Dethroned: Two Wheels Two Hearts (A Bad Boy Romance)

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Dethroned: Two Wheels Two Hearts (A Bad Boy Romance) Page 7

by Sara Crest

  “We’re gonna have to head to two places before we head out.”

  “Two? I thought we were just going to maybe get you a shirt to cover up your tattoos for now?”

  “There’s one more place we gotta go, but first we do need to get me some clothes to blend in.”

  We hopped on the motorcycle and headed out. Just being on the motorcycle made me worried because the noise drew unwanted attention towards us, Johnny was such a big guy that any other Raiders member would easily know it was him on that bike.

  It wasn’t long before we found a clothing store, a simple sports supply store that was thankfully mostly empty at this time in the early afternoon.

  As soon as Johnny and I walked in some of the employees practically cowered in fear at the sight of him, so much for blending in. “You should get a jacket, it’s warm down here but once we get up north it’s gonna be near freezing, especially with the wind from the bike.”

  He was right, it was mid fall so even though it was warm this far south by the time we got to Seattle it’d be much colder. I grabbed a sweater and a winter jacket, Johnny went a similar route and got himself a light brown leather jacket and a gray hoodie to wear underneath. When we went up to the front to pay the employees all seemed to afraid to actually serve us. An older man who I assumed to be the manager came out.

  “You two can just take your items and go, yup free of charge” he said as his forehead started to sweat.

  “That’s not necessary I can pay for my own clothes” Johnny replied as he took out his wallet.

  “Please, the last time a Raider paid for something in this store some other members came back and vandalized everything, just take the clothes and leave” the manager said practically pleading at this point.

  Johnny took some money out of his wallet and put it and slammed it down in front of the manager “I ain’t no thief.”

  He wrapped his arm around me and led me outside, I turned around to see that the manager had left the money on the counter, too afraid to touch it.

  “This gang just ain’t what it was when I joined a few years back. If we stole something we did it because we had to, like food or gas.” Johnny put on the hoodie and stashed the leather vest in his bag, I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that there was nothing visibly on him that identified him as a Raider.

  “How’d you make money? If you didn’t steal and you didn’t deal drugs? Sorry I don’t know exactly how all this works…” I asked as we got on the bike. Johnny started the bike up but drove slow enough that we could keep talking.

  “Varies all over the country. Some of our members have jobs and families and kick up some commission every year but it ain’t much. My gang owned some auto shops, we also provided protection from other gangs.”

  “Hmph, protection sounds a lot like extortion Johnny.”

  “Call it what you want but in the end we’re the ones chasing the drug dealing and prostitution gangs out of neighborhoods. Yeah we’re not perfect, and yeah I enjoyed those booze fueled brawls we had with other gangs when I was just a grunt, but in the end we kicked a hell of a lot of crack dealers out of towns like yours and a kind of service like that deserves compensation.”

  I guess he was right, and even when I had to deal with the Rolling Raiders back at the bar they weren’t nearly as bad as I expected them to be. Especially when you consider how Johnny had humiliated the Sheriff like that.

  “So what is this mysterious second place we need to visit now that we’ve camouflaged you in regular clothes?” I asked sarcastically.

  “We ain’t camouflaged at all, I got “Rolling Raiders” in bright gold along the side of my bike. They’re gonna be looking for a guy and a gal on a black bike so we need to throw them off of our trail a little bit.”

  He pulled up into an auto shop “whoa wait what if there are members here?” I blurted out.

  He chuckled “there isn’t a Rolling Raider in this country that gets up before 1pm I can tell you that right now, besides this place is independently owned. The ones the gang run always have some pretty telltale signs.”

  There was a mechanic working on a car, too preoccupied with his work to even notice we had arrived.

  “What’s your favorite color?” Johnny said as he got off of his bike, leaving me alone on the seat.

  I smiled confused “my favorite color what does that matter?”

  “Come on just tell me, what’s your favorite color?”

  “Well I guess red.”

  “You guess or you know?” Johnny said with a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Ok smart guy, my favorite color is definitely red.”

  He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, brushing my hair behind my ear. “Then you’re in for a treat baby girl.”

  He walked over to the mechanic who lay sitting on a pad with wheels underneath the car. Johnny put his foot on the pad and rolled the mechanic out from underneath the car, startling him. “Hey buddy, you think you can paint my ride?”

  The mechanic looked over to the bike “well yeah sure, it’ll take a few days and I gotta finish up here first but-”

  “Johnny took out a wad of cash and threw it on the mechanic’s chest.”

  “Shorten that few days to an hour, I got somewhere I have to be.”

  The mechanic took the wad and counted it, his eyes growing wider as he tallied up the bills. He stood up and walked over to the bike, I got off of it so he could inspect it.

  “Whoa wait a minute this is a Raiders bike I don’t even want this thing in my sight let alone in my garage.”

  “What’s the problem?” I asked.

  “The problem is I don't know if you you two stole this bike from that gang, I can’t have members coming in here roughing me up because I helped you two escape with one of their bikes.”

  “I didn’t steal anything old man” Johnny snapped back. He rolled up his sleeve and showed his tattoos to the mechanic “this bike is mine, always has been and always will be. Now are you gonna paint it or not.”

  “Fine fine I’ll paint it, as long as you don’t tell anyone about it. Now what color do you want it painted?”

  Johnny looked at me and smiled, his emerald green eyes glimmering “make it deep red.”

  I ran over and hugged him, burying my face in his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. “Johnny you don’t have to do this, we can find another way to conceal the bike you don’t have to paint over all of it.”

  “Yes I do, you’re willing to stay with me while I drag you all the way to Seattle. Least I could do is paint over anything that might get us caught, and while I’m at it make it your favorite color.”

  I grinned and reached up to kiss him, standing on my tiptoes to reach him properly.

  “You lovebirds can go sit out in the waiting room, this shouldn’t take too long hopefully.”

  Johnny took my by my hand and walked me through the door into the waiting room. As soon as the door closed he grabbed my ass, roughly feeling it up as he turned me around and brought my body against his. “We got some time to kill and that guy’s gonna be busy for a little while.”

  “So what are you proposing” I said as I bit my lip.

  Johnny grabbed me by my hips and lifted me up onto the counter. Pulling my pants down until they were fully off. I brought his head towards me and kissed him, sliding my tongue into his mouth as I kissed his tender lips again and again.

  He unzipped his pants, freeing his massive shaft. I wrapped my hand around it, stroking it back and forth as I felt its heat. He grabbed my ass and pulled me forward towards the edge of the counter so that my legs were dangling off of the edge.

  “Say you want me” Johnny whispered into my ear as he brought the tip of his member to my womanhood. I moaned in his ear as I felt the head of his cock rub up and down against my opening. “That doesn’t sound like you want me” he whispered “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I want you Johnny” I whispered back as I felt him slide just the tip of h
is massive shaft into me.

  “That’s not good enough, make me believe it.”

  “I want you Johnny, please” I moaned as he held the tip of his manhood inside of me, teasing me with it.

  “Still not good enough, I thought you wanted me” he said smiling.

  I leaned over and kissed him, sliding my tongue in his mouth as our tongues rubbed against each other. We moaned into each other’s mouths as I ran my hand up his shirt and felt him up before breaking out kiss.

  “Johnny I want you, I want you to show me I made the right choice, I want us both to feel good. Please make me yours I want to feel you deep inside of me I want to feel-”

  Before I could finish Johnny began sliding all of his manhood into my tight hole, I let out a loud moan only to have him cover my mouth with his hand so that the mechanic wouldn’t hear us. He began pumping himself into me, sliding all of its length in and out of me as he began to pick up a rhythm.

  “You feel so good” he moaned “you’re better than anyone I’ve ever had. Every little moan you make, the way you dig your fingers into my chest and back. It all drives me crazy, I want you, and I need you.”

  I kissed him again as we embraced each other, he moaned into my mouth with every thrust as his hips shook from pleasure. I could already feel heat building up deep inside of me as he took me again and again. I felt his him throb deep inside of me as he sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. I moaned into his mouth over and over as I felt him inching closer to sweet bliss. He broke our kiss and looked at me in the eyes “stay with me” he said as I took his face in my hands. “I don’t think I can do this without you, there’s something about you that pushes me forward” he whispered to me as we stared deep into each other’s eyes.

  “Yes Johnny” I said beaming with joy “yes I’ll stay with you. I trust you, I want us to work” I whispered back as his thrusts became longer and deeper. His rhythm slowed down as he stared deep into my eyes and slid his member deep inside of me. I let out soft moans every time he bottomed out into me. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him, I wanted to be his world and for him to be mine.

  I felt his manhood begin to throb uncontrollably as his moans became heavier, I dug my nails into his back as I felt him become closer and closer to finishing. I looked into his eyes and felt sweet relief as pleasure exploded throughout my body, causing my hips to shake against him as I released myself all over him. He rode my orgasm into his own, moaning deeply as I felt him release himself into me. We stared into each other’s eyes as we came together, feeling each other’s bodies as we bonded. We shook as we rode the waves of pleasure we gave each other.

  As we finished we stared deep into each others eyes and kissed, holding each other. “I think I’m falling for you Ashley.” I smiled back at him, beaming in joy “I’ve already fallen for you Johnny…”

  We kissed again, I felt closer to him now than ever before.


  The wind whizzed by us as we weaved around the few cars in our way, the open highway lay in front of us as the miles we drove began to add up. I kept my head nuzzled in Johnny’s back, listening to his heartbeat and letting him shield me from the wind. Every once in awhile I’d squeeze him and give him kisses all over his back, I wasn’t sure if if he could feel them through his jacket but I didn’t care. Every time I leaned over to look at him he had a face of determination, he looked as if he’d let nothing come between him and getting to Seattle.

  As we drove we saw nearly a dozen Raider club members, enjoying riding free along the highway seemingly devoid of any and all responsibilities. Their speed was inconsistent, speeding up and slowing down as they joked around with each other. Johnny became frustrated, knowing he couldn’t pass them without them taking notice. He decided to pull off at a nearby exit and wait for them to gain some distance, hoping that eventually they would pull over somewhere and we’d be able to pass them.

  The exit took us to a small farming town, probably no more than a few hundred people. Stores began to close as the sun was setting, the only ones that remained seemed catered to travelers weary of the road.

  We pulled into a parking spot on their main street. “Don’t plan on staying here long, normally when club members get that rowdy they intend on going somewhere so hopefully they reach that destination soon.”

  I stepped off of the bike, looking down main street at all the small stores. The sidewalks were paved with red brick, the street lamps looked older than the town “probably imported from somewhere” I thought.

  Happy families were walking around and the sound of children laughing could be heard all along the street. People were saying hello to each other and it seemed as if everyone knew one another.

  “Everything alright?” Johnny asked as he got off the bike.

  “Yeah it’s just…” I said trailing off as I watched a mother lift her daughter up and kiss her on the cheek. “It’s just that I grew up in a town just like this one, spent my whole life there before moving down to Florida to try and get away from it all. Coming here reminds me of my childhood, it brings back a lot of memories.”

  “If you didn’t get yourself stuck in a small town just like this how did you get stuck in the bar I found you in?”

  I stayed quiet, unsure of whether or not I was willing to tell him how I got stuck in that dank old bar.

  “You know I won’t judge you” Johnny said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

  I watched a teen couple kiss off in the distance, smiling and laughing as they walked down the street holding hands.

  “I lived with my mom for most of my life, dad was a truck driver and was never around much. I always wanted to travel the country with him but he insisted it was too dangerous, these days I think he was hiding something from us… my mom always was an ass about him never being around, took it all out on me but treated him like a king the second he walked in the door. I just got so sick and tired of it all.”

  “So you ran off?” Johnny asked as he began walking me down main street, enjoying the peacefulness of the town.

  “Didn’t even have the guts to do that. After high school I stuck around for about two years, worked as a waitress in a diner nearby and saved up some money hoping I’d get into college. After a second year of rejection I gave up, I chose a bad time to give up too because some kids I knew from high school had come back home from college for spring break. They invited me along to come with them to Florida, I figured I had nothing to lose so I went with them. Spent that whole week having fun but I blew all my money, next thing I knew those assholes ditched me and left me stranded down there.”

  As we walked down the street I made eye contact with a store owner as he closed down his shop, he gave me a warm smile and I was just able to muster up a half grin before walking by his store. It’s nice to know some people still seem like they care.

  “I tried calling mom” I continued “all she did was yell at me, called me a fool for trying to have fun. Dad was always changing his phone number so I asked her for it but she refused to give it to me and told me to get myself out of my own mess. I don’t even know if he knows what happened to me, mom probably lied and said I ran away on purpose.”

  It felt good to get it all off of my chest, I hadn’t told anyone about what happened to me before but I figured if anyone deserved to hear it it was Johnny.

  “I met Mr. Cullen right after that, his bar was short handed so he offered me a job and training. When I had the money I didn’t want to go back to my home town and deal with mom but I didn’t have the courage to go anywhere else. I started getting comfortable where I was... too comfortable really, in a bad way. Cullen always used to joke and say I was too pretty to be in that bar, even if you did end up kicking him out of there and even if your gang burned it down I’d like to think he would be happy if he knew I left with you when I had the chance.”

  “I gotta admit I didn’t expect all of that from you” Johnny said as we crossed the road to walk up the other side
of the street.

  “You’re not upset at me are you?”

  Johnny chuckled “Ash I’ve got guys in my club with stories you wouldn’t believe; runaways, ex cons, ex cops, former rival members... You were stranded with no money and you were able to make a life for yourself, even if it wasn’t the one you wanted. Man’s gotta respect that.”

  I turned away from him and smiled, not wanting him to see the sense of pride he had given me. I never really thought of it like that, I guess I always thought I was dumb for getting stranded instead of feeling accomplished that I survived and practically thrived through it all. He rubbed my back, leaning down as I turned around. I could almost see him trying to mouth some words, as if it was on the very tip of his tongue but he couldn’t say it. We grew closer and closer and I just wanted to hear him say it, I knew it was so close I just wanted him to whisper the words in my ear.

  But a loud and obnoxious laughter broke our trance and brought as back to reality. We looked back to Johnny’s bike, the direction of where the laughter came from. For a moment I thought that someone was laughing at us until we saw a guy sitting on Johnny’s bike pretending to ride it. Two girls were near him, flirting and giggling with him and he hopped up and down on Johnny’s ride.

  “That’s not a Raider is it?” I asked concerned.

  “Nope, that’s a wannabe. This kinda shit always happens when I park my bike on its own. Excuse me for a moment.”

  Johnny let go of me and began walking with determination towards the man on his bike, taking huge strides as he cross the empty road. I followed behind him quickly, making sure to keep my distance to see what he was going to do. If he had punched the guy in his face without hesitation I wouldn’t have been angry, Johnny seemed like he was just moments away from saying what I thought he was going to say and this guy ruined the moment.

  “Hey buddy nice ride” Johnny said half sarcastically.

  “Oh you think so? I’ve had this baby for a few years now” the stranger replied with a cocky attitude.


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