A Hard Choice for Hanna [Hardwick Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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A Hard Choice for Hanna [Hardwick Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Morgan Henry

  It was horrible to contemplate having a mother who was alive, but didn’t want anything to do with her. Hanna decided that eventually she would write her mom, and let her know that if her mom wanted to resume a relationship, Hanna would be there. However, her mother would have to accept Hanna’s choice of partner or partners, whoever it was at the time. At least that way, she was leaving a door open.

  Then, she thought about her dad. She was so relieved to still have a relationship with one of her parents. Hanna felt a little sorry for him. She didn’t like to think of him living alone. She knew he had many friends, and that she would always be there for him, but somehow, thinking of him alone in an apartment was sad. Then it occurred to her, she lived alone. Was she sad?

  Well, she was at the moment, but not because she lived alone. She enjoyed having her own space. And she certainly would be happier on her own than living with someone she didn’t like. So, she could let go of that particular worry about her dad.

  She guessed it would be normal to mourn the loss of her parents’ marriage. She was kind of mourning the loss of her mother, since she was gone from Hanna’s life for now. Her dad must be mourning some, too. She was still sad, but she told herself that it would get better as time went on.

  Now, what to do about Kent and Carter? She didn’t have to wonder what to do—she had to beg their forgiveness. She knew that. Hanna had chosen to give up a relationship with her mother so she could be herself. Part of being herself was choosing a ménage. She could only hope they would take her back.

  She dialed Carter’s cell.

  * * * *

  “Hello,” Carter answered his cell.

  “Hi, Carter. It’s Hanna.” She sounded nervous.

  “Hang on,” he said. “I need to go somewhere quieter.”

  He and Kent were at their parents’ home, in the midst of wedding preparations. The whole family was there, and it was noisy. They had been putting together the wedding programs and tags for the favors. He grabbed Kent and headed out to the garage, where it was quieter. He put Hanna on speaker.

  “Sorry, Hanna,” he said when they got to the garage. “It was too noisy to hear you.”

  “Is it a bad time?” she asked. “I can talk later if you need to.”

  “No, it’s okay,” he soothed. He glanced at Kent, who had a scowl on his face. “What’s on your mind?”

  There was a short pause then Hanna spoke in a rush. “I want to ask your forgiveness and see if we can get back together. I was wrong to let someone else’s prejudice and hate ruin our relationship. I’m cutting ties with my Mom. I want to be with the two of you.”

  “Are you sure you want to be without your family, Hanna? I know how important they are to you.” Carter wasn’t sure she could stand losing her parents like this.

  “I talked with my Dad on Friday. He told me he didn’t know about you two or what happened with Mom, but he wasn’t upset that I was seeing two men. He and Mom are getting a divorce. Dad and I still have each other. Mom doesn’t want anything to do with me if I’m still seeing two men. It doesn’t matter. I am who I am, and I can’t let her dictate who I can love, who I can be friends with, and what I can think.” Hanna’s voice sounded stronger than when he had spoken with her last, but she still wasn’t her usual self.

  Carter snuck a look at Kent. The scowl had disappeared, but Kent still didn’t look happy.

  “I’m glad your Dad is still in your life. I know how much you love him. Why don’t I talk to Kent and see if we can meet for coffee or something later?” Carter suggested.

  “Oh screw it, Carter,” Kent broke in. “I’m here now and have heard the whole thing. Meet us at our place in an hour.” Kent stalked back into the house.

  “Kent?” Hanna called for him.

  “He’s gone,” Carter explained. “Can you meet us?”

  “Yes, I’ll be there.”

  “Okay, we’ll see you then. Good-bye.”


  Carter took in a deep breath. Well, at least there was a little hope.

  He went inside to find Kent collecting the boxes of wedding stuff to take back to their house. He didn’t say anything to Carter, just started loading their truck.

  Carter said their good-byes to his family, telling his mom he would call later, and got into the truck before Kent could leave without him.

  “Well?” he asked Kent as they started home.

  “What?” retorted Kent.

  Carter sighed. “Are you really going to be like this? If we’re going to have a ménage, we have to talk. You can’t just shut down and expect me to read your mind.”

  “Who are you, Oprah or Dr. Phil?” Kent asked sarcastically.

  “Neither, but I need you to man up and actually take some responsibility for what’s going to go on with Hanna in an hour.” Carter was getting a little tired of Kent’s silent act.

  Kent grunted. “You want her back,” he said.

  “Yeah, I do. I can forgive her for making a mistake. She’s the kind of person who will learn from it. She chose to be herself, and to be with us. I think that says a lot about her.” Carter admired his sweet Hanna for her decisions over the past few days.

  “At least she can own up to it when she fucks up,” was Kent’s surly reply.

  “Unlike you.”

  “What do you mean?” Kent’s frown was back.

  “After that Saturday, you were ready to throw her away because you thought she was like Lena. You thought that one comment about a ménage was sending her away forever. You were wrong, and if I hadn’t talked to her, we’d be over with for sure. Do you still want to be with her, or not?”

  “If I don’t, are you going to carry on without me?”

  Carter knew Kent was going to ask this eventually. He could understand where Kent was coming from, wanting to know if their bond as brothers was stronger than desire for a woman. But that wasn’t the way a ménage should work.

  “The answer is no, but not because I love you more than Hanna. It’s because Hanna loves us both enough that she wouldn’t have one of us without the other. And you know that’s how it should be in a ménage.” Carter was really starting to worry about Kent. There was a long pause in the conversation.

  “You’re right,” Kent finally said quietly. “I’ve been an ass. Mostly to you, and I’m sorry. To Hanna, too. I just haven’t been a jerk to her face. I do want her back. I just find it hard to get past this.”

  “Why is it so hard to forgive her for making a mistake? I don’t get it, you don’t hold grudges like this normally.” Carter really was confused.

  Kent was quiet for a minute. “You’re right. I do forgive her for not talking to us, for not telling us what was going on. I think what’s so hard for me to get over is that in the space of a couple of hours, we were done. Just like that, we went from happy and together to nothing. How can we be sure that won’t happen again?”

  Carter sighed. “That’s life, Kent. We learn from this and grow stronger in our relationship, and hope that we can survive future storms. There’s always risk, we either accept that or give up.”

  “I don’t want to give up.” Kent turned into their laneway. “How come I’m older, but more emotionally stunted than you?”

  “Deep down, you’re just a really, really sensitive guy,” Carter teased.

  “Fuck off,” Kent responded, then he gasped.

  Hanna’s car was already at the house, waiting for them.

  Chapter 29

  Kent saw Hanna leaning against her car, watching them drive in. His chest felt tight and he swallowed hard. He told himself she was there because she wanted to be with them. She wasn’t going to reject them again.

  Kent would always think she was beautiful, but right now she didn’t look quite like herself. She was wearing loose shorts and a T-shirt that hid her body. Kent knew she was tanned from being outside in the garden, but somehow, she seemed pale. He thought her eyes looked dull, they didn’t have their usual sparkle. It hit him then how
hard this had been on her.

  He got out of the truck and strode over to her. He pulled her into his arms and tucked her head under his chin, breathing in the fragrance of her hair. She was stiff for a minute then relaxed into his body. He heard Carter follow him, his feet crunching on the gravel drive.

  “I’m so, so, sorry, Hanna,” he murmured into her hair.

  “I thought I was the one who came here to apologize,” she said. His chest muffled her voice.

  Kent snorted. “I think the only one who doesn’t need to apologize is Carter. I was angry with you. So angry that I almost threw us away. Carter was the one who made me see what an ass I was being.”

  “I’m sorry, too.” Hanna looked up at both men. “I should have talked to you two and explained what happened. I should have taken time to talk to both my parents and to think about what was right, not just panic and run away.” Hanna started to leak tears again.

  “Stop, please,” Carter begged. “I have a feeling you’ve cried enough over the past week. Let’s just try to put this behind us.”

  Kent could appreciate how Carter didn’t want to see Hanna cry. He didn’t want to either. He just wanted to go back to the way things were. He rubbed Hanna’s back.

  “Stay with us tonight,” he said softly.

  “I don’t have any clothes for work here,” she protested weakly.

  “So what? Go get some in the morning. We don’t want to let you go right now,” Carter begged, pulling her from Kent’s arms into his own.


  They insisted Hanna eat some dinner with them. Kent thought she looked like she hadn’t been taking care of herself, even though she insisted she was just tired from working the overnight shift. Afterward they cuddled on the couch and watched a bit of TV together. Kent and Carter tucked Hanna between them, neither man able to stop touching her. It felt good to just be with each other again.

  Kent was enjoying the feel of Hanna’s body against his. It felt like it had been forever since he was able to touch her. He realized then how truly stupid he had been. Hanna was so right for them. She was honest and true to herself, even to the point of losing contact with her mom. Yes, she had made a mistake, shutting the two of them out when she was panicked, but she was strong enough to work to correct her mistakes. She was strong enough to choose what was right for her. If that weren’t enough, she meshed into their lives in other ways, too. They had the same interests in movies, she was fun to be with, and never stopped enjoying the simple things in life. Like her garden, and her cat, and just relaxing and watching TV with her guys.

  He pulled Hanna onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to his chest. Carter moved closer to the two of them, putting a hand on her legs.

  “Hey,” came her muffled protest.

  “I can’t let you go right now. I feel like, if I let you go, you’ll disappear again.” Kent’s voice was hoarse with emotion.

  “I’m not going anywhere, you crazy caveman,” Hanna responded. She wasn’t fighting his embrace. “I said I’d stay the night.”

  “I don’t mean for one night.” Kent paused, wanting to continue but not wanting to scare her away. He looked at Carter, hoping his brother understood. Carter gave him a nod. “I, we, want you here always. Say you’ll move in with us, princess. Let’s go to bed together and wake up together every day.”

  Hanna didn’t answer right away. Kent’s heart was beating so fast, he thought he’d have a heart attack if she didn’t answer soon.

  “I don’t know what to say to that,” was Hanna’s answer.

  Carter finally spoke up. “Say yes. That’s the best answer.” She didn’t say anything. “We really do want you here, sweet Hanna.”

  “I want to, but we just got back together, and all of our emotions are pretty raw right now. Can I think about it for a couple of days?” Her voice was gentle, like she was afraid to scare them.

  Kent tightened his arms around her. “The wait might kill me, but yes, of course you can think about it.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. Kent felt some of the tension leave her body.

  “Hanna,” he started. “I need you. We need you. Let us take you to bed and love you.”

  Kent really wanted to fuck Hanna, wanted to be inside her and make sure she knew she belonged to them. He knew it was some sort of primitive branding shit that was going on in his head, but he couldn’t help it. Ever since he had seen her standing by her car, he had wanted her. Even when he was angry with her for abandoning them, he couldn’t get her out of his head. He had wanted, and still wanted, to feel her body under him, to enjoy her sweet and enthusiastic response to their lovemaking.

  “I want you, too. Take me to bed,” Hanna pleaded.

  * * * *

  Carter felt almost dizzy with relief. Kent seemed to have forgiven Hanna, and she had chosen to continue her relationship with them. When things worked out, it wasn’t so bad being the peacemaker.

  He knew Kent’s more intense personality made him vulnerable to being badly hurt. And he knew that Kent would have a powerful need to feel the physical manifestation of their love and caring for each other. Not that Carter didn’t need it, too. He wanted to feel Hanna’s body against his, wanted to feel her climax around him and know that she still belonged to the two of them. But he could be a little more patient. He hadn’t completely given up on their relationship, so the urge to rebond with Hanna, while strong, wasn’t quite overwhelming him.

  He smiled as Kent put Hanna on her feet and led her downstairs. Hanna grabbed Carter’s hand as she passed, pulling him along with them. When they got to the bedroom, Kent threw Hanna on the bed. She bounced as she hit the mattress, then Kent was on top of her, kissing her like the end of the world was coming.

  Carter watched them and started to remove his clothes. As he stripped, Kent continued to kiss Hanna and press her body to the bed. She responded beautifully to him, writhing beneath him, her face flushing with passion.

  Kent pulled his lips away from Hanna long enough to pull her T-shirt over her head. He locked lips with her again immediately and started to unclasp her bra so he could throw it aside as well. Next went her shorts. Kent was certainly adept at stripping their girl with one hand as he supported himself with the other. Hanna’s panties didn’t fare so well. Kent ripped them off, the sound of tearing fabric strangely loud in the room.

  Carter couldn’t help but stroke his cock as he watched the two of them. Finished with plundering Hanna’s mouth, Kent had moved to her breasts and was teasing the nipples with his tongue and teeth. He had her hands pinned above her head, so all Hanna could do was writhe and moan. Once Kent had her nipples cherry-red, he licked his way down to her mound and nuzzled the juncture of her thighs.

  Hanna obediently opened her legs for him and tilted her pelvis upward to his mouth. Kent smiled and nipped her inner thigh. He lifted his head and looked at Carter.

  “Want a turn while I ditch my clothes?” he enquired.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Carter replied hoarsely.

  Carter leapt on Hanna as Kent moved away. He mashed his lips to hers, eager to taste her. She opened her mouth for him and he swept his tongue inside, twining it with hers. His body was on top of hers, his arms caging her in. Her curves fit against him as if she was made for him. He slipped his cock between her legs, rubbing it against her slit, making her moan. She fisted the comforter beneath her so hard Carter wondered if she would tear it.

  Kent returned to the bed, and Carter moved to the side to make room for his brother. Carter continued to kiss Hanna as Kent latched onto her nipple again and started to finger her pussy. From the way Hanna’s body jerked, he knew Kent was working magic with his digits. He sensed Kent slide downward, moving to lick her cunt, and Carter cupped a breast with his hand. He rolled her nipples between his fingers. She moaned again into his mouth and he wondered if it was because of his nipple play, or from whatever Kent was doing with his mouth. He realized he didn’t care, just as long
as she was pleased.

  Kent stepped up his efforts at her slit. Carter could hear slurping sounds and Hanna bucked and writhed more forcefully under them. Carter left her mouth and latched onto the nipple he didn’t have his fingers on, stimulating both nipples at the same time. Within seconds she climaxed hard, screaming her pleasure. What a sweet sound, he thought.

  Chapter 30

  Hanna was still shuddering with the aftershocks of her orgasm, when Kent quickly sheathed his cock in a condom and entered her. He filled her with one thrust. She could feel his balls slap her ass with the force of his entry. The walls of her pussy clenched as it tried to accommodate his girth. She couldn’t help but cry out at the sudden pleasure of being impaled by him.

  Kent grabbed her right leg and hooked it over his arm, opening her up more and allowing him to go even deeper. Carter had backed off a little but grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. Kent began to fuck her like a man possessed. He hammered into her, fast and hard, his pelvis pummeling her clit. The angle he had her body at meant he was rubbing her g-spot with every thrust as well. She could feel another orgasm welling up inside her.

  “Give it to me, Hanna,” Kent ordered her, his voice deep and commanding. “Come hard for us. Show us you belong with us.”

  Kent’s words sent her over the edge. It felt as though her orgasm ripped her apart, waves of pleasure rendering apart the molecules of her body, only to have them reattach and be flung apart again by the next wave. She was dimly aware of Kent’s harsh cries as he, too, came, his hard rhythm degenerating into jerky thrusts as he filled the condom.

  He let her leg go and collapsed on top of her, his weight somehow comforting. They stayed like that for a moment, panting, the slick sweat from their bodies mingling. Then Kent rolled off her and she whimpered with the loss of contact.

  As if they could interpret the whimper, both Kent and Carter slid against her, one on each side. She could feel the comforting touch of their bodies all along each side. Both men caressed her softly, nuzzling her hair and neck, and whispering to her. Kent’s words centered on how he was never going to let her leave again, while Carter told her how happy he was she chose to come back to them. She smiled at how their words told the story of their personalities.


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