Ah, heaven!
Unwell, your Grace?
No, cousin, happy —
Happy to see you; never yet so happy
Since I was crown’d.
Sweet cousin, you forget
That long low minster where you gave your hand
To this great Catholic King.
Well said, Lord Legate.
Nay, not well said; I thought of you, my liege,
Ev’n as I spoke.
Ay, Madam; my Lord Paget
Waits to present our Council to the Legate.
Sit down here, all; Madam, between us you.
Lo, now you are enclosed with boards of cedar,
Our little sister of the Song of Songs!
You are doubly fenced and shielded sitting here
Between the two most high-set thrones on earth,
The Emperor’s highness happily symboll’d by
The King your husband, the Pope’s Holiness
By mine own self.
True, cousin, I am happy.
When will you that we summon both our houses
To take this absolution from your lips,
And be regather’d to the Papal fold?
In Britain’s calendar the brightest day
Beheld our rough forefathers break their Gods,
And clasp the faith in Christ; but after that
Might not St. Andrew’s be her happiest day?
Then these shall meet upon St. Andrew’s day.
Enter PAGET, who presents the Council. Dumb show.
I am an old man wearied with my journey,
Ev’n with my joy. Permit me to withdraw.
To Lambeth?
Ay, Lambeth has ousted Cranmer.
It was not meet the heretic swine should live
In Lambeth.
There or anywhere, or at all.
We have had it swept and garnish’d after him.
Not for the seven devils to enter in?
No, for we trust they parted in the swine.
True, and I am the Angel of the Pope.
Farewell, your Graces.
Nay, not here — to me;
I will go with you to the waterside.
Not be my Charon to the counter side?
No, my Lord Legate, the Lord Chancellor goes.
And unto no dead world; but Lambeth palace,
Henceforth a centre of the living faith.
[Exeunt Philip, Pole, Paget, etc.
Manet MARY.
He hath awaked! he hath awaked!
He stirs within the darkness!
Oh, Philip, husband! now thy love to mine
Will cling more close, and those bleak manners thaw,
That make me shamed and tongue-tied in my love.
The second Prince of Peace —
The great unborn defender of the Faith,
Who will avenge me of mine enemies —
He comes, and my star rises.
The stormy Wyatts and Northumberlands,
The proud ambitions of Elizabeth,
And all her fieriest partisans — are pale
Before my star!
The light of this new learning wanes and dies:
The ghosts of Luther and Zuinglius fade
Into the deathless hell which is their doom
Before my star!
His sceptre shall go forth from Ind to Ind!
His sword shall hew the heretic peoples down!
His faith shall clothe the world that will be his,
Like universal air and sunshine! Open,
Ye everlasting gates! The King is here! —
My star, my son!
Oh, Philip, come with me;
Good news have I to tell you, news to make
Both of us happy — ay, the Kingdom too.
Nay come with me — one moment!
More than that:
There was one here of late — William the Silent
They call him — he is free enough in talk,
But tells me nothing. You will be, we trust,
Sometime the viceroy of those provinces —
He must deserve his surname better.
Ay, sir;
Inherit the Great Silence.
True; the provinces
Are hard to rule and must be hardly ruled;
Most fruitful, yet, indeed, an empty rind,
All hollow’d out with stinging heresies;
And for their heresies, Alva, they will fight;
You must break them or they break you.
ALVA (proudly).
The first.
Well, Madam, this new happiness of mine?
News, mates! a miracle, a miracle! news!
The bells must ring; Te Deums must be sung;
The Queen hath felt the motion of her babe!
Ay; but see here!
See what?
This paper, Dickon.
I found it fluttering at the palace gates: —
‘The Queen of England is delivered of a dead dog!’
These are the things that madden her. Fie upon it!
Ay; but I hear she hath a dropsy, lad,
Or a high-dropsy, as the doctors call it.
Fie on her dropsy, so she have a dropsy!
I know that she was ever sweet to me.
For thou and thine are Roman to the core.
So thou and thine must be. Take heed!
And whether this flash of news be false or true,
So the wine run, and there be revelry,
Content am I. Let all the steeples clash,
Till the sun dance, as upon Easter Day.
Scene III
Great Hall in Whitehall
At the far end a dais. On this three chairs, two under one canopy
for MARY and PHILIP, another on the right of these for POLE.
Under the dais on POLE’S side, ranged along the wall, sit all the
Spiritual Peers, and along the wall opposite, all the Temporal. The
Commons on cross benches in front, a line of approach to the dais
between them. In the foreground, SIR RALPH BAGENHALL and other
Members of the Commons.
St. Andrew’s day; sit close, sit close, we are friends.
Is reconciled the word? the Pope again?
It must be thus; and yet, cocksbody! how strange
That Gardiner, once so one with all of us
Against this foreign marriage, should have yielded
So utterly! — strange! but stranger still that he,
So fierce against the Headship of the Pope,
Should play the second actor in this pageant
That brings him in; such a cameleon he!
This Gardiner turn’d his coat in Henry’s time;
The serpent that hath slough’d will slough again.
Tut, then we a
ll are serpents.
Speak for yourself.
Ay, and for Gardiner! being English citizen,
How should he bear a bridegroom out of Spain?
The Queen would have him! being English churchman
How should he bear the headship of the Pope?
The Queen would have it! Statesmen that are wise
Shape a necessity, as a sculptor clay,
To their own model.
Statesmen that are wise
Take truth herself for model. What say you?
We talk and talk.
Ay, and what use to talk?
Philip’s no sudden alien — the Queen’s husband,
He’s here, and king, or will be — yet cocksbody!
So hated here! I watch’d a hive of late;
My seven-years’ friend was with me, my young boy;
Out crept a wasp, with half the swarm behind.
‘Philip!’ says he. I had to cuff the rogue
For infant treason.
But they say that bees,
If any creeping life invade their hive
Too gross to be thrust out, will build him round,
And bind him in from harming of their combs.
And Philip by these articles is bound
From stirring hand or foot to wrong the realm.
By bonds of beeswax, like your creeping thing;
But your wise bees had stung him first to death.
Hush, hush!
You wrong the Chancellor: the clauses added
To that same treaty which the emperor sent us
Were mainly Gardiner’s: that no foreigner
Hold office in the household, fleet, forts, army;
That if the Queen should die without a child,
The bond between the kingdoms be dissolved;
That Philip should not mix us any way
With his French wars —
Ay, ay, but what security,
Good sir, for this, if Philip ——
Peace — the Queen, Philip, and Pole.
[All rise, and stand.
[GARDINER conducts them to the three chairs of state.
PHILIP sits on the QUEEN’S left, POLE on her right.
Our short-lived sun, before his winter plunge,
Laughs at the last red leaf, and Andrew’s Day.
Should not this day be held in after years
More solemn than of old?
Madam, my wish
Echoes your Majesty’s.
It shall be so.
Mine echoes both your Graces’; (aside) but the Pope —
Can we not have the Catholic church as well
Without as with the Italian? if we cannot,
Why then the Pope.
My lords of the upper house,
And ye, my masters, of the lower house,
Do ye stand fast by that which ye resolved?
We do.
And be you all one mind to supplicate
The Legate here for pardon, and acknowledge
The primacy of the Pope?
We are all one mind.
Then must I play the vassal to this Pole. [Aside.
[He draws a paper from under his robes and
presents it to the KING and QUEEN, who look
through it and return it to him; then ascends
a tribune, and reads.
We, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
And Commons here in Parliament assembled,
Presenting the whole body of this realm
Of England, and dominions of the same,
Do make most humble suit unto your Majesties,
In our own name and that of all the state,
That by your gracious means and intercession
Our supplication be exhibited
To the Lord Cardinal Pole, sent here as Legate
From our most Holy Father Julius, Pope,
And from the Apostolic see of Rome;
And do declare our penitence and grief
For our long schism and disobedience,
Either in making laws and ordinances
Against the Holy Father’s primacy,
Or else by doing or by speaking aught
Which might impugn or prejudice the same;
By this our supplication promising,
As well for our own selves as all the realm,
That now we be and ever shall be quick,
Under and with your Majesties’ authorities,
To do to the utmost all that in us lies
Towards the abrogation and repeal
Of all such laws and ordinances made;
Whereon we humbly pray your Majesties,
As persons undefiled with our offence,
So to set forth this humble suit of ours
That we the rather by your intercession
May from the Apostolic see obtain,
Thro’ this most reverend Father, absolution,
And full release from danger of all censures
Of Holy Church that we be fall’n into,
So that we may, as children penitent,
Be once again received into the bosom
And unity of Universal Church;
And that this noble realm thro’ after years
May in this unity and obedience
Unto the holy see and reigning Pope
Serve God and both your Majesties.
[All sit.
[He again presents the petition to the KING and
QUEEN, who hand it reverentially to POLE.
POLE (sitting).
This is the loveliest day that ever smiled
On England. All her breath should, incenselike,
Rise to the heavens in grateful praise of Him
Who now recalls her to His ancient fold.
Lo! once again God to this realm hath given
A token of His more especial Grace;
For as this people were the first of all
The islands call’d into the dawning church
Out of the dead, deep night of heathendom,
So now are these the first whom God hath given
Grace to repent and sorrow for their schism;
And if your penitence be not mockery,
Oh how the blessed angels who rejoice
Over one saved do triumph at this hour
In the reborn salvation of a land
So noble. [A pause.
For ourselves we do protest
That our commission is to heal, not harm;
We come not to condemn, but reconcile;
We come not to compel, but call again;
We come not to destroy, but edify;
Nor yet to question things already done;
These are forgiven — matters of the past —
And range with jetsam and with offal thrown
Into the blind sea of forgetfulness. [A pause.
Ye have reversed the attainder laid on us
By him who sack’d the house of God; and we,
Amplier than any field on our poor earth
Can render thanks in fruit for being sown,
Do here and now repay you sixty-fold,
A hundred, yea, a thousand thousand-fold,
With heaven for earth.
[Rising and stretching forth his hands. All kneel but
SIR RALPH BAGENHALL, who rises and remain
s standing.
The Lord who hath redeem’d us
With His own blood, and wash’d us from our sins,
To purchase for Himself a stainless bride;
He, whom the Father hath appointed Head
Of all his church, He by His mercy absolve you! [A pause.
And we by that authority Apostolic,
Given unto us, his Legate, by the Pope,
Our Lord and Holy Father, Julius,
God’s Vicar and Vicegerent upon earth,
Do here absolve you and deliver you
And every one of you, and all the realm
And its dominions from all heresy,
All schism, and from all and every censure,
Judgment, and pain accruing thereupon;
And also we restore you to the bosom
And unity of Universal Church.
[Turning to GARDINER.
Our letters of commission will declare this plainlier.
[QUEEN heard sobbing. Cries of Amen! Amen! Some of the
Members embrace one another. All but SIR RALPH BAGENHALL
pass out into the neighboring chapel, whence is heard
the Te Deum.
We strove against the papacy from the first,
In William’s time, in our first Edward’s time,
And in my master Henry’s time; but now,
The unity of Universal Church,
Mary would have it; and this Gardiner follows;
The unity of Universal Hell,
Philip would have it; and this Gardiner follows!
A Parliament of imitative apes!
Sheep at the gap which Gardiner takes, who not
Believes the Pope, nor any of them believe —
These spaniel-Spaniard English of the time,
Who rub their fawning noses in the dust,
For that is Philip’s gold-dust, and adore
This Vicar of their Vicar. Would I had been
Born Spaniard! I had held my head up then.
I am ashamed that I am Bagenhall,
Sir Ralph Bagenhall!
What of that?
You were the one sole man in either house
Who stood upright when both the houses fell.
The houses fell!
I mean the houses knelt
Before the Legate.
Do not scrimp your phrase,
But stretch it wider; say when England fell.
I say you were the one sole man who stood.
I am the one sole man in either house,
Perchance in England, loves her like a son.
Well, you one man, because you stood upright,
Her Grace the Queen commands you to the Tower.
As traitor, or as heretic, or for what?
If any man in any way would be
The one man, he shall be so to his cost.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Delphi Poets Series Page 141