Watching Mine

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Watching Mine Page 5

by Grayson, Alex

  The room isn’t that big. There are several boxes in one corner and a cabinet along the wall. I walk toward Emberleigh, and again, she walks backward. A smile tugs at her lips, so I know she’s playing with me. I back her up against the cabinet, grab her hips, and lift her so she’s sitting on top. She spreads her legs, giving me room to move between them. I put my hands on her thighs and slowly run them up the smooth flesh. When they dip beneath her skirt, I make sure to take it with me.

  I drop my eyes when my hands reach where her legs meet her hips. A tiny scrap of blue peeks up at me from between her legs. It’s not near enough. I need more.

  She grips the edge of the counter and lifts her ass when I grab the sides of her panties and tug. I pull them down her legs and stuff them in my back pocket.

  “Lift your skirt for me,” I murmur, focusing my eyes back on her pussy.

  After only a second of hesitation, she does as I ask. I take a step back to see better. Of her own doing, she opens her legs wider.

  I groan at the sight of her spread out pussy glistening back at me. “Fucking perfect.”

  Stepping between her legs again, I grab a handful of hair and gently tug her head backward. I lean down and bite her bottom lip. Her lips fall open, and I slip my tongue inside her waiting mouth. She tastes like strawberries and hard liquor. I take from her mouth what my cock wants to take from her body. Her legs wrap around my waist and she grinds herself against my jean-covered cock.

  Lifting my mouth from hers, I take a step back. The whimper that leaves her lips almost has me going back to her. But there’s something else I want first. Another craving I need to quench before I take her.

  “Show me,” I growl. “Show me what your skirt hid from me last night. I want to see your pussy as you stroke it with your fingers.”

  Her eyes flare wide, and there’s a small catch in her breathing. I take another couple of steps back. Spotting a metal folding chair off to the side, I hook it with my foot without removing my eyes from Emberleigh. I take a seat, forcing my body to relax.

  “What’s your name?” she asks.

  I drag my eyes away from the heavenly vision of her pussy and look at her. She’s leaning back on one hand, and her other hand is gently running up one thigh and down the other, purposely missing the place I want her to touch the most. Her tits jut out with how she’s reclined, and her nipples poke out at me, begging for my lips to wrap around them.

  “Nathan,” I tell her through a dry throat.

  She licks her lips and repeats my name, just like I did when she told me hers. I fucking love the way it sounds coming from her lips.

  She bends one leg and sets her foot on the edge of the counter. Her pussy lips part, and I hiss out a breath when I see how wet she is. It drips from her opening and runs down the crack of her ass, I’m sure making a mess on the counter beneath her.

  Starting at her knee, she slowly runs the tips of her fingers down her leg. I barely bite back a growl when she pauses right before she hits the apex of her thighs. I snap my gaze to hers, and she fucking smirks. A second later, the look disappears and her lips form an O when her fingers meet her clit. Her hips jerk and her head falls back on her shoulders, the ends of her hair dragging on the counter behind her.

  She looks fucking delicious. The groan that leaves my chest has her lifting her head and opening her eyes. She pants as she holds my stare and flicks her finger back and forth over her clit.

  “Put a finger inside,” I grunt gruffly. “I wanna see you fuck yourself with your fingers.”

  Her answering moan has my cock growing painfully hard. She fits two fingers at her opening and slowly pushes them inside. I rip the button open on my jeans and tear down the zipper, needing relief before I completely fucking lose it. As soon as my cock is free, I grip the base and stroke upward. Her eyes watch me, and her fingers mirror my movements. I stroke down, her fingers go in. I stroke up, and her fingers pull out.

  A drop of precum appears on the tip, and I imagine smearing it over her lips, right before she takes the head into her mouth and sucks. I close my eyes and grit my teeth, praying to hell and back I can refrain from coming. Her cries of pleasure have them springing back open.

  Her mouth is open and her brows are scrunched up. Her chest heaves, and her tits quiver. Looking down, I watch as three fingers slip in and out of her pussy, the heel of her hand pressing hard against her clit. I jerk my hand away from my cock and stand. My jeans sit low on my hips and I yank out my wallet in search of a condom. Her eyes never leave mine as I rip the foil packet open and painfully slide the rubber over my sensitive shaft.

  I stalk over to her and pull her ass to the edge of the counter. Looking into her eyes, I grind out, “You want my cock inside you?”

  No time passes before she’s moaning, “Yes.”

  I grip the base of my cock, notch it at her opening, and pull her forward at the same time I slam into her.

  “Fuck,” I snarl as she cries out. “Too fucking tight.”

  I hold still for a moment, trying to calm my raging need to come, but her walls clamp down on me, making it impossible. Gripping her waist firmly, I pull back and with a growl, I shove my hips forward again.

  “Nathan,” she pants, spiking my need even more.

  The heels of her shoes dig into my ass, her hand grips my shirt, and she tugs my mouth down to hers. My mouth consumes hers as each of our bodies take pleasure from the other’s.

  My knees knock against the cabinet as her ass rubs back and forth on the counter. Bottles of shit fall to the floor and roll around. My pants slide down my legs and stop at my ankles. Her moans and my grunts mix together with the bass of the music on the other side of the door.

  When I feel her small hand between us, I yank my mouth away from her and look down. The sight of her fingers, tipped with blue fingernail polish, playing with her clit sends fire licking down my spine. The muscles in my arms bunch as I lean over her and take one of her nipples into my mouth. I bite the tip through the thin material of her top. She cries out, and her walls clamp impossibly tight around my shaft.

  Her nails dig into my bicep and her head thumps against the cabinet behind her. I release her nipple with a groan. My neck muscles tighten as I feel the first spurt of cum shoot out of me. Intense pleasure courses through my legs, up my spine, and out through my dick.

  Her head lifts, mouth open, and her eyes meet mine. Sweat trickles down my cheeks and drops on her thighs. Neither of us say anything for several moments. We just stand there and catch our breath while looking at the other.

  “Who are you?” she asks, breaking the silence.

  I pull back from her and gently bring her legs to the floor. Slipping the condom off my half-hard cock, I tie the end and toss it into a trash can.

  Pulling my jeans back up, I tuck myself inside, then look at her. “I’m nobody.”

  She frowns as if she’s confused, shakes her head, then pushes her skirt back down. She looks around a moment, then back at me, holding out a hand.


  One corner of my mouth tips up. “They’re mine now.”

  Her nose scrunches up and she wiggles her fingers still out in front of her. “Gimme. I can’t go out there with no panties on.”

  I lift a brow. “You can’t walk out there without wearing panties, but you can finger yourself for a guy in a room full of people?” She opens her mouth to speak, but I talk over her. “Then fuck him in a broom closet the next night?”

  Her eyes narrow. “Yes,” she hisses. “And don’t ask me why because I damn sure have no idea.” Again, she wiggles her fingers.

  Instead of handing over her panties, which I have no intention of doing, I snake my arm around her waist and bring her flush against my chest. Her hands meet my pecs, like she intends to push me away, but my lips claim hers before she has a chance. She melts against me immediately, and my tongue explores the inside of her mouth.

  When I pull back, she’s breathless, just the way I wanted her.r />
  Grabbing her hand, I pull her with me to the door.

  “I’m not getting my panties back, am I?”

  Once we’re outside of the small room, I lead her down the hallway toward the main area. Looking over my shoulder, I tell her, “No.”

  “But it’s really weird for a stranger to have a pair of my panties.” She tugs on my hand, and I stop and face her. “Like, really weird, Nathan.”

  I step closer to her. “We’re not strangers anymore.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, we are. We may have fucked, but that doesn’t mean we know each other.”

  My nostrils flare at her use of the word fuck. It sounds fucking amazing coming from her lips.

  “I know all I need to know.”

  She chews her bottom lip. “But I don’t.” She looks to the side, then pulls her eyes back to mine, worry lining her face. “I don’t do this type of thing. And I don’t know why I did with you.”

  I tuck a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. Bending my knees so we’re eye level with each other, I lower my voice. “You’re right. You don’t know me, and you have no reason to trust me. You should have never stepped foot in that room with me, but you did, and I don’t know why you did either. All I can say is I’m glad, because you felt really fucking good.” A ghost of a smile forms on her face, and it settles the pounding in my heart her concern caused. I don’t like her thinking something bad could come from what we did.

  “You felt really good, too,” she whispers.

  I smile, then lean down and run my lips across hers. “Good enough to do it again?”

  “Maybe,” she answers, her grin playful.

  I pull her toward me until her stomach meets the hardness in my jeans. Her eyes turn wide, then heat with desire. I nip at her bottom lip, and growl when her hand lands on my ass and tugs me closer.

  “You think?” I ask. I run my tongue down her neck, making sure to scrape my scruff along her skin.

  Her moan meets my ear. “Yes, I want to do it again.”

  Placing a kiss over the pulse in her neck, I lift my head and grin down at her. “Yeah, I know you do.”

  Laughing, she shakes her head.

  “You’re still not getting your panties back,” I tell her as I walk us back out to the main room.



  I WAKE WITH A SMILE ON MY FACE and my body pleasantly sore. Turning to the side, I hug my pillow to my chest and think about my mystery man. He’s not so much a mystery anymore. Well, he is, but there are things I definitely know about him now that I didn’t before. Like what he smells like, the color of his eyes—green—how his rough hands feel against me, the taste of his tongue, what his dick feels like sliding in and out of me.

  The last thought brings tingles between my legs. I rub them together and release a small moan.

  After calling Jessika and practically begging her to call her friend Tera to somehow get me into Blackie’s, I showed up with the hope of seeing him again. I had been there about thirty minutes when all the water I had consumed that day suddenly hit me. When I left the bathroom and saw him standing there, I was shocked, then hit with an explosive thrill. And to top it off, he was so much… more up close.

  I was hoping he would ask me back to his place after fucking my brains out in the storage room, but he ended up getting a phone call and had to leave. Some work-related emergency, he’d said. Instead, he walked me to my car, took my phone and put his number in it, then completely consumed my mouth, and left me aching. With a promise to call me soon, he pushed me in my car, closed my door, and watched as I pulled out of the parking lot. The whole trip back to my apartment, I was in a daze. A sexual daze caused by someone I knew only in the physical sense.

  I should be ashamed for letting myself be swept up by some stranger I really didn’t know anything about. I didn’t though. Except for a period of bad judgement when I was a teenager, I was always the good girl. The one who always made good grades, never skipped school, never let peer pressure sway me away from the right path. I dated, but they were the good-boy-next-door types.

  I want Nathan, and I want him bad. Something about him calls to me, and I’m going to answer that call. At least for the time being. I know nothing permanent will come of it. I don’t have time for permanent, and to be honest, men like Nathan only do temporary anyway, so it works out.

  My cell phone on the nightstand rings, and I reach over and pick it up. Seeing Mom’s name across the screen, I swipe to accept it.

  “Hey, Mom. How’s Hawaii?”

  I sit up in bed and lean back against the headboard.

  “It’s beautiful, Em,” she says, and I hear the smile in her voice. “We wish you were here.”

  “Me too.” I was invited to go along on their vacation. I wanted to so much, but I had a big exam at school that I couldn’t miss. “But I promise to be on the next vacation.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  I pick at the covers over my legs. “How’s Avery?”

  That’s one of the things I miss the most about not going with them to Hawaii; spending time with Avery.

  “She’s good. She’s had a smile on her face since we’ve been here.” She laughs. “You should have seen her face when they gave her a lei when we first got here. She hasn’t taken it off since, except to sleep, shower, and swim.”

  A pang hits my chest, and I draw my knees up to hug them. What I wouldn’t give to be there right now witnessing her excitement.

  “Please make sure you get plenty of pictures,” I tell Mom croakily.

  “Oh, sweetie, you know I will,” she reassures me, a hint of sadness in her voice. She knows how hard this is on me.

  I sniff and push away the threatening tears. I don’t want to dampen their time away.

  “So, tell me your plans for the day,” I ask, forcing cheeriness in my voice. I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the time. “And why are you up so early? Isn’t it like four thirty in the morning there?”

  “We’re still on eastern time. I woke up at four and couldn’t get back to sleep.” There’s a shuffling sound, then murmurs before Mom speaks again. “We’re going to do some shopping today, and later scuba dive.”

  I smile. “That sounds like fun.” There’re more quietly spoken words on her end. “Is that Avery?”

  “Yeah. She was just saying she wanted to talk to you.”

  A moment later, Avery’s high-pitched girly voice comes over the phone.

  “Hey, Em! I got you a pretty lei and we’re going shopping today! I told Mom I wanted to bring you home a bunch of gifts since you couldn’t come with us! And later today we’re going to scuba dive and look at all the coral! We saw fireworks last night! They were so pretty and big! I tried to take some pictures of them for you, but they came out all fuzzy!”

  I laugh at her excited chatter. Avery, eight years old and so full of life. She’s also very lucky to be here. If it weren’t for my parents and Jessika, she wouldn’t be. Guilt, shame, and remorse mingle with a love so astounding that it fills my heart to bursting.

  To Avery, I’m Em, her big sister, but to me, Avery’s my beloved daughter. A daughter I nearly lost because of my own stupid selfishness. Every single day, I thank God that he spared her, and that my parents were there to care for her when I couldn’t. I’m not sure if she’ll ever know me as her mom, and while that hurts, I will gladly give up my role as parent and be the best big sister a girl could have if that means she’s safe and healthy. I don’t deserve anything more than that.

  “Sounds like you’re having a great time, sweetie.”

  I lay my head on my raised knees and close my eyes.

  “It would be so much better if you were here,” she says, breaking my heart straight down the middle.

  I have to clear my throat before I speak. “I’ll be at the next family vacation, and when you come back, you can show me all the pictures you take.”

  She goes on to gush about all the pretty flowers
she’s seen, how the water is so clear she can see her feet when she’s swimming, how good the food is, and how nice the people are. Even though it’s only been three days since I’ve seen her, it still makes me wish I could reach through the phone and squeeze her small body in my arms.

  After several more minutes of talking to Avery, Mom gets back on the phone. I blow out a shaky breath.

  “Call me tomorrow and tell me how today goes. I want to hear all about it.”

  “Will do. You have your exam today, don’t you?” she asks.

  “Yeah. It’s the only class I have today, thank goodness.”

  “You’re going to ace it, I just know it.”

  Laughing, I toss the covers off me and throw my feet over the side. “Thanks for the confidence. I wish I had as much as you.”

  “You’re so smart, Em, and I’m so proud of you. Both me and your dad are.”

  I look down at my feet and wiggle my toes into the carpet. “Thanks, Mom,” I tell her, my throat suddenly feeling like there’s a lump in it. “I’ve got to go. I have class in an hour.”

  “Okay, sweetie. Good luck, and I want to know how it went when I call tomorrow.”

  After saying goodbye, I toss my phone on the bed and get up to go to the bathroom. I jump in the shower, then brush my teeth and apply a light layer of makeup. Once I have my travel mug full of blissful coffee, I grab it, my purse, my book bag, and my keys.

  On my way to campus, I think about Nathan and wonder when he’ll call me. If he’ll call me, I amend. I hope like hell he does, because I’m not through with whatever we started two nights ago when I danced for him. And last night made me want him even more. The way he made my body feel was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It was electrifying and intense. I’ve had a couple sexual relationships, but I’ve never had a man look at me the way he did. It was as if nothing else in the world mattered to him in that moment except me giving myself pleasure. Every part of him was focused on me. Not just what my fingers were doing to my pussy, but my face. He liked looking at my expression with each new feeling I experienced.


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