Of Night and Desire

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Of Night and Desire Page 37

by Of Night

  For Richelle, no place could have been more spiritual, more sacred.

  And Valya knew that.

  He leaned down and kissed her—not with the raging desire thrumming through his body but thoroughly and completely, like a man enamored to the point of fascination. He reveled in every taste, every smell, every texture of her. As if he were sleepwalking, he never broke their kiss as he walked through the waving high grass, not releasing her until he reached the bank of the brook, where he set her down.

  Demurely, she sat with her legs bent to the side, leaning into his touch while his hand rested on her nape. She could barely sit still when he kneeled before her on one leg and gazed at her with such intensity she felt he was going to pounce on her at any moment. And what surprised her the most was that was what she wanted…not just wanted, but craved and needed.

  She palmed his cheek. His skin vibrated beneath her touch, sending a shiver down her spine. She rubbed her thighs together to alleviate the insistent throbbing that was begging to be satiated. He gripped the back of her neck and pulled her face to his until their lips were separated by a scant inch and a gush of moisture dampened her thighs.

  His nostrils flared and he inhaled her rich, musky scent, beckoning to him like a siren’s song. Valya gave her a devilish smile, flashing his canines as he laughed huskily. The sight of his fangs sent a jolt of feminine fear through Richelle, knowing full well what was to come. Several days ago, she would have been terrified at the thought of being Valya’s life mate. Contrarily, she felt strangely empowered.

  Closing the miniscule gap between them, she ran her tongue over his canines. He groaned at her touch as he trembled and fell to both knees. She delighted in the power she held over him to draw such a heartfelt response. His hand dropped to her shoulder and lightly trailed down her arm. Her skin prickled at her novice attempt at playing cat and mouse until the sensations were unbearable. She captured his lips, molding her mouth over his, giving them both what they desired as she ate at his lips with the same ravenous hunger he had demonstrated before with her.

  Valya’s growl created titillating vibrations against her lips, spiking her need higher. Soon he was avidly nipping and licking her lips, trying to take control of their kiss, but Richelle wan enjoying herself and the thrill of the chase too much to relinquish her foray into feminine domination.

  Framing his face with her hands, she slanted her mouth over his to deepen the kiss. Thrusting her tongue into his mouth, she undulated in synchronous rhythm, rubbing her breasts against his massive chest. Beneath the fabric, her nipples tightened into turgid peaks, aching to be sucked and laved. Valya tried moving his head one way and then the other, trying to take control, but for every thrust, she parried.

  Thrust and parry. Thrust and parry.

  On and on, they clashed in a battle of wills, each trying to outdo the other, each skirting the precipice between dominance and submission. Together they slipped into an oasis, a haven they created for a glorious obsession of unimaginable pleasure. Driving each other to the verge of madness, they strived to reach the ultimate summit of love and devotion to then bathe in the afterglow of spent passion.

  In the end, Richelle’s newfound confidence and sensuality were no match for the centuries of inbred dominance of Valya’s ancestry or his masculine strength. In a predatory rush, he knocked her onto her back as he captured her mouth in carnal bliss. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck, and she opened herself further to him, welcoming his heat, his primal need to take control of her body and her passion.

  Richelle felt their clothes disappear. She sighed at the beautiful sensation of skin against skin. Smooth and hot, their bodies fit together perfectly. Trapped between the soft, grassy patch and Valya’s rock-hard physique, Richelle moaned, caught between too much and not enough.

  She needed more.

  And she told Valya so.

  Valya chuckled, his chest rubbing against her nipples deliciously. She cried into his mouth in sexual frustration as the abrasion left her panting and writhing beneath him. She wriggled as much as she could, bringing her swollen mound in contact with his engorged manhood. They groaned in unison at the intimate contact. He pressed his hips forward again, and again.

  Every thrust drove their need for one another higher. Each pass brought his cock closer and closer to the core of her desire. On his final thrust, the head of his dick caressed her aching clit. She screamed as her pussy convulsed and starbursts went off behind her eyelids. Her unexpected orgasm lifted both their bodies from the ground until she collapsed in satisfaction but not in satiation.

  When she opened her eyes, Valya’s passionate gaze, so profound with adoration, touched her to the deepest depths of her soul. She never believed she would ever find happiness with the love of another man, and now that she had an eternity to live her dreams of “happily ever after,” her heart was ready to burst. A tear slipped from her eye, which drew a concerned expression on Valya’s furrowed brow.

  Smiling, she placed her fingertips against his lips. His brow smoothed and slowly he returned her smile. Her heart nearly stopped. He was so handsome. His grin broadened at her unguarded thoughts.

  “You think I’m handsome?”

  “You know I do,” she replied.

  His expression became somber. He closed the gap between them until their lips barely touched, and she could feel his hot breath as he spoke.

  “And you are more beautiful than anything on earth or in the heavens.”

  She swallowed hard as his mouth covered hers. His kiss conveyed the veracity of his statement, gentle yet strong, controlled yet passionate. He kissed her thoroughly, meticulously paying homage to every contour, and when she parted lips in invitation, he accepted. Their tongues danced and mated, stoking the eternal fire burning within them.

  Their skin was slick with perspiration, yet neither was chilled by the night air as their bodies entwined, becoming one body, one heart, one soul. The apex of her thighs was damp with her cream, easing Valya’s sensual torment as he began pressing his cock against her again. She broke their kiss and moaned.

  “Please, Valya. Don’t tease me.”

  “I am not teasing you, mio dusa. I am pleasing you.”

  She held her breath as he thrust rapidly against her several times, the broad head of his manhood striking her clit with each upstroke and tantalizing her with the promise of fulfillment as he stroked downward along her slit. She tried to move her hips so he could enter her, but he withheld what they both wanted. What they both needed.

  “Valya, please.”

  It was the stark neediness in her whispery plea that undid him, and on the next pass, his cock found its home. He surged into her so deep she could feel him hit the top of her womb, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. In self-satisfaction, he held himself high within her, cherishing the silkiness of her feminine heat.

  When he began to move, it was slow and steady. Like time in a bottle, there was no past, no future. For them, there was only this moment together. This was the moment he had waited a thousand lifetimes for. And he would spend the rest of his lifetime worshipping at her feet and thanking the Gods that she was his, and he was blessedly hers.

  She strained beneath him, urging him to go faster, deeper. He denied her. He wanted to give her so much more than what she was asking, no begging, for. He wanted to give her everything he had, and all that he was, the way he wanted to give it.

  He bent over and kissed her.

  It was soul-wrenching…so beautiful.

  Richelle opened herself and accepted Valya’s gift, allowing him to set the pace of their joining no matter how maddening. She felt every emotion coursing through him, and yet, it wasn’t enough. Her body clamored for more. Now. She couldn’t remain still. She couldn’t remain silent. It was as if she had lived her life for this moment alone. So much pain. So much death. But none of that mattered. Just him. Just them.

  Their thoughts were merging. Just as their bodies were merging, so were the
ir minds…and their hearts.

  Their coming together in this moment was so much different. They both felt it. When they made love, there was always a deep connection binding them to one another despite the fact they had not completed the bonding ritual. And yet, this time it was so very much more than it had ever been—emotional, physical, spiritual. It was all of those things and so much more. Overwhelmed, her vision became black around the edges, and she feared she might faint. She reached out for something to hold onto, clutching his massive shoulders.

  “That’s right, my darling,” he drawled huskily. He seated himself so fully within her that their pubic bones were crushed together. “Hold onto me.” Her clenching pussy gripped his penis greedily bemoaning its absence each time he pulled back. Each forward thrust parted her delicate tissues eliciting a husky moan from deep within her.

  “Valya,” she moaned as his muscles flexed beneath her touch. His cock stroked her innermost core. “Oh, Valya, I cannot bear it.”

  “Yes, you can, my love.”

  “So much…soooo goood.”

  If he had feathers, he would have fluffed them at her innocent pronouncement.

  “It will become so much better.” He could barely speak as he began to feel a hunger gnawing at him, not merely for her body but for her blood as well. Her blood, thick and rich, pulsing through her veins, enticed him into a mesmerizing trance, drawing him nearer to sate his thirst.

  “Can you not feel it?”

  She felt something, but she wasn’t sure what. He pulled back and surged forward again. She threw her head back as she gasped with sensual delight.

  “Do you?” he insisted.

  She nodded quickly, nervous and unsure of what she felt as she sucked her lip into her mouth. She nicked her lip and tasted the sweetness of her own blood. Humming in approval at the syrupy flavor, she ran her tongue over the fullness of her lower lip, capturing every delectable morsel. Like a flash of light, the unnamable yearning that had been plaguing her flashed into her mind.


  More specifically, his blood.

  She had denied her Wiccan heritage all her life, maintaining a tight control on her emotions and thoughts. Through Valya’s love, she had learned to accept herself, embracing her Wiccan and Immortal heritage. The Immortal part of her was aroused by centuries of inbred desires that would not be denied as she bonded with her life mate.

  She stared at his throat, his tawny skin stretched tight so she could see his vein pulsing. Her nostrils flared. Her mouth watered as she inhaled the scent of his thickening blood blending with his potent, musky aroma. Her womb tightened and her stomach growled. She needed him. She needed his blood.

  Valya sensed the shift in her—the awakening of her long-buried Immortal genes she inherited from Nicolae were emerging and guiding her. She may not recognize what it was she sought, but her body knew. She felt her canines elongate slightly and become sharp points. They were not as long as Valya’s, but they would do as she took his blood while bonding.“Do you feel it now, my love?”

  “Oh, Valya. I do feel it.” She wriggled beneath him, lifting and straining, trying to reach his neck, but he kept pulling away. Tormenting her, he goaded her by leaning in, allowing her lips to graze his neck, permitting her to only sample the heated saltiness of his vibrant skin. She whimpered, her needs desperate as she reached for him repeatedly only to be deprived of what she wanted. Using her feminine wiles to do some tormenting of her own, she tightened her vaginal muscles.

  Valya let out a long groan as her pussy clenched around his cock like a velvet fist. He pulled away when she reached up for him, so she clenched around him again, holding him longer until his groan became a low growl. He rushed in and captured her mouth in a voracious kiss.

  “Oh, yessss,” she moaned. His hands covered her breasts and molded them as he liked, kneading her pliant flesh until he reached the resilient red-tipped nips topping each mound. Trapping the engorged nipples between his thumb and forefinger, he twisted and squeezed, her scream of pleasure muffled by their kiss.

  Lowering her arms, she raked her fingernails over his pectorals. Bearing his weight it was difficult to move, but her determination won out as she wedged her hands between them. Her fingertips circled his tawny areolae before capturing his tight male nipples between her thumb and forefinger, matching his motions until they were both panting and squirming.

  “I love you, Valya. Oh, Gods, I love you!”

  Valya released her nipples and reared back, supporting his weight on his arms. The veins in his biceps popped as he hovered above her, staring down at her with a flaming look. She felt as if she would spontaneously combust.

  “And I…love you.” Her eyes welled with happy tears at his heartfelt declaration. Still gripping his nipples, she gave them a light squeeze before placing her palms over his pectorals. She rubbed her palms lightly over his chest.

  “I want you, Valya,” she murmured. From deep within her she heard the words she knew he wanted to hear. The words he needed to hear to complete the ritual—her acceptance.

  “I accept you, Valya cel Mare.” He stopped breathing. His pupils dilated so large his eyes were as black as a starless night. His whole body stilled as he focused on Richelle alone. “You are my master, my protector, my Guardian. I give my life and the life of our children to your keeping. I accept and want you as my life mate.”

  Supporting his weight on one arm, he cupped the back of her head with the other, pulling her up to his chest.

  “Taste me. Do it now.”

  She knew what he meant, and it filled her with a longing only he would be able to fulfill. No other would come between them. And when he left this world, she would willingly follow.

  Her gums ached, yearning to sink her teeth through his skin into a vein. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of the hot rush of his blood into her mouth, which would fill the emptiness of her soul.

  She licked the tip of his nipple once, twice, three times before sinking her fangs into the meaty flesh just above his aroused flesh, above his heart. With a howl, Valya surged into her body as she pierced his skin. His eyelids fluttered at the unbridled rapture while she drank from him. When she tried to pull away, he ran his fingers up through her hair, grasping it tightly and pulling her closer to his chest, demanding she take more.

  Addicted, she continued to drink from him, her thirst unquenchable. His flavor was addictive, heady and spicy like mulled wine.

  It was a dark ecstasy, unlike he had ever known before. He should have felt weakened by the loss of blood but instead he grew stronger. Harder.

  Richelle released him with a startled cry as his girth stretched her to the point of endurance. And still she wanted more. She licked the pinpricks to seal the wound and then thrust her breasts forward in an open invitation.

  Valya licked his lips at the delectable sight before him—his woman supine in his arms, eyes closed as her pearly moonlit flesh quivered in anticipation. He was honored. “I accept you, Richelle Sommers, as my bride. I take your life into my keep, your blood into my soul. I accept and want you as my life mate. Binding our hearts, we are forever one. For all eternity.”

  Reverently, he bent his head to nuzzle the crook where her neck and shoulder met. His lips nibbled her skin, her breath coming erratically as she eagerly anticipated the Final Blood that would bind them together. She used his words against him.

  “Taste me. Do it now.”

  His canines slid easily through her tender flesh, like a hot knife through butter. Oh what indescribable bliss! Her sweetness was honeyed nectar. Ambrosia. He sipped her like fine wine as his hips began to move, encouraged by her sighs of sheer joy. All too soon, his movements became a fevered pitch.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she welcomed each powerful lunge and reached behind to place her hands on the small of his back. So warm, so giving. Valya’s mind raced as he fell on top of her, rutting like a beast. And still she welcomed him with open arms and open mind.

p; His hands clamped onto her hips, holding her in place while he stabbed her with ramming thrusts, driving their passion higher until they were riding through the night on wings of eternal love.

  “Complete me, Valya,” she cooed delicately, like a snowflake dancing upon a winter breeze.

  With one final vanquishing thrust, he obeyed her subtle command. Richelle’s scream of satisfaction echoed into the night, uniting with Valya’s gruff roar. They exploded in each other’s arms, the power of their unity engulfing them in a white light and heat like a supernova. It surrounded them, growing in intensity as they came until the meadow around them was encased in the brilliant light as well. As the last tremors of their orgasms faded, so did the light surrounding them.

  Completely spent, Valya pulled back, closing the wound on Richelle’s neck. Neither one moved from their amorous embrace, content to lie replete in the basking glow of their lovemaking. She tightened her arms around him and felt a slight thumping against her breast. At first she thought it was her own heartbeat, but realization dawned. It was Valya’s heartbeat. It was erratically strong as Valya struggled to gain control. Slowly, it began to beat regularly, steadily, matching her own heartbeat’s rhythm until their hearts were beating as one, their breathing synchronous.

  They were one, always.

  Afraid he would crush her, Valya rolled them onto their side, still snug in her tight sheath. It was some time before either of them broke the relaxed silence.

  “I feel so strange,” she whispered.

  “Strange?” Valya tensed at her words, afraid she was regretting her decision. “How?”

  “Well, not strange…different.”

  Relieved, Valya held her close, stroking her back as she rested her head in the crook of his shoulder.


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