Behind Boardroom Doors

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Behind Boardroom Doors Page 13

by Jennifer Lewis

  “I’m not sure why he’d do that when he’s the biggest shareholder.”

  “Am I sensing reluctance?” RJ frowned at her. Why did she keep finding excuses not to dig up dirt on Jack?

  Nikki blinked and tucked a neat lock of black hair behind her ear. “Of course not. I’ll look into the situation from all my usual angles. I’ll report back as soon as I find anything.”

  RJ nodded. “And I’ll talk to Brooke and see if she remembers anything else about that night.” If he knew she was there he’d have asked her earlier. Even the tiniest shred of evidence in the right direction could get his mom out of jail, which was the most important thing right now.

  More important than his affair with Brooke. When he was with Brooke, everything else faded into the background. He forgot about his responsibilities and worries. He needed to pull off the rose-tinted glasses and find out exactly what was going on in that sharp mind of hers. How could she have been so thoughtless?

  When the others had left his office he pulled out his phone and saw the call he missed was from Brooke. He pressed the button to return the call, and as soon as she picked up he said, “I’m coming over.”


  No amount of sun salutations could calm Brooke down after RJ’s brusque phone call. He’d told her he’d be there in twenty minutes, then hung up. She rolled up her yoga mat and put it in the closet, then commenced to wiping down her kitchen countertops—again—like someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  She jumped a good few inches when she heard a loud knock on the door.

  “Coming.” She tried to steady her breathing as she pulled the latch.

  RJ’s fierce blue gaze hit her like a blast of icy air. He walked into the room, as tall and erect as a statue.

  She closed the door. Hi, RJ. How are you doing? Did you have a good day? Normal pleasantries stuck in her throat.

  “You told the police you saw my mother on the night of the murder.” He spoke quietly, but his voice held an edge of steel.

  “Yes, I did.” She managed to keep her voice from shaking. “I never suspected her, but I did see her as I was leaving, and when they asked me, I simply told them.”

  “Your testimony is the reason she’s being held without bail. You’re the reason they consider her a suspect.”

  She felt herself shrink under his gaze. “All I said was that she was in the elevator when it stopped on our floor, carrying a large bag.”

  “With dinner for my dad.”

  “I didn’t know what was in the bag.”

  “You said she seemed…distressed.” His eyes narrowed. She fought the urge to step back, away from the force of his fury.

  “She had tears in her eyes, or the beginning of tears. And she looked anxious. I think that’s what I said. It’s hard to remember, it was weeks ago.” She felt tears rise in her own eyes. “I never imagined they’d arrest her.”

  “You knew the police were investigating a murder and looking for suspects.” His gaze bored into her.

  “Yes.” She swallowed. “All I did was tell them the truth.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me? We’ve all been wondering why they’re holding Mom without bail, and it’s because of your testimony.”

  “Why?” She blinked back the tears that still threatened. “I suppose I knew you’d be angry.”

  His eyes flashed with a mix of anger and confusion. “I’m not angry that you spoke the truth, but for you to keep it secret all this time, while we were together and so intimate.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand it and it makes me feel like I don’t know you, Brooke.”

  She took a step back, shrinking under the force of his stare. “I’m truly sorry I didn’t say anything. I wanted to but the time never seemed right and then it was weird that I hadn’t already told you.” She hadn’t wanted to mess up their budding romance. That seemed to have gone right down the toilet. She’d better hope nothing resulted from their little mistake last night. A thick, heavy sadness descended over her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me my mom looked upset? Don’t you think I’d want to know?”

  “I didn’t see you until the next day when we all arrived to the news that your dad was dead. I never got a chance to talk to you in private until after the police interviewed me.” She shivered slightly, remembering that terrible day. Yellow crime scene tape in Reginald’s office, swarms of investigators everywhere, press jamming the doorway to the building.

  “So you were one of the last people in the building before the murder.”

  She nodded. “I wish I could be more help in finding out who did it.”

  “Maybe you can.” He rubbed his temples. “Did you notice anything unusual?”

  She hesitated. “Your mother being there was unusual. I don’t remember her bringing him dinner too often.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You do suspect her, don’t you?”

  “No, I’m just answering your question.” She lifted her chin. She’d tried to do the right thing. It didn’t occur to her at the time that her few words would lead to an arrest.

  “She said she and Dad had an argument the night before, and he left for work in a mood, then called saying he’d be working late, so she decided to soften him up by bringing his favorite roast beef and potatoes.” RJ crossed his arms. “Not exactly suspicious.”

  Brooke kept her mouth closed. She could see why the police were suspicious, especially given all the information about Reginald’s infidelity that came to light after his death. She hadn’t known about any of that when she spoke to the police.

  The corner lamp in her living room threw RJ’s strong features into high relief. Why did he have to be so handsome? Her life would be so much easier if her boss was a balding, middle-aged guy with a potbelly. Even now, with tension hardening the lines of his face and darkening his blue eyes, he was stunning. And the way he leaped in to defend his mom only showed what a loyal family man he was.

  Her heart ached. “I so wish I’d seen someone else, or noticed anything strange. I’ve gone over that evening so many times in my head, but it was just a regular day in so many ways, until we discovered what happened.”

  “My dad was murdered within minutes of you leaving. The killer must have been in the building.”

  “What does your mom say? Did she see anyone?”

  He shook his head. “No one. She said she went to Dad’s office and the door was closed, so she knocked. He didn’t answer, so she opened the door and he was sitting at his desk. He told her to go away.”

  “What?” She’d never heard Reginald speak that way to anyone.

  “Yup. Nice, huh? She was totally shocked. She told him she brought dinner and he said he didn’t want any and for her to go home, now. She said he almost growled it at her.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “And that’s her last memory of my dad. Now she’s in jail for killing him. And you just forgot to tell me you shared the elevator with her that night.”

  She lowered her eyes. “I’m so sorry, RJ.”

  “We need to take a break from each other. I’d like you to take a paid leave of absence, starting immediately.” She glanced up, to see his brows lowered in a frown. “In fact, I’ll double your pay if you’ll stay home until things clear up around here.”

  Brooke’s knees went weak. Did this mean she was fired? She’d already figured out that her relationship with RJ was over.

  “Tasha can take over your duties in the meantime. If there’s anything personal at the office, I’ll have her send it here.”

  She felt like she’d been slapped. RJ’s pained expression tugged at her heart and she wanted to reach out to him and say she never meant to hurt his mom, but he wanted her to vanish.

  “I’ll get my laptop
. Tasha will need it.” Her voice barely rose above a whisper. She tried her best to keep tears out of her voice. She moved to her work bag, which was near the kitchen table, and fished out her laptop. Her hand trembled as she handed it to RJ. Her fingers brushed his thumb as he took it from her and she steeled herself against the jolt of energy that passed between them.

  Last night she’d lain in his bed. Tonight she’d sleep here alone.

  RJ was already at the door. “Your increased pay will be wired directly into your account. You will not return to work until further notice.” He avoided her gaze. He hesitated with his hand on the door handle. “But if you learn of anything…unexpected…”

  Her mind flew to his reaction this morning when he realized they forgot to use a condom.

  “I’ll call you if anything important happens.” Her voice sounded so tiny, like it was coming from far away.

  RJ turned one time to look at her, eyes hooded and face set in a hard line, then he tugged open the door, stepped out and closed it firmly behind him.

  Brooke collapsed onto the sofa, and the tears flowed like summer rain. This beat all the bad outcomes she’d imagined for their relationship. Obviously she hadn’t been creative enough in imagining how things could go wrong. He’d literally ordered her to keep away from him, and was paying her twice her salary to stay out of his sight.

  She hugged herself, suddenly cold. If only she’d told him sooner about her encounter with his mother. He might still have been annoyed that she told the police, but he could hardly blame her. Her secrecy, however—born of cowardice—was inexcusable. She knew that. His anger was justified, and seared her like a hot brand.

  RJ slammed the door of his Porsche and fired up the engine. His entire body was on fire with rage and hurt. Brooke had been his port in this crazy ongoing tempest, and all the time he’d held her, and lain with her and kissed her, she’d neglected to tell him that she had identified his mom at the scene of his father’s murder.

  You really couldn’t ever know people. His father’s untimely passing and the wake of chaos it left behind should have hammered that home. Everyone had secrets that grew and tangled like briars, snaring them in a web of deception.

  He roared through the streets, wishing he could drive fast enough to blow right out of this dimension into another life where none of this was happening.

  He wanted to go visit his mom, but he hadn’t obtained special permission to see her in person and the thought of talking to her via a video monitor made his chest hurt. It was past visiting hours anyway.

  He swung into the underground parking of his building and pulled into his space. For a moment he rested his head and hands on the wheel. How could he face going back to his empty apartment when only last night he and Brooke had shared such a joyful night? At least until he realized how his foolish mistake could have ruined everything. The last thing any of them needed at a time like this was an unexpected pregnancy.

  He hauled himself out of the car and took the elevator up to his apartment. As expected the large space seemed chill and empty. He’d barely even been there without Brooke for the last couple of weeks. They’d grown so used to each other’s company that it seemed stranger for them to be apart than together.

  The answering machine light flashed green, so he walked over and pressed the button. “RJ, it’s Lily. Mom’s been released! The lobby door being unbolted from the inside late at night was enough to make her eligible for bail. She’s on her way home right now. Come over and join us for a celebration.”

  “Yes!” RJ did a fist pump. “About time.” He picked up the phone and dialed Lily. “I’ll be right there.”

  Glad to leave the lonely space of his apartment, he almost ran back to the elevator. It was as quick to walk to the family mansion as to drive, so he set off along Charleston’s familiar streets with renewed vigor. Despite everything that had happened with Brooke, his heart soared with relief that his mom was out of that grim place, back in her beloved home.

  Her body felt frail and thin when he hugged her in the front hallway of her house. “I’m desperate to style my hair.” She patted her dark hair self-consciously. “My gray roots were previously a secret between my hairdresser and myself. I’ll have to see if he can squeeze me in first thing tomorrow.” Her soft, old-Charleston lilt was music to his ears.

  “I can see you have your priorities straight, Mom.” Kara squeezed her again. They all crowded around her in the big family room, crackling with excited energy. “You need a lavish dinner after all that jailhouse food.”

  “I think I’ll make my fortune by writing a book called The Prison Diet.” She glanced down at her shrunken frame. “I thought I was slender before, but apparently there was plenty of room for improvement if you believe the old saying you can never be too rich or too thin.”

  “I’m glad your sense of humor survived intact,” said RJ. “We Kincaids take some serious lickings.”

  “Where’s Brooke? I heard she came for dinner on Sunday.” His mom’s sharp green eyes met his.

  He hesitated. His mom didn’t need to hear any bad news. “She’s at home.”

  “Why don’t you invite her to join us?”

  RJ glanced at Matt. He knew, as did the others, that Brooke had kept her words with the police secret. Part of him yearned to pick up the phone and invite her back into their lives, but some cooler, more practical instinct told him to maintain distance. “I think it’s better if we enjoy your newfound freedom as a family.” He didn’t comment on the fact that Susannah and Lily and Laurel’s fiancés had joined them. He wasn’t engaged to Brooke, after all.

  “I hope my newfound freedom is permanent. And you all better hope I don’t skip out on the two million dollars bail they made you post.”

  “Cheap at the price, Mom.” Matt kissed her slim cheek.

  Kara handed Elizabeth a glass of champagne she’d poured. “And if you skip you’d better take us with you. I don’t think any of us could stand that kind of separation again.”

  “Much as I hate everything that’s happened to our family in the last few months, there’s no denying it’s brought us closer than ever.” Laurel sat on the sofa next to Eli.

  “And now you guys can really start planning your wedding.” Kara’s eyes lit up. “Mom, Laurel wouldn’t even look at invitations until you were released.”

  “Oh, I think we need some time for things to settle, don’t we?” Laurel looked at Eli.

  “Sure, yes. A lot going on right now.” He patted her hand in a reassuring way. “We have the rest of our lives to plan our wedding.”

  “Of course you do.” Elizabeth Kincaid smiled at the handsome pair. “No sense rushing into marriage. It’s a big commitment and sometimes involves a good deal of sacrifice.”

  RJ could understand Laurel’s reluctance to launch into marriage. Especially now they knew their parents’ marriage wasn’t quite the rosy union they’d grown up imagining.

  “Mom.” Lily leaned forward. “Did you really know about Dad’s second family?”

  She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Not all the time. Just the last couple of years. I didn’t see any reason to burden the rest of you with the news.”

  “It wasn’t right for you to bear it alone.” Lily stroked their mom’s arm.

  “Maybe that’s the only way I could bear it.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a lot harder now the secret’s out, and when anyone looks at me I wonder if that’s what they’re thinking about. Have those two boys been causing any trouble?”

  “Jack’s stayed out of the picture.” RJ frowned at the very thought of Reginald’s true oldest son. “So who knows what he’s up to. If you ask me he’s responsible for the murder. I still can’t believe Dad gave him a controlling share of the company.” He shook his head and blew out a disgusted breath.

p; “Alan’s been lovely, though,” Kara chimed in. “He’s really quite sweet. I know he was devastated to hear that you’d been arrested, and he’s been very supportive. He seems quite keen to become part of the family, even though he’s not related by blood.”

  “Well, perhaps that’s something good to come out of this mess. We Kincaids can always stretch to welcome a new family member.” His mom’s smile warmed RJ’s heart. “And what a relief it is to be back in my own home, surrounded by all of you.”

  They took champagne glasses from a tray and raised a toast. Still, despite the bubbly and festive mood, a cold sorrow settled in RJ’s gut. Brooke should be here. He still resented that she hadn’t told him about her talk with the police, but she’d woven herself tightly into the fabric of his life and his arms now felt empty without her in them. He missed her with a painful ache he’d never known before. Was this love? If so it wasn’t exactly a happy feeling.

  “You okay, RJ?” Laurel nudged him. “You look a bit dazed.”

  “Overwhelmed, I guess.” He took a bracing swig of champagne. “I’ll be fine.” Already he regretted driving Brooke away in such a cold and cruel manner. Paying her to stay away from him? His shock and anger had gotten the better of him.

  And what if she was pregnant? For a single, mad instant, he had a vision of Brooke gazing, with her kind, loving expression, at their baby.

  He took another swig. Everything was moving so fast and he didn’t know where he’d be from one day to the next. Jack could take over the company and boot him out. The last thing he needed was to establish some kind of permanent relationship. He’d better keep his options open and his feet ready to dodge bullets.

  Still, he had to apologize to her.

  “Dinner’s ready!” Pamela opened the door bearing a steaming dish of food. “Come into the dining room. I set the table already.”

  The apology would have to wait. He was needed here for now. RJ followed the others into the elegant dining room, where the silver cloche opened to reveal their mom’s favorite roast lamb and potatoes au gratin. Matt poured wine and they settled down to enjoy their first real family dinner since the arrest.


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