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Graham Page 6

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Are you collecting eggs?” Julia’s voice drifted over to him and he spotted her sitting upon the railing of the small back porch of the guest house, her legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles. She held a cup of iced tea in her hands. She looked rested and at ease, and if he were being honest with himself, too pretty sitting that way.

  “I am.”

  “Mind if I join you? I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  She didn’t wait for an answer, but swung her legs to the ground and set her cup on the railing. She bounded down the two steps towards him. “How was your day?” She smiled as she slipped the basket from his grasp and draped it over her elbow.

  “Good.” He opened the coop door and ducked inside. He had to remain hunched over so as to fit in the small hut, but Julia was able to stand with only a slight tilt of her head to avoid the ceiling.

  “So you just pluck them out of the nests?”

  “That’s the idea,” he said.

  “Simple enough.” She smiled and walked over to the first nest and picked the egg up and gently placed it in the basket. “It’s like an Easter egg hunt.” She squatted to reach behind the row of nests. “Looks like there’s a couple back here.”

  “Careful,” Graham warned. “Check for snakes.”

  She retreated her hand quickly. “Snakes?”

  “Not saying there is one, just have to be watchful.”

  “Well, Philip failed to mention that,” she mumbled, reaching back behind the nests to retrieve the two eggs.


  “Your brother.”

  Graham crossed his arms. “I know my brother, yes.”

  “He warned me of creatures I needed to look out for. He didn’t mention snakes.” She moved on to the next nests and plucked the eggs from each basket, a small smile lighting up her face at each one. She surveyed each egg before placing it in the basket.

  “What all did he warn you about?” Graham asked.

  “Well, he gave me skunk spray.” She held up the basket. “This all of them?”

  Graham eyed the few laying spots that now and again would hide hidden eggs. Not seeing anymore, he nodded.

  “And of course, ‘possums,” Julia continued. “And… bears.” She eyed him with a smirk.

  “Bears?” Puzzled, he looked down at her as she softly chuckled and stepped out of the hen house. “There aren’t any bears around here,” he assured her.

  “Not of the animal sort, I know.”

  Understanding dawned on his face. “Ah.”

  She grinned and he forced himself to stay stoic. “You think I’m a bear?”

  “Not my words. Your brother’s,” she clarified. “I was just an innocent bystander.” She held the basket out to him.

  “Need any?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so. I believe there was a small carton in the fridge. Plus, I’m going to Sheffield tomorrow with Alice, so I will pick up whatever else we’ll need there. Thank you, by the way, for stocking some essentials. Especially the cookies.”

  “Gotta have a sweet in the house.”

  “I agree.” She beamed up at him as he started to walk towards the main house. “What do you do with the eggs now?”

  “I eat them.” His brow furrowed as if she should know that.

  “I meant, do you cart them up? Do you give some to your brothers?”

  “Ah.” He motioned her inside and to the mudroom on the side of the house. A separate refrigerator was plugged in and a counter with empty egg cartons sat to the left of it. He placed the basket on the counter and began filling a carton. “Eggs get carted, dated, and then placed in here. If anyone needs eggs, they come get them here.” He opened the fridge and slid the carton in amongst several others. “Everyone takes the oldest batch first to use them up before these will get used. Feel free to grab whatever you need while you’re here.”


  He closed the refrigerator and continued on his way into the house, Julia still following behind him. He stopped and she waited patiently. “Did you need something else?” he asked.

  Surprised, she nervously swiped a hand over her hair and backed up a step. “Oh, no. I’m good.” She forced an embarrassed smile. “It’s just… Alice is asleep, and I took a nap earlier, so I’m a bit restless.”

  He said nothing.

  “And…” she continued. “I thought maybe I could hang out with you.”

  “Me?” he asked.

  “Sure. If you want.” Taking his silence as rejection, her face turned crimson. “You know, you’ve probably had a long day and here I am chatting your ear off. I’ll just go back to the guest house.”

  “We could go for a ride,” he offered.

  Her eyes sparkled at the idea as she nodded. “That would be great. I’d love to see more of the place.”

  He pointed to his truck. “Give me a second, and we’ll head out.”

  She nodded and walked towards the truck. He hustled to the kitchen and grabbed his after-work beer that was thankfully restocked thanks to Annie. Hesitating a moment, he grabbed another one for Julia. He wasn’t sure she even drank beer, considering she had a fruity drink at Sloppy’s the night before, but he’d offer. It was the polite thing to do.

  He climbed into his truck and handed her the bottle. She nibbled her lip to bite back a smile as she accepted it. He cranked the engine and rolled down the windows. “It’s too much land to see in one trip, but I’ll show you the main portion here, so you’ll know where everyone is at if you need anything.”

  “Sounds good.”


  Julia liked the small kindnesses she saw from Graham. Though his brothers called him a bear, it was clear that Graham deeply cared about those around him. And as they drove around the ranch, his love for the family property was evident with each story, each description, each plan he envisioned for the place. He referred to himself as a steward of the land, and she liked that he took that role seriously. He pointed to a brick house with nice trees and landscaping surrounding it, and a large barn within walking distance. “That’s Calvin’s place,” he explained.

  “So you each have a house?”

  “All but Seth. He lives with Lawrence right now while his house is still in the planning stages.”

  “I’m impressed you all get along enough to live in the same place.”

  He smirked. “Well, we may live in the same place, but we can’t live in the same house.”

  She grinned at that and pointed to another house on the horizon. “Who lives there?”

  “That’s Hayes’ place. He likes his privacy, so he’s the farthest away from the main gate.”

  He circled around a large pasture, cows and calves sprinkled amongst the grass as far as the eye could see.

  “These the calves you guys worked yesterday?”


  “What happens to them now?”

  “We’ll keep them for about 4-6 months, wean them, graze them, and then sell them.”

  “And then the cycle starts all over again?” Julia asked.

  “Pretty much. This is just half the herd. The other half will be our fall calving herd.”

  “There’s so many.”

  “Yeah we had a good number this go around.”

  Julia studied him as he eased the pickup truck along the dirt road, his eyes surveying the herd. He leaned forward a bit, his hand reaching silently to the rifle tucked between the center console and Julia’s seat. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  He shifted into park and eased his door open and stepped out. Quietly he rested the barrel of the gun on the windowsill aiming at something she couldn’t see. “Graham,” she whispered.

  He held a hand up for her to be quiet. She watched as he took aim, his sight narrowed on his target. His shot rang out, just a few of the calves skittering from the noise. He stood, retrieved his rifle from the window and tucked it back into the truck. Climbing back into the truck, he rerouted the truck back towards the guest house.
“Coyote,” he said.

  Julia placed a hand on her rapid heart. “Did you get him?”


  Impressed, she wondered how he remained so calm after mastering such a shot. She hadn’t even seen the animal until the bullet hit and it jumped. If that was even what she saw. It happened so quickly she wasn’t sure.

  “We should head back to the house. Sun’s about to go, and I’m starving.”

  “Right. Good idea. Especially if coyotes are starting to come out and prowl. Yet another animal Philip did not mention.”

  “We try to stay on top of predators, especially around the calves.” He reached for his beer and finished the last sip. He noticed Julia’s bottle was empty as well and liked that she didn’t seem picky. He pulled up to the main house, where Alice sat waiting on the front steps, a mug in her hands.

  “Out for a joy ride?”

  “Alice, it was amazing.” Julia jumped out of the truck and darted towards the porch, Graham taking his time.

  “Really?” Alice’s skepticism had Julia laughing.

  Julia’s hands flew as she began retelling their journey and Graham’s shooting ability. “I mean, bam! Got him! I didn’t even see the coyote! It was incredible!”

  Graham leaned against the porch railing, Alice studying his pleased expression as he watched Julia share about their trip.

  “Oh, and we collected eggs.” She pointed. “Right back there.”

  “Well…” Alice grinned. “Sounds like you two had quite an adventure.”

  “How was your rest?” Julia asked.

  “Splendid,” Alice sighed, content as the orange cat sitting in her lap. She stroked its fur. “Curly and I were just waiting for either one of you to return so as to bum a meal off one of you.”

  Graham motioned for them to follow him inside the house, but Julia shook her head. “No. You’ve done plenty today. I’ll do it.”

  His brows rose as well as Alice’s.

  “You’ll do what?” Alice asked. “Cook?”

  Julia crossed her arms. “I can cook,” she assured them. “Besides, it’s the least I can do.” Hopeful, she looked to Graham. “You can go shower and change and by the time you’re done, dinner will be almost finished.”

  “I think you underestimate the shortness of men’s showers.” Alice smirked up at Graham.

  “Come on. Please? I’d like to.” Her brown eyes bounced between the two of them.

  “I don’t care who cooks as long as I eat.” Alice shrugged her shoulders, completely impartial.

  “You can use my kitchen.” Graham walked inside without further instruction and headed up the stairs.

  Alice eyed him in wonder. “What did you do to him?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That man has bent to your every request since you arrived in town.”

  “No he hasn’t.”

  “Ummm… yes, he has,” Alice pointed out. “He gave you a ride from Sloppy’s. He helped you at my place. He let you stay at his guest house. He took you for a ride. He let you work with him. He’s letting you use his kitchen. You’ve got the man under a spell. Graham is never this amiable.”

  “Amiable? You call hardly speaking amiable?”

  “For Graham, yes.” Alice laughed. “I’m sort of stunned.”

  “Well don’t be. He barely talks. And I’ve only gotten him to smile once.”

  “So you’re trying to get him to smile?” Alice asked curiously.

  “Well, yeah.” Julia rummaged through Graham’s refrigerator and fished out a package of chicken breasts. She then walked to what she assumed was a pantry and was pleased to see a well-stocked selection of goods.

  “Why?” Alice asked.

  “Because he seems so serious all the time.” Julia placed several cans on the counter and turned to navigate her way towards where she thought pots and pans might be located. Alice pointed a finger to the kitchen island and Julia bent and retrieved what she needed. She placed the cast iron skillet on the stove top and then preheated the oven. She turned several bottles beside the stove until she spotted the olive oil and drizzled it in the pan. “I don’t think he has sun-dried tomatoes.” Julia bit her bottom lip a moment before spotting a basket by the door full of vegetables that Seth no doubt left for his brother. She grabbed a couple of tomatoes and sliced them up, drizzled them with oil, and slid them into the oven.

  “What are you doing?” Alice asked.

  “I’m just roasting them a minute. Getting them a little more tender for my sauce,” Julia explained.

  Her hands worked quickly, the recipe a favorite and one she could easily remember. It was also delicious, which she hoped would show Graham and Alice that she could actually do something productive. For some reason, she felt they doubted she could. She seasoned the chicken breasts and placed them in the skillet, searing them on both sides and placed them on a plate next to the stove top. She then retrieved the tomatoes from the oven and set them aside as well. She heard footsteps on the stairs. “Already?”

  “Told you. Men are quick.”

  Graham dirty and sweaty from a day’s work was eye-catching. Graham freshly showered with damp hair curled around his neck with muscular arms showcased by the t-shirt he wore… Julia turned before drool began to drip from her mouth.

  “I’m not done,” she confessed. “But it won’t be long.”

  He acknowledged her comment with a nod on his way to the fridge, fishing another beer out. He held it up towards Alice and she nodded, causing him to reach for another for himself. He walked to the pantry and emerged with a bottle of wine and stood next to Julia. “Would you like some of this?” he asked.

  Her hands grew nervous at his nearness. The scent of his soap drifted over her and she focused intently on mincing the garlic.

  “That sounds nice. Thanks.”

  He ignored Alice’s chummy grin as he opened the bottle to let it breathe and walked to the cabinet to retrieve a wine glass. He handed Alice her beer and she toasted him before taking a long satisfying sip. He filled Julia’s glass and set it next to her. “Need any help?”

  “Nope. I got it.” She glanced up and smiled and took just one guilty moment of pleasure and soaked in those navy blue eyes that stood so close to her. “You just… just relax at the table with Alice.”

  He walked towards the table, Julia taking a deep breath behind his back that had Alice biting back a laugh and receiving a scolding look from Julia.

  “So, tomorrow is Sheffield, huh?” Graham asked Alice as they both waited patiently for the tantalizing dish Julia seemed to be whipping together in his kitchen with surprising skill. He had to admit, it was nice having someone cook for him. Not something he was used to, that was for sure. And she was rather pretty, fretting about his kitchen, nervous as a house fly.

  “Yeah, Dad’s a bit swamped with small pets. He needs me at home base to help catch up.”

  “Think you could run by Diamond X and pick up an order for me?”

  “No, but Julia could.” Alice beamed towards her friend, Julia completely unaware of their discussion as she stirred a sauce in the pan on the stove. She then placed the chicken in the skillet and covered it, sliding it into the oven. She tapped a timer on the microwave, and they watched as her shoulders visibly relaxed. She grabbed her glass of wine and turned towards the table, just then noticing they were watching her every move. The pretty flush that stained her cheeks at his perusal had his own pulse ticking a bit faster. There was definitely something brewing between them, he knew. He felt it. He would deny it, of course, but it was definitely there. It’d been a long time since he’d found a woman that interested him. Granted, most of his days were on the ranch. But he was a man, and a beautiful woman like Julia didn’t stumble into their lives very often.

  “You think you could grab something for Graham tomorrow while you’re out and about in Sheffield?”

  Julia nodded. “Sure.” She smiled as she walked towards the table and took a vacant seat. “What is it?�

  “Just some shirts and pants.” Graham cleared his throat. “And some boots.”

  “Sure. I don’t mind. I’ll add it to my list. I plan to explore. Of course, after I offer my services at the vet clinic.”

  “And what would you do at the clinic?” Alice asked.

  “Whatever you need help with. I can clean crates or pens, or restock supplies, or answer phones. I am free to help you with whatever.”

  “I might take you up on that for a few hours. Though I guarantee you will be missing museum work within the first half hour.”

  “Museum work?” Graham asked.

  Julia smiled. “I manage a museum in Santa Fe, tours and such.”

  “More than that. She’s at The Governor’s Palace,” Alice stated proudly. “Spiffy place.”

  “It does have some beautiful historical items,” Julia agreed. Her buzzer dinged and she hopped to her feet. Wrapping her hand with a dish towel, she fished the skillet out of the oven and uncovered it. She fluffed a bowl of salad and plated three plates, followed by her chicken concoction and brought them to the table. When she sat, Alice extended a hand across the table towards Graham and grabbed one of Julia’s, and Graham did the same. Surprise lit Julia’s eyes and she stared at their joined hands a moment before meeting his gaze. He bowed his head and prayed thanks, lightly brushing his thumb over her knuckles as he said amen. Her hand was small and delicate in his own, and he reluctantly released it.

  Alice groaned as she chewed her first bite. “This is incredible, Julia. I had no idea you could cook like this.”

  Julia beamed in pride. “Thanks. I like to cook.”

  “Well, you’ve officially made yourself the cook the entire time you’re staying with me.” Alice forked another bite into her mouth and closed her eyes. “That sauce…”

  “Alright, do we need to leave you alone with the chicken?” Graham asked, slipping the first bite into his mouth. He froze as soon as the flavor hit his tongue and Alice nodded with a knowing smile.


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