Jason (Carter Mafia Family Book 3)

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Jason (Carter Mafia Family Book 3) Page 3

by Roxanne Greening

  Chapter 13


  The house had an undeniable stench to it. Uncleaned bodies and sweat. It was filthy and full of disease. Jaxson had Tony pinned to the floor with a well-placed foot to the throat.

  I was getting tired of asking.

  “Where the fuck is she?”

  “I don’t know man. She went to the bathroom minutes before you walked in.”

  Alisa was smart. Always had been. It was a trait I loved about her, but right now it was grating on my last nerve. Tony’s fingers were clenched in the tan carpet.

  “Where the fuck did you find her?”

  Another question I was fucking sick of asking.

  “Grocery store, man. She was buying food.”

  Fuck! Mother fucker. Keep your cool.

  “Tell me everything.”

  He shook his head, and anger warred with the need to take his life. A sudden calm overtook me. I knew what he wanted with her.

  What they all wanted with her. Looking Tony in the eye, I pulled the trigger. One well-placed bullet through the eye. Then another through the heart.

  I didn’t say a word as I walk from the room. My brother was right behind me. I knew he was questioning my sanity.

  “We’ll find her.”

  “Should have never been like this.”

  He knew what I meant, and I wasn’t so sure I could forgive anyone involved, myself included.

  Chapter 14


  I should have been watching my surroundings. If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the made men following me.

  They were from the Carter mafia family. I was out of time and places to go. I thought I was still free, and I had no idea how wrong I really was.

  Climbing the steps to my second story apartment over the garage of an old lady’s house, I sighed as I turned the lock and pushed the door open.

  I loved the privacy this place offered. Her house was hidden from sight because of the trees that surrounded us. The sound of shoes coming up the steps had me pause.

  It took precious seconds away from the flight or fight instincts. Slamming the door behind me, I tried to engage the lock.

  The door was being forced open, and I was no match for the man behind it. I was once again going to be captured, and this time I wasn’t so sure I would get my freedom.

  His smile had my fear ratcheting up a notch.

  “Fuck man, don’t scare her. Jason will have your fucking balls.”

  The man who pushed the door opened walked through it like he owned the place. My three months of complete freedom came to a halt as he pulled the phone from his pocket.

  I held my breath as he dialed a number.

  “Found her boss. Yeah, I’ll send you our location.”

  Disconnecting the call, he did some typing, and I knew it meant he was sending Jason the location. Tears of both anger and frustration surfaced.

  I let the anger win, and I tried to kick the bastard. Tried being the operative word. He grabbed my foot and pushed me back. I stumbled into a chair almost hitting the floor.

  The other man was there holding me up. As soon as I was sitting, he had his gun pointed at the man who manhandled me.

  “You stupid fucking bastard. Do you have any fucking clue how bad you just fucked up?”

  The other man reached for his gun but paused when the nicer one shot the wall behind him.

  “Don’t make me kill you, Jack.”

  He grimaced, and his eyes flashed with promises of retribution. I glowered at my feet. This couldn’t get any fucking worse.

  And then it did. Jason walked into the small space, making it seem even smaller. His eyes were full of promise and sadness.

  It hurt to look at him. Hurt to look at the man I spent so many nights longing for. An ache started in my chest, and the air in my lungs became heavy.

  Breathing was difficult and dark smudges edged my vision.

  “Fuck baby, breathe.”

  Looking to Jason, I wondered what he meant. I was breathing.

  “Come on Alisa take a deep breath.”

  Once again, I was at a loss, and then I was in the void. The gray area that soon turned black. Huh, peace was a beautiful thing.

  But before the world lost its luster, I heard men arguing and then the unmistakable sound of a gun with a silencer fire and then the thud of a body.

  If I had to guess, that was Jack.

  Chapter 15


  You couldn’t trust anyone these days. Jack's blood covered the floor as it slowly leaked from the two holes in his head.

  The one with the entry was just a slight trickle. Enough for you to know that it was there, but the second was much larger and had a nice flow to it.

  I hated killing my own men, but this stupid bastard put his hands on my woman. I watched as Donnie reaches for Alisa as she slumped forward.

  “I’ve got her.”

  Pulling her to me, I cradled her to my chest. Her warm breath tickled the back of my neck. My cock hardened. Fuck she had this crazy fucking effect on me.

  Now wasn’t the time for this shit.

  Chapter 16


  I knew what I needed to do. I was going to marry the man who let my world be torn apart. I was going to let him take over the empire he almost destroyed.

  Sleep was my safety, and I knew I needed to open my eyes and give the newest person holding me hostage what he wanted, what they always wanted.



  It wasn’t a question. I knew who was holding my hand.

  “About fucking time, sweetheart.”

  I frown. Really? What the fuck is up his ass? Am I not saying I do fast enough?

  “Let’s get this over with.”

  I didn’t hide the sadness in my voice. There was no point. His silence was grating.

  “Let’s go get married already.”

  I left out the ‘so I can fucking leave’ part.


  “No! I know why I’m here Jason and I know what you want so please let’s just get it over with.”

  No point sugar coating the truth.


  “Shut the fuck up.”

  I squeezed my eyes, trying to hold my tears. I failed so instead I sat up quickly and turned away from him. I felt the air move as he reached for me.

  Pulling further away, I scooted down the bed, avoiding both his touch and his eyes.

  “I want a new dress and my hair fixed.”

  Even though this was a sham, even if it was binding, I wanted a dress like a real bride. This was it for me, I knew that.

  Tonight, I would be Mrs. Carter, and I would once again spread my thighs for this man. It needed to be one hundred percent locked in stone.

  Climbing from the bed, I walked to the bathroom, keeping my body facing away from him even though it wanted nothing more than to turn in his direction.

  A sign I wanted him, that my heart desired what he had to offer. Once upon a time, I wouldn’t have fought that natural instinct. I would have melted into a puddle at his words and been over the moon with the knowledge I was to be his wife.

  But those days were over. I wasn’t so sure I could ever see past both the past and the present to get any future my soul cried for.

  Closing the door silently behind me, I sank against it and let all the tears I had been fighting, surface and stream down my cheeks.

  Hopelessness coated me like a cloud of fog. I felt damp to the bone and just as cold. For once in my life, I was giving up.

  Chapter 17


  Jason’s dejected face had both sadness and regret swirling like a storm in my chest. For my part in ripping my brother apart, I would forever be shamed.

  “She wants a dress, and her hair fixed. The wedding is tonight.”

  I gasped in shock. She is going to marry Jason even after everything we’d done to her?

you think that’s a good idea?”

  He just shook his head.

  “If she ever runs again, she will never truly be free. This is her ace in the hole.”

  His voice was full of sorrow and desolation. I hated hearing the defeat in my strong, proud brother.

  “I’ll take care of everything.”

  Without meeting my eyes, he turned away and walked towards his office.

  “Jaxson and Beau are looking for you.”

  His shoulders tightened as my words reached his ears. Without a sign that he heard me, he continued walking.

  My heart broke for them. I wasn’t so sure I could ever forgive myself for what I had done. It was to save Sarah. I had to remind myself over and over, as I walked away.

  Chapter 18


  “You need to fix this shit.”

  Jaxson looked up from his desk and raised an eyebrow. My words were harsh.

  “You fucking asked her more than you should have and now she has fits of tears because of it.”

  “I needed her to fucking help me save Sarah.”

  I looked at him, fighting the need to put my fist through his face.

  “You’re a selfish bastard. My pregnant wife, who at any moment could have a baby, is terrified they will never forgive her.”

  He just glowered at me. My feet moved before my mouth, and I caught myself just before planting my fist in his face.

  He opened his mouth to say something when the door slammed into the wall.

  “Go ahead and punch the prick.”

  Jason’s voice echoed through the now silent office. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Don’t you want the honors?”

  The question was out, and it hung in the air as both Jason and Jaxson glared at each other.


  Jaxson sounded unsure of himself for the first time. I’d never heard the man question himself before.

  “We're getting married tonight, and I want you to keep Sarah the fuck out of it.”

  Jaxson’s fist clenched as anger covered his face.

  “I don’t give a fuck…”

  “Don’t pull that boss shit with me. Tonight, I will be the Don of another family and we can either get along or go to war.”

  I watched the confirmation in amusement.


  “Fuck you, Jaxson. You asked too much of us. You let her kill Alisa’s father. You asked our pregnant sister to beat the woman I love. All for your selfishness.”

  I liked this new side of Jason, and I agreed with everything.

  “You fucking used your position to get what you wanted. Now I’m using mine. I don’t want either of you there.”

  Jaxson’s face fell only for a moment before becoming as unmoving as a stone wall. Without words, he just nodded his head.

  “Emilia is going shopping. Beau, I suggest you catch up. I need a best man tonight, and Alisa will need a best woman, so we need you both.”

  Chapter 19


  It was here, the moment I feared, the moment I dreaded, the very moment I had been looking forward to for as long as I could remember.

  The silver dress clung to my curves without being too tight. Emilia was staring at me nervously and had been ever since she walked into the room.

  Honestly, I didn’t hold any hard feelings for her. She’d had to do what she did. Truthfully, she was a sweetheart with good taste.

  “Thank you, Emilia.”

  I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her neck. We could have been friends if I wasn’t leaving as soon as I could.

  Her eyes filled with tears as her oversized baby bump pressed into my smaller stomach. I wasn’t showing yet, but I would be soon if I didn’t get out of here.

  Emilia reached up and placed a tiara on my head.

  “You’re a princess. You should have a crown.”

  Tears filled my eyes as her words reached my heart. I wasn’t a princess. Not anymore. After tomorrow I would be a nobody.

  Instead of saying anything I nodded in gratitude.

  Someone was knocking on the door.

  “It’s time.”

  Beau's voice echoed around the room as he spoke through the crack he had made by opening the doors. I looked around Jason’s room, done up in rich earth tones and sighed.

  No church wedding for me. It was too dangerous.

  “They’re not going to be here.”

  I looked at Emilia curiously.

  “Jaxson and Sarah.”

  My shoulders sagged in relief.

  “Jason made sure of it.”

  For a moment, I was thankful to him. But only for a moment. Walking to the door, I paused when Emilia placed her hand on my arm.

  “Ginger helps a lot.”

  My confusion must have registered on my face.

  “The baby. Pregnancy, in the beginning, can be hard.”

  I started to tell her, no, but she cut me off.

  “I can see your glow.”

  Looking at my feet, I prayed she wouldn’t tell.

  “Please, don’t tell anyone.”

  Her face turned down in a frown.

  “I mean, just in case it doesn’t stick.”

  I was quick to lie. Her nod told me all I needed to know, and I relaxed. My secret was safe for now. But for how long? When Jason finds out will he come for me?

  Chapter 20


  The priest was looking around, his face betraying his nervousness. She was late, not that I was surprised.

  “They’re on their way.”

  I turned to Beau and felt immediate relief. My body started to release the tension that stiffened it.

  “Thank fuck.”

  I grumbled, and he laughed hard.

  Alisa walked into the room beside Emilia, and I almost choked on my water. Her long brown hair was pulled to the top of her head and weaved through with little flowers.

  The diamond crown that adorned her head and the shiny silver dress had my heart stopping. She was absolutely breathtaking.

  All mine. She is all mine.

  Chapter 21


  It was happening. I was walking to the priest, and I soon will be saying I do. I will become Mrs. Carter, and he will be the new Emilio donned.

  I reminded myself yet again, as my feet moved down the aisle, that I needed to do this.

  The room was covered in white roses and soft white lights. A few candles were lit as well. As soon as I reached my soon to be husband, the priest started talking.

  He droned on and on, and then I felt a squeeze against my fingers and realized it was time to say the two words that would seal my fate.

  “I do.”

  Then the priest was talking, and another squeeze.

  “I do.”

  Jason’s voice filled the quiet and tears filled my eyes. I wanted to hear those words so bad up until now. Then his lips were on mine.

  My body responded instantly as heat licked at my flesh.

  “Fuck sweetness.”

  Cream filled my silver panties as he whispered those words against my lips. It was sick, but I wanted him now. No, I needed him now.


  I begged for only him to hear. Then I was in his arms as he walked quickly from the room. The priest was shouting, and Emilia was giggling as Beau told the priest, it would take some time, so he just needed to chill his shit.

  A smile curved my lips as I listened to it all. Before I knew it, we were in his room, and I was being tossed onto the bed.

  Jason’s hands spanned the width of my thighs, and then he flipped me onto my knees. Fabric pooled on my back, and the sound of my panties ripping joined the sound of our heavy breathing.

  Before I could tell him to hurry, his cock was slamming hard into me. His thrusts were deep and determined as he took me to places only he could.

  In and out, he slammed into me harder and faster. My screams of both pleasure and pain mixed wit
h the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

  His balls smacked against my clit over and over, sending me rocketing into the stars. I felt him jerk deep inside me as he pushed deeper and deeper.

  If I wasn’t already pregnant, I would have been.

  That’s what he’s hoping for… that dark voice whispered.

  Chapter 22


  Pressing my lips against her flesh, I smiled as she sank deeper into the mattress.

  “They’re waiting for us, baby.”

  She shuddered as I pulled out and I couldn’t help smile as the blush spread across her cheeks. It was time to sign our name and let that man leave.

  I was pretty sure he almost pissed himself when I walked into his church and told him he needed to come with me.

  “Alisa, we need to sign the contract.”

  Her eyes opened and then closed. I watched as she nodded, pulling her dress down over her exposed ass.

  “Come on baby.”

  She climbed from the bed and refused to look my way as she made her way from our room. This shit wasn’t fixed between us.

  I was starting to wonder if it ever would be.

  Chapter 23


  Signing that pieces of paper made what I did final. My poor daddy was probably rolling over, as if in a tornado. Oh god, did they give him a proper burial?

  Was he out there in some Carter-made unmarked grave?

  “Come on, baby.”

  Turning, I looked at Jason, who even after everything had my heart racing and my body responding.

  “I’m tired.”

  I wasn’t lying. This whole baby thing had exhaustion weighing me down.

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  But he didn’t, not really. His arms circled my waist, and I fought the urge to stiffen. A battle I lost slightly.

  “How about I get you a nice hot bath ready to soak in?”

  I hadn’t had a bath in months. I melted at the thought of the hot water caressing my exhausted body. The feel of it sliding over my smooth flesh.

  My head nodded vigorously. Jason bent slightly, and then I was swept off my feet, and my body was cradled gently in his arms.


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