As the Gravity Flipped

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As the Gravity Flipped Page 18

by Herschel K. Stroganoff

  Wynn sighed. "Look, I understand you've got a job to do, but speaking freely at this time might do me more harm than good."

  "You're speaking about the Secretary aren't you?" Tshilidzi ventured.

  Wynn gave a half smile and regarded Tshilidzi. "So, you understand my reservations," he said.

  "All too well. But I'm investigating every avenue I can. Rest assured that no one - not even the Secretary - is above the Judiciary. You can speak candidly. Everything you tell me will only be used for the investigation, and will not be seen by the Secretary."

  Wynn scratched his head and frowned. "I have a theory - and it is only a theory." Pausing, he looked at the bathroom door, quickly turning back to Tshilidzi. "You can guarantee my confidence in this?"

  Tshilidzi nodded. "Of course."

  "You need to look at who benefits most from the deaths."

  "Obviously," Tshilidzi agreed.

  "It wouldn't be much of a stretch to implicate any group in this. Ozu said it was the Purdah - perhaps that's right, but it doesn't make sense. The Purdah have stolen from all the Affiliates at one point or another, but they've never killed. Their profits are in knowledge, in being able to do things that other Affiliates can do, but for a better price."

  Tshilidzi coughed. "I've already dismissed the role of the Purdah in this."

  "Then you look at what the Yao have been trying for. Did you know they were lobbying for some massive mining projects on Mars and Lunar? Obviously, there was a lot of resistance on the Assembly, but I've heard rumours they were planning on buying up vast areas of the surface to start mining. Of course, there's no truth to these rumours as far as I can muster, but that's what some have said. Even then, it still seems bit tenuous." Wynn shook his head. "No. I think this all boils down to the weapons vote."

  Tshilidzi gave a half smile as he sipped his tea. "I was hoping this is where you were going."

  "You obviously know about the vote. The Yao has always been with us when it comes to ballistics. Just the idea of a weapon that could pierce a dome or a ship fills many of us with dread."

  Tshilidzi nodded.

  "On its own, it could be put down to opportunism. The numbers in the Assembly were always close when it came to this issue and with the Yao out of the picture, it's possible that a plan was quickly put together or that they'd been waiting for such an opportunity. It's grubby, but it could have been a response to an opportunity that fell into their laps."

  Tshilidzi nodded again. "So what's changed?"

  "The Kurosawa execution. Hayao always opposed weapons, and his death - the whole trial - was beyond ridiculous. His death may have passed through due process, but as far as I'm concerned Hayao Kurosawa was murdered. Ozu made it so he was conveniently out of the way. But he didn't stop there."

  Tshilidzi frowned. "I did read the troubling story about his dealings with the former Vice Secretary and I have found no evidence to support the Secretary's claim that he was a member of the Purdah."

  "It's a fucking stitch-up. And what he's doing to Madam Kurosawa--." Wynn froze and clenched his jaw.

  "What is it?"

  "I can't." Wynn glanced over to the bathroom and cursed himself.

  "Please. If there is something pertinent to the investigation, it is your duty--."

  "Yes, yes. I get that," Wynn snapped. "Look, if you're serious about this. If you're really serious about following this investigation properly, you need to speak to Kurosawa's wife, Natsuki."

  "That's fine, I'm more than happy to do that," Tshilidzi said.

  Wynn sighed. "You don't understand. She was arrested last night on Ozu's orders."

  "Ah," Tshilidzi frowned. "In that case, it will be impossible to speak to her."

  "She's here," Wynn said flatly. "She escaped the Judiciary and turned up here just before you arrived. But I need you to promise not to say anything. Ozu had her arrested for treason."

  "The Judiciary will treat her fairly," Tshilidzi said. "If she--."

  "Like her husband was dealt with fairly?"

  Tshilidzi stared.

  "She'll be executed for telling the truth," Wynn said. "Are you going to sit back and let another person be killed by Ozu? Because this is what will happen if you turn her over to the Judiciary."

  Tshilidzi sighed. "I can't be seen to have interviewed an escaped prisoner."

  "Then backdate her statement. It's the only way. If your suspicions are pointing to Ozu and you can stop more people falling victim - don't you think it's your responsibility to help?"

  Tshilidzi scratch his head for a long moment.

  "Okay," Tshilidzi said. "I will speak to Madam Kurosawa, but I will not take responsibility for the Secretary's actions."

  "But you will do this, though?" Wynn said quietly. "You won't report Natsuki?"

  "You have me words," Tshilidzi said.

  Wynn looked over to the bathroom as the door creaked open. His heart froze for a moment as Natsuki entered the sitting room dressed in one of his late wife's favourite dresses.

  "I picked this one," Natsuki said. "It's okay isn't it?"

  Natsuki looked to Tshilidzi and then back to him.

  "Why?" she said, deflated.

  "It's not what it looks like, this is Tshilidzi Dumi. He's investigating the Yao murders. He wants to hear about your issues with Ozu. You're safe," he said.

  Tshilidzi stood and turned to Natsuki. "Madam Kurosawa. I've heard so much about your troubles, and I can only give you my deepest sympathies."

  Wynn sat back down as Natsuki seated herself on the sofa beside Tshilidzi.

  "Okay. Takeshi made sure my husband was killed," she began, her voice frantic, her tone urgent. "The trial was a joke. He cleaned him. Did you know that? I should have done that. He had guards hold him down. He was sent out an airlock. For one punch? One punch?" Natsuki gasped for air.

  Wynn flinched at Natsuki's intensity. Her eyes were wide. It was a look Wynn had never seen from Natsuki before - or anyone else for that matter.

  "I told a reporter. So stupid. They arrested me in the middle of the night. They took Riko."

  "Riko?" asked Tshilidzi.

  "It's her daughter - she's just turned three," Wynn said.

  Natsuki shook her head doggedly and stared at her palms. "He came to see me. He said he would clean me and said he'd make sure I was executed. He even came to tell me there were no hard feelings after Hayao died. Can you believe that? Can you believe the nerve?" Natsuki sighed. "Fuck." She bit her lip as her eyes met Tshilidzi's. "I don't usually swear like that," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

  "It's fine," said Tshilidzi. "And this was last night? The arrest, I mean."

  Natsuki nodded. "I shouldn't have spoken to the reporter. I know that now, but he wants me killed. He'll hide behind the Judiciary, but--." Natsuki's hands tightened into fists as tears welled in her eyes. "I escaped and came to Wynn. I didn't know who else to turn to.".

  Tshilidzi let out a sigh. "I know it's probably nothing," he said, "but the Chair of the Solar Assembly came to see me. He wasn't direct, but I'm sure he was warning me away from looking into Ozu."

  Wynn frowned. "What's the Chair got to do with this?"

  "Exactly," said Tshilidzi.

  # # #

  Yao ships leave others behind

  Original published by Jovian Reporter, 04/01/6,530

  Ships capable of reaching speeds in excess of 50,000 kilometres per second have been unveiled by the Yao.

  Using their latest propulsion technology, the Yao say their ships can now travel three times faster than any vessel produced by Fune.

  Yao Chin said: "We are obviously very pleased with the research, but we are still nowhere near our target.

  "Our aim over the next two centuries is to produce ships capable of reaching half the speed of light.

  "This is still a long way from being realised, but we are confident in our research.

  "We hope that United Solar citizens will join is in supporting our ambitions for intergalactic trav

  When pressed, Yao Chin would not give details of the new propulsion system.

  # # #

  Chapter Fourteen

  Akira: United Solar Assembly, Insularum 1, Lunar

  15/07/6,544, 17:04 (IST)

  Akira glanced along the row of empty Yao seats, standing like grim headstones near the front of the Chamber. She recognised the usual faces as they took their seats: the Representatives from the eight provinces; Affiliate officers; the holders of some of the most important licenses across the Union.

  She had seen many changes over the previous weeks, but she found it comforting to see some things still remained the same - that amid the chaos, there was still stability.

  Lunar Secretary Takeshi Ozu took his place next to Hayao Kurosowa's empty seat.

  Akira pushed her glasses up her nose as Chair Akash Tagore entered, flanked as ever by a pair of guards as he took a seat at the raised platform facing the Chamber..

  "Please be seated," Akash said. "We have a lot of things on the agenda today. Firstly, if Secretary Ozu could provide a statement to the Assembly on the civil unrest around Venus."

  Akira picked up her notepad as Takeshi stood. "Thank you Chair," he said, bowing his head. "Representatives, as you are no doubt aware, we have received reports of disorder around the inner provinces, perhaps most notably on Venus's V2, V4 and V5 orbiters. We have also recently received distress calls from Titan calling for assistance. We believe these have been fuelled by a rogue Purdah agents working to disrupt our way of life. But rest assured that Molotok ships have already liaised with the stricken orbiters and extracted any Affiliates as a top priority."

  Takeshi returned to his seat and waited for other members to respond. Akira had reported on Assembly meetings for over thirty years and was surprised when nobody else stood to make a response. "This is weird," she muttered, leaning to a reporter sat next to her. "They're usually clamouring to get a word in."

  Akash's face turned into a bemused frown. "Okay," Akash said. "Second on the list. Would Secretary Ozu care to provide an update for the Assembly on the influx of refugees to Lunar?"

  Takeshi rose again and turned a warm smile to the Assembly. Akira started when for a second she caught him staring at her.

  "As Representatives will be aware," he said. "A number of refugees have made their way to Lunar as a result of the crisis. We are dealing with this migrant problem as best we can.

  "Luckily, many of the refugees came from V5 - no doubt those citizens will have the resources to settle quickly without burdening the Union. It is those from V4 that are currently being held on L2, and it will remain that way until we can be sure that no Purdah agents have infiltrated the refugee ships."

  Takeshi returned to his seat. There was a long silent pause before Akash cleared his throat. "You're all very quiet today," he said with a joking tone. A few nervous laughs rang loud around the Assembly. Akira could feel the tension buzzing in the air. This was an Assembly sitting in fear.

  "Third on the agenda," Akash said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "If Secretary Ozu could update the Assembly on the economic crisis."

  Takeshi stood again and wore a grave expression. "The callous terrorist atrocity carried out by the Purdah has placed our Union on the brink--."

  Akira pushed her glasses up her nose as Akash banged his gavel. "Secretary Ozu, there is an ongoing investigation into the deaths of the Yao. If you could refrain from making any statements that could prejudice that investigation."

  "My apologies Chair," Takeshi said with a curt bow. "The facts are simple. All production controlled by the Yao has ceased and will continue to be on hold until such time as the final two bodies can be located. We are in an unacceptable bind and steps are being taken to work through some of the ridiculous legal blocks that are damaging our Union.

  "We've already seen some of the problems around Mercury and Venus, and I am concerned that the unrest will only spread. Indeed, the wife of former Vice Secretary Hayao Kurosawa was recently arrested for treason and now at large after escaping the Judiciary."

  Akira sat up, shocked. She bit her lip and removed her glasses.

  Inge Tomas raised a hand. "I was unaware that Madam Kurosawa had been arrested Secretary," said Inge, rising to her feet. "You say she's escaped from the Judiciary? Well, I believe I saw her. She was dressed like a maintenance worker - I assumed it was because of the shame she felt about her traitor husband."

  Takeshi raised an eyebrow. "Really? Go on."

  "She took off quite abruptly, but she got off around one of the Insularum stops - maybe at dome four or five."

  "I will make sure to notify Molotok," said Takeshi. "You have been a great help as ever Madam Tomas."

  Takeshi turned his attention back to the Assembly as Inge returned to her seat. "This is why I will be using my executive powers at this time to introduce heightened security across the Union," Takeshi continued.

  "I will be instructing Molotok to patrol our streets and protect our platforms from the Purdah. I will order that all citizens - excluding United Solar Affiliates - be subject to evening curfews. Molotok members will be armed and given the right to search and question citizens if they find reason to be suspicious. This is an unwanted, but necessary precaution - I think you'll all agree."

  Akira shook her head as she felt the silence of the Assembly. Clenching her jaw.

  Wynn Efans stood to speak. "Chair, it seems to me that the power of this Assembly is completely undermined by Secretary Ozu's executive powers," he said.

  "These are extraordinary times Representative Efans," Takeshi growled. "One might think you were sympathetic to the Purdah."

  "With respect, not everything is a clear-cut as you make it to be Mister Secretary." Wynn turned to Akash. "Chair, if I could please call for a vote on the Secretary's motion."

  Akash looked down at Wynn and frowned. "No motion has been put forward Representative Efans."

  "Well, can I put it forward then?"

  "I'm afraid that's impossible. The constitution dictates--."

  "Yeah, yeah." Wynn's face curled into a grimace as he turned to the other Representatives. "You all sit there. You are all afraid of what this man will do if you dare to challenge him. This is not the time to impose what the Secretary is suggesting - can't you see that?"

  "Mister Efans," shouted Akash as he banged his gavel.

  "We have our laws, we have our constitution, but they are wrong - we need to change--." Wynn's words were lost over the noise.

  "You have been warned many times in previous sessions Mister Efans. The law is the law, now please be seated or remove yourself from this Assembly."

  "What Assembly? We don't have an Assembly anymore - we have the whims of one man."

  Akira smiled as Wynn stormed out of the Chamber.

  "He's trouble, that one," Takeshi said with a flippant shrug.

  # # #

  Chao-xing, The Occulto, in region of Phobos, Mars

  05/06/6,544, 08:43 (IST)

  "I'm going to reactivate my implants," Chao-xing said. "If the family want to continue to snub me, that's up to them. I know what I need to do, but I'll need you turn off the Occulto's signal shields."

  "What are you going to do?" Armand asked.

  "We've got access to a Yao orbiter. I think it's time we used it."

  "That's not an answer."

  "I'm going to kill them," she said. "I'm going to kill them all."

  Armand nodded. "Promise me you won't let the implants change you."

  Chao-xing gave no answer.

  # # #

  Ajay: The Segrado, in region of Saturn

  09/07/6,544, 22:43 (IST)

  Ajay chewed on a flavourless chicken ration as he considered his next move. Three days since Azra ordered him to leave the Coraygar and Ajay was still seething.

  He'd not slept since his exile and had spent most of his waking hours thinking about what had gone wrong. He hated to think that Azra could no longer trust him - that was
the biggest blow. Ajay had dealt with worse, but he felt something more than kinship with Azra. Was it love? He wasn't sure. He didn't think so, but why did he feel so lost, so empty? The questions rattled around his mind as though stuck on a continuous, tedious loop.

  "This is boring," he said to no one as he wiped a thin film of grease from his mouth. He leaned back in his seat, wrinkling his nose at the smell of his own stale sweat. He realised he hadn't washed since he first arrived on the Coraygar.

  Ajay jerked up in his seat as an alarm from the ship's long-range scanner sounded. It was probably nothing, but travelling at such high speeds meant there was no room for complacency, no room error. The console told him there were ten ships in close formation set on a collision course with the Segrado. Biting his lip, he tapped quickly on his console and frowned as no information could be called up for the ships.

  Ajay was familiar with such systems - the Segrado was undetectable to most routine scans, many Purdah vessels offered fake, corrupt or blank identifying metadata to other ships.

  He took a series of images of the approaching craft and waited several seconds for their signal to return. Examining the images, he recognised them as basic Muedin vessels, but there was something different about them. He zoomed the image in to the underside of a single ship and noted the addition of a cannon.

  Ajay scraped his hair back and considered the image carefully, trying to work out why they would be heading towards his ship. Then it dawned on him: they weren't heading for him, they were heading for the Coraygar.

  He gasped and reached for his communicator. "Coraygar. Coraygar. Code one. Code one."

  He waited, but heard only faint static.

  "Coraygar. Coraygar. This is the Segrado. Azra, please."

  He held his breath as he waited for a response.

  "This is Azra - what the fuck do you--."

  "Listen, Muedin ships are heading straight to you. This is not a joke, this not a drill. Move the Coraygar now. They have weapons. This is a code one - do you understand?" Ajay panted as he waited for a response. He felt his heartbeat as he tugged nervously on his ponytail.


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