Champion Stakes
Charles (slave)
Chase, E. H.
Cheapside market/slave market
Chennault, Ed
Chester Park
Chicago black community
Chicago Jockey Club
Chicago White Stockings
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Chinese immigrants
Chinn, Jack
Chinn and Morgan stables
“Chittlin Switch” racetrack
Christian Church (Lexington)
Christy, Lee
Churchill, Henry
Churchill, John
Churchill Downs. See Kentucky Derby
Cincinnati Jockey Club
Citizens' Stakes
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Civil War: abolitionism and; African Americans' hopes regarding the outcome of; beginning of; Camp Nelson (see Camp Nelson); draft riots of 1863; Emancipation Proclamation; history of the Twenty-Fifth Corps; issue of military service by black men; in Kentucky; slavery and the roots of; Union assault against Petersburg; views of slavery by Lincoln and the Republican Party
Clark, Meriwether Lewis, Jr.
Clark, William
Clarke, Daniel
Clarke, Lewis
Clark Stakes
Clay, Cassius Marcellus
Clay, Henry
Clay, John T.
Clay, Marshall T.
Clay, T. J.
Clayton, Alonzo
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland Gazette
Cleveland Plaindealer
Coleman, William
Collins, Patricia Hill
colonization movement
Colored Baptist Church (Louisville)
Colored Education Convention (Louisville)
Colored Fair Association (Lexington)
Colored Men's Convention
Colored Men's State Educational Union
Colston, Raleigh, Jr.
Colt and Filly Stakes
Colton, Mary
Combs, Leslie
common-law marriages
Compromise of 1850
Coney Island Cup
Coney Island Jockey Club: Murphy's 1881 racing season; Murphy's 1882 racing season; Murphy's 1887 racing season; Murphy's 1890 racing season; Murphy's 1895 racing season
Conscription Act of 1863
Cooper, Albert
Corrigan, Edward: 1893 dispute with Monk Overton; contract with Murphy; history of; Murphy's 1882 racing season; Murphy's 1884 racing season; Murphy's 1885 racing season; Murphy's 1886 racing season; Murphy's 1890 racing season; Murphy's rupture with; poisoning of Pearl Jennings in 1886 and; reasons for hiring Murphy
Corwin, Thomas
cotton gin
cotton industry
Cottrill, William
“counter-Reconstruction organizations,”
Covington, Anthony
Crab Orchard track
Crampton, B. J.
Crawfish Bottom (the “Craw”)
Crawford Plate
Crawford Stakes
Cripps, Walter Harrison
Croker, Richard
Crouse, D. J.
Crummell, Alexander
Cumberland Stakes
Currier, Nathaniel
Cushing, J. E.
Daly, M.
Daly, William “Father Bill,”
Dana, Charles A.
Danville, KY
Darden, G. W.
Darktown lithographs (Currier & Ives)
Davis, John H.
Dearborn Stakes
Declaration of Independence
Delany, Martin
Democratic Party
Derby Winner, The (play)
Detroit Jockey Club
Deyo, John H.
Dickson, J. Bates
Distillers' Stakes
Dixiana Handicap
Dixiana Stakes
Dixon, George
Donohue, William
Doswell, T. W.
Douglas, Stephen A.
Douglass, Frederick: 1881 defense of African Americans; lionization of William Parker; National Savings and Bank Trust Company and; slave narratives; support of the Emancipation Proclamation; on the violent resistance of slavery
draft riots of 1863
Dred Scott decision
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dudley, Benjamin W.
Duerett, Peter “Old Captain,”
Dunmore, Lord. See Murray, John
Dwyer brothers: 1885 racing season; 1888 Brooklyn Cup race; Murphy's 1889 racing season; Murphy signs with; as owners; Philip at the 1888 Turf Congress
Eatontown Stakes
eclipse of 1869
Eighteenth Corps
Elkhorn Baptist Association
Ellis, James
Ely Normal School
Emancipation Proclamation
Emerson, John
Empire Stables
Epsom Downs
Erie Stables
Excelsior Sweepstakes
exercise boys
fairs. See Colored Fair Association
Fairview Stakes
Fee, John G.
Ferber, Abby
Ferrill, London
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Massachusetts Colored Cavalry
Fifth Street Baptist Church (Louisville)
Filly Stakes
First African Baptist Church (Lexington): education of black children and; history of; in the Lexington black community; Lucy and Isaac join; America Murphy and
First Baptist Church (Louisville)
First Continental Congress
First Methodist Episcopal Church (Lexington)
Fisher, John Isaac
Fisk, Clinton
Fisk University
Fitzpatrick, William
Flash Stables
Flash Stakes
Fleetwood Handicap
Fleetwood Stock Farm: 1881 Kentucky Live Stock Record report on; founding of; Meta Hunt-Reynolds's management of; Eli Jordan as head trainer; Murphy's 1877 racing season; Murphy's 1878 racing season; Murphy's 1879 racing season; Murphy's 1880 racing season; Murphy's 1881 racing season. See also Hunt-Reynolds, J. W.
Fort Harrison
Fort Pillow
Fortune, Timothy Thomas: 1890 speech in Chicago calling for resistance to white supremacy; the Murphys meet in Brooklyn; on Murphy's running of the 1890 match race at Sheepshead Bay; praise of Murphy and elevation of black success; on the Supreme Court ruling against the 1875 Civil Rights Act
Fort Wagner
Foster, C. J.
Frankfort, KY: African American population; black community; Lucy Carr's background and upbringing in; Colored Men's Convention; Hunt-Reynolds and the founding of Fleetwood Stock Farm; Murphy's marriage to Lucy Carr; Murphy's personal life and relationships in
Franklin, A. C.
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Benjamin and Susan
fraternal organizations, African American. See also Freemasonry
Frazer, Charlotte
Frazer, James
freedmen: gaining of physical freedom; need for direction and leadership; population in Kentucky; Reconstruction-era violence against; response to the colonization movement; spiritual freedom and; Thirteenth Amendment and. See also Reconstruction era
Freedmen's Bank
Freedmen's Bureau
Free Handicap Sweepstakes
French and Indian War
Fry, Speed
Fugazzi, Fred
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
fugitive slave narratives
“Funeral Procession Derby”
Galt House Stakes
gamblers and gambling: jockeys and; Murphy's poisoning at Monmouth Park and; poisoning of Ed Corrigan's horses in 1886 and; Saratoga Springs and
, James A.
Garner, Margaret
Garrison, Ed “Snapper”: 1887 racing season; 1890 racing season; 1892 racing season; 1893 racing season; William Daly and; match races against Murphy; method of riding; methods of “training down”; winning percentage
Garrison, William Lloyd
General Association of Colored Baptists convention
gentleman jockeys
gentleman riders
George III
German immigrants
Gibson, William H., Sr.
Gideon, Dave
Gideon and Daly stable
Gist, Christopher
Gist, William
Goodloe, D. S.
Goodloe, Green Clay
Goodloe, William Cassius
Gorsuch, Edward
Graham, G. H.
Grand Union Pleasure Club
Grant, Ulysses S.
Gratz, Benjamin
Gravesend racetrack
Great Eclipse Stakes
Greeley, Horace
Green, Alfred
Green, John E.
Green Stakes
Grinstead, J. A.
Gross, Link
Guiteau, Charles
Haggin, J. B.: 1886 racing season; 1887 racing season; 1888 racing season; Murphy rides for in the 1889 Lorillard Stakes; Murphy's 1890 racing season; signs Anthony Hamilton in 1886
Hale, Samuel
Hall, Theron E.
Halleck, Henry W.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Anthony: 1886 racing season; 1888 racing season; 1890 racing season; 1892 racing season; 1895 racing season; in attendance at Murphy's funeral; exclusion from American horse racing; marriage of; Murphy's reception for in 1891; opinion of Murphy as a jockey; as a rising star in 1886; signed by J. B. Haggin
Hamilton, John G.
Hanna, John
Hannigan, J.
Harlan, James and Silas
Harlan, John Marshall
Harper, F. B.
Harper, Frank
Harrod, James
Harrod's Fort
Hawkins, Lawson
Hawkins family
Hawthorne Park
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hellgate Stable
Hemment, John C.
hemp industry
Henderson, Richard
Henry, William
Henson, Josiah
Hill, W. R.
Hilton, Henry
Himyar Stakes
Hindoo Stakes
Hoar, George Frisbie
Hogan, Andrew J.
Holloway, R. T.
horse breeding: at E. J. Baldwin's Santa Anita farm; in the early Bluegrass region
horse industry: African Americans in the development of; Robert Alexander and; development in Louisville; founding of the Kentucky Association; growing presence of white laborers in; notions of Southern identity and; origins and development of; response to Meta Hunt-Reynolds's management of Fleetwood Farm
horse racing: changing culture of in the 1880s; collusion against black jockeys; commercialization of; Corrigan's contract with Murphy; critiques of Murphy's riding in 1892; displacement and exclusion of black jockeys; in the early Bluegrass region; in the East; emergence as a national spectacle; the feel of riding a horse; the first photo finish; gambling by jockeys; growing presence of white jockeys in the 1880s; historical significance of black jockeys in; John Wesley Hunt and; inaugural races of the Louisville Jockey Club; key owners, horses, and black jockeys in 1875; Murphy inducted into the National Museum of Racing's Hall of Fame; Murphy's judgment of a horse's pace; Murphy's poisoning incident at Monmouth Park, aftermath and recovery; Murphy's racing seasons (see Murphy, Isaac Burns); Murphy's relationship with owners; Murphy's retirement from; Murphy's suspension in 1878; Murphy's winning percentages; notions of Southern identity and; poisoning of Ed Corrigan's horses in 1886; racial stereotyping of black jockeys and trainers in the 1890s; regulation by the National Jockey Club in 1894; response to Meta Hunt-Reynolds's management of Fleetwood Farm; size of the horse racing industry in 1891; starting devices; James Williams and Richard Owings and; work in the development of Thoroughbred champions
horses: Aldebaran; Aristides; Asteroid; Athenian; Auburn; Avondale; Baden-Baden; Badge; Balgowan; Ballard; Bard, The; Barrister; Belle of the Meade; Ben Ali; Biersan; Bill Letcher; Blue Eyes; Blue Wing; Bob Woolley; Bonaventure; Bonnie Australian; Bonnie Oaks; Boulevard; Boundless; Bradamante; Buchanan; Buck McCann; Burlington; Caligula; Captain Fred Rice; Caracas; Cassius; Champagne Charley; Checkmate; Chesapeake; Chorister; C. H. Todd; Clarion; Clarissima; Classmate; Claude Brannon; Clemmie G; Clifford; Come to Taw; Correction; Creedmore; Don Alonzo; Dr. Hasbrouck; Dr. Rice; Eaglet; Edinburgh; Ed Turner; Eling David; Emperor of Norfolk; Enid; Enquiress; Eric; Estelle; Estrella; Eva Shirley; Fabulous; Facsimile; Fair Play; Falcon; Falsetto; Faverdale; Felicia; Fenelon; Firenzi; Fitzjames; Fleta; Fortuna; Freeland; General Harding; Glenmore; Glentina; Gold Dollar; Goliah; Grinstead; G. W. Johnson; Hanover; Harry Gow; Harry White; Hart Wallace; Hero, The; High Tariff; Hoodlum; Hornpipe; Incommode; Ingomar; Irish Pat; Iroquois; J.B.; Joe Cotton; John Cooper; John Henry; Jubal; Kern; Kilburn; King Charley; King Faro; Kingman; King Nero; King William; Lady Greenfield; La Joya; Lancaster; L'Argenteen; Lazzarone; Leonatus; Leveler; Lexington; Libretto; Lida Stanhope; Lijero; Linger; Lizzie Dwyer; Lizzie Whipps; Long Dance; Longstreet; Lookout; Lord Murphy; Los Angeles; Lucifer; Lucky B; Lyceum; Major Barker; Maretzek; McCreery; McWhirter; Mediator; Mexico; Mirage; Missal; Miss Ella; Miss Ford; Miss Woodford; Mistral; Modesty; Mollie McCarthy; Mollie McCarthy's Last; Montrose; Morello; Norvin; Nugent; Once Again; Oporto; Pansy; Pearl Jennings; Philopena; Pinafore; Playmate; Plutus; Pope Leo; Prince of Darkness; Prince Royal; Princess; Queechy; Raceland; Ramapo; Rappahannock; Redding; Rey del Rey; Riley; Robespierre; Rutherford; Salvator; Scramble; Shelley Tuttle; Shortline; Silver Cloud; Silvio; Sir Walter; Soho; Solicitor; Sorrento; Springbranch; Spendthrift; St. Charles; St. Croix; St. James; St. Joe; St. Leonards; Strathmeath; Surge; Susquehanna; Swiney; Tea Tray; Ten Broeck; Tenny; Tom Ochiltree; Trinidad; Tupto; Uberto; Utica; Valliant; Valuable; Vanguard; Vera Cruz; Verano; Vermont; Volante; Volcano; Wadsworth; Wallenstein; Walnut; Waterwitch; Whisperina; Windrush; Yorkville Belle
Horton, George Moses
Hotaling, Ed
“House Divided” speech (Lincoln)
Howard, Oliver O.
Howard, Victor
Howard, William
Howard School
Huggin, Henry
Hunt, Anna Taney
Hunt, Catherine
Hunt, John Wesley
Hunt, Mary
Hunter, John
Hunt-Reynolds, J. W.: biographical overview; death of; Louisville Jockey Club and; Murphy rides for in 1877; Murphy's relationship with; wealth of. See also Fleetwood Stock Farm
Hunt-Reynolds, Meta: daughter of; death of J. W. Hunt-Reynolds; management of Fleetwood Farm following J. W.'s death; Murphy's relationship with
Hunt-Reynolds, Meta Christina
Hunt-Reynolds stables. See Fleetwood Stock Farm
Hunt's Row (Lexington)
Hurstbourne Stakes
Illinois Derby
immigrants: American immigration policy; competition and tension with African Americans
Independent Baptist Church (Lexington)
International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy
Intolerable Acts
Irish immigrants
Isaac Murphy: Kentucky's Record Jockey (Borries)
Ives, James Merritt
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Belle Mitchell
Jackson, H. J.
Jackson, John C.
Jackson, John H.
Jackson, Jordan C.
Jackson, Peter
Jackson, Thomas
Jackson, Williamr />
Jacobin Stables
Jacobs, Harriet
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, William
Jerome, Leonard
jockey clubs
jockeys: activities in Tijuana, Mexico; battles with weight and methods of weight loss; Tom Britton in 1890; fees and monetary incentives; gambling and; horse racing's transformation into business and; life away from the track; Murphy as a tutor and mentor to; Will Ogilvie's poem about; races per season; racial tensions of the 1880s and; salary of; training and conditioning of; weight requirements set by the Turf Congress in 1888; working relationships between white and black jockeys. See also black jockeys
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Dave
Johnson, Edgar M.
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, Joe
Johnson, W. D.
Johnson, William H.
Joint Railroad Committee
Jones, Martha S.
Jones, William
Jordan, Cora
Jordan, Eli: birth of; departure from the Williams stable; with the Fleetwood Stock Farm; on Green Murphy's desires for Isaac to be a jockey; as a horse trainer; influence on Isaac; memories of Isaac as an apprentice; America Murphy and; registers Fleetwood's horses with the Louisville Jockey Club; trains Isaac to be a jockey
Junior Champion Stakes
“Just Before the Battle, Mother” (song)
Juvenile Stakes
Kansas City Star
Kansas: Nicodemus Colony
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Kautz, August
Keene, F. P.
Keene, James Robert
Keizer, John
Kenner Stakes
Kentucky: abolitionism in; African American population; antebellum views of Lincoln in; aurora borealis of 1870; the black church in the Reconstruction era; black education in; black exodus from in the 1880s; black Freemasonry; call by black leaders for a “Colored Men's Convention,”; Civil War era (see also Camp Nelson); Henry Clay and; Colored Men's State Educational Union; enlistment of African American men during the Civil War; migration into and growth of during the early 1800s; mulatto slave population; Murphy's background, birth, and childhood in the context of slavery; opposition to the Freedmen's Bureau; race relations in the 1870s; race relations in the 1880s; race relations in the 1890s; rejections of military service by African American men during the Civil War; slave breeding and the slave trade in; slaves and slavery in the development of; statehood and the continuation of slavery in; violence against African Americans
Kentucky Abolition Society
Kentucky Association Race Course: Murphy's 1876 racing season; Murphy's 1877 racing season; Murphy's 1878 racing season; Murphy's 1879 racing season; Murphy's 1881 racing season; Murphy's 1883 racing season; Murphy's 1884 racing season; Murphy's 1885 racing season; Murphy's 1886 racing season; Murphy's 1887 racing season; Murphy's 1891 racing season; Murphy's 1893 racing season; Murphy's 1894 racing season; Murphy's 1895 racing season; Murphy's memories of; James Williams and Richard Owings and
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