Bred by the Alpha

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Bred by the Alpha Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She shook her head. “I live alone.”

  “You’re new to town. You’ll have to let me show you around one day.”

  Rebecca felt a jolt of excitement. This gorgeous, beast of a man was actually interested in her? Or was he just being nice?

  Chapter Two

  “You’re different,” Ben said.

  Liam glanced toward his friend and shook his head. “No, I’m not.”

  “Yeah, you are. Since you came back home the other night, you’ve been … happy.”

  Of course he was happy. Rebecca had given him something to think about other than his lack of a mate, or the fact he was desperate to meet the right woman. Rebecca called to him in a way no other woman had. He felt possessive, fueled by desire and a need to get to know her. She was perfect for him in every single way. He knew it deep down into his soul, and there was no way that was ever going to change.

  Since meeting her, every second that he thought about her, he couldn’t get the image of her heavily pregnant with his child out of his mind. She was his mate, he was sure of it. The scent of her, the need to take care of her, it all led to one conclusion—Rebecca, the mystery shopping lady, was his mate.

  “What’s wrong with me being happy? I’m not moody or snapping. All of you have been complaining about it.”

  “You’ve met a woman, haven’t you?” Ben asked.

  “I’ve met someone, yes. No, I’m not telling you about her or anything else. Just know that it’s serious.”

  “Come on, you can’t do that. There’s no way you can leave us hanging like this,” Ben said. “I’ll tell the others.”

  Liam smirked. “Go ahead, tell the others. I thought your places would be ready by now.”

  “We’ve hit a couple of snags.”

  “You mean your mates want it a certain way and now you’re having to wait to make the necessary changes,” Liam said, aware of his fellow packmates’ plans. His friends couldn’t say no to their females, and it was no surprise. He saw their daily devotion to each other. It was just another reason why he wanted to go out tonight.

  Coffee wasn’t something he really enjoyed, but the chance to see Rebecca again was too hard to pass up. Besides, they were heading to a place that had seats outside, and he didn’t like being in buildings, especially with humans. The scent of them often annoyed and irritated him, driving his wolf crazy. She wanted him to bring Alphie as well.

  “When you’re mated you’ll understand. We all want them to be happy and to give them whatever their hearts desire,” Ben said.

  Liam smiled. “I get it. I do.”

  “You know, I think I like crazy, brooding Liam a lot more. I’m used to him. Are you getting laid?”

  He sighed. “Look, I’ve got a date, and I like this woman.”

  “Who is it?”

  “You don’t know her.”

  “She’s not part of the pack?”


  “A casual hookup?”

  He snarled, hating the thought of any man considering Rebecca a casual thing.

  Whoa, down, boy!

  “Wow, I’ve never known you to have a reaction like that. Are you okay?” Ben asked.

  “I don’t know, but until we know exactly what is going on, don’t refer to Rebecca as anything other than her name.” He’d been known these past fifty years to be in complete control. Even as a young one, his wolf had never taken control of him.

  He’d been one of the few wolves within the pack that showed zero emotion, and his wolf constantly stayed at bay until he needed him.

  This was the first time that he hadn’t been in control.

  “Are you sure having coffee is a good idea?”

  “I think so. I want some coffee.”

  “You hate coffee,” Ben said.

  Liam was fast growing bored with his best friend. He wasn’t used to feeling so fucking desperate to get out of his home. This was his sanctuary.

  “Could you stop with the third degree already? And for the record, the dining room table is for eating on, not for fucking your woman.”

  He saw Ben’s cheeks heat.

  “I’ve seen way too much of your, Eli’s, and Jake’s asses. That table is for when I have a mate so that I can fuck her on it, not you, not your mates, mine. Now, do you think you can stick to your bedrooms tonight?”

  He didn’t give Ben time to answer. Leaving his home, he whistled for Alphie, and smiled as his dog trotted toward him. He really did love this guy.

  “You ready to go and meet our girl?” he asked.

  Alphie cocked his head to the side.

  “Yeah, you understand me, don’t you? Always could.” He kissed the top of his dog’s head. “I could really use the walk, but I know that’s going to look weird. Especially when I bring her back here one day. Don’t want to freak her out too much just yet. We’re taking the jeep.” Alphie whined. “I know, boy. I know. I want to walk, too. We’ve got to look a little normal to my female. Don’t want her thinking I’m a bit weird before we’ve even got there. Now, remember, if it looks like I’m screwing up, you’ve got to do that adorable thing. Remember, roll over, show your belly.”

  He laughed as Alphie did just that. “Good boy. Come on then, let’s go.”

  Whistling to himself, he made his way over to his jeep, opened the door, and waited for Alphie to climb up before jumping in himself. He rarely used the jeep as he preferred to walk in the open forest, to enjoy the nature surrounding him.

  Being in a metal can didn’t exactly help ease any of his anxiety. Starting up his jeep, he put it in reverse, and followed the main path away from the house, moving toward the dirt path that would lead him to the main road.

  Once on the road, he lowered the window down, and inhaled the fresh air that was invaded by the fumes of the car. This was another reason he hated the damn car.

  “Enough with the miserable talk. Get over your shit. Come on, she doesn’t want to meet brooding Liam.”

  Before they had parted the other night, Rebecca had given him her phone number, and he’d done the same. He’d been staring at his phone all day, wanting to make a date with her but worried that he’d be screwing it up, or doing something that wasn’t conventional. In his world, the men chased after the women, but after seeing a few modern-day movies, he’d discovered that the women of the world liked to chase after men.

  He didn’t like it, not one bit, but he was willing to try it.

  So, when Rebecca had called, he’d been fucking ecstatic.

  Pushing his foot on the gas, he checked the time and saw that he was going to be twenty minutes early. He didn’t mind being early. It would give him time to think, to get accustomed to his surroundings. As he pulled into the small town, he saw the sign for the coffee shop where she wanted to meet. There was a parking bay across from the shop, and he stopped the jeep in one of the spots. Alphie jumped out, and together they crossed the empty road. The scent of vanilla filled his senses, and there she sat, her cell phone between her fingers.

  She hadn’t spotted him yet, and he got the chance to simply take her all in. Her beauty, her everything. The other night hadn’t been long enough.

  Alphie chose that moment to bark, drawing her attention. The moment she saw Liam, her smile did something to him. His wolf pounced against the tight cage he kept him in.


  Take her!

  Breed her!

  She’s ready!

  The scent of her fertility was heavy in the air, and his cock hardened at the smell. She truly was an intoxicating female.

  “You came,” she said.

  He heard the edge to her voice, and he didn’t like it.

  “You didn’t think I would?”

  “I don’t know. I … I stared at my cell for, like, two days wanting to call you. I’m not this kind of woman. I mean, I’m not forward. I know we’ve only just met and you’re probably already married or have a ton of girlfriends or whatever, and I really wanted to get coffee with you. Not
that I think I’m good girlfriend material, and could you please stop me now while I’m babbling?”

  “I kind of like you babbling.”

  “I don’t. I’m sorry. I’m so nervous.”

  “How about we sit?” He nodded toward the chairs, and she smiled.

  “Thank you. I was worried that I’d frightened you away.”

  “I was going to call you for coffee,” he said.

  “You were?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to seem too … desperate.”

  She winced. “Did I sound desperate?”

  “No, no, not at all. It’s just when we want a female, I mean woman, erm, I come from a pack, a family, I mean, that er, we’re the ones that chase the women.”

  She frowned at him. “I find it quite refreshing how you talk. It’s, like … strange but not.”


  Rebecca didn’t know what it was about this man, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him. He’d saved her the other night when no one else could have, and he did so without even allowing his dog to get hurt.

  “I see you brought Alphie.” The dog came to her wagging his tale as he did. “He’s so cute.”

  Liam lowered himself down into one of the chairs, and she was surprised it took his size.

  “My dog comes everywhere with me.”

  “It’s why I suggested this place. They allow for pets and dogs. There’s even a little dog bowl for water.”

  “Go on, boy, go drink.”

  She watched the dog go and drink some water before coming back and sitting beside his master.

  Pushing some hair off her forehead, she smiled at him. “So, I wanted to thank you for the other night.”

  “You don’t even have to mention it. It’s never normally like that here, at least not from what I’ve seen.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Not all men behave that way in front of a lady.”

  She glanced down at the table. The menu was beneath a coaster, and she picked it up. “Tell me what you’d like and I’ll go and order it.”

  They only offered a small selection of sandwiches and nibbles.

  Deciding what she wanted, she was about to ask him why he’d been staring at her, his menu untouched.

  “You pick something for me.”

  “You don’t have any allergies?”


  “Anything you don’t like?” she asked.

  “I’ll like whatever you pick.”

  “Oh, okay.” She got up and made her way inside. The waitress took her order and promised to bring it outside when she was done.

  Rebecca’s nerves were getting to her again. She hated being out in public. It’s why she’d made a life for herself working over the Internet. No one had to see their editor in this new world of e-books.

  It’s fine.

  He’s not like anyone else.

  Liam was still waiting, fussing with his dog as she sat back down.

  She loved watching him with Alphie. It seemed so right the two of them together. Dog was after all man’s best friend.

  “They’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “Do you have any pets yourself?” he asked.

  “None at the moment. I’ve been working on getting my company up and running, and it’s been a full-time commitment.”

  “I imagine being an editor is pretty intense.”

  “Oh, believe me it can be. Everyone seems to think they’re an editor these days.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “What is it you do?”

  He opened his mouth to answer, but the waitress came out.

  Rebecca tried not to show how overwhelmed she was by the scent of the woman’s perfume. She was also thrusting her chest out, trying to catch Liam’s eye.

  Mortified, Rebecca didn’t know where to look but found herself looking at Liam. The disgust on his face was clear to see. He didn’t want the woman’s flirting, and seeing that, she felt happier.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Liam said after the waitress left.

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re a good-looking guy.” Realizing what she said, her cheeks heated. “I mean, of course she’d want to flirt with you.”

  “You think I’m good looking?” he asked. The smile he flashed her way should be illegal. Her panties went wet, and arousal flooded her body. She wanted him, and she’d never had such a strong and instant reaction before in her life.

  A growl filled the air.

  The strangest thing of all was she didn’t believe it came from his dog.

  Tension seemed to grow, and she waited, sure that he’d been the one to growl at her like that. Why wasn’t she afraid?

  With Liam, she knew she was safe.

  “You know you’re good looking.” She changed the subject. “So, you’ve lived here all your life?”


  “Do the rumors bother you?”


  “You know, about the wolves.” She’d heard the local gossip and myths about a pack of wolves that lived out in the forest. She loved wolves so much, not that she’d ever seen one herself.

  “What about them?” Liam asked.

  “You’ve lived here. You know, the rumor that men can change into them, or that they eat humans, or steal women to take to their lair.”

  “Wow, they’re still talking about that shit?”

  Again, his speech seemed to completely confuse her. “Still? How old are you?” she asked.

  “I mean, my dad talked about them, you know. That’s what I meant.”

  “I’m thirty years old, just so you know,” she said.

  “I’m around the same age.”

  He didn’t sound so sure, but she decided to let it go. As far as dates went, this one was going a little strangely, and she didn’t know if that was because of her, or if she just wasn’t used to going on dates all that much.

  Being a busy recluse didn’t exactly leave much time in the way of a social life. They finished their sandwiches and drinks. All the time she couldn’t stop laughing as Alphie kept jumping up against the table.

  After their food was gone, and silence fell between them, Rebecca didn’t want the moment to end.

  “So, I was thinking, if it’s not too forward, would you like to show me around sometime? I know this place has a lot of rich history, with settlers dating back a couple of hundred years ago. I’d love to know more, if you’d be willing?”

  “I would love to. If you want, I can take you to a few places tonight. The night is still young.”

  Part of her wanted to jump at the chance. Another was nervous about getting home. She didn’t want to be out too late.

  Live dangerously.

  Liam was a hot, sexy man, and she wanted to spend time with him.

  “I’d love to.”

  “We’ll have to take my car.”

  “Of course.”

  He whistled to Alphie, and she followed him as he walked toward a jeep. He opened the passenger door, and she burst out laughing as Alphie nudged her out of the way.

  “I guess he wants to be in first.”

  “He’s adorable. You’ve got a keeper there.”

  “I think I’ll keep him. He’s good company.”

  He held his hand out, and she took it, climbing into his jeep.

  Tonight, she would live a little recklessly. She’d never done anything like this before in her life. Putting her bag on the floor, she sat back as he pulled out of the parking spot. He spun the jeep around, and they were heading back out of the town.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  “It’s a secluded spot, one of my favorites. It’s near a lake. A lot of high school kids are there now as it’s a make-out spot.”

  She’d never been to a make-out spot before. Alphie butted his head on her knee, and she stroked behind his ears. She couldn’t resist glancing toward the man in the driver’s seat. His strong arms caught her attention. They were thick, strong,
and corded with muscle. No wonder the men who’d attacked her didn’t stand a chance against him.

  He was the strongest man she’d ever seen before in her life, tall as well. She’d always been a sucker for big men.

  “Did that waitress leave you her phone number?” she asked.

  “I tossed it in the trash. I wasn’t there to pick up that woman, Rebecca. I answered your call. No one else’s.”

  She thought she’d seen the woman’s number on a napkin, and she’d been gutted. Now of course, she liked Liam. He was truly different.

  There’s no way Rebecca could have met him on a dating site. She’d attempted them a few years back and hadn’t found any luck with them. A couple of the men had even been married and only used the sites to have affairs.

  Liam pulled up into a parking space. “We’re here.”

  The area was deserted, and she didn’t see any signpost to say where they were.

  He was at her door as she opened it, helping her out. “You can leave your bag. No one will touch my jeep.”

  Listening to him, she felt that electric thrill rush through her body as he kept hold of her hand, leading her down a dirt path. The bushes and trees were overgrown, but the path was clear from many years of use.

  If kids truly made out here, she understood it. The air felt so calm, so peaceful. This had to be the single craziest thing she’d ever done.

  Liam was a stranger to her.

  She didn’t know him at all.

  He’d protected her, and rather than fight it, she embraced everything. Pushing all of her negative thoughts to one side, she focused on Liam and the path he was leading her down.

  This felt right.

  Liam stopped at the clearing, and she gasped. There was light from the crescent moon and stars reflected off the surface of the lake.

  It truly was breathtaking, beautiful, and as Liam pulled her into his arms, everything felt exactly as it should be.

  Chapter Three

  Everything had been going better than he expected—until he sensed one of his rivals nearby. He’d recognize their stench anywhere. The lake was neutral ground, so neither of them were trespassing on the other’s territory. But his alpha wolf didn’t want a rival pack member near his mate.

  “I could stay here all night,” she said, oblivious to the potential danger. Rebecca was mesmerized by the moon and stars. The water was nearly as still as glass tonight, the air comfortably warm. Although he’d never had a serious relationship, he knew how human females liked to be treated by a man. They wanted romance and attention, and he’d give her more than she could handle.


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