Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 19

by Bethany Shaw

  “Devon,” she breathed out huskily. Hands grasping, she gripped his tank top, heaving it over his head. Swallowing she took in his taut chest admiring each and every curve. His hands tugged on the hem of her shirt as he slid it up and yanked it off.

  With a grunt, Devon lifted her up. Her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he pressed her firmly against the wall. His hands held her hips, dipping lower to cup her ass. Lips on hers, he deepened the kiss, his tongue meeting hers in a hypnotic dance. Lark wanted more – she wanted to feel all of him - now.

  Boldly she lowered her hands, inserting them inside his mesh shorts and grasping his butt tightly. With a growl, Devon dropped her feet to the floor. His lips on her neck; he peppered her with kisses as he shoved her shorts down until they pooled at her ankles. He pulled away from her long enough to shove her sports bra up and pull it off her.

  Lark let out a gasp as his lips found the sensitive flesh of her breast, his tongue swirled around the nipple sucking gently. His warm, callused hands ran up and down her thighs, slowly trailing to her throbbing core. A cry bubbled out of her throat as he rolled his thumb across her clit.

  Unable to take anymore she tugged on his shorts, slithering her hand around until she grasped his hard cock in her hand. Devon bucked forward with a hiss, biting down on her nipple. His mouth tore away, eyes meeting hers as she stepped out of her shorts and sneakers. With a final shove on his shorts they fell to the floor.

  Cupping her bottom, Devon lifted her back up tilting her back against the wall. He positioned himself at her core, eyes holding hers, he plunged inside her. Lark closed her eyes as he filled her, enjoying the fullness of him inside her.

  Pinned against the wall, she could only rise and fall as he allowed. His lips devoured hers as he thrust against her. Lark writhed, crying out as he found her sweet spot. Her back scraped against the cement wall adding pleasure and pain with each thrust.

  His movements were rough, worshipping her body and bringing her to the edge. Devon made her feel alive. Not just with her body, but with her soul. He awakened something inside her that she’d never realized was there. Even though they often butted heads, Devon made her a better person. Pushed her to do things she would never have done before. He made her question her future and made her want more from it.

  Lark moaned, her fingers tangling in his hair. He placed kisses down her jaw, to her neck, and took one of her nipples into his mouth. Her back arched, squeezing him tighter, pulling him impossibly deeper.

  This moment felt right, it was perfect. She didn’t know what was going on between them, but she wanted to find out if there was something more there than physical attraction.

  Lark cried out, her breath quickened, body tensed as she reached her peak, and tumbled over the edge. Devon followed after her with a throaty growl, burying himself deep inside her.

  He held her, limbs tangled together, sweat glistening on their flesh. Gasping for breath they both came down from their high. Sated, Lark closed her eyes resting her head on his shoulder. After a long moment, Devon gently set her on her feet.

  Placing soft kisses to her neck he trailed up to her ear.

  “Let’s go upstairs to my room,” he whispered. He pulled away eyes searching hers. Cupping her face, he pushed a loose strand of hair from her face. Lark nodded, her body still pulsating.


  Lark blinked her eyes open. The dark blue sheets rolled tightly around her. Her body hummed in post coital bliss. They’d made love again, the second time slower and more sensual than the first as they took the time to explore each other.

  She rolled over and reached out for Devon. Her heart dropped, the bed was vacant. Slowly she sat up, scanning the room. Empty.

  Her lip caught between her teeth as she stood up, and let out a long breath. Had he left her? The bright green of her tank top caught her eye. Her clothes were laid out neatly on the desk by the door.

  Heat washed over her, and she wondered again where Devon was. She’d never done something like this before. Sure, she knew Devon. However, she didn’t really know him. What if this had just been a booty call? His moods shifted so rapidly sometimes it gave her whiplash. What if it was only sex to him?

  She scurried into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but dressed quickly nonetheless. One look in the mirror had her cringing at her disheveled locks. Pulling the tie from her hair she tried to comb through the curls with her fingers.

  Footsteps thudded on the bedroom floor, she tensed, heart fluttering. He was back. She let out a long breath, sagging against the counter relieved. A new fear flooded her, what was she supposed to do now?

  “Hey, I uh, ordered us pizza, when you’re done in there,” Devon called through the door.

  She heard the creak of the bed as he sat down.

  Lark smiled at the reflection in the mirror and finished messing with her hair, attempting to pull herself together. Satisfied it no longer looked like a rats nest, she strode out of the bathroom.

  “Hi,” she said a nervous flutter in her stomach. Devon sat with his back on the pillows, feet thrown across the messy sheets, shirtless. She admired the fine plains of his chest as she slowly sat on the opposite side of the bed. Lark grabbed a piece of pizza from the box lying atop the comforter.

  “I thought you might be hungry, I figured pizza was safe. I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like pizza before.”

  “Thanks, this is great.” She was famished. Lark bit into the pepperonis, savoring the taste hoping it helped her to relax.

  She shifted putting her back against the pillows also, drawing her knees up into her chest. This was new to her. She’d had sex of course, but she’d been in love at the time, or at least thought she was. Grant had been her high school sweetie and everything had been so innocent. While she liked Devon, she didn’t love him, at least not yet. This was more casual, she wasn’t even sure they were a couple, or what to make of this situation. More importantly, what were his feelings for her? Regardless, she didn’t regret her choice.

  She chewed her food as her stomach twisted in knots. Her muscles coiled together nervously. She chastised herself. You’re over analyzing.

  “We should shower and head back to the ranch after we’re done eating,” Devon said grabbing another slice.

  “Ok,” Lark agreed, unsure of what else to say.

  “Gene will notice us missing. I would offer to let you stay, but I know you open tomorrow morning and have nothing else here, so…” Devon trailed off.

  “That’s fine,” Lark said taking several large bites.

  “Maybe tomorrow we could, uh, go to dinner after we finish up?” Devon stammered, his eyes flicking up to hers.

  Lark blinked surprised, “Yeah, sure, I’d like that.” Her muscles eased a little as she leaned into the pillows getting more comfortable.

  “You like Luigi’s?”

  “Yeah, I love their mushroom ravioli,” Lark smiled, the awkwardness ebbing away.

  Devon grabbed another piece of pizza and she reached for her second one.

  “I should have bought two pizzas.”

  Lark looked down at the last remaining slice. “It’s fine.” Her eyes drifted to his sculpted abs. Must be nice to have that kind of metabolism.

  “Do you want it?”

  Lark shook her head. “No.”

  “Vincent, Marcus, and Preston will be with you the remainder of the week. I have stuff I have to do during the day. Between getting things prepared here, and more negotiations and plans with Derek and Gene, my day is booked.”

  “I understand, I’m sure there are lots of politics to work out.”

  “There is a complication too.”

  Lark frowned. “Like what?”

  “There is another girl there. Daniel was kind of vague on the details; of course he doesn’t know the plan either. But Gene, Derek and I all agreed we should attempt to help her. It will make things tricky with You, Emily, and the
two other girls too.”

  “We should help her though.”

  “You and Emily are my first priority, followed by Amelia and Maddie. We’ll help her if we can, if she even wants it. If she grew up in the Gulf packs she might be accustomed to that lifestyle.”

  “Only because she doesn’t know anything else,” Lark pointed out.

  “True, but that makes us just as bad to force her into our lifestyle, does it not? Our world is different than yours. Defying your alpha is grounds for death.”

  Lark wanted to rebut, but he was right, she knew very little of their world. “Fine, but we should help her, if she wants it.”

  Devon took the last slice of pizza, and paused with it at his lips. “Are you sure you don’t want this?”

  Lark held up her hands.

  “I’m good.” She chewed on her lower lip for a long moment while she worked up the courage to ask about Emmett. “So, if Emmett catches you…” she couldn’t finish her question.

  “Yeah, nothing my mom does or says, will save me this time.”

  “This time?” Lark repeated. Her eyes flicked to the thin white lines on his chest. “Is that what happened?” Realization struck her as she thought of her forehead. The scar was still pink, but would look similar to his in a few months.

  Devon ran a hand over his chest, the pads of his fingers tracing the defined claw marks.

  “When he told us his plans for Emily, I challenged him. I lost, it wasn’t a fair fight. If my mother hadn’t of stepped in-” he sighed, a defeated look on his face “-He would have killed me. His soft spot has always been my mother, she saved my life. Though, I get the feeling that had there have been others around, it wouldn’t have mattered what she said or did.”

  “How was it not a fair fight?” Lark questioned quietly.

  “When you challenge an alpha for authority it is supposed to be just the two of you. Emmett had two others who helped him when it became obvious I was going to win. One of which was Daniel. They attacked me before I dealt the final blow. I’m just thankful Vincent wasn’t there, or Em. I’ve never wanted them to be caught up in the crossfire.” Devon got up from the bed and walked toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower.” He turned back to her with a sly smirk. “If you’d like to join me.”

  Lark wanted to ask more questions, but recognized that he was done with the conversation. Heat consumed her body as the implication of what he was implying washed over her.


  The ride back to the manor was quiet, it was a comfortable silence. Devon could still hear Lark’s soft moans as he’d taken her in the shower. He still felt her soft slippery flesh sliding against his as their bodies peaked with pleasure.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. Being with Lark was different. He cared for her more than he had any other woman. It made the experience that much more pleasurable.

  When he’d returned to the room with dinner, Lark had seemed uncomfortable. At first he’d worried she’d regretted what they’d done, but she had relaxed once they started talking.

  “You should wear your hair down more often, it looks nice,” Devon commented, breaking the silence.

  Her hair fell in soft wavy curls around her face. Cinnamon and vanilla wafted in the air. Even after a shower, the fragrance still enveloped her. It was intoxicating.

  “Thanks, I pull it up for work. No one wants hair in their food-” she paused, laughing “-but after our practice I’ll wear it down for dinner.”

  Devon nodded opening his mouth to respond when Lark asked, “So will you go back to being a paramedic once things settle down?”

  “Probably not. There won’t be time for that. Most of my time will be spent at the farm house, especially when things first get up and running. I suppose I’ll have to learn some things about horses and breeding,” Devon sighed. He had enjoyed being a paramedic, but stepping up and taking his rightful place was more important.

  Devon scrubbed a hand over his face and continued, “That’s how the farm house has been kept up for the most part. My father owned part of the business with Rick, though Rick did all the leg work when my father passed, his half was left to me. I don’t think there will ever be horses on my property, but if that is what is going to be the main source of income for my homestead, I should probably be involved.”

  “I can help you a little too. Rick showed me a lot on how to do the books and record profits and losses. I’m sure he worked with Gene as well, but if you need help, I’m here,” Lark offered, her lip rolled between her bottom teeth as she laid her hand on top his on the gear shift.

  Devon looked at her hand, letting her warmth ebb into his before entwining their fingers.

  “Thanks.” He down shifted as he made the turn into the ranches driveway.

  The car pulled to a stop behind the house and he shut the ignition off. This was the part where he didn’t know what to do. What was correct protocol after having mind blowing sex with a woman when you didn’t want to blow them off?

  “Today was nice, I had fun.” Devon cringed, he knew that probably sounded horrible. Of course he had fun, there activities had been quite pleasurable, but it was more than that.

  “Me too. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” Lark leaned over the gear shift and placed a feather light kiss to his lips

  Devon wanted more, if the ranch wasn’t over occupied he would take her to his room and have her again and again, but he didn’t want to make her the subject of discussion. While he didn’t mind being hassled, he was certain some of the guys would make untoward comments about them. He wasn’t sure if she was ready to broadcast whatever this was to everyone yet.

  What am I doing with her? What is this?

  “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon,” Devon kissed her again before pulling away. “Go ahead in, I have to tend to a few things first.”

  “Okay, goodnight.” Lark smiled as she got out of the car.

  Devon let out a long breath of air as she walked away. A part of him wanted to push her away, to get her out of his life before things became too complicated and she left him. The other half had no idea what to make of her and the way she made him feel.

  Chapter 19

  Devon walked into Rick’s office, shutting the door behind him. He just couldn’t get used to the fact that Rick was gone, it would take awhile for him to accept that it was now Gene’s office. A part of him still expected Rick to be setting in the leather office chair. Sadness tugged at his heart, Rick was gone.

  Gene sat at the desk, bent over scribbling something on a piece of paper. His cousin held up a finger indicating he needed a moment.

  With a sigh, Devon took a seat in a leather chair opposite the desk. Derek had left yesterday afternoon to return to Amarillo for a few days before they made the trip to Guymon.

  Vincent and Lark would meet Derek at his homestead and then they would make the trip together to Oklahoma. The plan still made him nervous, but there was no other option. They needed to get Emily before she was moved to Santa Fe. Once there, there would be no hope for rescue.

  “How is everything going with Lark? You two came in so late the past few nights I haven’t gotten to speak with her,” Gene said as he set his pencil down, jarring Devon from his thoughts.

  Devon licked his lips. He couldn’t tell if Gene was fishing for information or genuinely curious about her progress.

  “Good. She’s a smart girl and handles herself well under pressure. I think she will be fine, as long as we follow through with our end of things.”

  “She has a fighting spirit. This is going to work, Dev, I wouldn’t put her in danger if I had doubts.”

  Their plan was solid, but it had to be followed to a T. “I know.”

  “There is something we need to talk about,” Gene sighed, leaning forward on his elbows. “It’s about Daniel.”

  Devon quirked a brow, his jaw clenching. “What about him?”

  Gene studied him for a long moment. “I would like to offer Daniel sanctuary here.
If he chooses to help us when the time arises, then I feel he will have earned it.”

  “With you?” Devon scowled.

  “Yes. I know the two of you have a history, but I think with everything going on bygones should be bygones. It would be unjust to turn him out on his own after everything,” Gene replied quietly.

  “I’m sure Vincent and Em would appreciate it,” Devon breathed out after a long moment.

  “Perhaps the two of you could repair your relationship,” Gene reiterated. “It’s a whole new world now.”

  Devon laughed hollowly. “Maybe, but I’ve never been his brother, Gene. I don’t think that will ever change.”

  “You could consider this another chance. If you wanted too.”

  “Yeah.” Devon seriously doubted that would happen. Even if he gave it a go, he doubted Daniel could ever be civil to him. Hatred had been ingrained into his younger brother. And Devon would never forget Daniel’s betrayal when he challenged Emmett.

  “Is the house coming along?” Gene asked drawing him out of his thoughts.

  Devon nodded in response, he had a feeling he could hand over the reigns of refurbishing to Lark and she would have a field day with it.

  “Well enough.”

  Thinking of Lark drew his mind back to their conversation about Sarah.

  “If something falls through with our plans I need to know that you’ll honor a promise I made to Lark.”

  Gene frowned but nodded.

  Devon leaned forward onto the desk, his palms resting on the cherry finish, staring down his cousin.

  “I told her Sarah would be taken care of no matter what. If things fall apart and the worst happens. I need your word you will send Preston away with Sarah to keep her safe.”

  Gene leaned back inhaling sharply his mouth opened to reply but Devon cut in, “She’s putting her life and virtue-” he cringed, his body tensing at what might happen to her “-on the line for us Gene, it’s the least we can do for her.”

  “You’re right,” Gene agreed after a long moment. “If something happens, I’ll send Preston and Sarah away with new identities and enough money to keep them comfortable for a while.”


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