Divine Interventions: Nemesis of the Garden

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Divine Interventions: Nemesis of the Garden Page 4

by Cricket Starr

  Still, he thought he understood the sultan a little. “He’s angry because he knows he can’t love her, otherwise he won’t be able to keep his vow. So he’s forceful, doesn’t try to give her pleasure but takes his own.”

  The sound of a keyboard intruded on his thoughts—Nina typing away. “That’s good,” she told him. “Great insight into his character.”

  “We need to redeem him by the end. Make him understand that he doesn’t need to be this way. He needs to trust her.”

  Nina looked up from her laptop and beamed at him, her smile incandescent. “That would be consistent with the story. We can work in several scenes between them, each a little more loving. Maybe we can have something happen that threatens her and makes the Sultan understand how much she means to him. We should also show that she would never betray him and have him believe it. The last love scene would be them truly making love.”

  Happy that she liked his idea, Pan watched as she took notes, feeling her enthusiasm rise. He thought about how the ancient storyteller saved her life and won the Sultan’s respect and trust.

  “So, they finish having sex and he’s about to go to sleep when she begins a story that she can’t finish before dawn.” Pan stared at Nina. “What were her stories about?”

  “Oh, she spoke of many tales from the Middle East. Stories about spells, sailors, wizards, and adventures involving magic lamps.” Nina thought for a moment. “Djinn showed up sometimes.”

  Pan grinned. “A sexual story about a Djinn? That could be interesting.”

  “There was one where a Djinn had been stuck in a bottle for several centuries. When a fisherman freed him, the Djinn threatened to kill him, but he tricked him into rewarding him instead.” Nina thought for a moment. “I’m not sure how to make that a sex story.”

  Pan’s grin widened. “The Djinn are very sexual beings. Deprive them of sex for long enough and they get irritable. Suppose it was a woman who opened the bottle. The Djinn threatens to kill her, but she offers to have sex with him and gets him to love her instead.”

  Nina’s eyes went wide. “That’s wonderful!” She returned to her machine and her open file. She stared at the blank page.

  “So we open on a beach and the woman has just opened the bottle. The Djinn is there, and he’s twenty times bigger than she is. He’s fuming about being in the bottle so long and threatening to kill her.”

  “Wait a minute.” Pan sat on the table and crossed his legs, doing his best to emulate the stance of an ancient storyteller. “If we’re going to do this, let’s do it right. I’ll dictate and you write.”

  Clearing his throat, he spoke in the singsong voice of a bard.

  “Once a long time ago in a far away land, there was a young fisherwoman named Mirmana, who was poor, but beautiful and very wise. While walking the beach one morning she found a bottle, which seemed very heavy for its size. Curious as to what it contained, she opened it only to discover that it held a Djinn who rose above her in a dark cloud of blue smoke to the size of twenty men.

  “The huge creature glared down at her. ‘You have freed me, but at the cost of your life. At one time I intended to reward my rescuer, but since then I’ve grown weary of captivity and will allow no one to have dominance over me. Therefore I have vowed that you must die.’

  “The fisherwoman threw herself on the sand and begged the Djinn for her life knowing her pleas were in vain. But as she was on her knees, her cap fell off, revealing her long hair.

  “The Djinn stared in surprise. ‘A woman? I never expected a woman.’ He was perturbed by this turn of events, bothered that his vow meant he would have to slay a woman, something foreign to his nature. To make things worse, his body recognized her attractiveness, and while Mirmara watched, his loincloth lifted before him.

  “She swallowed hard at the sight and was overcome with desire herself, even though she was still a maiden. ‘Mighty Djinn, before you kill me, I would beg to see that organ of yours, for truly it must be a magnificent sight.’

  “The Djinn preened at her praise for he was very proud of his cock. He wasted no time in whipping off his loincloth and revealing himself to her. Indeed his organ was magnificent, taller than the tallest man and round like a tower. If he were to lie on the sand, it would be large enough to shelter her on a rainy night. Mirmara stared and under her admiring gaze, he grew even more erect and knelt on the ground so she could see it closer.

  “Growing bold, Mirmara approached him and touched it lightly with her hand. ‘It is wondrous indeed, master Djinn. Never have I seen its like.’

  “The Djinn purred under her gentle stroke. ‘It has been a long time since it has seen relief, little fisherwoman.’ He struggled for a moment as if uncertain as to how to request what he wanted. Finally he told her, ‘I would spare your life if you would pleasure me.’

  “Mirmara shrugged and looked at him sadly. ‘I would love to do your bidding, mighty Djinn, and not just to save my life, for I find you fascinating. But while I’m innocent in such things, even I know that something the size of your organ would be difficult for me to pleasure properly. I can’t even put my arms around it. Perhaps if you were a bit smaller…’ she suggested.

  “‘Done!’ the Djinn cried, and he immediately shrunk to half his height. Now his erection was only the size of a child and easy for Mirmara to take into her arms. She hugged his cock and stroked it, murmuring all the time at how lovely it was. Soon its end was weeping huge drops that splashed as they hit the sand.

  “The Djinn groaned under her ministrations. ‘That feels so good, little woman. You have won your life from me. I would give you gold if you were to kiss it and lick the tip.’

  “Mirmara gazed at him in reproach. ‘I would not do such a thing for gold, for I am not a harlot that can be bought. If you enjoy what I do, I would have you give me another reward.’

  “‘But,’ she continued, ‘I’m afraid it is still impossible, for even now you are so large that you would barely feel my kisses. Perhaps if you were a bit smaller…’

  “‘Done!’ the Djinn cried again, and shrunk this time to merely twice the size of a normal man. Now his organ was small enough for her to kiss and lick, if not enough for her to take it into her mouth. Still, Mirmara did her best and the Djinn moaned aloud as she caressed his erection with her hands, licking the thick droplets that gathered at its end.

  “Now that he was closer to her size, the Djinn could see how infinitely desirable Mirmara was. He looked at her simple fisher garments and with insistent fingers pulled them off her, leaving her as naked as he was. Mirmara blushed as he stripped her, but did not stop him as he bared her heavy coral-tipped breasts and wide hips.

  “When the Djinn saw her beauty, he nearly wept with joy. ‘You are so lovely, little woman. I wish to worship your body as you have mine.’ He pulled her closer and with long thick fingers explored her most secret places, probing them and making her weak with want for him. He drew each of her breasts within his mouth and his tongue lapped her nipples.

  “The Djinn gazed at her, his eyes hot with need. ‘I would give you anything you wanted, little woman, if you let me have your body to satisfy my desire.’

  “Mirmara wanted the Djinn as well, but was still afraid. ‘I would give myself willingly, mighty Djinn, for you are the comeliest man I’ve ever known, and have the most talented fingers and tongue. But I fear you are still too large. I am an innocent and you would kill me with your organ.’

  “The Djinn smiled at her and shrank one last time until he was the size of an ordinary man. He held her close in his arms and kissed her lips gently. ‘I would have you know only my desire, sweet maiden, and not fear at my touch.’

  “Lowering Mirmara to the sand, the Djinn covered her with his body. One swift thrust and he took her maidenhead with his cock, filling her completely. Mirmara cried out at the small pain, but then moaned as he pulled back before entering her again. He set a rhythm and soon they moved in that sensuous dance of lovers, the Djinn taking pleasure
in Mirmara’s sweetness.

  “They made love for some time, but not nearly long enough for the Djinn’s mind. He had been too long in the bottle and came quickly, but he made certain that Mirmara reached ecstasy with him.

  “As they lay together on the sand, the Djinn wondered what reward to give this no- longer-maid, since she did not want gold or other riches. Finally he asked her name.

  “‘I am called Mirmara, mighty Djinn.’

  “The Djinn laughed. ‘A lovely name, and suitable for a Djinn’s wife. I would have you wed to me if that reward pleases you, sweet Mirmara, for you have earned my love and erased the hate from my mind.’

  “Mirmara smiled. ‘Your reward pleases me, lord…but only under one condition.’

  “The Djinn gazed at his soon to be bride in surprise. ‘And what condition would that be, lovely Mirmara?’

  “‘Well, my lord.’ Mirmara said with a blush, ‘the next time you shrink to make love with me…could you stay a little bit larger?’”

  Pan finished the story with a smirk and Nina laughed loudly, still typing the story in as fast as she could.

  “That is wonderful, Pan!” she said. “Funny and sexy at the same time.”

  He laughed. “And there is a lesson, as well.”

  Nina’s hands paused over the keyboard. “There is?”

  “The Djinn intended to kill the person who opened the bottle but changed his mind after knowing more about her. The lesson is that you shouldn’t be too sure of what you want until you know what you are dealing with and that a man shouldn’t be afraid to change his mind.”

  Nina finished typing and saved the file. “That would be what Scheherazade tells the sultan. Like the Djinn he’d planned on killing her but learned to love his rescuer instead.” She closed her laptop and carried it to their bedroom.

  Pan gazed after her and spoke quietly to himself. “It could be a lesson for both of us, little nymph. Like the Djinn, I was not sure of what I wanted…but I am now.”

  Chapter Three

  Morning again came to Mount Olympus and Nina awoke in Pan’s embrace, his deep slow breathing telling her that he still slept. She snuggled deeper into his arms, reveling in his unconsciously tight hold on her. So warm, so loving. If she didn’t know it to be arrow-influenced, she’d almost suspect he really wanted to embrace her this way, as if she were the only woman in the pantheon for him.

  From where she lay she could see the mixture of tree branches and vines that formed her new closet. It had completed its growth yesterday and all she had to do now was pack what she wanted from her apartment and move it here. She had to admit she was surprised that Pan had insisted she move in with him. To the best of her knowledge, he’d never had a roommate before.

  Maybe he was as tired of the uncertainty in their situation as she was. If so, she’d have expected him to want her gone, but instead he seemed to want to make their relationship more permanent.

  She wasn’t sure how to take this from him. Other than to be delighted it was happening, that is. And to hope his desire for her as a roommate lasted longer than it took for her to unpack her things.

  Last night they’d worked on her script on her new laptop and she’d gotten part of her framework and the first tale of her Arabian nights. After he’d dictated it once, she’d asked him to do it again, this time with them acting out the parts of the horny Djinn and innocent Mirmara.

  Nina grinned. Pan really knew how to act. She couldn’t wait to tackle their next project. Maybe Sinbad and the Wicked Mermaid?

  Behind her a long sensuous finger caressed her backbone and Nina startled at the touch. Now she noticed how Pan’s breathing picked up as he pressed harder into her back. His cock grew along the cleft of her ass, hardening to readiness.

  Pan was awake and apparently interested in action. Nina pressed back into him, letting him know without words she too was awake. Sometimes they did it this way, using actions to signal what they desired rather than speaking aloud. It was fun playing games with Pan, and after all, actions often spoke louder than words.

  His wayward finger continued to explore, sliding down her spine until it found the slit between her ass-cheeks. With a single stroke it located her anus, prodding the puckered opening with obvious intent.

  Nina’s heartbeat picked up. Ah…that kind of action. Well, it had been a while since they’d played that game. Several hundred years in fact, but that’s what she loved about Pan. He was always ready for anything sensual even if it was a little out of the ordinary.

  She lifted her ass a little, giving him better access to her. That might have been enough, but when he didn’t immediately take advantage, she decided to break the unspoken no-speaking rule.

  “In the mood for something different this morning?” she asked.

  “That depends…are you interested?” Pan’s voice still showed its early morning huskiness, but there was something else as well. Nina wondered when she’d last heard such uncertainty in a man’s voice.

  She could have laughed aloud at that unlikelihood. Imagine Pan feeling uncertain about anything. Besides, with him she was interested in anything and she didn’t have any real problems with this kind of game. “I’m interested, Pan. Do we have what we need?”

  Gods didn’t need condoms, but Nina insisted on a certain amount of lubricant. Sex involving pain had never been that high on her list of sensual interests.

  Pan hadn’t ever expressed an interest in S&M, either. For him, she might reconsider, but part of her was glad he wasn’t attracted to that kind of game.

  Of course she was just glad he was in bed with her every morning.

  Turning from her, Pan fumbled in the living wicker basket that filled the role of a bedside table. Nina watched as he pulled forth a tube with a familiar label. She grinned. It was a brand she was fond of as well, water-based with a mild flavor that didn’t overpower the natural taste of a lover. She and Pan really did have similar tastes.

  “That will do nicely,” she told him.

  Turning onto her knees, she tried to relax as he coated her opening with the lube, using his fingers to tease her open. She moaned, particularly when he used his other hand to play with her clit and pussy. In moments her body was hot and heavy and she was desperate with need. Need for him, for his cock, somewhere…anywhere.

  The hand playing with her anus disappeared. Nina looked back to see Pan smearing lube on his cock, coating it thickly. He closed his eyes and smiled as he stroked his shaft, perhaps remembering another’s hand doing the same thing, caressing his cock.

  Someone other than her, perhaps? Nina’s enthusiasm dampened a little at the thought of a now-past rival for Pan’s affections. But when he opened his eyes to gaze into hers, she felt the weight of his desire for her all over again and her pulse raced. She was the woman Pan was with now and that was all that mattered.

  He seized her hips and seated himself against her, his voice husky with need. “Stop me if this hurts.”

  As if she’d ever stop him, no matter what. Still, it was nice of him to say it. Thrusting forward, he entered her with just the tip of his cock, slowly teasing the tiny hole open. At each miniscule stroke, he paused to let her adjust to his bulk. For once Nina wasn’t thrilled with his massive size. It did hurt, a little, but she quickly dismissed that as he reached forward and his hand drove her clit into a full orgasm. She cried out, jerking back against him, and when she finished Pan was fully embedded inside her.

  Oh, now that was clever. Bring a lover to orgasm and impale her while she wasn’t paying attention. He hadn’t done that before. Pan had learned some new tricks in the years they hadn’t been together.

  The many, many years. That thought should have bothered her, but for now it was enough that it was her back Pan leaned against and that he was embedded deep within her ass. She could live without knowing from whom he’d learned this trick or the names of those he’d practiced it with. For the moment Pan was her lover, and that was all that mattered.

  She l
eaned forward onto her elbows, giving him control. In this position Pan controlled their coupling with Nina submissive to him. Not normally her favorite position but as he took first one stroke then another, she gave up worrying over who was on top. All that mattered was how wonderful being fucked by him was, in any position, in any act imaginable. Pan was her lover and he could take her anyway he wanted.

  He took it slow and easy on her. This wasn’t a harsh buggering that would leave her raw and aching but something else. Pan showed care for her, more than she’d expected. She’d never been all that excited by anal intercourse, but this time, with him, it was still lovemaking as far as she was concerned.

  As far as he was concerned as well, she realized. Pan may have held another this way, used their body for his needs, but she wondered if he’d caressed their hips as he did hers, or fondled their clit with such loving care. Or cock, for that matter. Pan had occasionally taken male lovers to satisfy his sexually adventuresome nature.

  Maybe he had fondled others the way he did her, but for the moment Pan was neither heterosexual nor homosexual but purely Nina-sexual. He was her lover and no other’s.

  For the moment. Who knows how long that would last? But Nina wasn’t going to worry about that now. She was having sex with the man she loved.

  Pan sped up and she pushed her clit more into his hand, her breath nearly frantic as his fingers drove her closer to ecstasy. Her orgasm came hard and she bucked against him. The ring of her ass tightened around him, and a hiss of near pain came from behind her.

  Pan dropped onto her back and threw his arms around her waist, hugging her close into his chest. Draped on top of her, he groaned, his body tightening and then she felt the hot blast of his cum shoot deep inside her. He collapsed for a moment, his heart pounding against her back, in odd synchronicity with her own pulse. Shaken to her core, Nina reveled in their closeness, too overcome for speech.


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