Duly Noted

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Duly Noted Page 18

by H. M. Shander

  “I get that.”

  “I watch from the spotters’ cage,” he said, pointing to a raised platform in the middle of the pit. “But only when Lucas races. Otherwise, I’m tinkering on the beast.”

  “Where will I be?” she asked curiously.

  “Where would you like to be? Mom and Chris have offered to stay with you. If you’d feel more comfortable up here, one of them will join you. If you’re more comfortable in the pit, well…” Her boyfriend – the race car driver who hadn’t stopped smiling since they arrived – beamed a little more. His dimple nice and deep.

  “But you can only stay in the pits.”

  “Yes, I’ll be in the pit,” he correctly verified.

  “Then I want to stay where you are.” She linked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re full of surprises, Nate. I would’ve bet my life you’d never find me at a race track.”

  “You’re the one who’s surprising me.” He twisted to turn and face her. “Who would’ve thought I’d actually see a smile on the girl of my dreams here of all places? I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Did I have any other choice?” said Aurora, eyebrow arched?

  “Not really.”

  “I haven’t even needed a Xanax or anything yet.” It’s not that she didn’t want one, she felt she didn’t need it, yet. But patting her pocket, she made sure they were still within easy reach.

  “I’m proud of you for that.” He leaned forward, tipping his head.

  “I’m going to enjoy the other end of this deal,” she said, coming out of the kiss a little more breathless than she anticipated.

  “Duly noted.” Nate blushed a bright crimson colour. “But I’m looking forward to it too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Her hand securely in his, they headed back into the pit.

  “I have a driver’s meeting now,” Nate began, “so just hang here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” His sister appeared. “Chris will stay with you, right?” His sister nodded.

  Aurora’s shoulders and neck tensed. Chris had that protective big-sister expression on her face.

  “You’ll be fine. She’s harmless.” His lips brushed against hers. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sighing as he walked away, she folded herself into the chair and looked up at Chris.

  “So,” Chris started, “Nate’s told us a lot about you.”

  She twisted in her seat with the tone in Chris’ voice. “I’ve noticed.”

  Chris leaned closer. “Being part of this–” She waved all around. “Means you need to have complete trust in your team and we’re part of Nate’s team.” Aurora nodded. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t tell us everything. Although,” she paused, before adding, “we don’t keep secrets from each other either. And Nate likes you. A lot.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “And do you like him, a lot?”

  Aurora knew the colour had drained from her face as she felt three-inches high in the chair. “Yes… very… much so,” she stuttered out.

  “Good. So don’t do anything to break his trust. Because once it’s broken, it’s gone for good.”

  Again she nodded, not sure what else she was supposed to do. Chris disappeared into the sea of people, leaving her all alone. She tried to get comfortable in the chair but everything ached when she sat in it, her body preferred something a little softer. Standing and stretching, she walked over to Nate’s car.

  As far as cars went, his was gorgeous. She loved the bright colours and the way the stripes sparkled in the sunlight. It looked brand new. Hesitantly, she glanced around, confirming to herself she was all alone. She stepped as close to the car as she could, and extended her hand. Another quick glance around, and she placed her hand on the edge of the windowless door, the cool of the metal spreading across her palm. Taking her other hand, she lay it beside the first. As she closed her eyes, she imagined Nate standing beside her, and tried to feel him holding her, his hands on her hips. She counted to thirty, and in taking a deep breath, counted to thirty once more. Upon opening her eyes, she lifted her hands and broke the contact.

  Proud as hell, she stepped back, smiling to herself.

  “Well done.” A familiar voice and a pair of hands clapped behind her.

  Shit. I had an audience. A coy smile on her face, she tried acting cool as she turned and threw her hands out in the air. “Yeah, it was easy.”

  Nate walked up beside her, and whispered low in her ear. “Liar.” But he smiled as he pulled back. “I saw you trembling. But it doesn’t matter.” His grin was face-splitting. “Look what you did. All on your own.” He pulled her close, and finally, those arms she imagined a minute ago, wrapped around her. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Pride bubbled up in her. Yeah, she’d done it and done it without prodding. Perhaps there’s hope for her after all.

  He brushed a strand of hair off her face. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  Aurora smiled as she stared at the handsome man in front of her. He now sported a black jumpsuit. “Yeah, look at you. You’re not a guy who likes to wear normal clothes, do you?”

  “What do you mean?” He raised his eyebrow.

  “During the week, you wear overalls, and now you’re in a jumpsuit.”

  He laughed. “It’s a fire suit, actually.”

  “Seriously? Is that necessary?” Panic built up lightning quick since she hadn’t taken anything to keep it contained. “Do you… are there… fires?”

  “No.” His warm touch on her arms did little to soothe her. “Another safety precaution, just in case. Safety’s a big deal at the track.”

  “Have there ever–” Her body trembled as her mind envisioned Nate trapped behind the wheel, flames engulfing his car. A violent shudder coursed through her.

  “Hey,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “It’s going to be okay. You have my word.”

  A few deep breaths after calming her heart down, she pushed out of the embrace. “Well, I wish you’d lied and said it was a jumpsuit.”

  “Oh yeah?” His eyebrow arched. “Why?”

  “Cuz you look sexy as hell in it.”

  “Thank you.” He blushed. “I’m one of the first racers to time trial, so I needed to suit up.” He held her hand, kissing the top of it. “I’m so proud of you.” He tipped his head toward the car. “Maybe you’ll be my good luck charm today.”


  “Are you going to watch my trials from the cage or stay here?”

  “I think I’d like to watch it–” She wasn’t sure though if she really wanted to or if she said it to appease him. “From here?” A quick look confirmed the headphones were still visible and a pat on her hip reminded her of instant relief in her pocket. She could do this.

  Brenda appeared out of nowhere. “I’m going over to the cage. Come with me,” she said to her.

  Aurora nodded and winked. “Guess I’m going with your mom.”

  “It’s only four laps. It’s just me, and I’ll be right back. Less than minute really.” He blew her a kiss.

  Brenda and Aurora walked over to the spotters’ cage. “Up you go,” Brenda motioned.

  She climbed up the ladder to the top, and found herself staring out to the track. Situated six feet off the ground, an impressive 360 degree view surrounded her. “It’s amazing up here.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Brenda held onto the platform railing. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Well,” she said, knowing full well she didn’t have any say in the matter, “it’s great being here. Not at all what I thought we were doing today. But it’s interesting.”

  “Yes, it’s interesting. Never a dull moment.” Brenda smiled, that same put-everyone-at-ease smile as her son.

  Feeling brave, she asked, “Does Nate bring his girlfriends often?”

  “What girlfriends? Honey, you’re the first girl he’s ever brought to the track.”

  Brenda looked in her eyes and in that breath, Aurora understood
what Chris had meant. By bringing her to the track, Nate had brought her into more than his love of racing. He’d brought her into his heart. And she knew she was in deep trouble if she ever messed with it.

  An engine roared to life beneath her and ducking for cover with surprise, she crouched down low. Catching her breath, she stilled herself. Sneakily she slipped the pill container into the palm of her hands. A quick dart around, she opened it and retrieved a Xanax, slipping in under her tongue.

  “You okay, honey?”

  She nodded and rose, hoping Brenda didn’t see her take the pill. “It scared me for a sec and I needed to catch my breath.”

  “We can get down if that’s easier.”

  “I’m okay,” she said, more to herself than Brenda. It shouldn’t take too long for relief to settle in.

  While waiting, she watched Nate slip over the door into his car. Lucas passed him his helmet and his steering wheel before stepping back as the vehicle started. Nate pulled out and waited second in line. A heart-pounding minute later, and Nate upped his car into the first spot. Aurora struggled to breathe and think at the same time, feeling this was all a dream. The roar of the white car as it thundered onto the track, gaining speed as it approached the starting line, focused her thoughts.

  This is sheer lunacy.

  “Each lap is monitored,” Brenda explained. “Of the three laps, they’ll count his fastest lap and assign him a spot in the heat.”

  The #15 raced around corner one. Corner two. Corner three. Corner four. Over the start line. 13.3 flashed up on the boards.

  “Wow, and that’s only his first lap,” Brenda said.

  Aurora could hear the engine roar as Nate stepped on it after each turn. She gripped tightly on to the handrail, unable to remove her eyes from his car as he zoomed over the start line again. She glanced to the flashing boards – 12.9.

  His mom beamed. “Impressive, he’s getting faster.”

  Completely in shock, she followed him around the track as concern moved between her upside-down stomach and the thoughts swirling in her head.

  “He’s doing well today,” Brenda said beside her, giving her a playful nudge. “Trying to impress someone I think.”

  Aurora forced a smile, and refocused on Nate as he rocketed over the starting line for a third time. The board lit up with 12.7. Her eyes followed him as he slowed down, and pulled into the pit. Climbing down the cage, she made her way over to him. “Okay, that was pretty cool.”

  “You like?” his cocky voice asked as he retrieved his helmet and placed it on the roof.

  “I may question my sanity a bit because, yeah, I’m surprised that I do.” She reached up to tame his wild helmet-hair, and gave him a kiss.

  He studied her, his chocolate-coloured eyes searching her face. With a gentle lift from his finger, he tipped her chin. “Did you take something? Your eyes are different.”

  Shame washed over her, but at least the anxiety over it was gone. “Yes.” She closed her eyes and hung her head. “A Xanax.”

  Wrapping her in a hug, he kissed the top of her forehead. “Are you okay?”

  “Better now,” she said honestly.

  “Did you want to see Max or Chris?”

  “No, and I’d rather stay away from your sister,” she said without filtering, and lowered her gaze to stare at the ground as the words tumbled from her mouth.

  “Don’t worry about her or whatever she said.” Nate stroked her cheek. “She’s been very helpful to me.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “How so?”

  “She’s working on her Master’s in Behaviour Sciences. She’s a–”

  “Yeah, I know what that is.” Aurora had had her share of psychologists over the years. She was well aware of what Chris was – a shrink.

  “She’s been giving me ideas on how to help you.” Nate stepped back as if assessing her stance. “And it’s helping. She’s young, and thinks differently than the older people in her profession. She’s going to change things, and not just for you.”

  “So she knows?” His nod spoke volumes. “Everything?”

  “Don’t you want to get better?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “You guess? You’d rather be afraid for the rest of your life then try?” Nate’s eyes narrowed. “Really? I don’t believe that, Aurora. I’ve seen you in action today.”

  “Well, I’m not big into having strangers butting into my personal history.”

  “What strangers? She’s my sister.”

  “But she’s a stranger to me, Nate.” She huffed. This wasn’t going well. It was one thing to be coddled still by her father, but now her boyfriend’s sister was prying into her life and making suggestions.

  “Fine,” Nate said and stormed off. Ten feet away from her, his shoulders slumped and his head lowered. Turning around, he slowly came back. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have walked away because it’s not fair to you. You have nowhere to go to pout. At least I can take my rage out on the track. You? You’re sort of stuck here.”

  “Yeah I am,” she said, and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m trying, Nate. You know that.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “This is a source of contention between us.”

  He shrugged. “I guess that’s part of being with someone, you want the best for them.” She stood there, silently stewing until his arms wrapped her, and his voice whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry.”

  “Eww. Get a room, Johnson,” Marissa Montgomery said, and they separated. Marissa flipped her hair over her shoulder and sauntered by.

  “She’s pleasant,” Aurora said, following the beauty as she made her way to a large group of guys hanging around the barbeque.

  “Oh yeah. Been ticked at me for years. Wants to expand our company relations. Thinks we’ll be better teammates if we know how the other ticks, so to speak.”

  Aurora gave Marissa another passing glance. “So there’s never been anything–”

  “Not with me, at least.” He leaned closer. “But she gets around.” He turned her cheek back in his direction. “However, she doesn’t catch my eye.”

  “No?” She snickered. “Who does?”



  “Time for my first heat,” Nate said, untying the arms of his fire suit from around his waist, and rolling them over his shoulders. After giving her a quick kiss, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded as he slipped into his car and harnessed up, the belts so tight she doubted he’d move an inch. Lucas passed him the helmet and helped attach it to the harness. He gave a thumbs up to Nate, who returned the gesture after securing the steering wheel in place.

  “He’s good to go,” Lucas said, “so time for us to go. Elsewhere.” Aurora stared at Nate who refused eye contact with her. “It’s part of the ritual. He needs to get into the zone.”

  Aurora nodded and reluctantly followed Lucas, unable to remove her gaze from Nate. He’s going out. To race. Against other cars. Her heart started beating in her stomach. What if? She swallowed hard, trying not to let her brain finish that sentence.

  Brenda came over and linked elbows with her. “Come with me. I could use the company.”

  Beyond nervous, she slipped on one of the rungs and caught herself. Breathe. Stabilizing her foot firmly, she finished the short climb, with her heart racing and her antiperspirant working overtime. The whites of her tightly clenched knuckles betrayed any confidence she may have had.

  Brenda wrapped a hand over top hers. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

  The super stocks roared from idle to race, and poured out onto the track.

  Aurora, a bundle of nerves, debated watching the laps in rapt admiration or cowering down in the pit’s office with her earphones on. If her feet weren’t as heavy as cement, she likely would’ve bolted. This time, nine cars were on the track, not only him. And it wasn’t only three laps either. It was ten. Enough to make her heart race into the stratosphere. Be safe.

“Nate gets pole position,” Brenda explained. “He’s the lead car on the inside lane. His time trial was the fastest.”

  She took a deep breath of air, and re-gripped the railing. She wanted more pills, but was too afraid to let go of the railing. A quick look to Brenda, she wondered if it would be weird to ask her to dig out the pills and put one in her mouth. Yeah, it would be. She shook her head.

  The flag guy waved the green flag, and the stands erupted in cheers. Aurora scanned the crowd – there had to be at least two-thousand people. She had no idea racing was a popular thing to do around these parts.

  Nate maintained his lead until a green car behind him gave him a tap on the driver’s left side and sent him spinning.

  “NO!” Aurora screamed as his car crossed onto the grassy portion of the pit. She ducked down and covered her eyes while plugging her ears.

  A hand on her back rubbed it gently. After a minute of shallow breathing and battling the urge to vomit all over the place, she opened her eyes and turned to find its owner. Lucas.

  Brenda spoke first. “It’s all good, honey. It’s a normal part of racing.” She pointed to the track. “See, he’s still in it. No permanent damage done.” Brenda’s voice was unexpectedly calm.

  Stunned, Aurora looked from Brenda to Lucas to the track. Nate’s #15 was there, moving slowly as he zigzagged back and forth. And he was in one piece.

  “Caution came out. It’s when they slow everyone down because of something like this. Gives everyone a chance to reset,” Lucas said.

  As he finished speaking, the cars roared once again, and she turned to the board. Two laps remained. Thank God, because she didn’t know how much longer she could watch. Hands clutching the railing for dear life, she struggled to stand with legs like rubber bands.

  Lucas said, “Nate’ll exact revenge on her. Maybe in the next heat, but probably in the final.”

  “What?” Her eyes grew large.

  Brenda laughed. “Oh, honey. Marissa’s an aggressive driver, but she’s got nothing on Nate. You’ll see.”

  What if I don’t want to see him get revenge? That could be… disastrous. With her lungs in dire need of a large gulp of air, she sighed with relief when the heat ended. The cars rolled into the pit, with Nate in seventh.


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