Lucky Devil

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Lucky Devil Page 10

by Cat Miller

  He stopped at the end of her pew and then ambled back down the aisle. “Stay as long as you like, Everly. This is a good place for contemplation.” She thanked him for his time and did just as he suggested. Everly sat in the peaceful silence of the sanctuary and pondered all she’d learned about Luc.

  He was a businessman who took in the homeless. He provided free medical care for his employees. He hired unemployed veterans. There was a chapel he personally attended, because he’d been raised in the church. The man basically collected misplaced people and took care of them.

  Jessica’s words from earlier returned to her. “Mr. Christianson is a very kind man. He’s demanding but very kind.”

  He was a good man. How does a man like that become a criminal? She just didn’t get it. There was far more to Luc than met the eye, and she suspected the family life Pastor Dave wasn’t willing to discuss held the key to the puzzle that was Luc Christianson.


  Everly was in the lobby waiting for Dolce to show up for their lunch date. She knew Dolce was in there already because she’d seen her in the chapel. She wondered if Dolce also had a suite in the hotel. It made sense, considering Luc housed so many of his employees. Dolce seemed like more than just an employee though. Dolce was Luc’s friend, as was Rourke. They were friends, but they knew what lines could and couldn’t be crossed.

  A couple of waitresses passed her in their little red uniforms. “Did you hear we lost a few girls this week?” one waitress asked. “Tiffany got married, and her husband didn’t want her to work anymore.”

  “I wish I could find a man who would let me be a housewife,” the other girl said.

  “I know, right?” They looked at each other as if to say, some girls have all the luck. “Then the twins, you remember them, they were popular with the men. Well they packed up and moved back to Tennessee. So we’re shorthanded on the early shift.” Their voices faded as they moved further away.

  Everly had just settled into an amazingly comfortable chair to wait for Dolce, when she rushed around the corner with purposeful stride. Her eyes were blazing. Her hands were clenched into fists. Damn it. Was she going to get shit from Dolce for what happened last night too? She hadn’t meant any harm.

  Dolce sat on the edge of the chair next to Everly’s and reached out to place her hand over Everly’s on the chair arm.

  “Did he hurt you? I need you to tell me the truth. Your wager document stated he wouldn’t abuse you in any way. If he did, I can get you out of this. And I’ll kick his ass myself.” Dolce was fuming mad.

  She’d obviously heard about the drama of the night before. Luc had been in a towering rage when he dragged her out of the card room. The people they passed had hurried to get out of his way. Luc always seemed so smooth and cool publically with his uncaring demeanor. Last night he had been furious. It was no wonder the tale of her being dragged bodily through Hell had made it back to Dolce.

  Everly almost had to smile at how angry Luc had been. He’d been livid and when she looked back at it now, a single shocking word popped into her head. Jealous. He’d behaved like a jealous boyfriend. That wasn’t possible though, was it? The man avoided her, but considering some of the things he’d said to her, it was an effort to stay away. He’d told her that she belonged to him and no other. That first time in the hall, Luc had stepped off of the elevator and admitted he’d tried to stay away from her. That wasn’t something you said to a person you did not want to see. Unless you wanted to see them but knew you shouldn’t. That’s how she was feeling. She found herself eager to see the man, but she felt guilty about it. She shouldn’t want his touch the way she did. Was that why she never saw him? Was he purposely trying to keep a distance between them? She would have to think about that possibility. For now she needed to calm Dolce before she cut Luc off at the knees.

  “He didn’t hurt me . . . too badly,” she told Dolce.

  Dolce’s eyes flared, and her left eye twitched. Everly patted her hand and reassured her new friend. “Honestly, Dolce, he didn’t hurt me. He . . .” Everly blushed, “spanked me. He was very angry when we left the card room, but he calmed by the time we reached my room.”

  She lowered her eyes. Dolce’s scowl was drifting into a grin. She was embarrassed to admit what had happened, but she wanted Dolce to know Luc hadn’t done anything she hadn’t allowed. She’d allowed it and enjoyed it. Much to her own shock. Who knew a spanking could be so erotic? Her pink parts were getting warm just remembering it.

  “He demanded that I accept a little discipline, and I did. That’s all. He didn’t abuse me in any way. I swear.” She peeked up at Dolce, who was blinking slowly and grinning at her.

  Dolce cleared her throat and brushed her flowing black hair over her shoulder. “Alright then. I’ll mind my own business.”

  It was then that Everly noticed Dolce was already in her pit boss power suit, complete with sky high stilettos and cute little pleated jacket over her red dress shirt. She wasn’t dressed for lunch with a girlfriend. Unless she had to get to work quickly when they returned.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to ask for a rain check on our lunch date. The early shift pit boss has to leave on a family emergency. So I’ll be pulling a double today.” She didn’t look like she relished the idea.

  “Okay. You just let me know when you have the time. It’s not like I’m doing anything worthwhile around here. I’m ready when you are.” That gave her an idea. She really wasn’t doing a damn thing, and she was bored to death.

  Dolce got to her feet. “Alright. If you like, you can meet me at Dante’s tonight. I’ll be taking my dinner break around eight o’clock.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’ll give you a shout when I’m headed over,” she agreed and turned to go.

  “Dolce, I wondered if you could do me a little favor before you go.” It was a silly idea. She didn’t really know what she was getting herself into, but anything was better than doing absolutely nothing day after day.

  “Sure. What is it you need?” Dolce asked with an open smile. The woman was a demanding task master in the pit, but she had a heart of gold.

  “I heard The Inferno was short on waitresses on the early shift.”

  “You did, did you?” Dolce’s perfectly shaped eyebrow arched, and her grin turned mischievous.

  * * *

  Everly was bobbing and weaving through the rows of slot machines carrying her little tray of drinks. She was getting better at balancing her tray one handed. She’d only dropped it and had to get drinks remade once in her two day career as a waitress. Dolce had helped her get a uniform and a quick course on the computerized ordering system. Then she followed the other girls’ leads. She was much slower than the other girls, but she would learn. She’d been so bored just sitting in her room that trying her hand at waitressing sounded like fun. So far, it was. Everly had a new respect for people in the service industry. She’d fallen into bed exhausted with an aching back and sore feet the night before. It seemed like the mornings in the casino were ruled by the mature crowd. Everly enjoyed serving the sweet old ladies and flirty old men who sank their credits in the slot machines.

  “Here you go, Mr. Charlie.” Everly delivered a Bloody Mary to a balding, elderly man in plaid pants.

  “Thank you, darlin’. I told you to call me Charlie. No need for all that formality,” Charlie said to her breasts. He was a harmless old man who had trouble looking the waitresses wearing their low-cut, red uniforms in the eye.

  “Okay, Charlie. I’ll swing back by in bit.”

  Everly spun around and ran into a brick wall in the form of a Rourke look-a-like. It was Riggs, the same ex-marine turned security staff for The Inferno who’d been dogging Dolce’s heels. That is, until Dolce kneed him in the balls and left him crying in the elevator. Now he was on Everly’s tail. She was pretty sure he didn’t recognize her as the woman who’d witnessed his shame. He’d never actually looked at her that day. His attention was all for Dolce. He thought Ever
ly was just another new waitress to harass.

  “Hey there. What’s your hurry, Little Red?” He leered at her breasts when he spoke. The man was a total ass. It didn’t bother her so much when the old guys did that. They would never actually try anything. Riggs, on the other hand, was insulting and vulgar. He behaved as if women should fall over with their legs open at the sight of him. Sure, he was a handsome man, but his arrogance made him unattractive.

  “I’m in a hurry because I’m working, Riggs.” She skirted around the big oaf and hurried to reach the service bar and the relative safety that came with numbers. She’d wondered how the waitresses got drinks if they had to wait in line for the bartender’s attention with the patrons. They had an electronic system that allowed the waitresses to key in orders and pick them up at a private bar with a row of very efficient bartenders who cranked out drinks at a lightning fast pace.

  “I knew you were interested!” Riggs said triumphantly. He was right on her heels as she entered the small hall that led to the service bar.

  “I’m not interested, Riggs,” she tossed over her shoulder and moved a little faster. He was far too close for her comfort.

  “Yeah? Then how do you know my name? You’ve obviously been asking around about me,” he reasoned rather cockily.

  “No, I did not . . .” She was about to inform him of exactly how she’d learned his name when Riggs picked her up and squeezed the air out of her lungs.

  One moment Everly was trotting along with her tray under her arm, the next she was lifted off her feet. Her tray slipped from her grip and clattered on the floor. Riggs had an arm around her waist and was dragging her into an alcove that housed a janitor’s closet and an emergency stairwell.

  “Put me down!” Everly shouted and kicked backward at his shins. “Help!” she screamed. What the hell did he think he was doing? She struggled and fought his hold.

  “Shhh…” Riggs covered her mouth with a beefy hand. He spun her around and pressed her roughly against the door of the closet. Their height difference meant her feet were dangling. They were face to face, pressed together from chest to hips. “There’s no need to play hard to get, baby. Call me Andy.” He stroked her cheek affectionately. “Don’t be intimidated by my size. I’ll be gentle with you . . . the first time.”

  Everly did her best Dolce impression and attempted to kick the prick in his nuts, but he trapped her legs between his, effectively halting her motion. She swung hard and cracked the side of his arrogant face. He smiled. The bastard liked it. He grabbed her wrist and trapped it and the other above her head with one of his hands.

  Riggs’s mouth came down on hers in a hard, punishing kiss. Everly tried to turn away, but he gripped her face to hold her in place. She was trapped, and panic wrapped around her chest, squeezing out all of the oxygen. She felt sick. He was kissing her roughly, attempting to part her lips with his tongue. She would bite it off if she got the chance. She couldn’t move, and her tiny red uniform did nothing to hide the huge erection he pressed against her.

  Riggs released her wrists to fumble behind her for the handle to the closet door. Everly struck out, hitting him about the head and shoulders in her limited reach. She couldn’t let him get her alone. That was the first rule of self-defense, wasn’t it? Or was it don’t let them take you to another location?

  “No! Get off me!” she screamed into Riggs’s ear when he stopped trying to kiss her to look at the closet door handle. Maybe it was locked. Her head was spinning. She wasn’t breathing. Panic had taken over.

  “You motherfucker!” a hoarse shout echoed from the opening of the little hall.

  Just as suddenly as she’d been snatched off of her feet, Everly was released. She hit the floor on her ass and skittered backward crab-like into the corner of the alcove to avoid being trampled by the men fighting just a couple of feet away.

  Relief washed through Everly. She’d know that gravelly, deep voice anywhere. Her brother, Mills, was there to save the day. She didn’t know why Mills was in Vegas, but she’d never been happier to see him.

  The fight between the two bulky men raged back and forth with the swinging of fists, the sound of flesh hitting flesh, and grunts of pain. Riggs was a bigger man though, and he was an ex-marine. Mills could hold his own in a fight, but he wasn’t a trained fighter. She tried to get past them to get help when she noticed a crowd had gathered at the mouth of the alcove. Dolce was on her phone looking angry and speaking quickly. Good thing, because Everly was trapped in the corner.

  Mills got in a good shot to Riggs’s jaw, and his head snapped back. The strike was followed by a gut shot. Riggs bent in pain, and Mills brought up his knee to meet Riggs’s exposed face. Blood sprayed from Riggs’s nose, and he crumpled to the floor.

  Mills was breathing hard and bleeding from several places. His gaze swung wildly around the little hall, until he found her cowering in the corner. He stepped over Riggs’s limp form to reach her. She jumped into his arms and squeezed his neck. He held her tight and patted her back soothingly.

  “You alright? Did he hurt you?” Mills pulled back enough to look into her eyes.

  “I’m okay. Just a little shaken, I think.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Everly had never felt so helpless in her life. She clung to her big brother. The only man she’d ever really trusted. The only man she knew would always have her back. Unless he learned of her deal with Luc. What would he think of his little sister then? Would he be disgusted? Would he turn his back on her? The thought broke her heart. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and held on tight.

  “Is that the son of a bitch you’ve been working for, Everly?” He set her on her feet and pointed an accusing finger at Riggs.

  Dolce had moved into the alcove and was relieving the still unconscious Riggs of his security badge. She looked sharply up at Mills when he insulted Luc, her friend and employer.

  “No, that son of a bitch would be me,” Luc said from the entry.

  Everly had to lean around Mills to see Luc. His expression was so dark it sent a chill over her. He looked like Lucifer at the moment, with those dark flashing eyes. He was glaring a hole through Mills, who looked like he was ready to strike at any moment.

  The crowd had quickly dispersed. Rourke took Riggs’s badge from Dolce and looked her over.

  “I wasn’t involved,” she told him. Then she said to Luc, “I think we should have Everly examined by the doc. She’s been assaulted on the job. Our waitresses shouldn’t have to worry about being accosted by the very security meant to protect them.”

  Clearly, Dolce understood that Everly wouldn’t want her brother to know the true nature of her relationship with Luc. Bless her heart for stepping into the tension building between Mills and Luc. They looked like they might shred each other at any moment.

  “Waitress?” Luc pulled his eyes away from Mills’ hostile glare to look first at Dolce with confusion, then to Everly standing next to her brother in the little red uniform worn by the Inferno waitresses. He blinked once and understanding sank in. “Yes, of course you’re correct, Dolce. Have the doc visit Ms. Parker in her suite.”

  “Damn straight she needs a fucking doctor. What kind of business are you running here?” Mills barked.

  “I’m fine, really,” she told her brother, who had wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side.

  Luc looked her over from head to toe. “I hope you’re well, Ms. Parker. Take the rest of the day off.”

  Was it her imagination or was that concern in Luc’s dark eyes? He shot a disgusted look down at Riggs, who moaned and began to stir from his stupor. “Take out the trash Rourke, and make sure he understands he’s never to return,” Luc said to his chief of security before smoothly exiting the alcove and striding away.

  Everly watched Luc go, feeling oddly saddened. It was kind of him to go along with Dolce’s suggestion that Everly was merely a waitress. It was also a good idea that he made himself scarce before Mills could ask any questions. So w
hy did she hate to see him walking away? She was upset and shaken by her encounter with Riggs. Now that it was over, she felt the need for comforting. Her brother had a strong arm around her as they followed Dolce toward the private elevator. Both Mills and Dolce were fussing over her, but it wasn’t their attention Everly wanted. It was Luc’s arms she wanted wrapped around her. And wasn’t that a bitch.

  * * *

  Everly knew she would be answering to her brother as soon as Dr. Russell left her suite. Despite what Dolce had said about her being a waitress, Everly knew he didn’t believe it the moment they stepped into her suite.

  Mills was taking in everything from the grand piano in the corner near the floor to ceiling windows, to the catering manager stocking the refrigerator in her full size kitchen, to the fact that the doctor had made a house call. Mills wouldn’t know they had a doctor on staff. The suspicious glint in his eyes only grew as he inspected the entirety of the suite while the doctor gave her a thorough once over.

  “You look fine other than a couple of bruises that should heal in short order, Ms. Parker.” Dr. Russell pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. He looked into her eyes and patted her shoulder gently. She could see her brother looking on from the corner of her eye. “Would you like someone to talk to about your ordeal? Mr. Christianson wants to be sure you don’t suffer any lasting effects. It can be helpful to talk to a professional after an assault.”

  Everly was too busy worrying about the impending confrontation with Mills to reflect on her fight with Riggs.

  “I’m fine, Dr. Russell, thank you.” She put a brave face on for the doctor and Mills. “It wasn’t that big a deal, honestly. I’ll be fine as long as Riggs is gone.”


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