The Fireman's Ready-Made Family

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The Fireman's Ready-Made Family Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  “Do they have these pictures?”

  Marly nodded. “I also have copies.”

  “So what else did you threaten him with?” Drake asked.

  With a sigh, Marly met his gaze. “I don’t want to get into that. The bottom line is I left after he hurt me.”

  Drake’s heart literally clenched at her bold confession. “He hurt you more than once.”

  He didn’t ask; he knew. But her nod just confirmed his fear.

  “Mentally at first,” she murmured. “He controlled me, wanted me to be the perfect show wife. I mean, I have the blond hair and the curvy build, why would I want to work and use my degree when I could be arm candy and entice voters? He was appalled that I wanted to continue my work in the burn unit at the hospital.”

  Drake stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. “You’re an amazing nurse, Marly.”

  “I love what I do,” she stated. “But when I got pregnant with Willow, he demanded I stop. That’s when he started getting violent.”

  Drake wanted to rip this guy’s head off. What lowlife hit a woman, let alone a pregnant one? There was no excuse for his behavior. Absolutely none.

  “I don’t want to get into the details,” she added. “I’ve made a break, I’m trying to start fresh and give Willow a better life. She didn’t witness any abuse—actually, her father ignored her most of her life. He didn’t want to be bothered with annoyances such as teething, potty training, random sicknesses. He also wasn’t thrilled that her personality tended to stray toward tomboy and not a meek, quiet little girl.”

  “The more I hear, the more I hate this man.” Drake tried to keep his tone level, but he was seriously starting to feel his blood pressure soar. “I know I’m not Willow’s father, but I just don’t see how anybody could look at her and not fall in love. She’s an amazing little girl, so full of life.”

  Marly’s sad face softened with a genuine smile. “She’s everything to me. I’m not sure I would’ve had the courage to leave if not for her. I just knew I never wanted her to see that, never wanted her to think abuse of any kind was okay. I want her to grow up and fall in love and not worry about saying or doing something wrong.”

  Drake couldn’t stop himself from reaching with his free hand to stroke the side of her face. “And what about you? Do you want to fall in love and not worry?”

  Marly closed her eyes, turning her face just slightly toward his hand. Drake cupped her cheek, stroking the dark circle beneath her eye. He hated how hard she worked, how much she pushed herself.

  “I’d love to fall in love,” she whispered. “I had a fantasy as a little girl that I would marry the man of my dreams. No little girl ever dreams of being neglected, taken for granted...abused. But I’m getting stronger every single day. I won’t let myself get that low again. Ever.”

  She whispered the word abused as if it were a disease. In a sense, Drake figured it was. The word alone crippled her, made her feel inferior and less than who she was, which was a vibrant woman, beautiful and courageous.

  “I won’t let him get to you, Marly. You’re safe here.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Nobody can stop him.”

  “I guarantee I’m more determined to keep you safe than he is to get you back.” Drake would lay down his life for Marly and Willow. The raw emotions threatened to have him taking charge of her situation, but he knew she needed to remain in control. “Trust me.”

  Marly’s hand came up to his face, the stubble on his jaw bristling beneath her palm. He loved those soft hands on him, loved how she was slowly reaching out to him, literally and figuratively. Little by little he was breaking her barriers of defense down, and he’d scale over anything that was left.

  “I trust you,” she told him with a smile. “You lost your job and immediately thought of everyone else around you. You’re a good man.”

  Drake laughed. “I should’ve gotten suspended weeks ago. I had no idea that was what it would take to win your trust.”

  “I didn’t expect to trust again, especially so fast.” Marly dropped her hand and settled it over their entwined fingers still in his lap. “You do something to me, Drake. At first I was afraid of how fast my emotions were spiraling toward you. I mean, how could I trust anything I felt after what I’d lived through? But you’re a different man than he was and I’m still getting used to the fact that you know how to treat a woman, and you know when to be patient.”

  “My patience skills are really being tested right now,” he told her with a smile. “Because all I want to do is kiss you.”

  Drake was utterly shocked when Marly scooted in, held on to his hand and slid her mouth over his. As he opened to her he felt as if he’d won some sort of lottery. She was kissing him. She’d never initiated anything before, and here she was taking charge.

  With his free hand, Drake cupped his hand around the nape of her neck and changed the angle of the kiss so he could get better access. With his knee between them, it was hard to get the closeness he craved, so he adjusted his body, putting his feet on the floor, and inched closer to Marly.

  Her hands slid from his and traveled up over his T-shirt. She gripped his shoulders as she moved closer, as well. Her passion was evident, and Drake wanted much as she was willing to give.

  Drake broke free of her sensual lips and kissed his way down her neck. Marly arched her back, still holding on to his shoulders. He still needed more.

  Snaking his hands up under her oversize shirt, Drake nearly whimpered when his fingertips came in contact with smooth skin. He traveled on up until his thumbs brushed the underside of her satin bra. He pulled her cups down with both hands and filled his palms with her softness. Marly let out a low moan that shot straight to his gut and had him lifting her shirt.

  “You’re stunning,” he told her, ducking his head to taste her.

  Marly cupped the side of his head as if holding him in position. With her back arched, Drake eased her down until she lay on the sofa. He brought himself over her, never breaking contact.

  When her hands went back to his shoulders, it took him a moment to realize she wasn’t clenching anymore but pushing. He lifted his head, glanced down at her face to see that she’d gone pale.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “This is... I can’t...”

  He lifted himself off her, wondering what part had scared her.

  “Don’t apologize,” he told her, reaching down to adjust her shirt. “I shouldn’t have pushed.”

  With shaky hands, she smoothed her shirt herself and sat up...on the other end of the sofa. “No, no. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want. I just wasn’t expecting to be so nervous. But when I felt your weight on me...”

  Her voice cracked as she put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. The unspoken words slammed into Drake and he knew... Damn it, he knew full well what she’d endured at the hands of her ex.

  Now more than ever he vowed she would not fall victim to that man again. He had to tamp down his fury, keep it hidden so as not to scare her further.

  But he would be making a call to his police chief brother to see what they could do, since he wouldn’t allow Marly to live in fear any longer. Her superwoman act had to end because while he was perfectly aware she could stand on her own, he didn’t want her to. He wanted to be the one she leaned on, the one she came to for support and when she was afraid.

  “I’m not ready,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “I understand if that’s not what you wanted to hear, if you want to move on.”

  When she turned to face him with tears in her eyes, Drake’s heart broke for her.

  “I mean, you’re ready to move on, you’ve said that,” she added. “Waiting on me would be like working backward.”

  Drake reached across the gap between them and held her face in his hands until she kept her watery doe eyes on him. “Waiting for you isn’t working backward. Waiting on you is definitely a step in the right direction...for both of us. You need support, emotionally
if nothing else, and I damn well will be the one to provide it. I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for, Marly, but I’m not walking away because you’re vulnerable and you’re afraid.”

  One lone tear slid down her cheek. “I wish I’d found you first.”

  Her bold, raw revelation pierced his heart. “You found me last. That’s what matters.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Drake slid another coat of mud on the drywall to hide the nails and the tape. Soon this room would be...something. He really didn’t know what he’d do with the addition to the back of his house. He’d originally started this project as a way to vent after Andrea’s death. She had died as a result of his driving, a detail from the accident that he liked to keep in the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind.

  Using his hands, building something and actually having control over the outcome had been great therapy.

  Now, however, the target of his rage was Kevin. The haunted, frightened look in Marly’s eyes burned in his mind. Another man may have been the one to put that level of fear in her, but Drake would damn well be the man to take it out.

  He hadn’t been lying when he’d told her he was the last man to enter her life. He wanted to be that last man, and the revelation shocked the hell out of him...but in a good way.

  Since Andrea’s death, he’d been so cautious about whom he asked out, but everything about Marly seemed to click into place with his life and his desires. Definitely his desires.

  On every level he wanted to make her happy, wanted to see a light in her eyes that he only saw when she spoke of her daughter.

  And Willow? She’d totally stolen his heart from day one. How was she taking all of this? The move, being away from her father... Of course, if she was being ignored or brushed aside by her dad, perhaps she didn’t even miss him.

  The sweet girl had no idea the joy of that family bond. Drake had grown up with such a tight-knit family, between his affectionate parents and his hellion brothers. Of course they clashed at times—what family didn’t?—but they were always there for each other, always supportive.

  Drake swiped his wide spatula over the glop of mud and wiped the excess against the tray he held. He jerked his head around when he heard his front door open and shut. Heavy footsteps sounded down the hallway.

  When his brother Cameron poked his head in, Drake went back to work.

  “Grab that other tray and make yourself useful,” Drake told him.

  “Your warm greetings always make me want to stop and visit more often.”

  Cameron rattled around behind him and Drake smiled. He knew Cameron also chased demons away by doing physical labor. Of course, Cameron was private and nobody knew what was eating at him lately.

  “It’s looking good,” Cameron commented. “Figure out what you’re going to use this for?”

  “Not a clue.” Drake glanced over his shoulder and pointed with his spatula. “That bucket is the one I’ve been dipping out of.”

  “Heard you got suspended.”

  Drake cringed. “Yeah. Mayor Jerkwad decided that we needed another man in my department cut. When I refused to lay off another hard worker, he opted to remove me.”

  “This won’t stick,” Cameron assured him. “And he won’t get reelected.”

  Drake nodded. “I know, but that man just lives to be a nuisance.”

  “Wanna talk about it?” Cameron asked.

  “If I did, I’d go on some talk show and cry in front of the nation. I’m good.”

  They worked in silence for a few minutes. Obviously something was on Cameron’s mind or he wouldn’t have stopped by, but Drake knew his older brother well enough to know not to push.

  “Hear you have a woman.”

  Drake laughed, dropping his spatula into the tray. “That’s not what I thought you’d lead in with, but yeah, I guess I do.”

  “Heard she’s a pretty nurse with a cute kid.” Cameron turned, glancing over his shoulder. “You ready for all of that?”

  Drake nodded. “I wasn’t sure if I was at first, but I am now.”

  He moved on to the next wall and started covering up the nails. “While we’re on the topic, I know you’re swamped with whatever has had you away from us for months, but I need you to run a check on someone.”


  “Her ex.”

  “Come on, Drake. You can’t be running a background check on an ex,” Cameron complained with a snort.

  Dropping his spatula into the mud, Drake turned and leaned against the dry part of the wall. “He’s abusive, Cameron.”

  His brother turned as well and cursed beneath his breath. “All right. Give me the details you have.”

  “From what Marly says, he’s powerful. I don’t know what she means by that. His first name is Kevin.”

  Cameron’s brows raised. “And? That’s all?”

  “Her last name is Haskins. I assume that’s his, as well.” Something clicked in his mind. “Kevin Haskins,” he whispered. “Oh, hell.”

  Cameron’s brows shot up. “You’re dating the ex-wife of the state representative?”

  Powerful, wanting a perfect family image... Drake should’ve guessed he was a politician. His gut churned, and everything she’d ever told him made him sick to his stomach.

  “Damn it.” Drake took a seat on the lid of a bucket of mud and sat his tray next to him on the subfloor. “No wonder she’s afraid for me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Drake eyed his brother. “She told me I couldn’t get involved because her ex would ruin me and my career. I had no idea he was that powerful.”

  “Are you going to back down?” Cameron asked.

  “What do you think?”

  Cameron laughed. “I think Kevin has one hell of a fight on his hands. The man’s a politician. I’ve no doubt he’s got some skeletons hidden in his dirty closet.”

  Drake nodded. “I don’t care what you find, how minor it is, let me know. She’s got pictures of the abuse.”

  “Why hasn’t she taken them to the cops?” Cameron asked, finding the lid to the used bucket and putting it on so he could take a seat. “She could get a restraining order.”

  “She did take them,” Drake corrected. “She was told they’d look into it and that was months ago. They keep giving her the runaround, and she figures Kevin has the Nashville PD in his pocket.”

  Cameron swore again, and the muscles in his tattooed forearm flexed as he tightened his grip on the tray in his hand. “I’ll look into it myself. I’m busy, but not too busy to bury a dirty, wife-beating politician. The little girl... Did he ever—”

  “No.” Drake shook his head. “Marly said he basically ignored her.”

  “Well, that’s something. I’ve got a good friend who’s an investigator. He’ll make this top priority.”

  “Let me know what I owe him.”

  Cameron nodded. “He works cheap for me, but I’ll let you know.”

  “So what brought you here?” Drake asked. “Because I know it wasn’t to spackle—as glamorous as this job is.”

  Cameron sighed. “I’ve just got a lot going on and needed a break. Figured you’d be here working.”

  “You want a beer?” Drake offered.

  “Nah. I’ve got to be somewhere this evening and I need to be alert. Although having a couple of beers doesn’t sound bad right now.”

  Drake came to his feet, stretching out the kink in his back from installing the new drywall on the ceiling last night after he’d left Marly’s house.

  “How soon will you be wrapping up this mysterious case?” Drake asked, picking up his tray to get back to work.

  “I have no idea. Soon, I hope, but realistically, probably not for at least another month.”

  “Is something big going on in town, or are you working with another department?”

  Behind him, he heard Cameron getting back to work, as well. “I can’t say much, but it’s my department and other law enforcement. If everything goes down as it should, this
will be epic.”

  Drake knew Cameron’s job was dangerous, hell, his own was dangerous, but he couldn’t help but worry about his brother’s state of mind. Going deep undercover wasn’t something the chief did often, but Drake knew his brother wasn’t about to sit on the sidelines and let other people go after the bad guys.

  “Is there something in particular about this case that’s bothering you, or is it just the overall red tape and jumping through hoops to make sure the suspect is brought down right?”

  Cameron let out a faint laugh. “Oh, the jumping through hoops is always the bane of my existence, but there’s more with this case.”

  Drake wasn’t stupid, and knew his brother well enough to read between the lines. “A woman?” he asked.


  “She the perp?” Drake asked.

  “No, but she may be getting caught in the middle.”

  No wonder Cameron needed to vent and blow off some steam. But there were other ways to do it besides putting up drywall. His brother was as much of a protector as Drake and Eli were.

  “How about a game of one-on-one?” Drake suggested.

  Cameron shrugged. “I suppose I could kick your butt before I head in.”

  “Please. You’re an old man, exhausted from staying out too late. I’ll win this match in no time and you’ll still have time for a nap before you go to work.”

  Cameron flipped him the finger. Drake hated what his brother was going through, hated that he was torn between his emotions and loyalty to his work.

  But Cameron was a strong man and an even stronger cop, and Drake had every confidence in the world that Cameron would find dirt on Kevin. Because even though Marly was afraid for him, he wasn’t afraid one bit.

  Angry, yes; ready to fight all of her battles, definitely, but not afraid.

  Regardless, in the end, Drake would get what he wanted. And he wanted Marly and Willow in his life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Willow had finally gotten her engine ride thanks to Drake’s second-in-command, Tyler Warren. Tyler was a sucker for kids and Willow was one easy child to fall for...especially when she’d shown up in her worn cowgirl boots and the fireman’s helmet Drake had given her.


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