Untapped: A Bad Boy Crime Novel

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Untapped: A Bad Boy Crime Novel Page 1

by Weston Parker


  A Bad Boy Crime Novel


  Weston Parker

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  Some desires are better left uncovered…

  Erik Bertinelli is the son of the vilest mob boss in all of New York’s underbelly. He’s the enforcer, the hitman for the syndicate, and the type of guy who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. His hideaway is as unconventional as they come… the New York Public Library.

  With a thirst for knowledge and a grand getaway at his fingertips, he loses himself daily in the dusty tales of old. Life is too f*cked up most days of the week. Peace would be beyond welcomed.

  Grace Adams desires more than anything to live fully alive, and yet, she’s doing just the opposite of that. She’s a librarian at the New York Public Library and spends her days wishing like hell that she could disappear into one of the romance novels she reads.

  With an imagination that would shock her family and friends, she keeps to herself and lives in the colorful parts of her mind – alone.


  When the same deliciously dangerous alpha male keeps showing up between the bookshelves, her daydreams quickly dive into passion that feels too good to be true. The kind that could burn anyone involved. The kind she would do anything for. Maybe even kill…

  Table of Contents

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Need More about Eric and Grace?


  About the author


  Copyright © 2017 by Weston Parker & Ali Parker

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  First Edition.

  Editor: Mary Wolney

  Cover Art: Mayhem Cover Creations


  Think you might need a little more of Erik and Grace?

  Don’t feel bad. We’re all greedy for the right things…

  Grab their extended epilogue for free. Just for you, baby doll.

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  Before it’s gone.

  Chapter 1


  Death was inevitable.

  It clung to me like a well-worn coat, the stench of it all over me no matter how hard I scrubbed my skin each night. It was my lot in life, my birthright.

  "Please God! Please. Please don't. I'll do anything." The older man in front of me was on his knees, tears dripping down his face. There wasn't much he wouldn't give up to save him and his family.

  "The time is over for negotiations, Samuel. You know that." I pulled on a thick black glove and stared into his face. My father had taught me as a boy to confront my fears, to slay my demons. Watching and coveting each emotion before death was my punishment. My dreams would haunt me later that night, my days melting into weeks and weeks into years of nothing but beautiful death.

  "Can I fuck the old lady?" Kane's voice rose up behind me, and I shrugged.

  "I don't care what you do with her. She was as involved as Samuel here was."

  "No!" Samuel pulled himself to his knees, which garnered him a pop in the face. "Please. Leave her be. She had no part in it."

  I hit him again, breaking his nose. "You lying is only going to make things worse."

  He gagged and turned, vomiting something putrid on the ground behind him as I pulled on my other glove slowly, methodically.

  The shrill screams behind me blended into the ether becoming nothing more than a hum. I'd heard them far too many times in my life to pay them any attention. The lesson was straight forward.

  You fuck with the devil; you pay his bill when it comes due.

  "Erik. Please. You know me." Samuel turned and wiped his sleeve over his arm as I popped one of my ear buds in and then the other.

  Classical music filled my ears, leaving my heart light and unburdened. "Can't hear you, old friend."

  I lifted my gun and nodded toward the ground.

  He mouthed a few more cries; his begging lost to me. Nothing would retract the hit my father had put on the old man's head. He was our broker, the one who helped my father put himself back together after the death of my mother. He was once important, family.

  That all changed the day he decided to start slipping a few bills in his own pocket. I was shocked my father had let it go that far.

  Pressing the gun to his head, I pulled the trigger twice and turned, making my way to the bedroom. Kane had Lana pressed to the bed, her legs spread wide as he drilled into her. I tapped his shoulder and gave him a look as she screamed in horror.

  "You're taking too long, asshole." I turned put two bullets in her head too before chuckling and walking back through the house. A picture here and there had Samuel's arm wrapped around my father's broad shoulders. One caught my eye, and I pulled it from the wall, taking it with me as I walked calmly out of the house.

  How anyone could ever love a man like my father was beyond me. He was the kingpin of our syndicate, and the evilest mother fucker ever to walk the earth.

  His black eyes bore into me as I lifted the picture up and walked to the car, resting against it while I waited for Kane. There was truly no getting into my old man's heart. Maybe once, but not after losing my mother and then my sister, Delaney.

  He was dead to the world, and his pain was only buffered by the inflicting of horror and pain on someone else.

  "I fucking hate you sometimes." Kane pushed me in the chest as I pulled off my earbuds.

  "Sorry? Were you mumbling something?" I tucked them into my pocket and pulled off my gloves, watching him intently. "Did you fuck her after I killed her?"

  "What? No." He popped me in the chest, and I reached out, striking him in the face like a viper might.

  "Hit me again, and I'll make sure to drop your ugly ass on top of her corpse before I drive off." I narrowed my eyes a little, and he lifted his hands and backed off.

  "Fuck. I was just kidding, Erik. Damn. You're extra sensitive today. Get some pussy and call me in the morning." He flipped me off and walked toward the road.

  "It's ten miles back to the house," I called after him, but only got another finger in response.

  Good. The last thing I wanted to do was drive home with him blabbering in my ear about some new girl he met. If the poor whore only knew who she was sleeping with, she'd fall over dead. Kane was vile, dark, lost. He'd lived a life of physical and mental abuse for years before my fa
ther pulled his ass from the hole he was in.

  I got in the car and lit up a joint as I pulled out of the driveway and headed home. Some small piece of humanity that remained inside of me wept at the thought of killing Samuel. Offing a stranger was one thing, but putting a bullet between the eyes of a man I might have called Uncle one time was another.

  Pulling on the joint, I sucked in deep and held the fiery smoke in my lungs until I couldn't take it anymore. The world was dim around me, the night falling fast. How badly I wanted to walk into the house and find someone like Jenna waiting for me.

  My best friend, Nate's girl, was everything a man might want, and yet she belonged to him.

  "Not that I'd want much more than a night of fucking anyway," I mumbled under my breath and opened up my house north of the city in the mountains. Most days, I stayed at my father's mansion on the beach, but taking a life always left me in need of solitude. No one could hear me screaming from here. No one could know what my life had become.

  I left the lights off as I walked through the kitchen to the living room, pausing only to strip and set my gun down on the table.

  A woman would be good for the night, but I'd just abuse her, and nothing left me colder. It was part of the reason I couldn't stand Kane. He loved to force a woman into submission, and where I was unable to be anything but demanding, I'd never violate her rights. Not unless I knew without a doubt that she wanted me to.

  Grace wanted it. I could feel it all over me. The sexy little librarian where I spent my afternoons pretended to be modest in her antiquated sweaters and ankle-long skirts. Innocence sat on her, but she hated it. The yearning to be forced over a table and fucked within an inch of her life was lurking below the surface.

  "She'd be so fucking tight." I groaned and walked into the bathroom, stroking my erection and pinching the tip of my cock roughly. She wouldn't be able to handle me. Not for a minute.

  I turned on the hot water and pressed my bare ass to the shower door as I took hold of myself and closed my eyes. Maybe she was just what I needed. A virgin with a naughty side that no one had tapped into yet.

  A chuckle bubbled out of me. How the fuck did I know if she was untapped? She might have a million boyfriends waiting for her after she left her job of prudence. Her curves were delicious, her tits perky and dark hair long and silky.

  If she needed someone to teach her how to be a good girl in bed... I could bend my rules a little to help her out. Get her ready for another man.

  I groaned as my balls tightened. It'd been too long since I'd found myself buried in a sloppy wet pussy. It was going to have to happen sooner or later.

  Maybe I could make her my pet. Have her service my cock and promise her the world, and then kick her ass out when she got needy.

  Disgust ran through me. Fucking humanity again.

  "Bet she's never drank from a man." I arched my back and pressed myself into my tight grip as warmth spread across my stomach and left my heart racing. Would she welcome me in her mouth or beg me to fuck her nice and slow in the ass?

  What kind of woman was she beneath that false serenity?

  I wanted to know so goddamn bad, and yet I'd been ignoring her for the last month since Jenna and Nate hooked up. Seeing him fall head over heels in love with someone messed with my head. My life wouldn't allow anyone or anything in it. Death would come looking for them as it always did with the women in my life.

  "Stop it," I bit out and turned, pressing my forehead against the steamy glass wall. The water called to me, but I remained locked in place, my only movement the thrusting of my hips, the clenching of my ass.

  I needed a release, and I wouldn't be denied due to my fucked up thoughts. Depravity. I needed a long night of drugs, liquor or pussy to shut the darkness up inside of me for a little while longer. I needed Grace Adams on her knees in the library, her sweet mouth full of dick.

  "That's it," I whispered loudly and reached up with my free hand, gripping the side of the shower as I gave myself over to the approaching orgasm.

  I would deflower her, mark her as my own and force her to submit to whatever my fucked up mind could concoct. She'd love it and come to worship me. They all did.

  As long as love was never a part of the deal, I'd let her stay.

  A scream ripped from my lips as I jerked, fucking myself until it hurt to do it. I needed someone to unleash my demons on, to share my pain with.

  But, I needed her to need me first.

  Otherwise, it'd be one more sin to add to the scoreboard.

  Chapter 2


  "It's finally starting to get cold." Thomas glanced over at me and smiled as we jogged side by side. His freckles were fading now that summer was gone, but a faint splattering of them was still there.

  "This isn't cold." I snorted and reached up to tug at my ponytail as we ran past the University. The library rose up in the distance, and I felt a sense of belonging. I'd been working there for a while, and even though I had some difficulty with some of the staff, most of the people there liked me. And it was where I could find Erik.

  "Hey. Did I lose you?" My brother reached over and tugged on my sleeve.

  "Oh yeah, sorry. There's this new guy at the library, and I think I'm going to ask him out." I turned the corner and slowed for a minute as my lungs screamed for air.

  "A new guy, hm?" He didn't look too thrilled. "I don't like it."

  "You're my older brother, dimwit." I stopped by a cement bench and dropped down to fix one of my tennis shoes. "You're not supposed to like it."

  "When do I get to meet him?" Thomas ran in place as he scanned the lawn in front of us. His smile widened as he lifted his hand and waved. "Kara. Nancy. Hey, girls. Looking good."

  "Oh, brother." I stood up and reached up to adjust my hair again as I turned to see who he was waving at. Cheerleaders. Had to be. Their shorts looked more like panties, and they were wearing sports bras. "There should be a dress code out here. That's just offensive."

  He laughed. "Just because you dress like a Granny doesn't mean you have the right to be ugly about other girls dressing their age."

  "Oh yeah?" I lifted my eyebrow and ran my hands down my long-sleeve t-shirt. "And you'd be okay with me wearing what they have on?"

  "What?" His brow pulled tight. "Hell no. That's not happening."

  "Right." I rolled my eyes and started to jog away from him. "What did you want to talk about that we couldn’t talk at home where it was warm and cozy?"

  "Mom and Dad were there, Grace."

  "You could have come by my apartment." I glanced over at him, noticing the dark circles under his eyes now that I was really looking. He'd been a little on edge lately, but he was nearing his last senior semester at NYU. I assumed it had everything to do with that. What other stress could he have in his life? He was president of the largest fraternity on campus, and everyone worshiped the ground he walked on.

  Everyone but Jenna. I forced myself not to chuckle. My poor brother had been after my best friend for years, and Jenna was oblivious to it. Now he was too late. She was dating a hottie bad boy from the coffee shop where she worked.

  "I hate going to your apartment." He shook his head. "It's embarrassing enough getting caught in a movie that has a sex scene with your little sister, but to go to her apartment and hear the perverts next door bonking every fifteen minutes is sick. No fucking way. Count me out."

  "They're in love, Thomas. It's cute."

  "Fucking all the time is cute?" He lifted his hand as he paled a little. "You know what? Don't answer that. We're good just talking out here."

  "Alright. Spill then." I laughed as he gave me a 'watch it' look. My brother was a bit of a prude from what I knew, but we never really talked too much about our love lives. That was gross.

  Love life. What a fucking joke. I'd never been tongue kissed by a guy, much less anything else. After my mother had Thomas when she was sixteen, she used a scare tactic to keep me a virgin, and it worked well.

I'd never been around anyone that left me wanting to defy her and my father and spread my legs anyways. Not until Erik Bertinelli. The thought of him left my heart racing, my body tightening. The things I wanted him to do to me were over the top, horrible, embarrassing.

  "I just need to find a way to make some extra cash."

  "Like how much extra cash? I have a little bit saved up." I pointed to the coffee shop across the road. "You want to grab something to-"

  "No." His voice was tight, his features showing me that he was agitated all of a sudden. "I'm in debt to one of the professors at school, and I need to get him his money back, but I don't have it."

  "In debt to a professor?" I turned to face him and tugged at the front of my shirt, feeling a little frumpy as three more girls in skimpy clothes jogged by and waved at my brother.

  "Yeah. It's the Adviser to Sigma. I shouldn't have borrowed the money, but I did, and now he wants it back. Like yesterday."

  "So tell him you don't have it." I put my hand on my hip, not liking the way my brother's composure melted.


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