Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5)

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Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5) Page 14

by Bianca Sommerland

  The meeting continued, but Dean had a hard time focusing on the discussion, even though Keane riled Oriana up a bit by bringing up Perron and asking about the terms of his no-trade clause. He had the impression that Keane was feeling them all out, and he couldn’t hold it against him. Besides, only one thing really mattered to him at the moment.

  Oriana was right. Silver, his spunky, mouthy, fearless woman, was back.

  Chapter Eight

  Ford sat back in his bed, lips slanted with amusement as Silver drilled his nurse. In her cream colored silk blouse under a matte black suit jacket that matched her skirt, hair up in a no-nonsense bun, she looked very professional and demure, but the edge to her tone ruined the image. After his little sister sent the nurse away, she folded her arms over her chest, tapping her foot and glaring at the door, waiting impatiently for his doctor to come speak to her. His relationship with his younger sister was touch and go, but she had this motherly thing going for her now. A mother who bared her fangs if you fucked with her cub. She’d fussed with his blankets and told the nurse the room was too cold. After pouring him a glass of water, she finally took a seat by the bed.

  Then burst into tears. “I was so mad at you for selling the team. I’m sorry!”

  Umm . . . Ford patted her shoulder, not sure what he should say. His mother used to have emotional outbursts, which was why he and Kingsley had coddled her. His throat thickened as he remembered his mother’s abrupt death. Silver’s health wasn’t good. He should be careful.

  “It’s okay, Silver. You had every right to be upset.” He smiled as she looked up at him. “But you’re not anymore? You still love me?”

  She let out a watery laugh. “Never thought I’d say this, but yes, I love you.” She scrubbed away her tears with her fists. “Sorry for falling apart. It’s just . . . you look horrible, Ford.”

  “Thanks,” he said dryly, even though he knew it was true. “And don’t worry about it. Oriana started crying the second she saw me. I haven’t talked to her yet—she came while I was sleeping. My nurse was going to wake me up, but Oriana wouldn’t let her.”

  “Good.” Silver straightened, shooting a dirty look toward the door. “That nurse seems like a twit. She was giving you doe-eyes while answering my questions. She wants to fuck you.”

  Snorting, Ford grinned at his little sister. “Blunt much?”

  “But, it’s true! And you’re a dog, so I’m sure you’re not smart enough to turn her down. You need your strength to get better.”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  Silver stuck out her tongue at him, then frowned abruptly. “I did some research while waiting to come in. Why didn’t you tell me about your mother?”

  “I didn’t want to upset you.” Ford’s lips twisted as her frown deepened. “You’ve been hearing that a lot, eh?”

  “Yeah. From everyone.” She hugged herself, staring at the floor. “I’m better, Ford. Really. I need you to trust me.”

  “I do.” He surprised himself by saying so without a second’s hesitation. And meaning it. Oriana and Silver were the only family he really had anymore. He wasn’t too proud to admit that he needed them.

  “Good.” Silver fidgeted with the edge of his sheet. “So tell me what happened to you. Who hurt you?”

  Biting his inner cheek, Ford inhaled slowly. As much as he trusted his sisters, he wouldn’t let them get involved in his problems with Kingsley. He wasn’t sure how much Oriana knew through Dominik, but hopefully not much. “The bar was robbed. Cam was away with his family for Christmas. I got a little cocky and paid for it.”

  Silver nodded, not seeming too surprised. “You have to be more careful.”

  “I will be. Believe me, I learned my lesson.” That was the truth. He wouldn’t give Kingsley another chance to come at him. Or anyone he cared about. He wasn’t sure how to deal with the man yet, but he’d figure it out. “So how’s my niece?”

  The topic of her daughter distracted Silver for the rest of the visit. She got to talk to his doctor, then gave Ford a kiss on the cheek and promised to visit every day. And call. And get updates. That kind of fussing would have irritated Ford once, but he found himself grinning and pulling her in for a hug.

  “Give Amia a kiss for me. And . . . yeah, I’d love it if you’d visit.” He kissed her forehead. “It was pretty cool—spending time with you.”

  “It was.” Silver glanced over her shoulder as the door opened. “Hey, Jami.”

  Ford swallowed as he took in Jami’s pale face. Shadows under her eyes. Hair a tangled mess. Wearing faded jeans and Ramos’s old practice jersey. He held his arms open as Jami crossed the room, holding her, not surprised to feel her tears soak through the shoulder of his hospital gown.

  “I’m okay, sweetie.” He made a hushing sound as she shook, choking back her sobs. “Hey, where’s my tough girl? Look at me, babe.”

  Jami turned her head, wrinkling her nose at him. “You shouldn’t call me that. Only Luke calls me that.”

  “You better not tell him then.” Ford smirked. “That little punk comes after me, Cort might not be too happy. Hate to leave you with just one boyfriend.”

  “So not funny, Ford.” Jami eased back after a nod to Silver and a promise to swing by the house before the game tonight. She turned back to Ford as she settled in the chair by the bed. “How you doing though? Seriously? I talked to Cort, but you’re not missing any limbs, so I’m not sure if a ‘he’s fine’ from him means much.”

  “I’m fine. Just a little roughed up.” He cocked his head, brushing her cheek with a fingertip. “How about you, kid? You look like you haven’t been getting much sleep.”

  “It’s nothing, just my mom and . . .” She rolled her eyes. “Akira. She’s got a new boyfriend and she’s different. She actually got mad at me for getting mad at Luke, and I had every right to! You should have heard her. She actually defended him.”

  Ford forced his face to remain neutral. He refused to react to the “new boyfriend” thing. This guy couldn’t be much worse than Dominik. And if he was coming between Jami and Akira already, he wouldn’t last long. So Ford focused on what Jami obviously needed to get off her chest. “Why you pissed at Luke? Do I need to bash his head in?”

  “No! He’s just being an asshole about Max coming back, acting all betrayed. Akira says he has every right to feel that way, but—”

  “She’s right.” Damn it, he should have kept his mouth shut. Just nodded and been all sympathetic. Jami’s glare had him ready to take his words back, but then he considered how miserable Akira must be without Jami. And how much Jami would need her best friend if she was having issues with her mother. He grabbed Jami’s hand before she could rise and storm out. “Listen to me before you get all bitchy. You love Luke, right?”

  “Of course I do! But I don’t have to like how he’s acting!” Jami humphed, then folded her arms over her chest. “I’m happy Max is back.”

  “And that’s fine, but look at it from Luke’s point of view. The team’s struggling. They had to manage with both Sloan and Max leaving pretty abruptly. Whatever their reasons, it had a big impact.” He took note of Jami’s pursed lips relaxing slightly and plowed on. “Luke’s very devoted to the team. He won’t understand someone not taking the game as seriously as he does. He’s frustrated because the Cobras are in a slump, and he’s not going to be all grateful that Max is just stepping back in like nothing happened.”

  “He isn’t though! It’s so obvious that Max feels horrible about leaving.”

  “And that makes it all better?”

  Jami opened her mouth. Shut it. And sighed. “No, I guess not.”

  Ford smiled. Jami might be a stubborn little thing, but she was a smart kid. He ruffled her hair affectionately. “I can’t see Akira saying anything unless you completely lost it in front of her. Go make things better. With her and Luke. You’ll be much happier, and I don’t like seeing you all upset.”

  Lips curving slightly, Jami nodded. “And you probably won’t object t
o me letting Akira know you were the one who got me to see reason?”

  “Not at all.” Ford winked, speaking in a conspiratorial tone. “So, you don’t like this new guy? You think it’s gonna last?”

  Chewing at her bottom lip, Jami looked away from him and shrugged. “Hard to say. He’s no good for her, though.” She snickered as she got up and gave Ford a quick, gentle hug. “But you wouldn’t be either.”

  “Better than him?”

  Jami cocked her head. “Maybe. Just a little.”

  “Well, thanks for that.” He shook his head. “Just put in a good word for me.”

  “Stud, I don’t think anything short of a miracle will get her to think any better of you.” She grinned, cuffing his shoulder lightly. “I’m a little surprised you asked. Getting pretty desperate?”

  The bed creaked as Ford shifted to make himself more comfortable. He winced at a painful twinge in his side. “Almost dying does that to a man.”

  “Milk it, why don’t you?” Jami squared her shoulders, nibbling on her bottom lip now as she looked him over. “I won’t ask what happened to you—pretty sure I can figure it out. But this is a good time to maybe get Akira to understand why you did what you did. Maybe then she’ll forgive you.”

  He couldn’t meet Jami’s eyes after that reminder. “I’m not sure you should have forgiven me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Ford.” Jami squeezed his forearm. “You can’t control your father. Or his men.” A shadow stole through her eyes, and her jaw ticked as she stifled a shudder. “You got out. That’s all that matters.”

  Long after Jami was gone, all Ford could think about was those words. “You got out.’.”

  He had gotten out. Which meant he’d given up whatever power he’d had to prevent what had almost happened to Jami. And what had happened to his waitress. His muscles clenched, the sickness he’d felt every time that came up before shifting into a tension that made all his muscles tighten, his hands shake. As if his body thought this was something he could physically fight. But it wasn’t. And becoming an outstanding citizen wasn’t doing anyone any good. But he wouldn’t give in to Kingsley, to use the team and his sisters to make the man money.

  Then what are you gonna do? Not like you’ve got many options.

  No. But he did have one.

  “I need a man who’s in control of himself, his life. You’re not. I’m not sure you ever will be.”

  When Akira had said that, Ford had truly believed he’d surprise her. He hadn’t known when. Or how. But he finally had an idea.

  There was only one way to stop Kingsley from doing any more damage. He fisted his hands to stop them from shaking. Only one way for Ford to take complete control of his life.

  He had to find a way to bring Kingsley down.

  * * * *

  Akira bit the tip of her tongue as the end of the iron grazed the edge of her palm. Her eyes teared at the sharp, searing sensation spreading across her hand, but she waved Sahara back as the other girl made a sound of distress and rushed to her side. “It’s nothing.”

  “Damn it, Akira! I can iron my own skirt.” Sahara unplugged the iron, then set it aside, gently latching on to Akira’s wrist and drawing her across the kitchen to run cold water over the small burn. “What’s going on? You’re been cleaning all day. You don’t have to do Jami’s and my laundry. Why don’t you rest for a bit? You’re going to be exhausted tonight.”

  “I enjoy doing things for you. It’s no big deal.” Akira forced a smile, looking over Sahara’s baggy gray sweatpants and worn, pale blue Cobra T-shirt. Sahara looked good even without her makeup or hair done, but it was rare that she spent over half the day not all dolled up. A bit of teasing was in order. “You are going to shower and change before the game, right?”

  “Oh my God, yes!” Sahara laughed, making a face at her own clothes. “If I leave the house like this, all the tabloids will go on and on about how I’m ‘wasting away’ without Grant.”

  “At least they dropped the whole scandal with you and Mr. Keane.” Akira hissed in a breath as Sahara dropped her gaze and nodded. She dried her hand on her own jogging pants as she pulled Sahara in for a hug. “See, I don’t think. I should just keep my mouth shut. I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

  “Don’t be. It’s just a stupid crush.” Sahara hugged her back. “He’s just so . . . untouchable. But he noticed me, and I guess I thought—doesn’t matter. The subs he plays with at the club are all perfect. I’ll never be like them.”

  “You shouldn’t try to be. You’ll find a man who loves you for you.”

  “Yeah. A Dom who likes a brat.” Sahara blew irritably at a strand of hair that fell over her eyes. “The last time I went to the club, Dominik asked me if I was sure I was even interested in the lifestyle. How is it Silver and Jami can be over-the-top troublemakers and get away with it, but with me it means I’m not serious about learning?”

  Akira nibbled on her bottom lip, considering carefully. “I’ve been a brat with Dominik, so I don’t think that’s the issue. Maybe he just sees you trying so hard to get Mr. Keane’s attention, and he’s worried that you’re into this for the wrong reasons.”

  “But I’m not! Everything I’ve seen gets me really hot.” Sahara blushed and pressed her hands to her cheeks. “Totally T.M.I.”

  “Like we haven’t shared dirtier details than that!” Akira bumped hips with Sahara. “Remember when Jami told us about how she can get off with nothing but Luke using his ropes on her? How a tight knot placed just right can get her to come when she wiggles?”

  “Mmm, was I the only one wondering if it would be crossing friendship barriers if I asked him to tie me up?”

  “No! God, I almost asked, but then . . . yeah, hard to tell what’s okay with them. Sebastian lets them both play with others so long as he trusts the Dom. And Luke does do demonstrations. But . . .” Akira shrugged. “Might be a little weird to face Jami after having a mind-blowing orgasm because of her boyfriend.”

  A snicker brought both their guilty gazes to the kitchen doorway. Akira’s face blazed as Jami dropped her schoolbag by the fridge, shaking her head as she opened the fridge and took out a beer. “Wouldn’t be weird at all. You’ve both seen me all wrapped up and . . . stuff. Akira, you saw Dominik spank me bare-assed once when I mouthed off at him, and Sebastian wouldn’t play with me until I begged the man for a punishment. Playing in front of my dad or my uncle would be weird, but I’m cool with everything else.”

  “That’s good . . .” Sahara gave Akira a pointed look as Jami guzzled half her beer without pausing to breathe. “I need to take a shower. You two need to talk.” She flashed Jami a grin. “You’ve given me a lot to think about. I wouldn’t mind finding out if Luke is as good as you say.”

  “Better.” Jami’s lips curved mischievously. “But if you play with him, I get to watch.”

  Sahara stuttered something incoherent, face bright red, then rushed off to the bathroom.

  Akira cleared her throat. “Jami, I’m—”

  Jami held up her hand. “Don’t apologize. I’ve been a raging bitch lately, and it’s not fair to you or Sahara. Or Luke.” She rolled her eyes. “And it’s not just because I’m about to start my period. It’s . . .” She rolled her eyes again, but this time a few tears spilled down her cheeks. “All the guys were there for me when my mom took off. Max, most of all. I knew my dad was going through a lot, so I didn’t want to add to his problems—even though I kinda did by drinking and doing drugs. I’m not sure how to explain . . .”

  “Take your time, sweetie.” Akira faced Jami, reaching up to dry Jami’s tears with her thumbs. “You never really said anything when Max left.”

  Shrugging, Jami took another swig from her beer. “Why would I? People leave.”

  “But they don’t always come back.” Maybe that was why Jami had been so mad at Luke. Akira had a feeling if Jami’s mother came back to her, Jami would welcome her with open arms. But she never did, so Jami knew she didn’t care. Max’s retur
n proved he cared.

  Akira seriously hoped Jami’s mother never came back. From what she’d heard, the woman was flighty and she’d break Jami’s heart when she lost interest in playing mommy.

  Not that Akira would ever voice those thoughts to Jami. That would be cruel. All Jami had of her mother right now was a shallow trace of hope. Akira wouldn’t take that away from her.

  “Sometimes they don’t come back at all.” Jami hunched her shoulders. “I should be grateful for who I have, though. Ford kinda made me see that.”

  “Ford told you to be grateful?” What an asshole.

  “No!” Jami looked horrified. She put her hand on Akira’s shoulder, her tone firm. “I was whining about how you’d defended Luke. Once I explained everything, Ford told me you were right.”

  “Am I supposed to be impressed?” Akira bit her lip at Jami’s wide-eyed stare. “Sorry, now I’m being bitchy. I’m glad you can talk to him, but him agreeing with me doesn’t change what he did.”

  “He didn’t do anything.”

  “Exactly! He should have!”

  “Ugh, you are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met! If you saw what happened to him because he defied his father, you wouldn’t be so hard on him. If he’d known what would happen, he would have stepped in.” Jami rubbed Akira’s arms as Akira dropped her gaze to the kitchen counter. “He didn’t know.”

  “He knows what his father’s capable of.” Yeah, maybe she was being stubborn, but she just couldn’t let it go. She was still a little shell-shocked by how quickly she’d let him in the first time he’d touched her cheek. The first time they’d spoken. Back then, most men had scared her. But not him. He’d put her at ease with a smile and a few words.

  And that had scared her more than anything.

  Jami’s grip on her arms tightened. She pressed her forehead to Akira’s. “I’ve seen some of what Mr. Kingsley could do, Akira. But seeing Ford in that hospital bed . . . that man is capable of anything. No one wants to believe that of their own parent. He might not be the man’s real son, but Ford didn’t know that before.”


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