Fates, Mates & Apple Turnovers

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Fates, Mates & Apple Turnovers Page 3

by Lisa Oliver Dani Gray

  “They’ll come here,” Peter protested. “We have to go. They probably followed Harvey. They could be here any minute.”

  “Then it’s just as well I’ve got the police on my side.” Cupid was not backing down.

  “I’ll call my brother, Aiden. He’s on duty today and can bring a few friends,” Liam said, pulling out his phone. “We’ll set up a sting operation and catch them the moment they set foot in this store. But I want to know everything about these people, Harvey, is it? How many of them. Hair color, weight, height, approximate age. I want to know every freckle, mole, and any other identifying mark you can think of.”

  “Cupid,” Athena ran into the office. “There’re men at the counter. They’re asking about Peter. They said they were friends of his.”

  “The only friends me and Harvey have are in this room.” Fear gripped Peter’s heart. Fear for his brother, fear for Cupid, his partner and his sister. Fear for the lovely store that would surely be wrecked if there was a fight.

  “My brother is on his way.” Liam straightened and stuck his chin out. “I’ll go out and talk to them. Harvey, I need you to try and peek and see if it’s the ones who hurt you.”

  “It is them. I can smell them.” Harvey’s fists were clenched. “They won’t take me unawares this time.”

  “Smelling them isn’t part of police protocol when it comes to identifying perps.” If Liam thought what Harvey said was strange it didn’t show on his face. “Peeking, that’s all, Harvey. I mean it. I just want a visual ID. Let the Police handle the rest.”

  Peter wasn’t sure if it was Liam’s alpha personality, or maybe Harvey’s injuries were worse than they looked. A quick shift would cure most things, but it wasn’t as though Harvey could do that until they were alone. Whatever it was, Harvey nodded, and relaxed his hands.

  “Where can we see them without being seen?” Peter asked. He knew it was the same men who’d tried to catch him at the shelter. He knew the men waiting out front, sneering at Cupid’s beautiful baking displays were the ones who’d hurt his brother.

  “There’s a hatch in the kitchen which would be the best place,” Cupid sighed, looking at the mess Harvey was in. “Stuff it, we can just mop the floors and that sort of thing afterwards. Harvey, please try not to touch anything.”

  “I can’t go in your kitchen.” Harvey shrunk back. “Cleanliness is most important in food preparation areas,” he recited slowly.

  Giving his brother a quick hug, Peter said quietly, “That’s very good, bro, but this time is a special exception, okay? We want these men to be caught, don’t we?”

  “Yes.” Harvey looked puzzled. “What’s a special exception?” He sounded the words out carefully.

  “Like that time Mom let us have cake sitting on the couch instead of the table, because it was our birthday, remember?”

  Harvey tried to crack a smile, and then winced as the split on his lip opened up again. “I miss our Mom,” he said, his voice breaking up. “She’d make those bad men go away and leave us alone.”

  “I know, Harvey.” Peter took a shuddering breath. “I miss her too.”

  “Hey,” Cupid came around Harvey’s chair and rested his hand on Harvey’s knee. “You might not have your Mom anymore, but I bet wherever she is, she’s looking down on you and smiling because she knows you have a new family now. Me, Liam, and Athena. You may think Athena is the quiet one, but believe me, you don’t want to get on her bad side. She’d be out there with a baseball bat now if Liam wasn’t here. You’re not alone anymore, you wait and see. Things will only get better from now on. You have my word. Now come on. Liam can only stall those bozos for so long. Let’s get you to the kitchen.”

  “He doesn’t even know about us,” Harvey whispered as Peter helped him to his feet. “Why would he say nice things like that?”

  “Because they’re good people,” Peter replied. “And this is a good place. Can you feel it?”

  “Makes my tummy tingle,” Harvey agreed. “Let’s go peek at bad men.”


  The small serving area in the Pantheon was packed with uniforms and scum bags. Peter watched as four men were taken away in handcuffs, cursing and swearing about their rights and being tricked. Liam was patiently coaxing Harvey to give his statement. Peter wasn’t sure if Harvey would mention that the ringleader of the gang arrested hadn’t been in the store. He made a note to mention it as soon as Liam was free.

  Athena was busy cleaning Harvey’s poor face and dressing his wounds when Cupid came over and motioned him to one side. “Look,” he said firmly, “I’m going to be blunt about this. I know you’re a proud man and you’re doing all you can to keep you and your brother safe. But I want you here, working with me and you can’t do that if you’re worrying about your brother all day.”

  “I’m not giving up my brother,” Peter said hotly. “I love being able to work here, but if it means….”

  “Did I say that?” Cupid laughed. “You’re as bad as I am, always jumping to conclusions. No, what I wanted to say is that I have an apartment on the floor above here. Athena used to live in it, years ago before she met her husband. It’s got two small bedrooms with a shared bath. I know it’s not much, but I want you and Harvey to stay in it, at least for the meanwhile.”

  A place of their own? Peter refused to let himself hope. “I don’t have the money for the deposit, or first and last rent. We don’t have any furniture….”

  “The place is furnished already. It’s basic but it has to be better than where you’re staying now, right? It has hot running water.”

  Peter blushed, remembering how he’d explained to Cupid earlier how sick he was of washing himself under a cold tap.

  “As for first and last rent, I’ll deduct something from your pay each week to cover it. You’ll have your own key. You and Harvey can come and go as you please. Is Harvey looking for work?”

  “He does construction. He can fix anything,” Peter said distractedly still trying to believe his good fortune. “But he needs someone….”

  “Who understands how special he is,” Cupid smiled. “I’m sure I can help find him a place. So, is it yes to the apartment?”

  Peter wanted so badly to say yes, but life hadn’t been kind and he hesitated. “Why us?” He asked quietly. “There’s dozens of homeless people out there, all looking for a second chance. Why are you helping me and my brother?”

  “Because you’re the one who had the good taste to go foraging in my dumpster,” Cupid said easily, nudging him on the shoulder. “So, I take it that’s a yes. You can move in tonight. Oh, I’m sorry, we’ll be closed for another hour or so,” he called out to a tall, well-dressed man who peered around the door. “Please feel free to call again then.”

  “I was actually looking for the owner,” the man said, his voice catching Peter’s attention and holding it fast. “There was a disturbance in the wards….” He trailed off looking directly at Peter. “Oh no, oh no. The Fates did not just do this to me. I’m exempt, you bumbling fools.” The man shook his fist at the ceiling.

  “It’s okay,” Peter held up his hands, his feet urging him to move forward. He knew exactly what the handsome man was talking about. “I understand, you’re rejecting me, and I can’t blame you. Up until today I was a homeless nobody with no-one but my brother in my life. But please, even though I work here now, don’t take away the wards. This is a good place and Cupid and his husband are good people.”

  “At least I know why the wards are all in a flux now,” the tall man grumped. “I had no intention of removing them. I just wanted to ensure Cupid and Liam were safe.”

  “Do I know you?” Cupid asked, peering at the stranger. “I feel like I should. It’s your eyes I think.”

  “We’ve never met in this form. But yeah, yeah, I’ll increase the wards and make sure they’re strong. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

  “Wait,” Peter yelled as the intriguing man turned to leave. He grabbed the last box of apple turnovers
he’d before all the shit went down. Hurrying over to the man, he pressed the box into his hands. “Please take these. A small token. Something to apologize for me not being what you’re looking for. I’m truly sorry. I quite agree you deserve so much better than me.”

  The man opened the box. “Apple turnovers,” he whispered. “I haven’t had these….” Abruptly he slammed the box closed. “Thank you. And please believe me when I tell you my rejection of you has nothing to do with your worth or otherwise. I just never intended to take a mate and I’m not doing it just because the Fates threw you in my path. You have a light, bright aura and a good soul. Be well.” The door slammed behind him as the intriguing man left, taking the apple turnovers and Peter’s heart with him.

  “What the hell was all that about?” Cupid demanded. “Fates, mates and apple turnovers? You’ve got a lot of explaining to do young man. Did you know him? Our mysterious stranger?”

  “No, I’ve never seen him before,” Peter said quietly, before hurrying over to hug his brother.

  Chapter Five

  Peter quietly started to tell Harvey about the apartment, not wanting to speak yet of how his mate had rejected him. He knew the man wasn’t a shifter, since he didn’t smell like one. What he did smell was something amazing, like freshly baked bread and an apple turnover. Once he had a good whiff of him, he knew that he needed to give that box of treats to him.

  He really wished he had a name for his mate. Guess it won’t matter, since he wasn’t wanted.

  As they moved to go upstairs, Peter was having the hardest time trying not to cry out his pain. His other half wanted to shift and go find the man. Not even the loss of their mom had hurt this badly.

  As Cupid showed them around, Peter took Harvey into one of the bedrooms and had him sit on the side of the bed.

  “I’m going to go and get our clothes and other stuff.” Peter told Harvey. “Why don’t you go have a shower and get yourself cleaned up.”

  Looking around to see if they were alone, Peter quietly added. “and before you do, shift so you can heal your wounds.”

  “Can you help me take off my clothes?” Harvey asked. “I don’t want to make them worse, and I should go with you. One of the bad mens wasn’t caught.”

  “Yeah, I can help you. But as soon as you shift back to human, go into the shower.”

  “Okay Peter.”

  As the two of them worked at getting Harvey out of his clothes, without damaging them more, Peter kept telling him that being here was a good thing.

  “Now, shift,” he told Harvey.

  Once Harvey was in his other form, he sat down on the floor and looked at Peter, tilting his head. He took a good sniff of Peter and when his eyes started to fill, Peter knew that he figured out something was hurting him.

  Both men jumped at the yell they heard at the bedroom door, not realizing that Cupid was still in the apartment.

  “What the hell.” Cupid yelled out. “Where is your brother, and what is that?”

  Cupid stumbled back when Harvey shifted back into his human form.

  “What are you guys?” Liam asked, looking over Cupid’s shoulder.

  “Can Harvey go have a shower, and we can talk in the front room?” Peter calmly asked. Frankly, he was really surprised at how much Cupid and Liam weren’t freaking out. He wondered if they did know about the paranormal world.

  Once everyone was seated at the table, Peter took a deep breath, not sure where to begin.

  “My brother and I are shifters, we are rare as I haven’t heard of any other sasquatch shifters. It appears that our father must have been the shifter, since our mom was human.”

  “Wow, that must have been hard for her.” Cupid added. “Wait, what…sasquatch. You mean you guys are bigfoot?”

  “I prefer sasquatch, we are more than just bigfoot. And, I don’t know if mom was upset about us being shifters, all I know is that she was our mom and loved us, unconditionally.”

  “Now I wish I had met her.”

  “She would have totally loved you.” Peter smiled at Cupid.

  “Now, I have a question for you two.” Peter looked between Cupid and Liam. “Why aren’t you freaking out?”

  “I have to admit,” Liam began, “that I’ve seen things in my line of work that I just can’t explain. I’ve had things moved so that I can see them when I know they weren’t there the first time I looked, and other stuff like that. One time I was chasing someone, and I saw that they were hit and knocked over, allowing me to catch them, but I never saw what knocked them over.”

  Cupid squirmed in his chair. “For me, I think it’s because of our mom. I mean, look at my name! She always told us stories just before bed, and she made the whole idea of the gods and other stuff as real. I have to admit, it would be so neat to actually meet Cupid or Athena. Can you imagine meeting your namesake like that?”

  “That would be so cool.” Peter agreed. “Can you imagine what Olympus, or Valhalla would be like? Wonder what the real Thor looks like? Is he as hot as the actor?”

  “Where is Thor?” Harvey asked from the doorway, “can I meet him too?”

  “I’m sorry, Harvey.” Peter got up and took Harvey’s hand, pulling him towards the table. “We were just talking about if they gods were real, and if the god Thor would be as hot as the actor who plays him in the movies.”

  “I don’t know about the gods, but what other kind of paranormal is there out there that you guys know of?” Liam asked.

  “Well, we know that there are other types of shifters out there. We haven’t met any, but we have smelled wolves and foxes.” Peter sat back in his chair, thinking about what else he may have scented.

  “Rabbits.” Harvey said. “I smelled rabbits and saw them once. They were really cute and fluffy. I told them they could play, and I would watch out for them. I think they were kids cause they were so small. A bigger bunny came and chased them off, I think it was scared of me. I would never hurt them, I promise.”

  Peter reached out and put his hand on Harvey’s arm, “I know you would never hurt them, but I think everyone is scared of us when we are shifted. I guess we’re kinda big.”

  “Kinda!” Cupid snickered. “I’m just lucky you didn’t stand up, or we’d have to fix the hole in the ceiling.”

  Everyone snickered at that.

  “I need to go to where we were staying and get out stuff. Cupid, can you stay here with Harvey and help him find a job?”

  “I would love to help you Harvey, what do you like to do?”

  “No.” Harvey said. “Peter can’t go alone, there is still bad mens out there.”

  “Harvey,” Liam interrupted, “would you be okay if I go with Peter? I can drive him there and back and we can get your stuff quicker.”

  Harvey sat back, thinking about it.

  “You promise to stay with Peter?”

  “I promise.” Liam said, lifting his right hand to hold over his heart.

  “Okay,” Harvey scowled at Liam, “but you better make sure he’s home safe, or I’m gonna be mad at you.”


  “What is the source of that amazing smell?” Aletheia came bounding in, interrupting Cupid’s snack. He quickly put a protective arm over the half-eaten box of pastries, glaring at his sister.

  “Go away,” he warned, showing his teeth. “This is mine, a gift, nothing for you.”

  “Oh, a gift,” Aletheia sat across from him at the table. “You’ve got an admirer now? One who bakes? Aww, I’ve got it – it was Liam’s Cupid wasn’t it? Did he bake them for you?”

  “Not my namesake, no.” Cupid snuck his hand in and pulled out another turnover. “Someone he has working for him. Peter.” Saying his name was a mistake. The damn Fates were canny when they twined two threads together. Just thinking about the sweet little man was enough to make Cupid’s heart pound and his cock harden. What was worse, he knew Aletheia would pick up on it.

  “Peter, hmm.” Leaning over, Aletheia broke off half of the turnover in Cupid�
�s hand. “There’s something special about him. I can feel it in your voice. Come on. Spill. You know you want to.”

  “I don’t want to do anything except enjoy my snack in peace.” Cupid glared at the pastry going into his sister’s mouth. She had no right stealing from him. Taking a bite of the remaining half, Cupid wanted to moan – again. Flakey pastry that melted in his mouth, soft gooey filling with just the right level of sweetness. Peter couldn’t have known, wouldn’t have known that apple turnovers were his favorite, but finding a good one, one that made him think of ancient days when times were simpler, and love was new, was damn near impossible. Peter had nailed it without even trying.

  “Is this Peter of yours Bi?” Aletheia asked with a moan of her own. “Because I swear, if your fuck buddy can bake like this, I’d take him for a spin.”

  “He’s not a fuck buddy,” Cupid snarled shooting a mass of crumbs all over the table. Licking his finger, he carefully picked up every one and sucked his finger. “You will not go near him. You will not touch him. You won’t even mention his name. Just leave him alone.”

  “If he’s not yours then there’s no rules against poaching him. Hmmm, that filling is just divine.” Licking off her fingers, Aletheia eyed the box. “I’d let you shoot me with an arrow to have another one of those. Come on, tell me where I can find this Peter of yours.”

  “No, fuck you, I said NO.” Grabbing the box under his arm, Cupid stormed out the room. Somehow the thought of Peter with his sister made him want to tear things up, smash some glasses, fucking shoot out firebolts instead of love arrows. Peter was innocent – that innocence shone in his soul. The thought of anyone touching him… Cupid growled, then found himself spun around by someone far bigger. So upset, he’d walked into Thor without realizing it.

  “Hey, Cupid,” Thor grinned. “Those baked goods smell divine. Can I have one?”


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