Captain Merric

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Captain Merric Page 10

by Rebecca Cohen


  She hummed, and a slow, lazy smile spread across her face. “You’ve someone in there. You never have anyone in your rooms, you always use the guest ones when you have people over to play.”

  “You’re too nosey for your own good.”

  “Says you.”

  He grabbed for the tray, but she didn’t let go. “Lelia, you are being a pain.”

  “I understand your Daniel’s room wasn’t slept in last night. Seems we know why.” Her chuckle was downright filthy.

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Oh, don’t be so sour. I am happy you’ve finally found someone who you trust enough to invite into your inner sanctum, someone who has the chance to make you happy. Not even Jean-Pierre made it into there, and I had great hopes for him.”

  Lelia only wanted him to be happy. Edward had to remember that her friendship meant a great deal to him, but he wasn’t ready to share what was going on with Daniel. The uncertainty still too great.

  “I am very fond of Daniel.”

  She let go of the tray. “Then you better get back in there, before he wakes up and thinks you’ve done a flit.”

  She walked away chuckling to herself.

  He returned to his room, placing the tray on a side table and relieved to see Daniel asleep and hadn’t moved. Edward slid back into bed.

  The morning sunlight poured through the balcony doors, casting a golden glow, and the breeze cooled the room. Daniel turned over, and his eyelids flittered open. He yawned and stretched, giving Edward a most delightful view until he saw the jagged scar on the side of his thigh. Edward traced a finger down the faded pucker on Daniel’s leg.

  He grimaced, his good mood fading. “I can’t help but think this is in part my fault.”

  “Don’t be an ass. You’re hardly a Spanish devil hell bent on gutting me.”

  “That’s not what I meant. If I hadn’t gone, you’d have been safe on land.”

  Daniel turned towards Edward. “I’ve been at sea half my life. Despite what drove me there, I don’t regret that.”

  “You should have been at home.” Safe. Where Edward knew he was out of danger. It had been bad enough leaving, but knowing Daniel wasn’t in harm’s way had made it slightly easier. Even if Daniel had joined him in the Caribbean when his plans had changed after being shipwrecked, he would have only had to make a single journey and not be at sea constantly as he was now.

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “I’m the youngest son of a baron. I was destined for the navy, and my father’s connections certainly helped my career. But the choices were always limited to joining the Admiralty or the clergy. I think we’ve established I’d be terrible at the moral aspect of the latter.”


  “You are talking rubbish. Just because you are two years older does not make you the sole influence of my decisions. I was already making great strides in the navy when we met; I’d been in Portsmouth since I was sixteen. The life I chose was inevitable.”

  Daniel had always been stubborn, but Edward wasn’t too different. “We both know that’s not true. The masters thought you a strategist, not a sailor.”

  “Hush. I managed well enough.” Daniel kissed him. “What’s past is past.”

  Edward smiled. “Now we can have the future I’d planned.”

  “I still have to go. Even if I persuade the governor of what my so-called lieutenant did, you said yourself there is high likelihood he will no longer be in Jamaica.”

  “You agreed to spend some more time here… with me.” The uncertainty crept upon him with silent feet; he hated the idea that he could sound so insecure.

  “I will. I have not changed my mind about that. We have much to talk about and to get to know each other again, but it does not alter the situation.”

  He understood. Edward dropped a kiss onto Daniel’s shoulder. “You have unfinished business.”

  “Yes, and until it is settled I cannot be either. I am no pirate, Edward. I made my pledge, and no matter how much I want you, I can’t break that. I need to—”

  Edward silenced him with a kiss, deep and exploratory. They broke apart, and Daniel buried his head in the crook of Edward’s neck.

  “We are both dead men; we can be free here. I have more money than I could ever spend. We could build a home here.”

  Daniel pulled away. “I will come back. But it may take some time. I will deal with the traitors, say my goodbyes to my family, then return here to you. Unless we find we can no longer stand each other after a week.”

  “I see no evidence of that. In fact, I have found our liaisons extremely compatible.”

  Daniel laughed. “There is more to life than lust and rum.”

  “Yes, there is treasure and brandy.” He slid his hand and squeezed Daniel’s firm buttock. “But lust is very important.”

  Daniel looked uncertain for moment, but it passed. “You have not changed so much. Do not think I will spend every waking minute of the next week in this bed.”

  “There are plenty of other beds in this house—and there is always the waterfall pool.”

  Edward sensed Daniel might try to argue, but he wasn’t planning on letting him. He rolled Daniel onto his back and captured his lips in fiery kiss. Having the permission to kiss Daniel gave him more joy than he could vocalize, but lying on top of him, feeling their naked bodies pressed together was better than looting an entire fleet of merchant vessels. He canted his hips, delighted to feel Daniel’s cock hardening against his own.

  Last night he’d been so careful, worshipped Daniel with everything he had, and he wanted to do that again and again. He didn’t like the idea of Daniel being so lonely all those years, how he’d closed off himself and his heart. But if his kisses were anything to go by, his passion was only buried and had been waiting to be released. There would be time when they would have to snatch precious moments, but this was not one of them.

  He trailed kisses across Daniel’s collar bone and down his chest. As he worked south, Daniel’s breathy moans of pleasure were like music to his ears. He loved to tease, loved to hear a lover enjoying themselves. The wanton groans Daniel made when Edward closed his mouth around his cock radiated through Edward like an earthquake. He sucked and licked, tonguing the underside of Daniel’s cock, relishing the tang of his pre-release but having to place a firm hand on his hip to stopping Daniel bucking.

  Daniel’s thighs trembled. “I’m close.”

  “Move into the middle of the bed.”

  Daniel did as he was told, and Edward bit back a taunt that Daniel could follow orders if it would be conducive to him getting what he wanted. Daniel moved to turn over, but Edward stopped him.

  “I’ve something else in mind.”

  He rearranged himself so his knees were either side of Daniel’s head, and Daniel caught on straight away, sliding his hand around Edward’s thighs and taking Edward into his mouth. Edward loved this, loved to have his cock sucked while sucking another. Daniel was a little out of practise, but what he lacked in technique he made up for with enthusiasm. If anyone were listening there would be no mistaking their actions, his own moans joining Daniel’s as they raced towards their peak. Daniel bucked up as he came, and Edward greedily drank him down, his own release following in a blinding rush.

  They collapsed back onto the bed, still topping and tailing, but sprawled out in bliss, and Edward couldn’t bring himself to care. He would make every minute of the next week count, and by the end of it Daniel would be desperate to return.

  Chapter Twelve

  Despite Daniel’s insistence that he didn’t intend to spend all his time in bed, Edward was a persuasive bastard and his kisses the devil’s own. However, Daniel pulled himself free. Edward tried to grab him, but Daniel was too quick. “Come on, there must be many delights to this island. If you want me make my home here I will need to see some of them.”

  “One of the best places is this room, and there are several surfaces we have not exp

  “Get. Up.”

  Edward pointed to his cock, flushed and hard. “I already am.”

  Daniel ignored him. If Edward didn’t want to show him around, he was pretty sure he could make his own way. Using some water in a bowl on a dresser, he washed, and then found his drawers and breeches. Edward groaned from the bed, and Daniel was happy to see him getting up.

  “I suppose we could row out to Gulls Cove.”

  “That doesn’t sound much of an endorsement, don’t feel you need to be too enthusiastic.”

  “It’s a pretty enough place, but I was enjoying the view from the bed.”

  Edward stretched, and Daniel watched his muscles move under his skin. Edward was a pleasure to gaze upon, but Daniel needed to be sure they could tolerate each other out of bed. Physical intimacy was important, but so was being able to hold a conversation without resorting to insult slinging.

  “I will go on my own if I must. But it defeats the idea of us spending time together.”

  “I’m coming. I can hardly believe you are even more impatient now than when you were younger.” Edward got dressed. “I will ask Lelia to put together some food. I have worked up quite an appetite and have no intention of fishing for my dinner.”

  “I might be impatient, but you have always been led by your stomach.”

  “Not true. There is at least one other part of my anatomy that leads the way.”

  Daniel chose to ignore him. “I will get my boots and a clean shirt from my room. You go and get your precious food, and I will meet you outside. Do not dawdle.”

  Edward saluted. “Yes, Captain!”

  Daniel laughed despite himself. He retrieved what he wanted from his room and hurried downstairs. Edward took his sweet time, finally appearing with a small, bulging sack. “We will only be gone a few hours. What have you in there?”

  “Bread, ham, some local fruits, and a bottle of rum. Hardly anything for two hungry men. We need to keep up our strength. Who knows what strenuous activities are ahead of us.”

  “Rowing, Edward. That will be the activity.”

  Edward laughed. “If you say so. But I like to be prepared for all eventualities.”

  Daniel shook his head but followed as Edward made his way through the garden down another path Daniel had not yet had a chance to explore. They weren’t heading to the town or to the pool, and instead arrived at a small secluded beach with a jetty extending out into the waves, where a rowing boat was moored.

  They climbed aboard, Daniel making sure he wasn’t in the position to man the oars. “Since you’re so keen for physical activities you can row.”

  Edward tutted as he sat, but he picked up the oars. “I didn’t become Captain Merric to row my own boat.”

  Daniel untied the rope and settled down to enjoy the view of the sea and Edward being put to work. “I still don’t really understand why you became a pirate. I know the circumstances but not the reasoning. You weren’t a lawbreaker back in England.”

  “What other choice did I have? After I was shipwrecked I had no money to return to England, and later it was clear I would not be welcome even if I did. I had no trade in which to offer my service, apart from being handy with a sword and a decent shot, but didn’t have your mapmaking or navigation skills.”

  “You are saying necessity drove you to piracy?”

  “Basically, yes.”

  “But what kept you there?”

  Edward thought for a moment before continuing. “I guess nothing deeper than I enjoyed the thrill of it, and the spoils. Money, men, and women willing to do as I wish, the infamy. It’s an intoxicating mix.”

  “I am surprised this little boat can bear the weight of your ego.”

  “When you get the type of reaction I get, hear the rumours and the whispers, then it is hard not to be a little egotistical.” He grinned. “But it cannot last forever.”

  “Really? You act as if you are immortal.”

  “I am not that stupid. Life at sea is dangerous, with every skirmish there is the risk I won’t survive it, or we will finally meet our match and I’ll be captured and my neck stretched.”

  Daniel shuddered at the thought. “Then maybe you should stop.”

  “I had thought I would at some point, but the thrill had always outweighed the risks. Until recently, I didn’t have an incentive to consider retiring.”

  “Recently?” Could Edward mean what Daniel thought he meant?

  “What point was there to retire when I would return to an empty house? My crew may be held together by the allegiance to gold, but some of them are true friends. I had thought it better to die at sea fighting for my life than on land, withered away in solitude.”

  “But you have changed your mind?”

  “Daniel, I do not wish you to return to me so you can grieve for me if I die. You have done that once, I do not want you to go through that again.”

  “You would give up being Captain Merric for me?”

  “In due course. I cannot stop from one day to the next, but neither do I wish to be away from you for weeks on end while the Opal is at sea. But at the moment I do not see another option if you return to the Caribbean as a naval man.”

  It was one thing for Edward to say it, but another for him to actually do it, and the way Edward spoke about his life made Daniel doubt he could give up being Captain Merric, but he would not argue that now. “This this needs careful consideration.”

  “If two fine captains such as ourselves cannot find a solution then there is no hope.”

  Daniel fell into a quiet contemplation, thinking over Edward’s words. They rounded a small headland, white beaches giving way to a craggy set of rocks and the opening to a large cave. Another wooden jetty sat to one side where they could moor. Edward knew the waters well, and he skilfully manoeuvred them alongside, the little boat being buffeted by the waves splashing against the rocks.

  He jumped out of the boat as graceful as a cat, even with the sack in hand. “Throw me the rope.”

  Daniel did as requested. Once the boat was secured he climbed out, accepting Edward’s hand and biting back his automatic response that he could manage on his own. True he could, but he didn’t have to. He hadn’t had someone else he could rely on like this for a long time, and he had missed it as much as physical intimacy. Letting someone close had been nigh on impossible, but with Edward it was disturbingly easy.

  Squawking above heralded a battle between a group of gulls over something he couldn’t see.

  “Now I see why it’s called Gulls Cove.”

  “Worse names in these parts. If you’re looking for inventive you’re in the wrong bit of the world.” They entered the cave, Edward calling out, “The rocks are slippery, and there is a steep climb followed by a not-so-gentle slope where we’re heading.”

  “And where is that exactly?”

  “A nice secluded spot, perfect to have a quiet moment alone.”

  Daniel could all too easily guess how such quiet moments were spent. “Somewhere you go often?”

  “Now and again.”

  Daniel wondered how many secret places like this Edward had, and he needed to steer his thoughts from why Edward would have visited them and with whom. Now was not the time to let himself be carried away with such thoughts. “I hope it’s worth it. Lead on.”

  “I am sure you will think so,” Edward replied, but Daniel guessed Edward knew what Daniel was thinking. Neither of them willing to head into an argument, the trigger carefully skirted. “If not, we can return to the house.”

  The light in the cave began to fade as they walked farther, but Daniel realized that it should have been much darker and the reason why it wasn’t became apparent as they scrambled up a slope and stood over a deep hollow. The daylight poured through the collapsed ceiling of the cave, casting an eerie brilliance over the damp surface of the rock, almost like moonlight.

  “This is beautiful. Reminds me of north Cornwall.”

  “I cannot say I know the are

  Daniel had fond memories of Cornwall. “My mother’s family hailed from there. I spent a summer with my grandfather in Tintagel before moving to Portsmouth.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “Hardly important.”

  Edward shook his head. “I disagree. There is nothing about you I do not wish to know.”

  “I assure you, I am in no way as interesting as Captain Merric.”

  “You are to me.” Edward grabbed him by his arm. “I want to hear it all.”

  “Then you will be one of the few. Now let us get to this beach you were talking about.”

  “I will appease you for now. But be warned, Daniel, I will not let you deter me from knowing you better than I know myself.”

  They continued walking, coming to a downwards slope. Daniel had to concentrate to not fall on his arse but once at the bottom he saw another opening. They emerged into daylight, straight onto a small beach with no way to reach the cliff above.

  Daniel blinked rapidly against the bright sunshine “I see what you mean about it being secluded.”

  “The rocks make it too dangerous to row directly here, and the cliffs are too sheer to climb down, but an old friend told me about the cave. Do you think it worth the effort?” asked Edward, his head back, basking in the sun.

  Daniel dropped to sit on the sand, letting the grains run between his fingers, and staring out at the crystal-blue waters. He could see himself sitting there in the future, just the two of them as they retreated from the madness of Edward’s adventures as Captain Merric. But returning had other issues. How could he, as a naval officer, have a pirate as a lover? He glanced at Edward, his heart swelling. There really was only one way—even if Edward stopped being Captain Merric, the British would still have a price on his head, and now his career wasn’t as important as it had once been. He had a few more days to think things over, and then discuss it with Edward, but before then he needed to get other things straight before he started making plans for a future.

  “Definitely worth it. Thank you for bringing me.”


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