Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 9

by Bethany Shaw

  “I never liked getting stitches either. I’ve had a lot of them over the years.”

  “This is my first time.”

  “You’re doing good, I’ll be done in a minute. The most I ever had was sixty three, I’m sure you remember that,” Devon said.

  That was a day she wouldn’t ever forget. She recalled the events, even after all these years it was all still so clear.

  “We were having a father daughter day, lunch and a movie, when Rick called. That was the day I found out about werewolves. I thought my dad had lost it at first. Then when Rick was holding you down, I saw your canines and eyes. I finally believed him after that.”

  “You didn’t seem scared.”

  “Well, you didn’t look capable of doing much at the time. Besides Rick and my dad were best friends. He and Beatrice came over all the time for dinners, and Gene and I went to school together. There wasn’t much to be scared of. It was actually more intriguing than anything else. I mean, finding out there was this whole other species…” Lark stopped short, realizing she was rambling.

  “So you don’t care?”

  “It doesn’t change who you are. What happened anyway? I mean, how did you get hurt? You were pretty banged up.”

  “Dirt bike race. I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge.” His fingers pressed lightly against her forehead.

  A clank, metal clanking against metal sounded and then she felt something cool on her forehead. Water splashed and the soothing coolness returned, dabbing at her face. Was it over? She wondered. The idea of opening her eyes and seeing the giant needle, or whatever he was using horrified her.

  “That’s the worst injury I’ve ever done to myself,” Devon said.

  Something about the way he said that struck her as odd. Just as she was about to ask, his hands moved from her forehead and slid down to her cheeks and jaw. Fire scorched where his fingers were, her eyes flew open in surprise. His hazel eyes met hers, as he massaged along her jaw bone.

  “Nothing’s broken.” Devon’s finger lingered a moment longer, gently grazing over her bottom lip. “We should ice this down, are you hurt anywhere else?” He pulled away, turning back to the table.

  Lark forced her mind to think about her body, not what Devon was doing to her libido. Her head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. It was the most serious injury, she thought. Her shoulder and hip ached, but paled in comparison to her throbbing head.

  “Just some bruises probably.” She winced, as she tried to sit up and dizziness pulled at her. Placing her head back down she blinked, fighting the darkness threatening to pull her back under.

  Devon placed a hand on her shoulder. “You’re going to need to take it easy, Lark. Don’t get up until you’re ready. You’re more likely to have a concussion. You should have Sarah check on you periodically through the night. I think Rick has set up rooms for you and Sarah.”

  “Oh god, where is Sarah? She’s fine? Nobody went after her did they?” Lark felt her heart skip a beat, fear for Sarah’s safety churned in her stomach.

  “Last I heard, Preston was bringing her here. I’m sure she is fine. He will take care of her.”

  Lark let out a relieved breath.

  “Here’s some Tylenol, it should help with your head.” Devon placed two tiny pills in her hand.

  Lark lifted the pills up to her mouth as Devon got her a glass of water. “Thank you for helping me, Devon. I really appreciate it.”

  Devon nodded his head. “Consider us even. You helped me out when I needed it and I repaid the favor.”

  “I didn’t feel like you owed me a debt.” Lark fought the haze that threatened to pull her under, fueling it with anger as she pushed herself up. “I held your hand all those years ago because I saw a scared and injured boy who needed comfort. Not so you’d be indebted to me. You know, sometimes people just do nice things.”

  “Well, whatever.” Devon turned away, tidying up the tools on the tray.

  “Would it kill you to not be an ass, I’m genuinely trying to thank you, and-”

  Devon cut her off before she could finish. “Forget I said anything, you’re welcome.”

  “God, just stop,” Lark yelled, clapping her hands against the gurney in frustration. “You’re infuriating.”

  “I could say the same to you.” Devon’s eyes locked on hers.

  Lark returned his glare, why did their talks always end up like this? His hazel eyes burned into hers and she swallowed as her anger and arousal began to mingle. Eyes traveling south to his lips her breath caught.

  “Oh my god, where is she, is she okay?” Sarah’s voice called growing closer.

  The door burst open. Sarah ran in, tears streaming from her eyes as she wrapped Lark in a tight hug. Lark flinched at her sister’s embrace, but hugged her back. Lark was thankful to have her, and that they were both safe.

  Chapter 9

  Devon walked into the house, his watch shift over for the evening. The overnight hours following Larks attack had been blissfully uneventful. It was just after six in the morning and sleep gnawed at him. He should go to bed, but he wanted something to eat first. Emily had made homemade pizza last night and he could already taste the mushroom and pepperonis. His mouth was salivating at the thought of pizza, it was his favorite.

  Entering the kitchen, he halted mid-step. Lark stood at the sink gazing out the window.

  “Little early isn’t it?”

  Lark spun around, startled she spilled some of her water. “Hi, I didn’t realize anyone else was awake.” Chewing her lip, she snatched up the dishtowel and wiped off the counter. Tossing the rag on the counter, she wrapped her hands around herself, cheeks flushing red. She shifted nervously on her feet and stepped back, bumping into the counter. Her pinky finger tapping on the side of the glass.

  Devon sucked in a deep breath and looked down at the floor. The grey top she wore was skin tight, showing off her supple breasts. The plaid shorts so short he could see her ass if she bent over. Her long blonde hair mussed sexily around her face. She looked delicious.

  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he went to the fridge and took out the pizza. “I just came off watch duty.”

  “I’m usually up at this time. I get to the bakery early, so everything is set up and ready to go at open. My internal clock doesn’t understand I have Sundays off. Just came down to get more Tylenol.”

  “Are you okay? No nausea, dizziness, blurred vision?” Worry filled him as he second guessed her medical care. Was she okay? She’d been unconscious for a minute or two, but had been coherent when she came to.

  “It’s just a headache. I’m a little sore, but I feel okay,” Lark sighed, her eyes flitted around the kitchen, looking everywhere but him.

  “It should get better soon. Your lip is already looking better.” The swelling in her lip had decreased, barely noticeable now. A small cut on her lip and light bruise remained. Even the goose egg on her forehead had shrunk, replaced by a bluish grey bruise. The small laceration still glistened with Neosporin.

  As his eyes roamed over her, Devon fought to keep his eyes trained on her face, trying to ignore the pull to look down at her chest. He didn’t want to be the douche who couldn’t keep his eyes off her boobs. Not to mention, he really was concerned for her well being.

  Turning his head, Devon grabbed a plate from the cabinet and put a few pieces of pizza on it. He walked to the microwave determined not to ogle her, though it was very tempting.

  Lark took a drink of her water and set the cup in the sink. She turned and put the bottle of painkillers back up in the cupboard.

  “I hope you enjoy your pizza,” she said, backing out of the room.

  “Lark?” He called, though he had no idea why.


  “Let me know if you need anything.” He shouldn’t care, but he did.

  “Thanks,” she whispered, a small smile on her face. Her eyes searched his for a moment before she turned and walked away.

  Devon smiled
to himself as the microwave dinged. Even though he’d been the one keeping her at arm’s length, he hated the thought of her disliking him.


  Lark shot up and looked around the room. Confusion settled in as she took in the beige walls and crisp white bedding. It took a moment to register where she was. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, then lay back down. Closing her eyes, she relaxed into the plush mattress, ready to go back to sleep. The bedroom door burst open, slamming against the wall.

  “Lark get up!”

  “What?” Lark shot up, heart racing wildly in her chest. Sarah yanked her arm in an attempt to drag her from the bed.

  “The ranch is under attack, come on,” Sarah screeched.

  Lark sprung into action. Sarah gripped her hand, and Lark allowed her sister to pull her out of bed leading her down the hallway. Her pulse roared in her ears as shouts echoed up the stairwell.

  A bedroom door flung open and Devon stepped out, wearing only a pair of low riding jeans. Lark swallowed, momentarily forgetting what she was supposed to be doing. She stared at his perfectly sculpted six pack. His muscles rippled with every moment sending a shiver of delight down Lark’s spine. Dark scars ran from his pecks down to his left hip, which only added to his sex appeal. Lark licked her lips taking him all in. How did he get those scars? They looked like claw marks.

  “Get to Emily’s room now,” he barked with a glare, before turning and sprinting down the hall.

  “In here.”

  Lark spun around at Emily’s voice, and followed Sarah through the open doorway.

  “Here have a seat.” Emily adjusted the blue covers on the bed and motioned for them to sit down. Then took her own seat at the foot of the queen size bed. “I’m sure everything’s going to be fine.”

  Lark nodded, noticing the lack of conviction in Emily’s voice. She sat down on the bed observing Emily. She chewed on her fingernail as she looked at the floor.

  “Your father is here?” Lark asked.

  “His men are. They’ll take me back if they get the chance.” She jumped up and started pacing. “I don’t want to go back and be some breeder for the Gulf packs. I can’t imagine another man touching me like that.”

  “Everything is going to be fine, Devon took out the two guys last night-”

  Emily cut her off, tears slipping down her face. “I’m not worried about Devon. He’s a fighter, always has been. Marcus and Vincent they’ve never been in a fight before, not like this. Mock fights are one thing but this is real. They could die.”

  “Marcus isn’t going to die.” Lark stood up and hugged Emily. Emily wrapped her arms around her like a life line as she cried into her shoulder. “Rick’s men know what they’re doing. He has over a hundred men here. Devon is a strong fighter, you said so yourself. I know he wants to look out for his family. He’ll keep them safe,” Lark assured Emily, squeezing her tight.

  Emily sniffled and pulled away wiping a hand over her face. “I know, thank you. I feel like a blubbering mess right now. When the men showed up last night, I prayed an attack wouldn’t happen. This day was supposed to be special, you know?” She hiccupped

  “It’s still going to be,” Lark promised. “What men?”

  “Six of Emmett’s men came last night, to warn us of an impending attack. They’re loyal to Dev, because of his father. They were friends of his. They’ve pledged their allegiance to him and to this pack.”

  Lark opened her mouth to ask more when she saw Sarah’s lip trembling. “Do you think Preston is okay?” Sarah asked.

  Lark plopped down next to Sarah, the bed dipping beneath them; as she pulled her close to comfort her. Even though her heart beat rapidly and every muscle in her body tensed. Lark knew she had to stay strong. It was a feeling she was all too familiar with. She could break down later when all was said and done. Right now, Sarah and Emily needed reassurance.

  “He’s young and he’s strong. It’s going to be okay, Sarah.”

  “Rick does a better job of training all of his men, than my father did. I’ve seen him fight. He should be okay,” Emily added. She sat back down, wringing her hands together.

  “How did you and Marcus meet?” Lark asked. If she could keep their minds off the fight it would be better.

  Emily sighed. “He belonged to one of our neighboring packs. They were attacked about eight years ago. Marcus was one of the only survivors. Pack wars aren’t uncommon amongst us. That’s why we create alliances with other packs for added protection. We are a dominant species and thrive on taking out those weaker than us. Thinking back on it though, I wonder if my father might have had something to do with it.”

  The room fell silent as Emily let her revelation sink in and Lark had no idea what to say. She couldn’t begin to imagine how her world would be turned upside down if she thought her parents capable of something like that.

  “What if he was always a bad man and I didn’t realize it till now? Oh god, Maddie and Amelia. There are two female teenagers there. They’re now in his possession.”

  “Emily,” Lark started, but couldn’t form words to finish.

  “He’ll use one of them in my place if I don’t go back. Oh god, they’re so young. The oldest is only fifteen.” Emily breathed in heavily. Tears pouring from her eyes. “They should have come with us.”

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.” Lark needed to change the subject. Emily was becoming more and more despondent. “What else do you enjoy besides cooking?”

  Emily sniffled and grabbed a tissue from the box on the nightstand. “Not much, I’ve been pretty sheltered. My brothers went to public school, but I was home-schooled and took online college courses.”

  “What were you studying?” Lark kept the questions rolling, hoping she was helping. Her stomach still twisted with apprehension, but the distraction was nice.

  “English, I’ve spent a lot of time reading and writing. It seemed fitting, and I already know how to cook. My father wouldn’t allow me to leave the ranch but for the occasional shopping trip. I used to wish I were one of the guys. He was always so much more lenient with them.”

  “How so?” Sarah asked joining the conversation.

  “Well, Devon came and went whenever he pleased. Although I’ll admit he had to work for what he had. He even got to go away for the summers. I know it was a means of escape, but I was envious of his freedom. Then Vincent and my other brother Daniel got a free pass for everything. Anything they wanted they got.” Emily got up and walked to the window, staring at the closed curtains. “I got things, but never my freedom. I was always under constant supervision.”

  Loud howls seeped in through the bedroom window. Emily cocked her head to the right as if deciphering what they were saying.

  Emily let out a whoosh of air. “It’s over. Come on, they’ll need help downstairs.” She got up and rushed to the door, flinging it open and sprinted toward the stairs.

  Sarah sucked in a breath and looked up at Lark. “I hope everyone’s okay. Do you think it’s safe to go check?”

  Lark nodded and took Sarah’s hand. “Let me get dressed real quick, and we’ll go check on Preston, Gene, and Rick.”


  As Devon was pulling his boxers and jeans up, the front door flung open banging against the side of the house. Emily flew out, head whipping from side to side, eyes searching.

  “Em,” Marcus called.

  Relief shown on her tear streaked face, as she raced towards Marcus and embraced him. Devon smiled relieved for the both of them. Not everyone had come out unscathed. He fastened his jeans and walked to the door. He needed to set up the medical room.

  Around a dozen men were injured with one fatality on their side. He had no clue what Emmett’s casualties were, nor did he care. They had been lucky today, receiving a warning in advance.

  Lark and Sarah stepped out of the house, both surveying the scene.

  “Preston’s down by the stream helping bring in the injured.” Devon walked toward the doo
r. His gaze flicked to Lark. “Both of you, stay at the house.”

  “Do you need help?” Lark asked.

  Her question threw him off causing Devon to freeze mid-step to gape at her.

  “I have first aid training, I know it isn’t much, but I could help if you need it.”

  “Alright,” Devon agreed after a long moment. “I’m heading back to the infirmary now.”

  “Come on Sarah, you can wait for Preston inside,” Lark said taking Sarah’s arm.

  Devon sighed and led the way. Sarah went back upstairs as they passed the staircase. Lark’s soft footsteps followed him down the hall.

  He opened the last door on the right and motioned for her to go in first.

  “Do you want me to get anesthesia ready or something else?” Lark asked looking at the medicine chest.

  “No, we save that for serious incidents. Our metabolism is too fast for those kinds of drugs, we burn through it quickly. The main thing I saw coming back to the house was lacerations and broken bones.”

  “What if there is something more serious?” Her eyes widened as she chewed on her lower lip.

  Devon looked at her and sighed. “Let's hope there isn’t. We can’t go to a hospital. Our DNA is different than yours. It would cause too many questions.”

  Devon pulled out some antiseptic and gauze. “You don’t have to do this, it might be grizzly.”

  “Like I said last night, I only have a problem with my blood. Besides a lot of people here are my friends. I want to help.”

  “I should warn you, Gene was one of the ones injured. He’ll be coming in first as he is one of the more severely injured.”

  Lark’s gasped and swallowed at the news. “Is he okay?” She stammered, moisture budding in her eyes.

  “Should be, but I thought you should know what you were getting into. Also-” he paused smirking “-we aren’t clothed when we shift. There’s a really good chance some of these guys could be naked.”

  “Oh.” Her face flushed red, while her eyes trailed to his bare chest. “I see, um, that’s fine. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” Her face turned a darker shade of red and her mouth popped open. “I didn’t mean that the way it came out. It won’t bother me, is what I meant.”


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