Some veiled women entered the hall and, as the cage swung lazily on the heavy chain, Deborah squatted on the open floor and watched them. They carried wound-up rolls of cloth which they laid on the floor in a large square then they brought in plates and dishes and set them around the edges. Young boys carried in huge silver plates laden with food and set them down on heavy, wooden trestles that they dragged from behind the pillars.
After a while, Theron and Saab entered with a group of women surrounding them. Saab was wearing a tight, red dress that clung to her breasts and hips then parted in a wide slit at the front. When she sat on a large cushion and folded her legs the dress opened to the tops of her thighs and Deborah could just make out the dark shape of her neatly trimmed, black pubic hair.
Theron looked up at Deborah and ordered the cage to be lowered. It swung from side to side then crashed to the smooth, marble floor with a jolt.
Take her out. She can work with her little friends keeping our important guests happy. Nothing must go wrong with the entertainment. My clients and my wealth are all that matter. A good feast and my guests will only be too pleased to buy the products of my mines and, of course, the drugs that are routed from the south.
The young boys reached in and tried to drag her out of the cage but she clung to the bars and would not let go. She bared her teeth at them but they pulled at her arms and legs and poked at her with canes until, finally, they prised her hands away. She clawed her fingers out emptily as they held her shackled wrists to the floor, tied a tight collar around her neck and clipped a leather leash to it. They pulled her up onto her hands and knees and dragged her out.
She dribbled from her mouth and pulled against her collar as they led her to one of the huge pillars. When she tried to look up they kicked her then they pulled the leash up tight and kept her on all-fours as Chrissie and Asia were led in by more boys. Chrissie looked exhausted and kept dropping onto her elbows but, every time she fell forward, the boy leading her lashed her with a short cane and made her get up. Asia hung her head and struggled to move. Her black eyes were wet and smudged with dirt and her buttocks were laced with angry red stripes. A boy ran across and started whacking her upturned bottom with a cane and, as the blows fell onto the criss-crossed weals on her skin, she scuttled forward in blind panic until he stopped.
The three of them were made to wait on their hands and knees as guests arrived then, when everyone was seated around the feast, the boys drove Deborah, Chrissie and Asia forward on their leashes. They paraded them amongst the guests, yanking on their leads and making them crawl wherever they were commanded. As they were led around, men in flowing robes pawed at them, feeling their breasts, rubbing their hands up between their legs and poking their fingers into their mouths. Some men made them sit up and beg for tit bits of food and, if they were not pleased with them, they kicked them or smacked them across their buttocks.
A tall man in a long, black robe grabbed hold of Deborah’s hair and pulled her face between his outstretched legs. She fell onto her elbows and the collar at her neck tightened as the boy tried to haul her back up so that she could serve the man properly. The man pulled her hair tight and pressed her face against his hard cock and, as the boy still pulled back on the leash, it forced her mouth to gape wide. Her tongue poked forward between her wide-stretched lips, forcing bubbling dribbles of spit to run across her chin and down the front of her throat.
The bitch is hungry for it. Look how she salivates like a dog. Here bitch, feed on this.
He grabbed more of her hair in a bunch and forced her head down until the end of his hard cock was against her gaping mouth.
Go on, eat it up bitch.
Deborah’s mouth dripped spit and her eyes widened as she tried to pull against his grip on her hair. The more she pulled the more the leash dragged her back and she froze with terror as she realised she was hopelessly trapped. The boy started lashing her buttocks with the free end of the leash but the blows were too weak to overcome the dizziness and confusion which was engulfing her. Her face and neck reddened then, as the lashing seemed to fade away completely, she felt her hair falling loosely around her face as the man released her and she was snatched backwards under the unremitting pressure of the leash.
The boy kept lashing her and slowly, as she gulped for air, the pain returned and she started flinching under the frenzied blows.
Lash! Lash! Lash!
She began to roll from side to side as the stabbing pains cut into her and, as the boy yanked insistently on the leash, she felt her body throbbing back to consciousness.
Lash! Lash! Lash!
He dragged her around the floor until she struggled back onto her knees and only then did he hold back the stinging lashes from the flailing, leather leash.
Deborah hung her head and felt humiliated and degraded as the boy continued to lead her around. When the men shouted for more food she was made to pick it up in her mouth and carry it over to them. Asia was too weak to carry a large basket of fruit that one of the boys pushed into her mouth and she collapsed. The boy leading her thrashed her with the other end of the leash and then took a cane to her but she could not get up. Theron ordered her to be tied upside down against one of the pillars and, when they had finished securing her, she hung by her ankles on tightly pulled ropes with her head cocked to one side and her face pressed against the shiny, marble floor.
As the feast progressed, the guests became more demanding and Deborah and Chrissie were made to work harder. They were made to carry plates in their mouths and, after the men had used them, they were forced to lick them clean. The boys forced them down onto their elbows and the men laughed at them as they lapped the plates. Bits of food stuck around their mouths and on their chins but the boys would not let them stop and thrashed them whenever they slacked or did not clean a plate well enough. When Theron thought the guests might be unhappy with their performance he told Saab to make sure they worked harder and she went to each one of them and kicked them until she was satisfied.
Deborah was knocked sideways as a man lunged at Chrissie.
Clean it properly bitch!
He held his plate out in front of her and she licked out her tongue and started again.
More bitch! Lick it more! I am not satisfied!
Chrissie licked more but her tongue was dry and sore and her jaw ached and she could not get the plate clean enough.
Hold her boy! She needs a lesson!
The boy snatched the leash and pulled the collar up tight. Chrissie gasped and threw her head back as the man picked up the plate and smacked it across her upturned buttocks.
Chrissie howled as the flat, silver plate smacked against her taut skin.
He brought it down again and she tightened her muscles as it smacked loudly and knocked her forward.
She cried out again.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Deborah kept her head low but looked up under her eyes as the silver plate struck Chrissie repeatedly.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Every time it came down against her skin the loud smack made Deborah wince. She watched Chrissie’s face screwing up in pain as she gasped for breath and she watched her buttocks becoming redder each time the plate came down across them.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Deborah pulled forward against her leash. She wanted to get closer. She wanted the smacking sound of the plate to fill her ears and she wanted to hear Chrissie’s gasps as the pain surged threw her. Deborah felt the tension on her throat urging her forward and she pulled more against it, opening her legs slightly and pushing her knees hard against the shiny floor. She wanted to drag the boy forward, straining on her lead like a dog, and she wanted to snarl at Chrissie and drive her aside and stand in her place.
/> Smack! Smack! Smack!
Chrissie screeched every time she managed to suck in air but her face became redder and her eyes bulged as her throbbing veins stood out against her straining throat. She threw her head back and yelled once more then fell sideways on the shiny, marble floor.
Deborah pulled harder against the leash, poking her tongue out from her open mouth and letting spit dribble from its tip. She opened her legs wider and felt her wet outer labia peeling apart. She felt the opening to her vagina exposed and she felt her wetness dripping from it and running along her swelling slit and around her engorged clitoris.
Chrissie started screaming as some men rolled her onto her back, held her by the arms and legs, lifted her off the ground and stretched her out. They poured a bowl of honey over her face and it ran down into her hair and dripped from the sticky, tangled ends. They fetched more and dripped it over her breasts then dribbled it over her stomach and into her splayed-out crack. It ran between her buttocks and fell in sticky drips down onto the floor. Several of them started to lick it off her breasts and stomach then one of them got between her legs and played the bulbous tip of his cock around the sticky edges of her honey-covered cunt.
Deborah strained forward against the leash as she watched Chrissie’s hips rising and falling as the man plunged his cock in and pushed it in as deeply as he could. He thrust it hard inside her then, as the men holding her arms and legs pulled her wider still, he reared back and grabbed his cock by its base. Deborah felt wetness dribbling down the insides of her thighs as he pulled it out and shot his spunk across Chrissie’s honey-smeared breasts and into her gaping mouth.
The boy yanked on Deborah’s leash and pulled her harshly. She resisted for a moment, feeling the tension at her neck and feeling her breasts flushing with heat as she stared at Chrissie taking a cock into her mouth as another one sank deeply into her cunt. The boy yanked the leash viciously and Deborah turned to him and snarled then, as he pulled her forward against his knees, she submitted to his control and dropped her head obediently.
He led her to a tall jar of oil and ordered her to pick it up. The large, tapered stopper had been removed and the long neck ended in a wide, rounded flange. Deborah bent her head and closed her sore lips around the wide lip of the neck and pulled at it. It was heavy with oil and so slippery that she could not pick it up. The boy yanked her collar impatiently and the flanged end slipped from her mouth but, when he started thrashing the other end of the leash down on her buttocks, she bent and closed her lips around it again. She bit behind the flanged end and, as the boy snatched at her lead, she managed to lift it.
He pulled her forward with the jar hanging in her mouth and she saw the men holding Chrissie’s legs high while one of them thrust his cock into her anus. Another one brought a belt down across her breasts as two more stuffed their hard cocks into her mouth. Chrissie tried to suck them but they were too big to keep in her mouth and they wanked over her instead and filled her gaping mouth with spunk.
The boy yanked at Deborah’s collar but she resisted again. She felt the heat in her cunt as she watched the spunk dribbling down Chrissie’s cheeks and she felt the jar of oil slipping from her mouth. She tightened her teeth around the wide flange but she could not hold it and it fell from her grasp. It landed on the floor and, spilling oil from its neck, rolled towards one of the men.
He jumped up as it splashed oil on his red robe and he grabbed it and glared at Deborah angrily.
Bitch! Stupid bitch!
It was Jabari! Jabari, the rider who had stolen her from the men in the alley and had then sold her to the fat Arab to be auctioned.
She shrank back, sensing that he recognised her. She opened her mouth to speak but, as he realised that she could expose him, his face coloured with anger and he lunged at her and grabbed her by the hair. He could not risk Theron finding out that not only had he stolen and sold Deborah but that now he had infiltrated Theron’s feast in the hope of stealing some of Theron’s clients for himself. He masked his fear with outrage and shouted at Deborah.
You have tarnished the robe of Jabari! You’ll pay for your clumsiness bitch!
He tipped the jar and poured oil down over her head. It stuck to her hair and pulled it down heavily across her face. She crouched fearfully on all-fours until he emptied the jar.
He threw it down angrily on the floor.
More oil! Bring more oil! I want to give the bitch a real drenching!
Boys scuttled around picking up jars of oil and brought them to him.
Hold the bitch down!
Deborah was thrown down face-forward on the shiny marble floor and held by the arms and legs. A wave of desperation flooded through her. It was as though she had suddenly woken up and found herself living in a nightmare. She panicked, opened her eyes wide and started screaming.
Let me go! Let me go! I can’t stand any more! Let me go!
The men took no notice of her cries and pinned her down to the ground as Jabari took another jar of oil, pulled out the tapered end of the large stopper, and emptied the sticky contents over her shoulders. It ran underneath her outstretched arms and around her squashed-out breasts until it formed a shimmering pool on the shiny marble floor.
More oil! More oil!
He took another jar and poured it over her buttocks, opening the crack between them and letting it dribble down over her anus. She squirmed and tried to pull away but the men gripped her wrists and ankles tightly and held her fast. Jabari poured more oil between her buttocks and it ran around the edges of her cunt and down the insides of her thighs. As she twisted against the men’s grasp, the oil moistened the soft edges of her labia and she felt them sliding against each other as she tightened her muscles. He took another jar and drenched her legs and feet then held it over her arms and hands until she was completely soaked.
Turn the bitch over!
They threw her on her back. The sticky oil ran into her mouth and nose and stung her eyes. Jabari emptied another jar over her breasts, trickling it onto each of her nipples and letting it spread over her breasts and run down the side of her chest and under her arms. He took the round headed stopper from another jar, slowly drawing out the long, tapered end, and held the flanged neck of the jar above her glistening cunt.
Hold her legs wide!
They pulled her ankles wide and exposed the pink flesh of her cunt. Its edges were covered in oil and the dark pink centre gleamed as she lifted her hips and fought against the tight grip of the men as they pulled at her ankles. Jabari sloshed the oil around her shaved crack then lowered the spout of the jar until it touched the front of her glistening flesh. Still with the oil running over the wide flange, he poked the neck of the jar against the front of her cunt, opening it and running the oil copiously over her hard clitoris and along the soft edges of her inner leaves.
She felt the saturating warmth of the oil flooding over her flesh. Its soft stickiness drenched her and ran inside her and her whole body felt heated by its sticky ooze.
Jabari pressed the wide flange of the jar harder and prised her oily outer labia apart. She tensed her legs as she felt her flesh being stretched then she cried out when it would go no further. He held her labia wide and ran more oil from the spout around them then he pressed in the neck of the jar again but still the wide flange was too much for her.
Jabari threw the jar down with a crash. He grabbed the leash from the boy and yanked at the tight collar around her neck. She gasped and tried to reach up to release the tension. Her oily, shackled wrists slipped from the men’s grip but Jabari did not give her chance to get hold of the leash as he yanked it again viciously and started to drag her across the marble floor.
He pulled her the length of the hall, yanking on the leash as she twisted and turned uncontrollably. Her oil-covered body slid across the floor and she banged into men’s legs an
d crashed into the pillars as he dragged her around in a frenzy. She kept trying to grab the leash but her shackles were so heavy, and her limbs so slippery, that it was impossible.
He pulled her amongst the remnants of the feast and she smashed into one of the trestles, knocking the heavy board from its low legs as she was flung sideways against Chrissie. The leash slackened then fell away loosely as Jabari tossed it down onto Deborah’s shaking body. Deborah looked at Chrissie as she lay, dissipated, with her legs spread wide and spunk still running from her mouth. She reached across to pull the hair from Chrissie’s face but was knocked aside as Jabari reached down, grabbed Chrissie and pulled her up onto her knees.
Perhaps this one will do better!
He took hold of a jar and held it over her head. She stared at Deborah, her dark eyes half closed and her mouth dripping with creamy spunk. She tried to speak but winced with pain and, as Jabari dribbled oil over her face, Deborah reached out her oil-smeared hands and took hold of the bottle.
I can take it, she said quietly. I can take it.
Jabari laughed and let go of Chrissie. She fell back to the floor and tried to smile to Deborah.
Then you’ll take a beating first. I want to make sure you’re ready this time. Bend her over! And make sure she cannot slip away!
Some of the men grabbed one of the heavy trestles and, holding it above the ground, threw her across it so that her arms and legs hung over each side. They wound the chain between her shackles at her wrists around her ankles and pulled them tight with leather thongs. They used more leather thongs and lashed them around her waist, taking them underneath the trestle, bringing them back between her legs then leading them up to her waist again. They pulled on the thongs until she was held fast then they lifted the board high and presented her to Jabari.
Caged! Page 15