Duly Noted

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Duly Noted Page 24

by H. M. Shander

  Aurora: Something bad happened last night.

  Kaitlyn: What?

  Aurora: I came off the drug way too early and screamed myself into a blackout.

  Kaitlyn: OMG. R U okay? Where R U?

  Aurora: The track. I’m fine but I freaked the hell out of Nate. He’s very distant.

  Kaitlyn: Probably just worried sick.

  Aurora: He is. About the ride home.

  Kaitlyn: Oh. How will that work?

  Aurora: Don’t know. He went to talk to his shrink sister. Hopefully she’ll have an idea.

  Kaitlyn: Let me know if I can help.

  Aurora: Thanks. <3 you.

  Kaitlyn: U2.

  Pocketing her phone, she walked over to the pit alone. The pit hummed and roared as it came to life when the other drivers unloaded trailers, tires and toolboxes. She spotted a folded chair and parked herself by Nate’s car.

  It was lonely sitting there. No one looked familiar. At this point, she’d even settle on seeing Marissa Montgomery, at least she could get in a dig. But she didn’t see her. After several minutes of wringing her hands and shifting uncomfortably in her seat, a meek smile crossed her face as Lucas approached.

  “Where’s Nate?”

  “With your sister.”

  “Ah.” He grabbed another chair. “You okay?”

  She shrugged, but didn’t make eye contact. “I’m worried about Nate.”

  “Well, he’s really worried about you.”

  “The trip home–”

  “He’ll figure it out. If it’s one thing Nate’s great at, it’s problem solving.”

  She hung her head and pulled on her sleeves until her hands disappeared inside. “I’m worried that my PTSD will drive us apart.”

  He tapped her foot with his own, and she looked at him. “It hasn’t so far. If anything, I’d say it’s brought you together.”


  “You’ll get through it. Intact.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because Chris is here. She was at a convention, but ditched it when he begged her last night to come down and help.” She blinked. “He loves you, and he desperately wants to help you. His faith in that is unshakeable.”

  It helped hearing that, and she melted into her chair. She hoped everything would work out with Chris’ help. Shrinks can prescribe the best medicines.

  “I know you’re opposed to vehicles, but are you okay with tools?”

  She crinkled her forehead. “Why?”

  “Are you able to help me move the toolboxes and set up the area? Nate left it in a mess.”

  She laughed as she rose. “I think I can handle that.”

  After swearing the toolbox weighed more than she did, she rolled it into its spot. Thank god the blessed thing was on wheels. If it wasn’t, her back would ache way more than the dull throb it had now. About to head to the trailer for relief, she spotted Nate marching across the track with a huge smile on his face.

  He grabbed her, spun her around and kissed her hard on the lips. “We have a plan or two to get you home.” True happiness replaced his tension-filled eyes.

  “What? What’s the plan?”

  “It’s so simple, I don’t know why we never thought of it. Well, probably because it risky, but really, it’s no different than those Isas you take. Which, by the way, Chris has never heard of.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Really? Dad gets them from his doctor.”

  “Hmm, I doubt that–” His voice low. “Very much.” Shaking his head, a wide and easy grin reappeared on his face. “Anyways, about the plan. We’re going to give you sleeping pills. Knock you out the old-fashioned way.”

  She crossed her hands over her chest. “I thought you said your sister was new and would change things in the industry, and yet she’s resorting to sleeping pills?” Part of her hoped she’d had something better than that.

  “It sounds crazy, right? But it’s just to get you home. The safest plan is to move you late tonight, then we won’t need too much. You should be naturally tired.”

  “A we’ll-move-the-body-after-midnight type of thing?” Unsure, she mulled the idea over in her head. She’d be dead weight, but should have no memory of the transport. Maybe it’d work, and at this point, she was willing to try anything. “Okay, let’s do it.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Nate readied for his time trials. He tapped the toolbox where they’d locked up her purse. “Do you need anything?”

  “I have them here.” She patted her pocket. “I’ll be fine. It’s just you on the track for four laps. I was okay last time.”

  “Are you going to watch?”

  She turned and saw the board behind her. “Nah. I can see your score from here.”

  He laughed. “My time, not my score.”

  So much to learn. She vowed to pick up a few books on Monday.

  Preparations complete, she gave him a kiss before he slid into the car. “I’ll be right back.”

  She stared at the board after he left. His car number flashed, and his car thundered onto the track. First lap – 15.9. Her eyes bugged out. She knew enough to know that wasn’t very fast. Second lap – 16.3. What the hell was going on? Third lap – 16.2. Terrible. The car screamed as he pulled it back into the pit.

  Angry, he exited the car rather harshly, dropping his helmet onto his seat. “Something’s wrong,” he said to Lucas. “Now, it’s too tight.”

  “Rear springs or sway bar?”

  “We’ll check both.” He rolled the toolbox closer to the car. “Let’s hoist her up.”

  “Hey, Nate.” A sultry voice from behind her caused her head to whip back. Marissa Montgomery. “What’s up with fifteen?”

  “Nothing,” he said as he turned from her.

  “Doesn’t look like nothing.” Her hand touched his shoulder. “You don’t crawl all over her for nothing. Let me help.”

  Aurora stood there dumbfounded. Was Marissa trying to put the moves on her boyfriend right in front of her? Bold little bitch. A smile stretched across her face though as Nate pushed her hand away.

  “Seriously. It’s under control, Marissa.”

  Her face remained determined. “Well, if you need me or my knowledge, I’ll be over there.”

  A forced grin cut across his face. “I’m aware of where you are. I’ll call if I need your help.” Nate slammed the toolbox drawer shut as she strutted away.

  Aurora stepped closer to him. “You’re a lot nicer than I would’ve been.”

  “Yeah, well, I have to be.” He fumed in Marissa’s direction. “Her father supplies everyone with their tires at cost plus ten. I can’t afford to pay full price.”

  “Well, she doesn’t have to be so obvious about it.” She searched for Marissa as she wanted to give her the finger, but in the end was glad she didn’t. Nate didn’t need to deal with her revenge, he was having enough problems as it was.

  As Nate and Lucas tinkered with the beast, she tested out her power of invisibility, blending into the background. It was almost five o’clock when the heats were ready to start. How could she spend so much time doing nothing? The next time she comes, she’d have to bring a book. “Good luck,” she told Nate as he washed his hands with an orange wipe.

  “I wish I had time to test her out before the heat. I hope she handles better.” The fire suit rolled over his tight body. “Are you going to watch me?”

  “Oh I’ve been watching you all afternoon. Bending, squatting.”

  “I mean–”

  She kissed him. The first chance she had in a while. “Of course, I’ll watch.”

  “Need anything?”

  Double-checking her pocket, she shook her head. “I’ll try without. I’ve been good so far, right?” Hell, she hadn’t even taken a perc since the morning.

  “Yes, you have.” He started walking away but stopped, turning to face her. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be here. Or up there.” She pointed to the spotters’ cage.

/>   Standing on the raised platform, Lucas joined her as the stock cars readied. Due to Nate’s despicable times, he was at the back of the pack, shaking and shimming the car. The flag dropped and Aurora gripped the railing, holding her breath as they started their ten lap heat.

  “Something still ain’t right,” Lucas said beside her after the cars lapped twice. “He shouldn’t be pulling so far to the outside on the turns like that.”

  “Does that mean he could… hit the wall?” Fear gripped her heart.

  Lucas mulled it over. “Maybe, but not likely. Nate should be able to correct out of the turns before that point.”

  “You don’t sound confident.”

  Lucas ignored her, focusing his attention on Nate’s car.

  “Oh, please, let him maintain control of it,” she whispered.

  Nate struggled to keep the pace, and by the seventh lap, he pitted the car.

  “Oh dear,” Lucas said and scaled the ladder.

  Climbing down, she met Nate at his spot. And he looked pissed as he exited. “Okay, now it’s way too loose. Stupid gremlins.” Aurora didn’t know what that meant, but it didn’t take too long for the car to be jacked up again, and the hood lifted.

  Brenda walked over, appraising the car. “What’s going on?”

  “Loose in the corners.”

  Nate, Lucas and Brenda disappeared into a discussion of possible solutions. Hands waved all over the place and she became lost in words like chassis, steering angles, and front and rear grips. She watched in amazement as Brenda pulled herself under the engine and called out for a variety of tools. Not knowing the difference between a socket wrench and pliers, she felt pretty useless. A couple other drivers also appeared after the heat to help out as well.

  “It’s so great how you all work together. Even the other drivers helped you,” she told Nate as he wiped his hands clean after fixing what she hoped was the issue.

  “Of course we help each other. We need someone to race against.” He winked. “But the guys that helped out are more engine guys, so they understand a little more than I do.”

  “I can’t believe your mom just slid under the car.”

  “She’s been working on cars since she was a kid. Helped Granddad all the time.”

  She didn’t care if he brushed it off, she still thought it was pretty fucking cool of Brenda.

  Aurora chose sit out the next heat staying in the chair. The next heat wasn’t any better, or so she heard. Although Nate finished the heat, in sixth, the car started making an awful grinding noise upon return to its spot. Back up on the jack, and everyone pitched in.

  Feeling useless and with intermission upon them, Aurora headed over to the main concession and grabbed food for everyone. She pulled a few chairs together and placed warm food at each spot. Slowly Brenda, Lucas and Nate crawled out from inside or under the vehicle to nosh. Then she passed around the pastries she brought, revelling in the delicious sounds as they enjoyed her food.

  “With any luck, the gremlins are out,” Brenda told her as they gathered up the garbage. “But it’s not like he can take it for a test drive or anything to verify.”

  “Guess I’ll found out in the feature.” He stood and stretched, revealing gorgeous taunt abs she desperately wanted and needed to touch. “Hey, Buddy,” he said to Lucas, “time for you to get ready.” Nate turned back to her, and held her arm rests as he lowered. “Come watch him race with me.” His voice was deep.

  She made eye contact with Brenda, who appeared disinterested. It was either hang out with her or watch Lucas race and neither sounded particularly fun. She liked Lucas, and the thought of him racing gave her goosebumps. Holding Nate’s hand, she chose him.

  There were two others in the cage when Nate and Aurora arrived. “I’ll stand behind you,” Nate said, as he secured them a corner.

  “I’d like that,” she smirked as his body pressed into her, and his arms graced her sides as he held the railing. Trapped, but totally okay with it.

  The cars filed out, with Lucas’s #67 in the middle. She counted twelve cars. “There’s so many tonight.”

  “Yeah, it’s a great turnout.”

  The flag guy waved the green flag, and they sped off. Lucas did a great job of passing two cars in his first lap, and passed three more in the second.

  “You’re trembling,” Nate whispered in her ear.


  He turned her around, and faced her. “You’re pale too.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  A sexy little smile leaked its way onto his face. “You got a thing for my little brother?”

  “Yeah,” she said, “I don’t want him to get hurt.” Her back against the railing, she took a quick breath.

  He kissed her forehead before he enveloped her in a tight embrace. “You’re too sweet.”

  Content to be safe in his arms, she didn’t move. Didn’t even open her eyes. Nate watched, and she supported him in it because they were together. It was perfect. They both cheered when Lucas came in second.

  “Now it’s my turn.” Nate rolled on his fire suit and zipped it up as he stood beside his car.

  She looked at the beautiful white beast, with the orange and yellow stripes, and hoped that whatever gremlins were there, had now left. Still quivering, she patted her pocket, double-checking her meds were handy.

  “It’s okay, take one,” Nate said.

  Somehow, shaking as much as she was, she managed to get a pill under her tongue.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “You promise?”


  She gave him a good luck kiss before he slipped into the seat. Harnessed in, Lucas passed him his helmet, then the steering wheel. When Nate waved that was her cue to let him get into the zone he needed.

  Lucas walked with her over to the cage. “The first laps will tell us if we solved the problem or not.”

  Her hands shook against the cool metal bar and her heart pounded loudly in her chest. Come on, Xanax, do your job. Work faster.

  “You okay?” Lucas asked.

  “Just nerves.” She swallowed hard and wiped her brow. She didn’t want to be up here, and stole a quick glance to the pit’s office. It wasn’t far away. Checking her band, she still had instant access if she needed it.

  “Do you want the headphones?”

  She was about to say no until an asshole in a supped-up car drove into the pit. Before he shut it off, he gave it a good rev which nearly caused her to soil her pants. Unable to speak after that, she nodded. And then regretted it because she was alone again. Even the Xanax left her. Dejected, she leaned against the metal railing as the super stocks rolled out.

  Nate drove his vehicle hard from side to side, probably testing it out or getting his wheels warm, she couldn’t remember why. However, she could hear the scream from his engine as he revved it while in low gear.

  Lucas reappeared with the headphones, and she looped them over the bar. For later. “Thanks.”

  The cars moved around the track, some racing ahead, others falling back.

  “They’re getting into order,” Lucas said.

  Nate unfortunately, was at the back. The starting order fixed, and the green flag dropped to the thunderous roar of the nine cars. Tonight’s feature was thirty-five laps – long enough to give her heart a workout of cardio proportions, if the fucking Xanax didn’t kick in quick.

  “I think we fixed it,” Lucas said after the first dozen corners. “He’s managing the turns okay.”

  Nate had even managed to catch and pass a few of his opponents. She glanced at the board. He was in fifth and closing in rapidly on fourth place.

  Her heart raced along, and her breathing quickened. Watching him take the corners two wide was nauseating.

  “Do they have sun visors?” she asked. The sun, low in the sky, appeared to blind the drivers out of turn three and four. As she followed the cars around into turns one and two, she shielded her own eyes.

  “No.” His eyes s
tayed trained on the cars. “But they know the track well and their spotters radio them constantly as to the location of the other cars.”

  “Should he be slowing down that much?” Lucas shook his head. “What’s going on?” Her voice pitched and her knuckles almost broke skin.

  “I don’t know,” he said and leaned over the cage as if searching for someone.

  Coming into corner three, Nate had slowed considerably. The scream from his engine was easily heard from where she stood. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. Exiting corner three, he gained some speed, but in doing so, started fishtailing as he entered corner four. His car spun out in the middle of the turn to face oncoming traffic and stopped. Dead.

  Time ceased to exist and everything moved in slow-motion. Whipping her head, she checked the flags. The yellow had just waved. A caution to the other drivers. Her full attention back on Nate, she caught the glimmer of a red car – the leader, #33 – as he left corner three still at full speed.

  Aurora screamed at the top of her lungs. The caution flag was out. Either #33 didn’t hear his spotter over the radio or didn’t see the flag or the setting sun was the problem. Whatever his reason, he didn’t slow down. He slammed head first into Nate’s car at top speed.

  The crunching sound of the cars silenced the grandstand and stopped her heart. Nate’s car smashed into the outside wall, pieces of fibreglass flying everywhere. She couldn’t blink. Smoke and steam escaped between the two crushed cars and fluids poured out onto the track, dark streaks like scratches against the pavement.

  “NATE! NO!!” Aurora screamed and nearly launched herself off the cage.

  Lucas grabbed her by the arms. “He’ll be okay. Shit like this happens,” Lucas said although his voice betrayed that sentiment.

  “NO!! NO!!!” Aurora said over and over again, fighting against Lucas’ hold. She couldn’t breathe anymore. Her legs gave out and the metal bottom of the cage reached up to catch her.

  A few people from the pits ran out to help, and the #33 driver pulled himself out of his car to the clapping of the audience.

  Why isn’t Nate getting out?

  The safety truck sped over and parked above the wreckage, and a tow truck drove out of the pit. Her stomach soured and a bad feeling shuddered violently through her body.


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