Executive Suite, or Sweet Executive?

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Executive Suite, or Sweet Executive? Page 4

by Rene Larouche

  Priscilla didn’t really want to kiss him without first going upstairs to brush her teeth and gargle with Listerine. She allowed him to press his lips on her momentarily, but did not respond to the probing tongue and thrusting hips. Dennis didn’t stop trying to get his wife sexually aroused. He had planned to basically have sex with her on the dining room floor in celebration of her new job. He continued to press against her and didn’t take long for his cock to rise in his pants. Priscilla didn’t respond to his advances, broke his embrace, and said, “Dennis please, I need to go upstairs, wash, and change my clothes. I’m tired, want to relax, and have a quiet dinner.”

  Dennis was floored by his wife’s lack of response to his advances. Priscilla never stopped, deterred or denied his advances or a sexual liaison. She was always responsive and available to him. He stepped back from her and just stared at her. He face was crestfallen and the erection that had grown is his pant was no more. “Priscilla, please, what is wrong? I thought we’d celebrate by making passionate love right here on the dinning room floor. Feel our bodies connected in the most passionate of dances. Your legs wrapped around my waist, me inside you, our mouths seeking each others, and my cock buried inside your hot love tunnel…”

  Priscilla couldn’t take anymore of his sexual play. She needed to tell him the truth, but she knew now wasn’t the time. She had to get upstairs; away from the man she loved, and be alone to cleanse herself of what she had willing done. “Dennis, just go inside and finish dinner. Set the table in the breakfast nook. I’ll be down in ten minutes. I want to wash and change. I need a few minutes to unwind. Don’t argue with me, Dennis. Please, just do it.”

  Dennis was dumbfounded. Priscilla never spoke to him like that before. She was always considerate of his feelings as he was of hers. He stood there as she turned away from him and walked to the stairway leading to the upper floor of their center hall colonial home. When he saw her disappear up the stairs he sighed and went into the kitchen to get the everyday dinnerware onto the table so they could eat where she asked him to. Priscilla took a bit longer than the ten minutes she had said it would take her to wash and change her clothes. When she did return she was wearing a baby blue running suit and a pair of Adidas pink and white running shoes. Even dressed as she was Priscilla Johnston could make a man stop in his tracks and stare. After all their years together, Dennis Johnston was absolutely floored by his wife’s beauty.

  Dennis approached his wife, took her hand, and guided her to the breakfast nook where their dinner awaited. Sitting as they did across from each other they began to eat in silence. Dennis didn’t say anything to her and just divided up the lemon veal, asparagus, and spring mix salad putting on it a simple oil and vinegar dressing. He opened a bottle of Australian Shiraz and poured a glass for each. With each bite the silence grew on each of them. Never in their years of dating and marriage had the silence been so thick you could cut it with a knife. Dennis was the first to break the silence.

  “Cill, would you please tell me what I did wrong?” “Dennis, you did nothing wrong.” Priscilla paused, looked down at the plate of food in front of her, and said in barely a whisper, “I did.”

  “What are you talking about? I know you terminated your employment with Silverstein Partners before you even had anything on the horizon. I’ve tried my hardest to find a job here in New York. I know you were disappointed when my father cut me out of the sale of his company. I didn’t argue with you when you decided that it would be good for your career to take the job in New York City with Silverstein Partners. Did you not get the job with Acme Manufacturing?”

  “Jesus, Dennis!!! It has nothing to do with Acme Manufacturing. I was offered an executive package that any man or woman could only dream about. A base salary of 1.5 million dollars a year, company paid benefits, completely vested in the retirement program from day one, company car, and a bonus package that would make your hair stand on end. Dennis, I got more than I expected. It was the way I negotiated that is causing me to act the way I am.”

  Dennis sat across from the woman he loved a knife in his left hand and a fork in his right hand. The moment the final words passed out of her mouth he dropped both. The clatter of the utensils made Priscilla jump as Dennis grabbed the edge of the table and just stared at his wife. It took a moment for him to regain his ability to speak and when he did, he screamed, “What the fuck are you talking about? What kind of negotiation where you involved in with, what the fuck is his name, yeah, I remember, Dwayne Williams!!! Well???”

  Priscilla jumped for the second time since she arrived home. She watched Dennis’ face turn a crimson color and his hands grip the edge of the table even harder. For the first time since she first met him, Dennis exploded verbally raising his voice and actually scaring her. She saw for the first time Dennis as she’s never seen him before. His brothers were short fused as was his father, but Dennis maintained an even keel even through the toughest dilemmas. Now he sat across from her red faced, sputtering and waiting for an explanation.

  Priscilla took a deep breath and spoke in what she hoped would be an even calming tone, “Dennis, I’ve never done anything like I’ve done today. I’m so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I, I… I secured my job today by performing for my potential employer. He took me to lunch at a beautiful French restaurant and that is where it started.” She looked at Dennis expecting some sort of response or interruption, but none came.

  She continued. “Dessert turned out to be a test of my ability to react to the unexpected. The owner brought out a plate with the dessert. On it was two pieces of fruit, ice cream, and a cream sauce. The ice cream was in the shape of a chocolate phallus and the cream represented… Well, you know what it represented. My task was to eat the ice cream without any utensils. Dennis, please… Do I need to explain what I had to do?”

  Dennis had calmed down enough to respond to her, “Yes, you need to explain. You need to tell me everything.” Priscilla looked down at the plate in front of her, back to his face, and continued, “Since I didn’t have any utensils to eat the dessert and Mr. Williams wanted me to solve his rather sophomoric problem; I stood up and basically performed fellatio on the chocolate ice cream phallus. I sucked an ice cream cock and didn’t even think twice about it.” Priscilla saw Dennis relax a bit and his hands let go of the table.

  “So, you’re telling me you sucked an ice cream cock to show your potential employer that you could react to and solve the unexpected? Is that what bothered you so much you couldn’t make love to me?”

  “Well, no Dennis. There’s more.” Again she waited for a verbal or physical response from her husband and when nothing was forthcoming she continued. “I confronted Mr. Williams and told him that if I passed his sophomoric test we’d better get back to his office so he could double whatever he was going to offer me. If I had failed his test, then he’d better bring my briefcase to me because I wasn’t going anywhere with him. When we returned to his office we continued our negotiations until he stood up, walked around his desk, and stood in front of me. I thought he was going to offer me his hand to seal the deal, but he did something totally unexpected.”

  Dennis didn’t bite. He didn’t utter a word to her. He just sat across from her and waited for her to continue. Priscilla took a deep breath, let it out, and continued, “Mr. Williams is a very tall man. I’d estimate that he’s a good six foot six inches tall. He in excellent shape and I bet he works out seven-days-a-week. I’m digressing but Dennis, you need to know what I was confronted with. Dwayne Williams is probably, no definitely the best looking black man I’ve ever encountered and he was standing directly in front of me. He said it was time to seal the deal and proceeded to pull down the zipper of his pants. He pulled out his cock and commanded me to fellate him.”

  Dennis shifted in his seat when he heard what his wife had just told him. Priscilla noticed that he wasn’t boiling over or coming across the table at her, so she continued, “His cock was, no is, the biggest cock I’ve ever seen in per
son. I took it in my hands and began to masturbate him. I waited a minute hoping he would say that was good enough, but I thought wrong. After playing with his growing and hardening cock for about three minutes, I leaned forward and took the purplish head into my mouth. He responded by placing his right hand on the back of my head and sighing. Dennis, I sucked his cock while looking into his deep black eyes. He came in my mouth. When he was done he welcomed me to his company. He didn’t care that I had just debased myself by performing fellatio on him. I’m so sorry Dennis!!!”

  She noticed that Dennis just sat there staring at her. He shifted in his seat again and for the first time Priscilla realized that Dennis was turned on by her recounting of her sucking her new boss’ cock. “Dennis, say something to me.”

  “Oh, my God, Cilla, that is so hot. I’ve wanted to tell you for the longest time how hot it would be to see you with another man. But, a black man with a huge cock, that is even hotter!!!” Dennis couldn’t hide his excitement so he jumped up and that is when Priscilla saw that not only was he emotionally excited, but his cock was straining against the inside of his pants.

  Priscilla screamed at Dennis, “You son-of-a-bitch. Look at you… You’re hard as a rock!!! How long have you been hiding that from me? Are you a fuckin’ cuckold wannabe? And I was worried? Shit, Dennis… Tell me that you’re turned on by what I’ve done and that you want more.”

  Dennis walked over to where she was sitting, undid his belt, opened his pants, and pulled them down with his underpants to reveal his rather mediocre sized testicles and his five inch erection. He didn’t care that the blinds were open, although no one could really see into their house it was something each of them never did – exhibit their genitals in public. Dennis stood in front of her and thrust out his hips trying to entice her to lean into him the way she did Dwayne Williams. Priscilla stared at him trying to control her anger and her need to reach out and twist his cock or his balls so hard he would lose his erection.

  “Dennis, pull up your pants and sit down,” Priscilla growled at her husband. “I can’t believe that you would accept my indiscretion by sporting an erection, but I’ve learned you’re more of a loser than I thought.”

  Dennis caught himself and did what she asked. He stepped back from his wife, bent over, and pulled up his pants. He then returned to the seat opposite his wife and revealed to her something that for all the money in the world she never would have thought of. “Priscilla, I don’t know how to you’re going to accept what I have to say, but here goes. For my entire life, I have been the brunt of my father’s and brother’s making fun of my average endowment. See Priscilla if you hadn’t already noticed, my father and brothers all have rather large packages. The never forced me to do anything homosexual with them, but they always made fun of how small I am. They were astounded that a woman of your beauty would fall for a man like me. To them, I was nothing more than a sexual wimp. And that is basically why they cut me out of the business and their success. The only thing that I outdid them all with was you. To keep you mine, I’d do anything you’d ask of me. I love you that unconditionally.”

  She saw something she never thought she’d see from Dennis. He sat there with tears in his eyes and the same rolling down his cheeks. Dennis Johnston had just revealed to the love of his life the one thing that could make her end up hating him. His failure to continue his education or use what intelligence he had to find a decent job frustrated her to no end. Up until today, she didn’t care that his penis was not the largest one she’d had prior to marrying him. Sex was satisfactory and not the most important thing in her life or between them, but seeing him erect and hot over her sucking another man’s cock was upsetting and disgusting to her. She sat across from her husband fuming and seeing him crying and in essence telling her he would do anything for her, she finalized in her mind that she would take charge of their relationship. She would be the dominant one and make him into the wimp he thought his family wanted him to be.

  “Dennis, I’ve made a decision and you’re not going to like it, but at the same time you may actually get emotionally and sexually excited by it. I have told you that since I committed myself to you, I have never done anything to jeopardize our relationship and marriage. Today, I did and from your reaction, I could have from the day I met you. I was forced by Dwayne Williams to look into his eyes as I fellated him. At first, I did everything to keep myself divorced from the act I was performing; but something clicked when he was looking down at me and I knew that I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted to feel his twelve inches inside more than my mouth. I was hoping that when I got home and got close to you again I would put such thoughts out of my head. How you reacted to my telling you of my indiscretion solidified my desire to have Dwayne. And, I’m informing you now that you are nothing more than a cuckold in this relationship.”

  Dennis sat across from her with his mouth hanging open trying to figure out how he should react to his wife’s telling him that she was going to take her boss as her lover. He fought the sexual desire that was coursing from his brain to his crotch. He noticed that Priscilla did nothing to hide her disgust for him and just sat there waiting for his response. She lightly tapped her fingernails on the table in annoyance as she waited. Dennis didn’t want to disappoint her, but he didn’t want to say the wrong thing to her and totally crucify himself.

  “Cilla,” he whispered. Priscilla smacked the table with her right hand and pointed her index finger at him, “Don’t you dare use your pet name for me. From this moment on in our relationship, you address me as Priscilla or you can take your weak ass out of my house.”

  Dennis didn’t flinch, but knew that he was now going to see a side of his wife that he never saw before. “Yes. Priscilla, I understand. I know that I’ve made a mess of your telling me of your indiscretion by getting sexually excited. I have to ask you, Priscilla, what is a cuckold and what does that mean for me?”

  “A cuckold my dear Dennis is a man who has an unfaithful wife. I am that woman in the sense that I just fellated my boss in an attempt to guarantee my executive position. Now, I’m definitely going to be that woman, a total cuckoldress, when I lay on my back and feel my lover take me for the first time of what I hope will be many times in the future. You will not do anything about it and will accept whatever I or maybe even Dwayne tells you to do. You can assume that whatever you father and brothers did to you in the past, will be nothing compared to what you will suffer through with me in the future.”

  “Oh my God,” screamed Dennis. “Where did this dominance arise from? In all the years we’ve been together, we’ve never asserted any form of dominance over one another. I was so careful not to tread on your career or your life. Now, I’m relegated to some minor role as you open yourself up to your new boss. What about our having children and raising them together? What about growing old together? What about my deep soulful love of you and our life together?”

  “You decided to put all that in the shitter Dennis when you stood in front of me with that what I now know to be a rather less-than-average erection trying to get me to suck you the way I did Dwayne. Your actions this evening so far has done nothing to make me want to even touch you again. If I have, what I know will be a man making love to me in the future; you will have to satisfy your sexual needs through masturbation or not at all. Don’t think I’m going to let you find a lover or some crack addicted prostitute to satisfy your needs. Your sexual satisfaction is of no concern of mine and from this point on, I will control if, when, and how you have an orgasm.” Priscilla had thrown down the gauntlet and she waited for her soon to be useless husband’s response.

  Dennis laid his head down without thinking that the plate of food was still in front of him. He moaned and began to cry. He felt his entire world come crashing down on him. His heart raced and his body shook from the stress he was feeling from his wife’s pronouncement. His life was now where his father had told him it would be on the day of his wedding, married to a beautiful woman without any
way to provide for her economically, and more importantly sexually. Dennis looked up at Priscilla, his face covered in lemon sauce and clarified butter, “Priscilla, please reconsider. All I have done this evening is for you. I have told you the truth about me. Don’t destroy our marriage.”

  Priscilla stood up and walked over to the other side of the small breakfast nook table. She picked up his linen napkin and began to gently wipe his face clean. She smiled at him as she cleaned his face of the food and his tears. Dennis relaxed as her hand gently wiped clean his face and she felt the stress depart his body. When his face was as clean as it was going to get, she took her left hand, placed it under his chin, raised his face to hers, and she placed a kiss lightly on his forehead. She spoke softly to her husband, “Dennis, nothing you do is going to change how I feel about you. I have and will always love you. I have and will always take care of you economically and medically. I will not take care of you sexually. I have found something I’ve never had before and I’m going to bring it as much pleasure as it gives me. Don’t start crying again because that will be the proof to me that you cannot handle our marriage going forward. You have to commit yourself to me.”

  Dennis looked up at his wife and whispered, “Commit myself?” “Yes, Dennis. Commit yourself to our marriage in its new form. Pledge your undying love for me by showing me how much you’ll do for me no matter how distasteful it may be to you. By doing that, you’ll never have to worry about anything other than pleasing me in any manner I see fit to ask of you.”

  “Priscilla, I pledge my unconditional love to you and commit myself to you to do as you ask me.” Priscilla smiled down at her husband, placed her hands on the back of his head, and pulled him close to her. She held him and used her right hand to caress the back of his head and neck. Dennis just sat in the chair and did not respond to his wife by trying to hold her hips and legs in his arms. Priscilla felt herself starting to rub his face against the area of her body between her hips. She took her right hand off Dennis’ head and slowly peeled down the sweat pants she was wearing. Although she hadn’t asked Dennis to, he gently moved his hands to a position that would allow him to aid in her quest. He took a deep breath and took in the sweet fragrance of her now exposed sex.


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