knowing just how quickly he could turn her entire world into something of a fantasy . . .

  “You not only left,” he said, stalking his way across the room, his gaze locked onto hers. “You left me with a bundle of fur in my bed.”

  Sophie couldn’t help but smile at the image of Zach waking up to a dog in his bed. Sensing he wasn’t too angry, she didn’t try to hide her laughter.

  “I’m sorry.” She kept her arms crossed in a piddly attempt to control her giggles. “I was trying to help. You’d just fallen asleep and I heard the dogs, so I tried to think of something to calm them.”

  He kept inching closer. As the gap between them grew shorter and shorter, Sophie’s words started coming out faster and faster.

  “I remember when I was a little girl and we had a dog, I would sneak her to my room and she’d sleep better.” Now she had to look up at him, he stood so, so close. “My mom would scold me in the mornings, but it was worth it.”

  Zach slid a hand along her cheek.

  “I thought maybe if they were close to you . . .” His other hand settled on the other side of her face. “Wh-what are you doing?”

  “What I would’ve done had you been in my bed when I woke up.” His lips hovered over hers, barely caressing her. “Just because we agreed on nothing more, doesn’t mean I won’t take advantage of touching you, kissing you when I want.”

  He consumed her as he leaned into her, holding her face just at the right angle to deliver the most impressive morning kiss she’d ever received. That hard body leaning against hers, backing her up a step until her back hit the window.

  Zach lifted his head, his heavy-lidded eyes zeroing in on her mouth. “Don’t leave my bed again.”

  Sophie gripped the windowsill. “I’m not going to be in your bed again. We agreed we wouldn’t look beyond last night, so that was another reason I left. I was saving us both the awkward morning after.”

  He brushed his lips over hers once more. “Does this feel awkward?”

  A tremble rippled through her. “No,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to stay away from my bed?”

  She was in over her head here. “I-I should.”

  Gripping her face, Zach tilted her head up so she looked him directly in the eyes. “You won’t.”

  She could hardly think for the way he was plastered so beautifully and perfectly against her. She shouldn’t sleep with him again. Once was enough to ruin her, because she was positive she could never, ever have sex with another man. How could she? She’d waited years to be with Zach, and he didn’t disappoint. He fulfilled every fantasy and then some. She’d become emotionally attached when she promised herself she wouldn’t.

  Sophie pulled from his grasp and stepped away. Holding a hand to her tingling lips, she paced. How had this spiraled so far out of her control? Last night when she’d stood on his porch, she’d felt so confident and full of power. But the second he opened that door looking all angry and rumpled, she’d started losing the fight. The tight grip she’d had on control started sliding away.

  And now here she stood in her office, wanting nothing more than to take him up on his offer, but knowing if she did, she’d inevitably have heartache and even more hurt in the end.

  “I can’t be with you again.” She kept her back to him. If she had to turn
and face him, she didn’t know if she could be strong enough. “I promised you that I wouldn’t want more, that we just needed to keep this simple. If I’m with you again, I won’t be able to keep that promise.”

  She had to stick with honesty here. Zach knew how she felt, he had to understand. She couldn’t afford for him not to, because if he opted to fight her on this . . . she’d lose.

  “So what do you want?” he asked from behind her. “Are we back to friends? Were we friends before last night? I’m not asking for a label, but I want to know my boundaries. I said no relationships, but I can’t ignore the sex.”

  After taking a deep breath, Sophie turned and smoothed her hands down her bright red pencil skirt. “We’re working on Chelsea’s house. I’m going to try to sell your house. We aren’t having sex. Well, not anymore.”

  A corner of Zach’s mouth tipped up beneath his beard. He nodded as he crossed his arms over a most impressive broad chest. A chest she could still feel against her own.

  No. She wasn’t allowed to still be feeling him. She wanted absolutely everything, but if she didn’t let him go now, she worried one of them would get hurt . . . quite possibly both of them. He was adamant he wasn’t looking for more.

  “I think that simplifies things,” he told her. “So, does that mean no kissing either? Because I have to tell you, you’re one hell of a kisser.”

  “Definitely no kissing.”

  Kissing Zach was a stepping-stone to sex. Some men kissed with their mouths; Zach poured his entire body into a kiss.

  “I’ll respect whatever you want,” he stated with a brief nod. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Yeah, well, she didn’t like her own rules, but they were necessary boundaries. She had to keep both of them safe.

  “I may have someone who is interested in your house.”

  Zach’s brows lifted. “We go from sex to you selling my house? You haven’t had it appraised yet.”


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