Bangin'_Knuckles Sexy Bites

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Bangin'_Knuckles Sexy Bites Page 3

by Ryan Michele

  “Jess,” he grumbles from where his forehead lies on the desk, with his dick still inside of me and twitching.

  I really don’t want him to talk. I don’t want him to ruin this moment. If he does the “it was great to see ya” thing…

  Shut up, Jess.

  I clear my throat and remind myself: no emotions. “Yeah?” I answer softly.

  “Come home with me.” It’s not a question, but it takes me a second to answer.

  “Yes,” I whisper as he pulls up and looks down at me.

  His eyes are warm and inviting. It’s a way that he’s never looked at me before. He brushes the hair off my sweat-slicked face then sweeps his lips across mine in a ghost of a kiss.

  “Let’s get dressed. I want you in my bed.” He pulls his dick out of me, and I groan at the loss of him.

  I lift myself and grab my clothes, putting them on quickly as my thoughts turn to how many other women have been in his bed; not that I have any reason to think or feel this way. I wish I didn’t, but suddenly, I have the urge to go to my place instead.

  “You want to come to mine instead?” It’s the first real sentence I could form since my last climax, and it comes out way breathier than normal.

  He tugs his shirt on then undoes the band in his hair, making it fall around his face. Damn, he’s sexy. He ties it back up tight, and even though we just got done and he gave me two of the most fantastic orgasms, I can’t help wanting more.

  “No. You’re in my bed. That’s where you’ll be from now on.”


  “From now on?” I repeat, confused. Sanders is not a one-woman man, at least he never has been.

  He buckles his belt just as I snap my jeans. Then he pulls me to his body before cupping the sides of my face and holding me hostage with his eyes.

  “You have no fucking idea how long I’ve waited for this. How many times I just thought ‘fuck it, I’m going for it.’ Years, Jess.”

  I let his words swirl in my head. He’s wanted me? Really?

  “You gave me a fucking opening, and I’m not letting you go back on it,” he continues.

  He presses his lips to mine, and I grab his hair, fearing I may have just fallen down a large hole that I will never get out of.

  When he pulls back, I can do nothing but stare at the man in front of me. Is this really happening?

  “You got shit to do here?”

  I shake my head, trying to clear the webs. “Uh…” I clear my throat. “I need to go tell everyone I’m heading out.”

  “Meet me out front at my bike. You’re on the back of it,” he demands.

  I become giddy. I have ridden with him on his bike a few times, and each time was better than the last, my arms wrapped around his hard body. But it has been years since I’ve been on it with him.

  “I’ll be there,” I promise.

  He pulls me into him and kisses me before releasing me. Then I run my fingers through my hair. No doubt it looks like I just got fucked really nice and good. Shit.



  Holy fucking shit. Did I just have my dick in Jess? Hell yes, I fucking did. Fuck me.

  I smack her ass as I leave her office, and when she turns around, giving me a jaunt wave and a wink, my dick stands back up at attention.

  Jess has no fucking clue the can of worms she just opened and ignited on fire. She has no idea the spot in my heart—hell, my fucking soul—that has ached for the woman for years. I have sat back and watched those motherfuckers come in and out of her life, wanting to beat the hell out of each of them. None of them deserved her. Fuck, I don’t deserve her, but that doesn’t mean I’m not taking her.

  Jax is the only one who knows about my obsession with his sister, and he’s the only one on the planet that I have allowed to repeatedly call me a pussy for it. Any other woman, I’m on it. I can smooth talk my way with them, getting whatever the hell I want. With Jess, though… it’s so much more, and I wanted her to be ready for what would come after—forever.

  This wasn’t an easy lay. It’s not one night, and I will have my fill of her. No, Jess is what my father used to call my mother. The game changer. The one person on the planet who has a tight grip on your soul and will never let go.

  Listen to me, getting all sappy and shit. I don’t do sappy. But with Jess, I’ll do just about anything.

  I’m the one who kicked that dickhead’s ass back when he stood Jess up at prom. We just made it look like Jax did it, which is fine. I didn’t do it for her to know. I did it for me because I was pissed as shit, even though that night with her was one of the best.

  I’ve watched and waited making the bar my go-to place since she became the owner, knowing she’d be there Friday and Saturday nights. She never seemed ready for what I wanted to give her, but now that she’s opened the door, I’m gripping it with both hands and never letting go.

  I exit the bar the back way and head to my bike, grabbing the helmet that I will make Jess wear. No way in hell is she riding without it. Too precious to risk. She’s ridden behind me before, but never as my woman and that causes a thrill.

  I lean against my Harley and breathe in the night air, trying to will my already hard dick down. There will be no stopping him tonight. None. We’ll be going at it until we pass the hell out and even then there are no guarantees.

  Despite the rumors in town, I’m not this playboy who fucks anyone with a pussy. Women claim they’ve had me. They claim they’ve been with me and, while several have, a majority have not. For the past five months, my dick hasn’t been in a pussy until tonight. Nevertheless, I know women who have told their friends a hell of a story just recently, but no, it didn’t happen.

  Eventually, all the women became the same. Hell, I’m twenty-eight-years-old, and let’s face it—I want more in life. I don’t want an endless blur of women traipsing in and out, only to spread more rumors about my wild ways. Now, I’m not claiming to be a choir boy or anything; I’m just nowhere near where the rumors have said.

  I caught the hesitation in Jess’ voice about her coming to my place. Little does she know that, since two and a half years ago when I bought my house, I’ve never brought a woman there. Never. Jess will be the first, and she will be the last. This is it. I damn well guarantee it. Never said that about anyone, but fuck me, I mean it with every bit of me.

  “There you are.”

  I turn at the shrill voice of Abby, one of the women I was talking to at the bar. Shit. She’s a clingy one and hard to shake off.

  “I’m heading out,” I tell her, in hopes of getting her to move the fuck on. I should know better. I do know better. However, my mind is so wrapped up in Jess I can’t think except for the thought of her getting on the back of my ride.

  “I’d love a ride on your bike.”

  How in the hell did I put up with that voice even for a few minutes? It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  Looking her dead in the eye, I reject, “No. You need to go.”

  Despite my words, Abby moves closer, way too close, and I can’t back up because of my bike.

  “I’ll come wherever you take me.” She tries for seductive, but all I feel is annoyed.

  She reaches out for my waist, and I grab her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length not wanting another woman’s touch. It feels wrong on so many levels.

  “Damn, Sanders, that didn’t take long.” I know Jess is rolling her eyes at me, like she’s done a thousand times before. Only this time, she’s probably pissed off, but who can blame her.

  This is just perfect.

  I remove my hands from Abby, pushing her back a great deal and step around her toward Jess, who stares at me, face blank.

  This is not getting fucked up. I won’t allow it. Jess and my relationship will not start with Abby trying to fuck it up.

  I grab Jess’ hand and pull her toward my bike.

  “You’re with her?” Abby’s tone is condescending and appalling, reminding me what a huge bitch she is.
  “Yep. You go back in there and spread the word. I’m with Jess, and that’s how it’s going to be from now on.”

  Gasps fall around me, but the only one I give a shit for is Jess.

  I cup her face, her green eyes calling to me. “Told you, you needed to make sure.” I take her mouth as if she’s my last meal and all I ever wanted, because she is.

  I hear another swift intake of breath from Abby, but don’t give a fuck. Instead, I deepen the kiss, letting this woman, and everyone else she tells, know that Jess is mine.

  I break away as the lust burns bright. I just had her and need her again. I brush my lips against hers lightly, then grab my helmet, strapping it on her head before climbing on the bike.

  “Get on.”

  She does, and her hot pussy rests against my ass. I could go hours like this, but I want her in my bed. She needs to be in my bed.

  I pull her arms tightly around me, and she holds on, while Abby still stands in the parking lot, gaping at us as we take off into the night. I couldn’t give a shit. I finally have my girl on the back of my bike as my woman for good, because I’m not letting her go.

  Pulling up to my house, the lights around the porch illuminate. The three-bedroom ranch sits on a half-acre lot, which you don’t find a lot on the outskirts of Chicago.

  When it came up for sale, I had to buy it. The people before me passed away, and their kids just wanted to get rid of it. It wasn’t in good shape. Everything needed to be updated, but I did it all with ease. I’m proud of it. Lots of blood and sweat went into it.

  Jess gets off the bike and I follow, taking the helmet off her head. She flips her hair around, and damn if it isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  I tug her hand, pulling her close. Even only having her maybe an hour ago, I still can’t keep my damn hands off her. I never will.

  Kissing her lips, she greedily takes more. It makes me wonder how long she’s had these feelings for me, and how much time we wasted without one another. No more. None of that matters anymore.

  I pull away, hearing her breaths come out in small pants, then waste no time getting her inside the house where I flip on the light switch, illuminating the room.

  “Wow,” she says as I pull her further into the room.

  The floorplan is open making the living room, dining room, and kitchen all one big space, only separated by a countertop bar. Everything is new—wood floors, paint, hell, I even redid all the electrical just to be on the safe side.

  Having Jess in this space feels so damn right.

  “I like it,” I reply nonchalantly as she takes everything in.

  “You did all of this?” she asks, moving to the fireplace that I covered in stone from floor to ceiling. She skates her fingers over the stone.

  “Sure did.” I walk up behind her, putting my arms around her body, and she instantly melts into me, resting her back against me as if we’ve done this a thousand times before.

  “It’s beautiful, Sanders. You did a fantastic job.” She tilts her head back, exposing her neck in the stretch. Who am I to miss a great opportunity?

  I lean down, placing my lips on hers. She meets me move for move, resting her hand on my cheek. Damn, that feels good.

  Turning her in my arms and breaking the kiss, I place my forehead against hers. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

  “You know, if you would’ve asked me, I would’ve come sooner.”

  The stone in my gut drops. I thought she would say that.

  “How long?” That I missed out on you, I want to say, but don’t finish.


  I close my eyes. I may have wasted time, but that is no more. Never anymore. When she was younger she made it painfully obvious, but I thought over the years that sizzle between us fizzled out. It hadn’t, and I’m a damn idiot for trying to wait.

  “Never anymore,” I repeat my thoughts aloud. “Absolutely no more wasted time.”

  She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, and I pull away to watch. Damn, that’s fucking hot. I want to bite that shit.

  “What about you? This couldn’t have been just a whim thing.” There’s that fiery attitude I remember. Damn, that’s sexy too.

  “No, it’s been a while.” I exhale, keeping her in my arms. “Too fucking long.”

  “What do we do now?” she whispers softly in an anxious tone.

  I smirk. “You let me take you to bed and show you.”

  “You think so, big boy?” she teases, pulling herself out of my arms with a smile graced on her lips. Fuck, she’s hot. “I hate to break this…” She trails off, and I know she’s going to go there.

  I grasp her in my arms again, and her hands come to my chest. “No one. You’ll be the first in my bed.”

  Her smile is wide and untamable. This time, she kisses me.

  I waste no time picking her up in a bridal hold and carrying her while still kissing the entire way to my bed. There, I lay her down on the navy-blue fabric, pulling away briefly.

  She looks like an angel sent from the heavens. She’s exactly where she has always intended on being. In my bed with me.

  “You’re beautiful.” That and so damn much more.

  Her smile lights up the damn room, and I vow, in that moment, to never let her go.

  I pull my shirt off and release my cock from its confines. I’m taking her slow this time, wanting to memorize every fucking inch of her body.

  Her eyes light fire when I stand in front of her, my dick hard and demanding attention. She sits up quickly and, before I get a word out, her hot mouth is wrapped around my cock in a suction that would make a vacuum proud. Holy fuck.

  Her tongue laves the underside of my dick, touching each vein with precision. Back in the heat of her mouth, I thrust, knowing I’m not a small man, but I want my dick down her fucking throat.

  She breathes in through her nose, taking every bit of my cock that she can as she cups my balls, rolling them in her hand. Fuck, that’s damn good.

  I grip her hair tightly, pulling just on the side of pain and letting her know that, even if she has my dick in her mouth, I’m the one in charge.

  She complies, and when I hold her head down on my cock a few seconds longer than she’s ready for, Jess tries to pull away. Not until I’m ready do I release her.

  Her gasps for breath and the grin adorning her face are a huge fucking turn on. I pull her back to me and enjoy every lick.

  When my spine begins to tingle, I step away quickly. No way am I coming yet.

  “Hey,” she pretends to protest with a smile.

  “Naked. Now.” I can’t help the demanding tone in my voice. By damn she listens, though, kicking off everything in record time.

  She lays across my bed naked, her tan skin against my navy bedding. The smirk on her lips, along with the intake of her bottom lip in her teeth, have me wanting to explore every inch of her then take her hard and deep.

  I use what little restraint I have to hold back. It’s not much, that’s for damn sure.

  I run my hands up the smooth skin of her thighs, her mewls about doing me in. Her pussy glistens for me, just calling for me to taste, to feast on it with everything I have. I will not disappoint.

  Starting at her right knee, I lick a path from her inner thigh to the top of her bare and slick mound. When she slides her fingers through my hair, I have the notion to pull the holder out and let it hang down over her legs, but fuck that. I want to see her, every part of her.

  I pull away and give the same torture to the other thigh, snaking my tongue up and around, giving special attention to the back of her knee. Her legs lose all their strength and fall open to the bed, inviting me to come further in.

  I make my way to her pussy, but don’t touch her. Instead, I look up and stare into her eyes. Her breaths come in small pants with the slightest rise and fall of her chest, pushing those pert as hell tits up and down repeatedly. Her eyes silently plead what I know she wants. I know she needs it. Fuck, s
o do I.

  In one long lick, the burst of her taste explodes on my tongue. I think I have seriously died and gone to heaven. Never ever has anyone tasted the way Jess does. This is it. She is it.

  When her back arches, I reach around with my arm, pressing her into the mattress and holding her down, making her take what I’m giving her. I lick, nip, suck, and play with every fold and every bit of skin that I encounter.

  I flick her clit lightly, and her hips buck. Fuck yes.

  “Oh God,” she moans, but I want her screaming my name.

  I pull her clit between my lips and suck hard.

  She threads her fingers through my hair as the most beautiful sound escapes her lips…

  “Sanders!” she screams my name, which only eggs me on to do it again.

  I eat like I haven’t had a meal for years, and I haven’t. Not one this succulent. Not one this spectacular. All the others were leading up to this, this moment, to show me without a doubt that this woman is for me. No one will ever compare.

  I set her off two more times before crawling up her body in haste. My cock is so fucking hard it physically hurts, begging me for release. I need inside her now.

  “I need you, Jess,” I tell her right before kissing her, the taste of her pussy mingling with the taste of her lips. Fuck, that’s the best concoction I've ever fucking had.

  She attacks my lips while she pulls at my hair. Fuck, that feels good.

  The head of my cock rests at her entrance, the tip slightly pushed in. The rest of my exploration of her body will need to wait.

  “I want you bareback. You on the pill?”

  “Yes. You clean?” she asks.

  I smile. “Fuck yes, I am. I’d never fucking do anything to hurt you, and I’ve never gone bareback. I just can’t stand the fucking thought of not having you completely.”

  Her eyes soften, and then I kiss her again.

  Her pussy begins to pull me in. At least, that’s how it feels. It may be that my dick has found its new home and can’t stay the hell away. I’m not entirely sure which, and frankly, I don’t give a shit.

  I glide inside her hot, slick, wet channel, my dick throbbing the entire time. Fuck, I’m not lasting long. She’s… She’s too much.


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