PoisonBuried Punch (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 6)

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PoisonBuried Punch (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 6) Page 1

by Lyndsey Cole

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright © 2015 Lyndsey Cole

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Behind the scenes with Lyndsey



  PoisonBuried Punch

  A Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series

  by Lyndsey Cole

  Copyright © 2015 Lyndsey Cole

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author and/or publisher. No part of this publication may be sold or hired, without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination and/or have been used fictitiously in such a fashion it is not meant to serve the reader as actual fact and should not be considered as actual fact. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  [email protected]

  Chapter 1

  It all started because Leona was so competitive.

  Annie’s heart almost stopped when she opened her door and found Christy standing in front of her, covered in blood.

  “What happened?” Annie lurched toward her friend.

  “Call Tyler,” Christy said before she slumped on the top step.

  Annie searched for her phone. Of course it wasn’t where she usually left it and her mind was a frozen blank. It rang. She dashed to her counter, pushing papers out of the way to uncover it before it stopped ringing. She grabbed her phone, grateful to recognize Tyler’s number pop up on her screen.

  Without even saying hello, she blurted out, “Tyler, get here quickly. Something happened to Christy.”

  Rushing back to the door, Annie’s mouth fell open. All that met her gaze was empty space where Christy had fallen.

  Annie paced liked a caged lion, waiting for the approaching siren. What should she do? Search for Christy or wait for Tyler?

  Before she could make a decision, Tyler’s cruiser was in her driveway. Annie couldn’t believe her eyes.

  Tyler walked toward Annie’s apartment with a laughing Christy tucked under his arm.

  “I wish you could have seen your face,” Christy said as she bounded up the steps and walked into Annie’s apartment followed by Tyler. He shrugged as he walked by as if to say he didn’t have anything to do with the prank.

  Annie’s brain couldn’t catch up with her eyes and ears. “You’re okay?” She stared at Christy’s blood splattered clothes. Christy Crank, the detective in Catfish Cove, and Tyler Johnson, the Chief of Police, weren’t known for having a sense of humor.

  Christy calmly gazed around Annie’s tidy apartment as she threw a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds into her mouth. She offered the bag to Annie. “We wanted to test our Halloween costumes on an unsuspecting victim.” Christy pulled Tyler close, aiming a long plastic dagger at his chest. “Can you guess what we are?

  “Umm, you’re the bad guy? But I can’t figure out what Tyler is supposed to be.” Annie held her hand over her mouth to hide a grin.

  Tyler frowned and looked down at his police uniform. “Really? I’m supposed to be a cop.”

  Christy and Annie burst out laughing and Tyler’s face blushed a deep shade of pink. Annie munched on some pumpkin seeds and handed the bag back to Christy.

  “Oh, you were teasing me, weren’t you Annie?” He put his arm around Christy’s waist. “We’re going to the Halloween party together.”

  Annie cocked her right eyebrow. “Oh, really? Something tells me this may be more than a date?”

  Tyler blushed again but remained silent. Christy smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

  “I see,” Annie said, even though she wasn’t at all sure about what was going on between Detective Christy Crank and Police Chief Tyler Johnson. Annie felt a tiny bit protective of Tyler since they had once been engaged and were now good friends. Annie hoped Christy didn’t lead Tyler on and break his fragile heart, especially after his recent breakup with Annie’s childhood friend, JC.

  “Is the pre-party still on at Jason’s house at five?” Christy asked.

  “Yup.” Annie nodded. “He’s supposed to be finding me a costume. Dressing up is not exactly my cup of tea but I told him I’d be a good sport.”

  “My goal is to win the prize for best couples costume at the Catfish Cove Pub,” Christy said as she looked Tyler up and down. “I’m not sure anyone will be impressed with his outfit, though.”

  “What? It’s perfect.” Tyler looked at Christy in complete shock.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. At any rate, my costume worked on Annie.” Christy looped her arm in Tyler’s crooked elbow. “We’ll see you later at Jason’s house. Can’t wait to see what he comes up with for you both. And I know Leona has her heart set on winning. Has she always been so competitive?”

  Both Annie and Tyler laughed. “Competitive? No, not in the least,” Annie said, her voice full of sarcasm. Her birth mother was known for always wanting to be in the limelight and she went all out to win any competition she jumped into.

  Annie returned to her baking after they left and a quiet peace returned to her apartment. She promised Jason she’d bring a dessert to the party and decided to make her favorite recipe, which, hands-down, was her pumpkin pie. At least for this time of year—Halloween. Anything pumpkin was yummy, but her pie was easy and delicious. Her mouth started to water thinking about the blend of cinnamon and nutmeg mixed into the freshly baked pumpkin she still had from the last farmer’s market of the season.

  With the pie in the oven and the timer set, Annie had enough time to shower and change. Dressed in her comfiest jeans and long sleeve t-shirt, Annie was ready to take Roxy for a walk on the Lake Trail along Heron Lake.

  She peaked in the oven to see how the pie was coming along just as the timer buzzed.

  “Perfect,” she said as she breathed in the rush of delicious aroma. The top was solid with a small crack.

  Roxy sat anxiously by the front door, looking at Annie with her head cocked to one side and her irresistible puppy dog eyes following Annie’s every move.

  With the pie cooling on the counter, Annie hooked Roxy to her leash and headed out the door. She zipped her fleece-lined sweatshirt as high as it would go and pulled the hood over her head. The temperature had dropped significantly and the wind was blowing steadily since she was last outside. Late October weather in Catfish Cove was just as likely to be windy and cold as pleasantly cool.

  She walked quickly, hoping to generate
some extra heat while Roxy trotted along, sniffing what only her dog nose could smell. Annie wrapped her arms tightly around herself to keep from shivering. After about fifteen minutes, she called Roxy and turned around, heading back toward Jason’s Cobblestone Cottage and her apartment. She hoped he had a nice, toasty fire in his fireplace to warm her chilled body.

  As she turned up the path to his porch, she smiled at his carved jack-o-lanterns with candlelight flickering through the designs. She made a quick detour across the driveway, up the stairs to her apartment over Jason’s garage, and grabbed her pie before walking in his side door.

  A gust of cold air followed her into Jason’s house, but as soon as she closed the door, she smelled the wood fire and felt the warmth from the cozy blaze. Jason already had several small pumpkins on his long table, filled with beautiful fall flowers. Black candles were spaced between the pumpkins, and gauzy webbing hung from the beams like a giant spider web.

  He held a mug of warm cider toward Annie. “This will take the chill off. I added some rum but you can put in more if you want to.”

  Annie sipped the drink, watching Jason walk to his closet door. She enjoyed the view of his well-proportioned backside and smiled to herself. “This will do for now. I don’t want to get too wobbly before the night has even begun.”

  “I have a surprise for you,” Jason said as he took a hanger off the back of the door. “I found the perfect costumes for us.”

  With great ceremony, he unveiled a long gown, crown, high-heeled shoes, and elbow length white gloves.

  Annie chugged the rest of her cider. “A princess? I’ve never seen myself in that role.”

  “No, a queen.” He pulled the cover off the other hanger. “And a king for me. We’re hosting this small party so we should be king and queen. Don’t you think that’s appropriate?”

  Annie laughed. “It’s a hideous purple. It will clash with my strawberry blond hair.”

  Jason gently placed the crown over Annie’s curls. She shook her head. A few unruly spirals found their way over the crown and tickled her face. Jason tucked the curls back in place.

  “It’s a costume. Besides, purple was the only color left. You’ll be beautiful. As always.” He straightened the crown and stole a kiss. “And the crown definitely goes with your diamond earrings.”

  Annie leaned into his warm embrace. “Let’s lock the doors, turn off the lights and maybe everyone will just go straight to the party at the Catfish Cove Pub.”

  “Okay.” Jason headed toward the door to lock it but Annie laughed.

  “I was only kidding.”

  He stuck his lower lip out in a pout. “Maybe after the party?”

  She smiled and nodded before they gathered up the costumes and got changed. Jason added his crown moments before the door opened.

  Leona and Danny swooped inside. They made an adorable couple, and Annie wondered if they had set a date yet for their wedding. No sense asking, since Leona would shout it from the highest rooftop once any plans were made.

  Danny made an interesting contrast, with green webbed hands looking like a dapper frog, to Leona’s princess costume in the same gown as Annie was wearing, except the emerald green version.

  Annie and Leona stared at each other. “You got the color I should have,” Annie said in a mock angry voice. “But, I have the awesome crown,” she said, tilting it a little to one side.

  Leona curtsied. “Thanks.” She linked her arm through Danny’s frog arm, pulling him to Jason’s table. Her gown swooshed as she moved carefully, arranging a basket full of cheeses and crackers around a luscious pastry filled with brie and raspberries. “Is this your pumpkin pie Annie?” she asked, pointing to the pie in the center of the table.

  Annie nodded. “Yup. I’ll cut it in tiny slivers so everyone can try it.”

  Another blast of cold air swept through the room as Martha and Harry arrived. Harry wore a patch over one eye and carried Charlie, the parrot, in his cage. Martha carried a tray covered with drinks in one hand while she curtsied and fanned her apron with the other.

  “Ooh. A pirate and barmaid. There’s going to be some stiff competition for best couple,” Annie said.

  “Martha and Harry are cheating with the extra accessories,” Leona complained.

  “More like having the best imagination.” Martha tipped the tray showing how she glued the glasses to it.

  As if on cue, Charlie squawked, “Wanna drink?”

  Harry pushed his eye-patch up so he could see better. “I taught him to say that.”

  Tyler arrived dressed in his police uniform. “Christy isn’t here yet?”

  “No,” Leona answered. “Where’s your costume?”

  “What you see is what you get.” Tyler spread his arms out. “It works way better with Christy in her costume next to me, right Annie?”

  “Definitely. Where is she?” Annie cut her pie into eight triangles.

  He shrugged. “She said she would meet me here. Something about meeting her ex and her dog, Blue.”

  Shivers traveled up Annie’s arm. “She went alone?”

  Tyler nodded. “Why?”

  “Just a feeling about—”

  The door opened. Christy stood motionless with a white face. Her hands hung down.

  Tyler smiled as he approached her. “I think you missed your calling. You’re enjoying this killer role way too much.”

  Christy didn’t move. “I stabbed Eddie.”

  Tyler put his arm around her. “You’re letting all the cold air in.” He walked her inside and closed the door. “I think everyone understands your costume, you don’t have to act it out anymore. It’s kind of creepy.”

  “She’s not acting,” Annie said, concern lacing her voice. “Eddie’s your ex?”

  Christy nodded, looking down at the knife in her hand. With blood on it.

  Tyler’s face blanched. “That’s not the fake knife.” He took it from Christy.

  Annie guided her to the couch. “What happened?” Annie asked, keeping her voice soft and soothing.

  Jason handed Christy a glass of water. “Sip this. Don’t try to talk yet.”

  Christy held the glass but it didn’t make it to her lips. She stared at Annie. “He tricked me into meeting him. He said he would give Blue back to me.”

  Tyler sat close to Christy on her other side, silent.

  Annie crouched down at eye level with Christy. She held the water glass to Christy’s lips. “Take a sip.”

  Christy did as instructed. Everyone else waited like statues, afraid to move and upset Christy.

  Annie took the glass, setting it on the coffee table. “You met Eddie?” she prompted.

  “It sounded safe enough. He said to meet him at the Cove’s Corner parking lot and he’d bring Blue. I’ve been waiting for this for the last six months. That must have clouded my judgment.” Her hands fidgeted in her lap, twisting one way, then the other. “He didn’t bring Blue.”

  “Where did you get the knife?” Annie asked.

  “Eddie had it. He lunged toward me and somehow I ended up with the knife and my defensive training must have kicked in. He fell.” Christy looked around Jason’s house. “I don’t even remember driving here.”

  “Did you kill him?” Annie held her breath, dreading the answer.

  “I stabbed him and he fell. I panicked and didn’t even check for a pulse.” She finally looked at Tyler. “You need to investigate. I’ll wait here.”

  Tyler nodded. As the Police Chief of Catfish Cove, he had to find out what happened. Even if it meant his detective, Christy Crank, was the murderer.

  After Tyler left, Leona poured wine for everyone. Jason put on music and they all tried to pretend they were having a good time.

  Charlie squawked, “Wanna drink?” It broke the tension a bit for everyone but Christy.

  Leona pulled Annie into the kitchen. “What are we going to do? This will ruin the party tonight.”

  Annie replied, “You should still go. I’ll stay here w
ith Christy until Tyler gets back.”

  “Nice try Annie. I know what you’re doing. You never liked wearing costumes. Although, I will stand out better if you’re not there with the same dress.” Leona smiled, trying to cheer Annie up. “Even if it is that ugly purple.”

  Jason came in looking for another bottle of wine. “What are you two cooking up in here?”

  Leona huffed. “Annie’s trying to get out of going to the Halloween party.”

  Jason uncorked the bottle. “I’ll stay here with Annie and Christy. The rest of you should go to the party and we’ll come as soon as we can.”

  “Well, all right. I hate to miss a good time,” Leona said as she smoothed her gown.

  Jason handed the wine to Leona. “Tell everyone to start eating the food you brought. The Halloween party at the Catfish Cove Pub starts in a half hour.”

  Before Leona had a chance to pour any wine, Tyler burst through the door. “There’s no body at the Cove’s Corner parking lot. Christy, are you sure you stabbed him?”

  Her mouth fell open. “No body? Did you find any blood?”

  Tyler shook his head. “Nothing.”

  Christy stood up. “If he’s not dead, he couldn’t have gotten far on his own two feet. Someone must have moved him.”

  Chapter 2

  Annie called Roxy to her side. “We’re coming with you,” she said to Tyler and Christy.

  “Right,” Jason added, not sure if Annie’s ‘we’ meant him or her faithful dog but suspected she was referring to Roxy.

  “What about the Halloween party?” Leona whined in a voice that sounded like a three year old. “This is my favorite time of year and I plan to win the couples competition.”

  “Go! Have fun!” Annie replied, turning her back to Leona and struggling to pull her fleece-lined sweatshirt over her purple gown before giving up. “I’m not going out looking for a body in this thing. Don’t leave without me,” she ordered.


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