Bitten (The Wiccan Way Book 7)

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Bitten (The Wiccan Way Book 7) Page 2

by Nicole Coverdale

  “You bet you will,” Ashwin told her, with a smirk. “And I will get back at you for your cruelty this morning, you little vixen,” he said against her mouth. “Have a good day, Love.”

  “Jade, come on!”

  She sighed, pulling away and hurrying out the door.

  “And there they go,” Julie said, slamming the door shut and glancing over her shoulder at Elijah. “So, is there any chance I can talk you into helping me try out this potion?”

  Chapter 2

  “And there they go,” Jorja said, an hour later, as they watched the girls race off down the sidewalk. “I hope Jordyn’s going to be okay.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be just fine,” Jasmine said, looking up from her textbook. “She’s just finding her place in the world, Jorja. Give her time. Before you know it, she’ll be like all the other kids. Now can we go? I need to get to class. I have a huge test! And Lilah wants me to swing by the office later.”

  “You excited for the semester to be over, Jas?” Jade asked, glancing over her shoulder at her.

  “Totally!” Jasmine cried, leaning back against the seat, and sighing. “I am so tired, Jade! All these damned demon emergencies are wearing me out, not to mention I feel like I’ve barely studied. I am so going to fail this test.”

  “You’re not going to fail it, Jasmine. You’re going to ace it, and then you are going to take a very, much needed break from everything.”

  “And hopefully find Sky,” Jasmine whispered. “I’ve tried everything, Jade. I’ve tried potions. I’ve tried spells. All of you have even tried teleporting to him. Nothing works!” She scowled, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You know, some days I hate being a witch!”

  “I know what you mean, Jas,” Jade whispered, as she stared out the windshield, watching the snow drift down from the gray skies. “It just feels like, we’re not really living, you know? Every day, it’s a different demonic emergency. I just want one day of normal for once.” She sighed, forcing a smile across her face. “But on the plus side, the construction for the restaurant is finished. We’re opening next week!”

  “That’s so exciting, Jade!” Jasmine cried, her heart twisting. “Sky is going to be so pissed that he missed it!”

  “Oh, I know,” Jade said, chuckling. “He always did like getting his hands dirty.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat, clearing her throat as they drove away from the school. “Okay, Jorja, at the stop sign take a right, and just a mile down the road there’s going to be a roundabout. Make sure you take the first right.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Jorja said, saluting her.

  “Hey!” Jade laughed, punching Jorja in the shoulder. “I’m just giving directions! Chill!” She laughed again, leaning back in the passenger seat. “So, are you excited about this interview you have coming up with the museum?”

  “Yes and no,” Jorja said, as she braked at the stop sign, and taking a right as Jade had instructed. “I mean, it’ll be nice to get out of the house and do something other than my wiccan duties, but at the same time, I’m so scared. I’ve spent so much of my life, searching for something. Searching for hidden gems. Hidden treasures, even Jordyn. What if I don’t like the person I am anymore?”

  “Jorja, are you kidding?” Jade asked, giving her a look. “You’re amazing! Ever since I’ve met you, you’ve had this charisma about you. This integrity. This ambition. You’re going to be amazing!”

  “But what about Jordyn?” Jorja whispered. “I lost so much time with her. How do I even begin to mend our relationship?”

  “You’re not mending a relationship, Jorja, you’re getting to know Jordyn again,” Jasmine said, reaching forward and squeezing her shoulder. “I know it can’t be easy, losing that much time with her, but she’s here. She’s alive, and you have to remember that she’s been through a lot. It’s going to take time, and have some patience. She has a lot she’s getting reacquainted with right now.”

  “Yeah, like her crazy aunts!” Jade put in.

  “You guys are pretty crazy,” Jorja said, her lip curling. “And I hear what you’re saying, Jasmine. She has been through a lot. I’m just so glad she’s settled in with her cousins so well. It just makes me nervous, you know? There’s so much stuff she has to learn! Like the new technology that’s out now. Being around kids again. Getting back into the groove of school. It worries me!”

  “You’re a mother. It’s in your job description,” Jade said, pointing. “We’re at the roundabout. Don’t forget to take the first right.”

  “I heard you the first time, Jade,” Jorja said, taking the right. “There. Happy?”

  “Probably not,” Jasmine muttered under her breath. “She is a control freak after all.”

  Jade snorted, pointing. “Okay. We’re coming up to Morgan Avenue. Take a left.”

  “It does not say that!” Jasmine cried, bolting upright in her seat.

  “It does.”

  “No…” Jasmine squinted, her eyes narrowing on the green street sign. “Holy crap! It really does!”

  “Told you.”

  “I feel like this is a sign,” Jorja muttered. “Okay. Where to next?”

  “At Witchita Court, take another left.”

  “Witchita?” Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Man, this is getting weird!” She sat back in her seat, staring out the window, and her eyes suddenly widened with she saw the large, white house with brown trimmings come into view. “Oh my God. Is that it?” she asked, her jaw dropping open.

  “It is,” Jade said, as Jorja pulled into the driveway. “426 Witchita Court.” She laughed, stepping out onto the driveway and spinning in a circle. “Just look at this place!” she cried, extending her arms wide. “There are no neighbors for miles! Can you imagine the freedom?”

  “It’s perfect,” Jorja said, turning to stare out at the rolling, green hills surrounding them. “And the best thing about it, is if a demon attacks, or a potion backfires on us, we won’t have nosy neighbors coming to investigate.” She nodded to the dark, blue sedan as it pulled into the driveway. “Is that the realtor?”

  “I think so,” Jade said, stepping forward. “Bonnie?”

  “Hello, Jade. Jasmine. Jorja.” A short, blonde-haired woman stepped forward, extending a hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Bonnie, the realtor, and I must say you have picked a gorgeous property to check out. I hope it has everything you’re looking for in a new house.”

  “You and me both,” Jade muttered. “I mean, we only have six of us, four teenagers, three men who frequently stay with us, and a newborn on the way.”

  “Whoo! A full house, huh?” Bonnie asked, laughing, as she lead them toward the front door. She stuck the key in the lock and shoved it open. “Well come on in, then! Check it out!”

  “Don’t mind if I do,” Jasmine said, staring around her. “Oh my! This place is massive!” she cried, as she walked across the marbled tile, staring at the white walls surrounding her, the big glass windows, and the white, carpeted staircase leading up to the next level. “I love it already!”

  “And look at this living room!” Jorja cried as she walked forward. “It’s so spacious! We could easily fit a nice, L-shaped sofa in here, and there.” She pointed a finger at the half wall. “We could mount a TV above the fireplace! You know how cold winters get here in Minnesota.”

  “I think we all know how cold Minnesota gets in the winter,” Jade said, as she walked around the half wall, leaning forward and pressing her hands into the bench sitting in front of the window, staring outside. “I like this,” she whispered. “I can just picture Jessi reading a book here, or Jami flipping through a magazine, and I bet the view of the sunset is just gorgeous.”

  “But don’t forget about the kitchen, Jade,” Bonnie said, gesturing her forward. “I remember you telling me you’re starting up a restaurant. I think you’re going to fall in love with it the moment you see it.”

  Jade nodded, following Bonnie trough the doorway, her mouth dropping open. “Oh
my God. I think I have fallen in love,” she whispered, as she grazed a hand over the marble-topped island sitting in the middle of the kitchen. Her eyes trailing to the chrome sink laying in the counter just behind her, and to the dishwasher below. “There’s a dishwasher!”

  “Your house doesn’t have one?” Bonnie asked.

  Jorja laughed. “Hell no! That house is old!”

  “But charming,” Jasmine put in. “But this would definitely be an upgrade. Oh, look at all these drawers!”

  “And these cupboards,” Jorja put in, as she opened them. “There is so much space.”

  “And look at this oven. The stove. They’re so up to date. I’d be in heaven,” Jade whispered, as she peered inside. “Okay. I think we need to continue the tour before I get lost in the kitchen.”

  “Wait. Jade, look!” Jorja cried. “There’s a walk-in pantry!”

  “Don’t tell me that!” Jade covered her eyes, turning away.

  “Could be a good place to store our wine,” Jasmine said, grinning. “We Morgans do love our wine, you know.”

  Jade laughed, lowering her hands and shaking her head. “You are not helping, Jasmine!”

  “Okay. Okay. Let’s continue through the house.

  They turned, following Bonnie up the steps. “Oh my. There are six rooms up here,” she whispered, peering into each room as she passed. “And they’re so big. And look at this!” She leaned her hands on the railing, peering down into the living room. “It’s like a little loft. A couple of chairs, a love seat, maybe even a TV and it could be a nice place for the girls to unwind.”

  “There’s also a bathroom down here,” Jorja told them, from where she was peering into the room. “It’s really nice!”

  “And there are three more bedrooms upstairs,” Bonnie told them, as they continued up another set of stairs.

  “Wait. There’s another level?” Jasmine asked, her eyes wide.

  “Of course. Come on. I’ll show you.”

  They followed Bonnie up the stairs, peering into the bedrooms, just as big as the ones on the lower level.

  “There’s another bathroom!” Jasmine cried. “I mean, it’s not as big, and there’s only a shower in here, not a tub, but it’s really nice!”

  “There’s also a bathroom in the bedroom behind you,” Bonnie said, nodding to the bedroom behind her. “And in the master bedroom, on the floor below us.”


  “Absolutely. Now, we just have to check out the basement. Come on.”

  The three sisters looked at one another, before following Bonnie back down the stairs. Bonnie shoved open a door, and they walked through, gasping.

  “It’s another living room!” Jorja cried.

  “And a bar!” Jasmine cried, walking around the marbled top and stopping at the sliding glass door. “Ooh. Look at this. Shadow would love looking out this!”

  “There are also three more bedrooms down here,” Bonnie said, grinning at their expressions. “And another bathroom.”

  “Another bathroom?” Jade asked, staring at her. “What about the garage?”

  “We’ll get there in a minute.”

  Jade nodded, turning and following her sisters. They peered into the rooms, checked out the bar, and the fireplace before letting Bonnie lead them back up the stairs. She paused in front of another door, leading them out. “This is the garage. As you can see, it’s quite massive.”

  “How many cars can fit into it?”


  “That’s great!” Jorja cried. “That means none of us will have to freeze our butts off scraping snow off our cars!”

  “It also has in-floor heating,” Bonnie told them. “The house is also equipped with a smart home, security system, and the laundry room is just off the kitchen.” She opened the door, leading them out of the garage and around the house. They climbed up the stone steps, stepping up onto the golden brown colored deck.. “The contractor who built this house just finished the deck. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It gives a nice view of the sunset, and would be perfect for a cookout or just enjoying the night.”

  “We’ll take it.”

  “What? Jorja!” Jade spun around, her eyes wide. “We haven’t even talked about it yet!”

  “What’s there to talk about?” Jasmine asked. “It’s perfect, Jade!”


  “Please, Jade!” Jasmine cried, hopping up to her, and looping her arm through hers. “I love it. Jorja loves it, and I know damned well that Josslyn and Julie are going to love it. What are we waiting for? It’s everything we want!”

  “You’re right, it is,” Jade said, grinning as she looked at her two sisters. “Which is why I already bought it.”


  Jade laughed. “I just had a feeling, and I didn’t want anyone scooping it up, so I had Bonnie draw up the paperwork. I just need your signatures.”

  “What about Josslyn and Julie?”

  “They already signed.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Jorja asked, extending a hand. “Give us the damned papers!”

  Chapter 3

  “Julie, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Elijah said, as he weaved through the St. Paul traffic, eyeing her as she sat in the passenger seat. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy, not going after trouble!”

  “I’m not going after trouble, Elijah. I’m trying to gather information about this new threat rising up in the underworld,” Julie told him, as she rustled in her bag. Where is that thing? “Plus, the sorcerers are looking to resurrect Satan! You know how powerful he is. How much of a threat he is to us. We need to be prepared.” Her hand wrapped around the vial, and she sighed, gripping it to her chest. The potion. Finally!

  “Trust me, I know how powerful Satan is,” Elijah said, grimly. “But I also know you and your sisters aren’t the same people you were back then. When you first faced him, you’d only just gotten your powers, Julie. Look at all of you now. You’re stronger, and totally in control of your powers. Plus you have Jorja now! It makes you even stronger!”

  “And who knows how strong he will be when he comes back?” Julie snapped. “Why are you acting like this, Elijah? You know who I am. What life live.”

  “Because I want you to stay in one piece!” Elijah snapped, narrowing his eyes on her. “Is that too much to ask? For the woman I love to be kept safe?”

  “Not when she’s a witch!” Julie snapped back, as he slowed the car to a stop. She whipped the car door open, turning and trudging down the sidewalk.

  “Julie!” Elijah swore, hurrying after her. “You know, you could at least let me open the door for you!”

  “And risk you locking me in the car? I think not!”

  “You two are giving me a headache,” Ashwin muttered, yawning, as he followed them. “I was sleeping!”

  “You were not sleeping,” Elijah told him, rolling his eyes. “Care to help me out here, little brother?”

  Ashwin stared at him. “Seriously? You want me to get on the bad side of that?” he asked, stabbing a finger at Julie. “But she is right, Elijah. You can’t keep her locked up in a bubble to keep her safe. She has responsibilities, obligations, and no matter what, her wiccan duties will always be a part of her life.” He stopped next to Elijah, laying a hand on his arm. “But I also get where you’re coming from. Trust me, if I could, I’d keep Jade from this world too.”

  “You sound like freaking Switzerland,” Elijah muttered, turning and dropping something into his hand. “Here. I found this earlier.”

  “Wait. You found my ring?” Ashwin asked, staring down at the silver, circular item in the palm of his hand, arching a brow at Elijah. “Where did you find it?”

  “In the cushions of the couch,” Elijah said, shrugging. “I’m guessing it got knocked off when Liam sent you back here from the wasteland?”

  “That is the last time I saw it,” Ashwin murmured, slipping the ring onto his finger. A moment later a white glow washed over his bod

  “Whoa. So that ring… really helps you walk in the sunlight?” Julie asked, glancing over her shoulder at him.

  Ashwin nodded. “Yes. It’s made from an exotic metal, only known to a select few who live on this earth. There are only twenty-four rings total, throughout the earth.”

  “Who besides you has them?”

  “The circle.”

  “Oh. Them.” Julie turned, continuing down the sidewalk. “Just who are these members within the circle, Ashwin? You never talk about them?”

  “Because I’m to supposed to,” Ashwin told her. “And I told you. We’re a group of vampires, werewolves, and shifters tasked with fighting off evil. Just like you and your sisters, and right now, we have one person we want to find.”



  Julie scowled at the mention of the God. “I think he’s on everyone’s radar right now. Where do you think he went, anyways?”

  “Probably off licking his wounds somewhere. We hurt him pretty bad down there in the wasteland.” Elijah said, as he stopped in front of the sewer. He cocked a brow at Aswin. “Think this is it?”

  “Most likely.”

  “Wanna give me a hand?”

  “Do I have a choice?” Ashwin asked, each of them taking an end. They grunted, lifting the manhole cover.

  “I wish we’d gotten rid of him for good,” Julie whispered, as they lowered the manhole cover to the ground. “It’d be one last thing we’d have to worry about.”

  “We can’t Julie,” Elijah told her. “Sky is the only one who can defeat him.”

  “If we can ever find him.”

  “And we’re trying,” Ashwin added. “But something’s blocking us. Whatever it is, Liam gave to him before he threw him through that portal, it’s blocking all traces of magic. We’ll never find him through magic.”

  “Then how?”

  “By having faith.”

  “Faith?” Julie scoffed. “I don’t think any of us have any faith left.”

  “Well, you’ll have to find some then,” Elijah told her. “Now, will you throw that damned potion? I’d really like to get this over with.”


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