“I hope everyone’s hungry because I’m starved,” Nia smiled at everyone as she took her seat.
Kendra excused herself. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands. Back in the dining room, Kendra joined Nia and Marcos at the table. Just like their mothers had always taught them, they bowed their heads and blessed the food before taking a bite.
“Mmm. Everything looks delicious,” Kendra complimented as she grabbed a plate and fixed her food. Nia poured everyone a drink and told them to enjoy.
Nia raised her glass and said, “Thank you, God, for my sister being able to share this meal with us because we don’t know when she will be taken from us.”
They held their glass up and yelled out, “Cheers!”
Kendra took a sip of her wine. Then, she cleared her throat and said, “You say it like I’m going back to jail or something!” Kendra stated.
If only you knew, Nia thought, but she said, “Girl, hush! You’re just being paranoid. Jail got your ass uptight.” After speaking, she stuffed food into her mouth.
“Sis, you didn’t answer my question. I wanted to know if you had a chance to pick up the safe?” Kendra asked, hoping that the safe was in the house.
Nia thought of a quick lie and said, “Girl, it was hard to go back over there. I mean the police were still investigating shit. Maybe, the cops took it.”
Nia shrugged her shoulders and stuffed more food in her mouth. Then, she turned her focus to Marcos as she asked, “Hey, baby! How are you liking the meal?”
The food was so good. All Marcos could do was nod his head. After dinner, Marcos cleared the table and washed the dishes, so the ladies could catch up. He rolled a blunt while he was washing dishes. As he inhaled and exhaled, he went into deeper thought. He knew that Nia was acting strange. It was funny to him that Nia never told him about her sister being in jail. The fact that she bailed her sister out was really bothering him. As Marcos finished up his blunt, he thought about the stash at the trap house.
“I’m not sure of what I’m going to do, but I need to do something quick, fast, and in a hurry,” Kendra said hastily.
“Look. If it’s bothering you that much, why don’t you stay here with us until you find something? I’m sure Marcos won’t mind,” Nia said, reassuring her younger sister.
Kendra finally agreed to the arrangement. Nia grabbed the bags off the floor. Then, she headed to the guest room.
Marcos grabbed his phone and left the house. Something about Nia wasn’t sitting right with him, and he was sure about to find out. His first stop was the trap house. He just had a gut feeling that the money was gone. When he arrived, he noticed that the house they used to cook, cut, and weigh at was now boarded up. Marcos parked and got out. As he walked to the front door, he noticed a pad lock on it and a notice from the city.
He cursed himself, “Fuck! Ain’t this ‘bout a bitch.”
He snatched the paper from the door and balled it up in his hands. He sat on the steps and used his other hand to brush his head. Marcos got off the porch and went around to the back of the house. There were a few pieces of boards missing from the window, making it easy for him to get through. Marcos looked around the room and noticed that the floorboards were missing which meant the money was gone. The only people who had access to the spot were him, Trent, Nicole and Marquise. Now that Trent was fighting for his life and Marquise was now pushing up dirt, that left only one other person, and that was Nicole.
“Nah, can’t be Nicole. She don’t have as key,” Marcos said to himself, but, then, he remembered what Trent had told him about beating Nicole. Now, it was all starting to make sense.
Kendra got settled in her new living space. This was the third time she had moved in less than a year. The next time she vowed would be her last. Kendra pushed the safe and her sister’s strange behavior to the back of her mind. She would deal with that later. Kendra grabbed her pajamas. Then, she went to the bathroom, so she could take a nice, hot bath. On her way to the bathroom, she heard a conversation that she wasn’t supposed to hear. Kendra thought her ears were telling her lies.
“What you mean you haven’t sent the gun? Do I have to do that part, too?” Nia yelled. Then, lowering her voice, she said, “Nicole baby, just stick to the plan. The sooner you get this done, the faster Kendra will be prosecuted.”
Kendra thought she was dreaming, but it was more like an nightmare. How could she betray me like this? Kendra thought. She couldn’t believe she had let her sister and Marcos play her like that. Kendra crept back to her room. What she had heard made her sick to her stomach. Kendra paced the floor. So many thoughts bombarded her mind at once, but it was all making sense. It had to do with the safe, and Nia was making sure that Kendra would be the fall guy for the murder of Marquise and the attempted murder of Trent.
“Fuck that! I ain’t goin’ out like that,” Kendra swore.
She put on her shorts and a wife beater. Then, she pulled her hair back into a tight bun. This was what she used to do when she was younger and had to fight kids on her block. That night was nothing different, and Kendra was going to make sure that her sister felt her wrath.
“Do you think she heard us?” Nicole asked while peeking into the hallway, making sure the coast was clear before she made her exit.
“I’m not sure if she’s ‘sleep or not, but be quiet, babe. Try not to wake her,” Nia said.
They stepped out the room and made their way to the door.
“Shhh,” Nia said, gesturing for Nicole to be quiet. Once they reached Kendra’s room, they saw that the door was closed, so they proceeded to the foyer. As soon as Nicole click the lock on the door, they heard a click.
“Bitch, back away from the door now!” Kendra screamed.
She stood in the middle of the foyer, holding a .38 caliber to Nicole’s temple.
“Kendra, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Put that gun away,” Nia said, staring at the gun that her sister held in her hand.
“Bitch, shut the fuck up! I can’t believe my own sister would plot against me. It’s like that, Nia?” Kendra questioned.
She kept the gun steady at Nicole’s head, but her eyes fixed on her sister. Nia laughed at her sister trying to play hard.
“C’mon, Ken. This is not you, ma, so put the gun down before you hurt yourself,” Nia chastised.
Kendra cocked the gun to let her sister know that she was not playing, and, if need be, she would pop anyone standing. At that very moment, Nicole started making plea bargains to try and save her own life. She didn’t know how the situation would play itself out.
“Kendra, I’m sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. It was your sister’s idea to kill Trent. She had it planned for so long.”
Kendra shook her. She didn’t want to hear what she was saying.
“Think about it. How do you think Wiz knew so much about you? You didn’t meet him by chance. It was because it was all set up. Everything was a part of your sister’s wicked plan.” After hearing this, Kendra turned the gun on her sister, ready for whatever.
“Kendra, you’re gonna believe an outside bitch over your own sister? What type of shit is that?” Nia asked like she was concerned.
Kendra didn’t know who to believe. She loved her sister dearly, but something deep inside told her not to be a fool. Kendra oscillated the gun between Nia and Nicole, not knowing whom to believe. Nia used the opportunity to try and wrestle it away from her sister. She reached for the gun, but Kendra snatched it from her sister’s grasp. Punches were thrown. Kendra caught Nia off guard, catching her with a left hook, but it seemed like that punch didn’t faze Nia because she came back full throttle.
“Bitch, you’re no match for me! You better recognize,” Nia said, head butting her.
This made the gun fly out of Kendra’s hand. It landed by Nicole. The blow made Kendra dizzy. She doubled back. She was not ready to let her sister win. Kendra charged like a ragin
g bull. She threw punches that landed all over her sister’s body, but Nia’s punches were quick and vicious. Both sisters were getting the best of each other. Neither was backing away or trying to go down. All that could be heard was heavy breathing and the occasional “bitch this” and “bitch that”. Nicole jumped out the way and grabbed the gun that was hiding underneath the couch and fired shots in the air.
Kendra and Nia stopped fighting to see what was going on. Nicole stood there, pointing the gun at them. She had control of the situation, so she started making demands.
“Sit the fuck down now!”
Kendra and Nia both took their time to sit. Kendra was contemplating her getaway. Nicole lit her blunt and took a hit, inhaling the smoke deep in her lungs before releasing it in the air. “I swear y’all bitches is dumb and dumber. Nia, what makes you think I’mma split ten million with you?” Nicole asked.
Kendra’s eyes widened. She never knew that Wiz was holding that much in the safe. Kendra knew that she had to turn the tables back around. She needed to gain full control. Nicole approached Kendra with the gun in her hands.
“Remember. Payback is a bitch,” she said, slapping Kendra across the face with the blunt still in her hand. “How does that shit feel to you?”
Kendra spit in Nicole’s face.
“Stupid-ass bitch,” Nicole said with a sinister smile on her face.
“Stupid?” Kendra asked.
“Here I am with the gun and the loot. So, ask yourself who’s stupid?”
She sat down in a chair opposite Nia and Kendra. She continued to smoke her blunt and laugh.
Chapter 19
“Fuck this. It was my plan in the first place, and I’ll be damned if I’mma let this bitch try and switch up on me now,” Nia said.
She got off the couch and attempted to wrestle the gun away from Nicole. Kendra slid out the room and went to the back of the house in search of Marcos’ gun. The match between Nia and Nicole only lasted for five minutes, but, to Kendra, it lasted forever. She found the box that contained the gun. Then, she heard a boom followed by a big thump. Kendra froze in the spot where she was at. She wasn’t sure if it was her sister or Nicole that had gotten shot. She knew she wasn’t going to find out.
“Kendra, where are you? No need to hide. Come out! Come out! Wherever you are,” Nia stated.
Kendra rose from her hiding space and came face to face with her sister. She stood for a minute before speaking.
“You hate me that much that you’re willing to kill me?” Kendra asked, holding back her tears.
“Aww. It’s not personal, boo, just business, and I’m keeping my part of the deal,” Nia cocked the gun and aimed it at her sister.
Kendra’s life flashed before her eyes. She saw when she first was introduced to Starlight, her rendezvous with Bigg Boss, and how she met Trent. Kendra smiled at the thought, at how she had given Trent a hard time. After that night, they became inseparable. Kendra also thought about how she had not finished school and gotten fired. Damn! I really fucked up my life, she thought. What really bothered her the most and brought tears to her eyes was when she found her mother lying on the kitchen floor. She realized that she wouldn’t be able to visit her father.
All these thoughts transpired in her mind. Kendra finally spoke as she came out of her daze. She said, “Remember when we were little kids and Dad killed Uncle Chuck for trying to mess around with you?”
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything, Ken?” Nia said, shifting from one foot to the other. “Bitch, stop stalling and get to the fucking point.”
Marcos sat in the driveway of his home. He was pissed. He had grinded all day, but for what? Marcos noticed a key lying next to the porch. The word MARRIOT stood out. Marcos never thought nothing of it, but his curiosity had his mind going. It wasn’t until he heard the noise that he got out the car and ran into the house. There was a trail of blood leading from the living room towards his room. Marcos panicked. He reached behind his back, taking out his heat. Creeping up, he wasn’t sure what was in store for him, but he was prepared.
“All this for ten million dollars! What about Marcos?” Kendra asked.
Her eyes widened. Nicole was standing behind Nia with a butcher knife. Before Kendra could warn her sister, Nicole plunged the knife deep into Nia’s back. Nia let out one last shot that caught Kendra in the shoulder. Nicole was still stabbing Nia when Marcos shot her in the back of her head. Her body slumped over on Nia as her soul left her body. Marcos walked over to Nia with tears in his eyes. He kneeled beside her.
“I loved you more than life itself,” Marcos cried out.
Nia managed to whisper, “I once loved you, but it was always business. You tried to make it personal.”
Nia weakly held the gun in her hand and tried to fire it at Marcos, but her body was too weak.
“Well, you would understand that this is both business and personal,” Marcos said, firing the last shot between her eyes. Marcos walked over to where Kendra was lying with her hand covering her shoulder.
“Where did you get hit at?” Marcos asked.
Kendra pointed to her shoulder. Marcos grabbed a shirt from his closet. He tied it around Kendra’s shoulder and arm, creating a makeshift cast. Marcos helped Kendra to her feet.
“We need to get you to a hospital,” Marcos insisted, but Kendra declined.
She walked into her room and grabbed anything that might link her to being in the house. She left all the items her sister had bought with the exception of the Gucci bags; she wasn’t fool enough to leave them behind.
Marcos helped Kendra to the car. “Wait in the old parking lot for ten minutes. If I’m not out by then, meet me at the Marriot in Ocean Gate,” Marcos said, handing Kendra the key that he had picked up off the floor. The room number was seven-fourteen. Kendra frowned. She was hesitant to leave Marcos.
“Trust me, Ken. I’ll be okay. Go on before someone sees us,” Marcos said, trying to sound convincing. Kendra started the car.
“Please hurry,” Kendra begged Marcos.
He hit the top of the car with his hand and gesture for her to leave. Marcos ran back inside the house to make sure that Nia and Nicole were dead. He then grabbed the gun off the floor and threw it in a bag. He dragged both bodies to the basement.
“Damn! Dead weight ain’t no joke,” he said as he dragged Nia’s body. After positioning them in the basement, Marcos found gasoline cans. He doused the basement down, making sure that he thoroughly drenched both bodies. Marcos ran to the top of the stairs. He, then, took his shirt off and took a lighter out of his pocket. He lit the shirt. Then, he flung it to the bottom of the stairs. He watched to see if the sparks would catch.
Kendra finally drove up the street to the old parking lot like Marcos had insisted and patiently waited for him to return. Her shoulder throbbed, so she added pressure to subside the pain. “My life is one hell of a story. If I write it, it may be the next big hit,” Kendra said with confidence.
When Kendra saw flames coming from her sister’s house, panic settled in. Her mouth dropped in awe as the house quickly caught fire. She said a small prayer for Marcos, “Please, Lord, let him make it out okay.”
Kendra waited around an additional five minutes to see if he would arrive. She could hear fire and ambulance sirens in the distance. As the sirens grew closer, Kendra decided it was time for her to go. She drove to Ocean Gate to the Marriot Hotel located off Rosecrans Avenue. There were a lot of people going in and out of the hotel, and she didn’t want to bring any attention to herself. Kendra grabbed a big jacket that had belonged to Wiz from the backseat. She covered herself and grabbed her purse off the passenger seat. She entered the Marriot like she belonged there.
The fire spread faster than Marcus had anticipated. He had to make another escape out the house. He decided to jump out the window. When Marcos jumped out the window, he miscalculated and belly fl
opped on the concrete. Marcos laid in the same spot for a few moments. He tried getting up, but he fell back down. Once he heard the sirens, he managed to get up. Marcos grabbed the bag off the ground. Then, he hopped the wall to his neighbors backyard. After he made it over, he staggered a few blocks until he flagged down a cab.
As Kendra walked into the hotel, she struggled to keep the jacket over her arm. Kendra looked at the room key. Then, she walked to the elevator. Since the room number on the key was seven-fourteen, it was obvious that the room was on the seventh floor. Kendra stepped into the elevator car and pressed the button for the door to close. As the doors closed, in stepped this tall, Jamaican guy with long dreads and a Bob Marley shirt on.
“Mi gawl, you spill of blood,” he stated.
“Excuse me. What did you say?” Kendra looked confused.
Then, the Jamaican guy pointed to the blood on the floor.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know my wound was that deep,” she said with a half-smile. Kendra wasn’t trying to reveal too much until her purse slipped and, in trying to catch it, she revealed her bullet wound.
“Yuh. Look like yuh gwan need a doctor,” the man stated.
Kendra shook her head, but the Jamaican man insisted, grabbing a hold of Kendra’s hand. Kendra couldn’t resist because she was starting to feel weak.
“Don’t worry, mi gwal. Mi know how to take care of yuh.”
The man walked to a room that was at the end of the hallway. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. The Jamaican told Kendra to relax and get comfortable.
Dirtiest Revenge Page 22