Duly Noted

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Duly Noted Page 22

by H. M. Shander

  He propped his chin on his hand. “Later, I’m stuffed.” She watched his full lips as he spoke. “You are quite something.”

  “Quite something, eh? Those are words to warm the cockles of my heart.”

  “Haha, you said cockles.”

  “What are you, five?”

  His head tipped to the side as a smile tickled its way out. “Maybe.”

  “I can’t date a five-year-old,” she said as she nudged him.

  His face turned to wanton desire, and he threaded his fingers through hers. “I can be twenty-two.”

  She pulled him to the centre of the living room and pressed play on the stereo. The room filled with soft, sultry music. “Dance with me?”

  His calloused hand was softer than usual as he held hers as if it were a piece of delicate china, placing his other on her hip. Pulling her closer, he pressed up against her and she breathed in his warm, intoxicating spicy cologne. Her hand rested against the tattooed part of his chest, and she swore she felt the race of his beating heart.

  Arms held the other tightly, dancing and swaying in time to the music. He bent down, lowering his full, soft lips to hers, kissing and tasting as his hands escaped hers and threaded through her long hair. She prodded him over towards the couch, pushing him playfully into the seat while she straddled him, and hiked up her skirt.

  Tongues entwined, hearts raced, moans escaped. She leaned back and removed her shirt, allowing it to slip off her shoulders as her breasts, covered in bright tangerine silk revealed themselves. The necklace rested against her chest. She heard his low, throaty groan, and the bulge in his pants was hard to miss. Tenderly she picked up his hand, kissed each of his fingers and placed his hand over her heart. Another moan, and the bulge moved beneath as if it were a caged beast.

  Not holding back, he kissed her, keeping her close as one hand slipped behind her back. His hand danced underneath the band of her bra as if trying to free it single-handedly. Aurora reached behind and unhooked it for him, his face lighting up with joy at seeing her naked breasts. She tossed the bra to the floor and resumed her kisses, grabbing and tugging his shirt up and over his head.

  “Aurora, wait,” he said breathless. His face so close she could lick it. “I need to tell you something.” She leaned closer, kissing the fleshy lobes of his ears while trying to become a part of him.

  “It’s okay, I have condoms,” she whispered as her eyes closed.

  “It’s not that.” He moaned as she sucked on the lobe. “Aurora – my love – I’m a virgin.”

  She sat ramrod straight, her eyes flashed open. “What?”

  “I know you heard me.” His gaze cast down as if in shame.

  “Okay,” she whispered, lifting his chin and looking deep into his eyes. “That’s a first for me. I’ve never been someone’s first.” She wiggled back a little, giving him some space, shocked to hear that. I mean, c’mon, he was a living god. “Do you want to stop? Because I’m okay if you do.” Desperate, she hunted for any sign he was scared or confused.

  “No, I just need you to know. Mom had Chris at fifteen, and I swore to myself that I’d never have a sexual relationship if I couldn’t handle any possible accidents. Children are a huge commitment.”

  “I can assure you that accidents won’t happen with me. I can’t have children.” His face saddened, but he never let go of her. “But I understand what you’re saying.” She kissed him softly. “And I thank you for–” What was the word she was searching for? Was it trust? No, because it was more than that. Was it devotion? Maybe. Her mind blanked out.

  “Plus… I’m–” His hands wrapped tight around her waist. “Very nervous.”

  “Not here.” She wrapped her hands into his, and pulled him to a stand. His first time can’t be on a couch where I’ve done others. Needs to be more personable. More romantic. “To the bedroom.”

  Before she could make a step towards her room, a strong arm swept her off her feet, and carried her down the hall, placing her gently on the made-up bed. After unzipping his pants and stepping out of his clothes, he shyly climbed onto the bed, covering himself as he did.

  You’re too cute, Nate. She stood and slipped her skirt off, letting it puddle on the floor as the sunshine-yellow silk panties joined it heartbeats later. Parading around in the buff wearing her new necklace, she popped into the bathroom, and returned in a breath with a box of condoms she tossed onto the bedside table.

  The bed bounced as she pulled back the blanket, resumed the straddle position and moved around, playing with her hair as she moved her hips against his. He curled around her, his warm breath on her collar bone, his tender hands on the small of her back.

  In no time at all, Nate was groaning, hard, into her ear. He alternated kissing her lips and moving south to her breasts.

  “Are you ready?” she asked as her hands ran over his sculpted chest, kissing the tender skin above his heart. “We can just do this, if you don’t want more. There doesn’t have to be penetration.”

  He pulled her tight. “I want you,” he breathed hard. “To be in you.”

  She pushed him down so he lay prone on the bed. Her hand over his belly button as she stretched across him for the box and withdrew a foil pouch. It rolled amongst her fingers and she held it between her thumb and finger. “I’m disease free, as are you obviously.” The packet flipped between her fingers again and a playful smile crossed her face. “I don’t want your first experience to be dulled from the lack of sensation.” She wiggled against him, her heart pounding loudly as it swelled with desire for the handsome man beneath her. “But if you wear it, I get to put it on.”

  “God woman, hurry up and make a decision before I explode right now.” His head fell back, and he closed his eyes as moans of ecstasy escaped his lips.

  Scooting back towards his knees, she tugged on his boxer shorts, releasing the bulge. Impressive. With the foil packet in her teeth, she ripped it open, and rolled it over top of him and down his length. Heavy with excitement, she asked, “Are you ready?”

  “Never better,” he gasped.

  One breath at a time, she lowered herself over his tip, allowing him to fill her from the bottom up. His chest heaved as her fingertips walked up from his hips to his shoulders.

  “Good lord, Aurora,” he breathed, and another gasp slipped from his lips.

  Her hips moved back and forth while her fingertips trailed the length of his muscular arms. Fingers entwined together, she placed his hands on her breasts while slowly wiggling her hips. He sat up, moving his hands to her hips, as his lips found hers. As his tongue pressed deep into her, she gyrated more, his hands pulling and pushing her hips, her hands sliding through his thick hair.

  “Ooohhh.” A low, throaty rumble.

  Instead of hot core-bashing sex, she wanted their first time together to be romantic and sensual. Slowing her pace, her fingers danced over the sculpted muscles on his back. “Just roll with it,” she whispered in his ear and proceeded to flick and suck on his lobe. Being with Nate, felt good. Natural. Perfect. Repositioning herself, she allowed him to glide back into her, slowly, gently, until they were one solid piece of flesh and soul.

  He grunted “OH GOD” over and over as her hips mashed against his. Her fingers moved deep in his hair, her tongue danced around his piercing. Pushing herself close to his chest, their hearts raced together in perfect synchronization.

  She knew the moment he released as his hands grabbed the fleshy part of her thighs before they went limp and he fell back against the bed.

  “Oh my god,” he whispered. “Thank you,” he breathed when he opened his eyes. “That… was everything… I ever hoped… it would be.” Unable to stop herself, she kissed him until she couldn’t breathe, knowing this wonderful, loving man forever held her heart.

  She removed the condom, tossing it onto the ripped foil package on the bedside table. Her head rested against his shoulder, and she placed her hand over the pulse of his heart, which raced along at top speed. “You’re g

  “Never better.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Aurora, so much.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed in his sweaty, sexy scent. Nothing in the world could ever smell as wonderful to her as he did right now.

  “So was that the best sex you’ve ever had?” He laughed as he spoke.

  “No,” she said as she turned into him, draping a leg over him. “We didn’t have sex.” She breathed hard. Her heart raced in time to her thoughts. “We made love.”

  He rolled her over, kissing her hard, and trailed his tongue stud over her breasts, down to her naval. He halted as his eyes took in her hips.

  “Yes,” Aurora said as she followed his gaze, feeling no shame. “Those are my accident scars.”

  “I knew there’d be a few, but there are so many.” He ran his finger over one of many long scars dotting her pelvis like a connect-the-dots pattern.

  “That long one,” she said, touching his hand, “is my surgery scar where they cut me open to fix my shattered pelvis. The little ones surrounding it are from the external fixator I wore. This long scar,” she rolled over to give him a better view, “is where my skin was torn apart on impact. The console snapped and lodged itself there.” His face was attentive and full of sympathy. It broke her heart seeing Nate’s pained expression as she explained all her scars. “There are more on my legs too.” His eyes followed the curve of her hips, the length of her thigh.

  “I didn’t realise that you were as badly damaged– I mean hurt.” Panic crossed his eyes.

  “I know what you mean, and I don’t take offense, honestly. I am damaged. I get that. It just means something different to me than the rest of the general population.” She forced a smile.

  “You’re one of a kind.”

  “Thank God. Could you imagine two of me?” She laughed, easing away the start of tension.

  He lowered his head, and kissed the scars above her knee, and every scar on the way up her leg, and across her hips. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured over and over again. In her mind, it was the most romantic buildup to her oncoming orgasm. Each kiss tenderer than the previous, and yet each kiss filled with sorrow. However, each also overflowed with love and that made her heart swell.

  He kissed her lips, and allowed his hand to wander south, brushing her heated skin. A finger slipped between her legs, and he released a groan that matched hers in bass, as he caressed and explored, taking his time with this uncharted territory.

  Oh geez! The rise of an impending orgasm came fast and furious. Slow down, let me enjoy– Panting and gripping his shoulders, she looked at him. He gazed at her, a smile cracking his once serious face. Oh, oh, oh. A heartbeat or two later. “Nate–” she groaned, rasping and desperately trying to catch her breath. Tears fought their way to the surface as her heart rate maintained top speed. “Oh, Nate,” she sighed. A lump formed in her throat. “I love you.” And she meant it. Every. Single. Word. She nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck where her tears fell.

  Breathless and silent, they held each other tight for a while. The room lit up with a flash of light from the approaching storm, and she curled tighter into Nate before the thunder cracked.

  An arm tightened around her waist, and a hand covered her visible ear. Pressed against his chest, the beating of his heart tried to drown out the roll of thunder.

  Without a thought, her body trembled and shimmied closer.

  “Operation Baby Steps,” he said as he kissed her lips. “Replace the fear with something positive.” His hand caressed her arm, following the length of it as they trailed their way down across her hips, and over her soft behind. In response, his ample package grew and pulsed beside her.

  Her fingers ran through his hair and apprehensively she rolled back on top of him, a slight quiver in her legs as she moved. The storm rolled again, and she covered her chest, tipping her head down, her hair falling over her face.

  A gentle touch, so perfect she wanted to ignore the fear pressing upon her. She squirmed against him and tried to replace the horrible thoughts flooding into her brain with his voice, his touch, his taste. But it wasn’t working. The closer the storm, the higher her fear. A cold sweat blanketed her body, and nausea took up residence in her stomach. Nate’s hands traced along her backbone, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.

  A sob overtook her body, and she collapsed against his body. “I can’t,” she whispered, her voice breaking as she spoke.

  Although she was beyond terrified, his arms were the perfect security blanket she craved and needed. Until the storm passed, neither said a word as she quietly cried into his shoulder. His warm hands held her tight and his kisses on her forehead tamed the wild beast of fear inside her.

  Chapter Thirty

  The next day Aurora awoke in Nate’s arms, very much in love. With Derek, she thought she was in love, but it was never like this. Honest and free, tender and pure. Saying goodbye to him, so they could get ready for work was hard. It helped ease the discomfort knowing she’d see him in an hour.

  Feeling courageous and to pass the time, she gave her father a call.

  “Princess?” he asked when he answered.

  She rolled her eyes, but resumed with why she was calling. “Daddy, I need something from you. I need a couple more of those pills.” A long pause. “The Isas.”

  “So the only reason for you to call me is to ask for more pills? You were completely irresponsible with the last set I gave you.”

  “Fuck, Daddy.” She stomped her foot on the living room floor. He wouldn’t hear it, but it made her feel better. “We forgot, okay? And we made it home safely. Like made it into the apartment as it wore off.”

  “And you don’t think I worried? I waited for you or Nate to call. We had a deal.” His voice terse, but a hint of concern leaked through.

  “Daddy, it was an oversight. I talked to you the next day.”

  “No, you hung up on me.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” She stomped her foot again and then kicked at a throw pillow which landed on the side table, nearly taking out her lamp. “I’m an adult, and you control me like a child.”

  “Because you act like a child.”

  She growled. “I need a couple more pills. Please. I want to go back to the track on Saturday and I need them to get there.”

  “He means that much to you?”

  A long pause as she paced around the living room, glancing out the patio window. “Yeah. I’m in love with him.” A smile bubbled up as she spoke.


  “Please, Daddy.”

  He sighed long and paused longer. “I’ll overnight a couple to you.”

  She punched the air. “Thank you.”

  “I expect more responsibility from you this time.”

  “I promise.” She hung up, excited to tell Nate the good news but figured she should wait until the package arrived. No point getting excited if the pills never came.

  Aurora checked her mailbox Tuesday, expecting the package to be there. Nothing. She checked again on Wednesday. Still nothing. She debated calling her daddy to ask where the hell the pills were. Thursday, she ran home to check on her lunch break, and cheered when she saw mail addressed from him. It was hard to contain her excitement and surprise, and she worked hard to make sure she finished her shift before Nate.

  The pills were a part of a complete package, so she swallowed a Xanax as she grabbed her purse from her locker. Hoping he finished only a few minutes after her, she walked out to his car and dropped her belongings beside it. She inhaled deeply before she leaned against the side. Deep breath in, one, two, three, exhale. Repeat. With a quick thrust from her arms, she jumped up and sat on the hood. Breathe.

  The bottom of her lip became raw from biting it, but she didn’t waver from her spot. “Hey, good looking,” she breathed out when Nate strode over with a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon, and his dimple just as deep.

  “Look at you.” He whistled and kept his gaze on her.

; She slipped off the car, relief relaxing her shoulders. Her arms found their home around his neck as she reached up to kiss him. “I have something for you.” She retrieved the envelope from her back pocket. Watching his face, she read the excitement as he tore it open and dumped a little bag containing two pills into his hand.

  “Are these–” His eyes wide with joy. “Really?”


  “You’re talking again? What did you say to him?”

  She shrugged. “Enough that he sent them.” Nate stuffed the envelope into his pocket. “Don’t lose those, otherwise I can’t come down on Saturday.”

  The snug distance between them narrowed as he asked, “Would you come with me tomorrow night and spend the weekend?”

  “Does everyone go out Friday night?”

  “No, but Mom and Lucas will be there. Most of the other drivers come out on Saturday.”

  She rubbed her chin in mock thought. “Okay. I’ve never camped before.”

  “Never?” She shook her head. “It’s not so bad.” Strong arms wrapped around her. “I love you,” he said, kissing her before she could speak.

  “So, when do we leave tomorrow?”

  “I’ll pick you up around seven? I need to get everything loaded up with Lucas first.” Excitement written all over his face. “I’m thrilled you’re coming, and that you want to.”

  “I do. I really do.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and grasped a wad of shirt in her other hand, tugging him in closer. Standing on her tippy-toes, she raised her lips to his, wanting to taste him. As she linked her hands behind his neck, his gently lifted her higher. Eyes closed, the sensations heightened and electrified her skin, making it tingle with carnal desire. It pooled in her panties and she couldn’t wait to taste more of him.


  Friday after work, she raced home and packed a weekend bag, throwing a sexy negligee and a few condoms on top. She didn’t know if they’d have privacy or not, but she wanted to be prepared in case. Topping up her pill containers, she added them to her purse.


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