Gabrielle Demonico

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  The doorknob turned and a second later, the two muscled millionaires emerged through it. Whether she was shocked, or simply delirious, Allie could feel herself go immediately weak at the sight of them. They rushed over to her and grabbed onto her - one of them on each of her upper arms. Their touch sent waves of heat coursing through Allie's veins and delivering it to that most precious of her tender, virgin places.

  Nicholas spoke and said, "Goodness, we were worried about you. Let's get you back to the bed so that you can rest a bit."

  Even under the guidance of their powerful grasp, Allie's legs still wobbled beneath her. Sensing her instability, the brothers lifted her as if she were a feather and carried her quickly back to the comfort of the billowy down mattress.

  Once they were sure that she was resting comfortably, they told Allie everything that had happened. When she hadn't arrived on time, they'd set out looking for her and found tire tracks leading off the roadside. She'd lost control of her car and careened it into an embankment where they found her unconscious.

  She'd been asleep for nearly eighteen of twenty four hours since. It was the first time she'd ever seen them like this, side-by-side, dressed casually and without the pretense of corporate power hanging over the discussion. They seemed less intimidating but only fractionally so.

  Some of it was coming back to her, not all, but some. Even so, she couldn't shake the image of the bears. They looked so real - they had to have been real.

  The two brothers stood towering above her as she sat on the edge of the bed. Finally, she mustered up the courage to ask and said, "First of all, thank you both. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you for saving me."

  The brothers nodded.

  Allie continued, "I know this is going to sound completely crazy and maybe it's me. Perhaps I just banged my head so hard that my mind is playing tricks on me. But, before the two of you came in here, I had peeked out into the living room and I could have sworn that…"

  Allie suddenly doubted her mind. She had the men of her dreams all alone to herself and the first impression she wanted to give them was that she was a nut?

  Victor tilted his head towards her and asked, "Sworn that what Allie?"

  She gulped a hard lump of nerves which had lodged itself in her throat and then said, "Well, I could have sworn that I saw two bears sleeping right outside the door."

  What Allie expected next was not what happened. In fact, it was the furthest thing from it.

  The brothers simply turned and looked at one another. Their faces were sullen, inexpressive and distant. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence Victor finally said to his brother, "There is no more time to waste brother. Wouldn't you agree?"

  Nicholas nodded slowly and said, "I would."

  Stinging needles of anticipation stabbed at Allie as their voices fell silent. What meaning was hidden in their cryptic dialogue? She was eternally grateful to them for saving her but suddenly she was overcome with an uneasy feeling. She'd always trusted her instincts and now they were on high alert.

  Even so, Allie could not help but be overwhelmed by them. After all, for so long she'd dreamt of the time she could be alone with them and now that moment was finally here. Amidst of a fog of confusion and concern, her most primal desires still managed to bubble warmly to the surface.

  A few more uncomfortable moments slipped by when finally, Victor knelt down and wrapped his immense hands around hers. She could sense a primal emotion in his touch. There was depth beyond the purely physical and it was confirmed as she gazed into his deep aqua pools.

  He said, "What we are going to propose to you will sound strange indeed. But, just agree to hear me out. The decision about whether to accept it or not will be entirely yours to make." He then looked back over his shoulder towards Nicholas and said, "If I forget to mention something, or you have anything you'd like to add brother, please do not hesitate to interrupt."

  Nicholas nodded in agreement.

  As Victor hovered in the close personal space between them, she once again caught his unmistakable scent. The familiar crispness of fresh citrus was again present only this time; there was a much stronger, more pungent odor as well.

  She found it to be strangely erotic and the more she inhaled of the fragrant musk, the greater her desire to be closer to its source. She found herself drawn, from the inside out towards him, desperate to savor the fantasy that was now only inches away.

  Finally Victor turned back towards her and said, "Allie, I am going to be perfectly blunt. My brother and I are not all we appear to be. In fact, you have already uncovered the truth I am about to speak to you. It takes a woman of special creation to understand it. We believe it takes a woman like you, Allie."

  She looked at him and then cast her gaze up towards Nicholas. With a quizzical tone in her voice she said, "I don't understand, what do you mean a woman like me?"

  Victor inhaled deeply and let out a long, slow breath that sounded vaguely like a growl. His eyes followed his exhalation downward. He held there for a moment, looked back up at her and said, "We are bear shifters Allie. Have you ever heard of shifters before?"

  Suddenly, Allie was paralyzed with fear. It was true. She hadn't imagined it. Out of instinct, her bloodstream coursed with adrenaline and her heart rate exploded. She sat there, unable to utter a single syllable.

  Victor's animal instincts keenly picked up on her state and he said reassuringly, "You have nothing to fear Allie. You are safe with us. After all, if we wanted to harm you, it would have been quite easy to do so while you were sleeping. Now, I'll ask you again. Do you know what shifters are?"

  Allie swallowed hard and choked out, "No. Well, sort of I guess. I mean, is it like a werewolf?"

  The brothers laughed loudly in unison. And then Victor replied, "Well, it is sort of like that. The thing to understand is we are neither man nor animal but both. For generations, shifters have lived in peace in this region. They are all around you here but you just don't realize it."

  The whole conversation seemed like something out of a bizarre dream. On top of everything else she'd been through in the past day, this was just sensory overload. All she could do was nod as he spoke.

  "Do you know what a soul mate is Allie?" he asked.

  "Yes." She replied.

  He leaned in just a little closer and said, "Do you think that everyone has a soul mate Allie?"

  Allie shrugged and said quietly, "I don't know." As deeply as believed in the romantic idea of it all, it didn't seem real, at least not to her. In fact, the whole notion seemed terribly cruel at times and was something she generally tried not to think about.

  Victor squeezed her hands knowingly and said, "I understand. We shifters too have one that we are meant to bond with for all our lives - our true mate. But, just like people, most shifters never find their true mate and instead settle for simply breeding with another shifter. However, pair bonding with a true mate unlocks the full genetic potential of the shifter child. It keeps the gene pool strong and resilient for generations to come."

  Strange and unlikely as his story was, it did make some sense to Allie.

  He continued, "I realize that what I am telling you may sound unbelievable, ridiculous or worse yet, like a complete lie. But, you have already seen what we are. Although it wasn't our intention for you to discover the truth about us in the way that you did, you have."

  He then braced himself on one knee before her and looked deep into her eyes. It was as if he wanted to communicate with that ancient part of her - the one that understands meaning without words. She felt as if she were being hypnotized under the spell of his tale when Nicholas suddenly broke the silence and said, "Brother, we haven't much time."

  "Yes. Yes. You are correct Nicholas." he replied quickly.

  Allie interrupted and said, "I don't understand. You don't have much time for what?"

  Victor answered, "Allie, for a while now, my brother and I have been watching you."

  Confused, she repl
ied, "Watching me? What does that mean?"

  Victor continued, "From the moment Nicholas and I saw you, we were certain that you were our true mate, Allie. Everything about you communicated that to us. You are a kind, loving, honest person with integrity. But, from our perspective the most precious asset you possess is your beautiful body which was fashioned by Nature itself for the purpose we intend."

  Intellectually, Allie wanted to take what Victor said as the highest form of flattery. But, she suddenly felt as if he were being anything but complimentary. With all of the beautiful women Victor and his brother paraded around, there was surely no way he could have meant what he said.

  Long buried memories of cruel jokes from her adolescence suddenly roared back to haunt her like the undead. A wave of indignation washed over her and she jerked her hands free of Victor's grasp. She stood up and said, "Look, I don't know what this is all about or who the two of you really are, or aren't. But, I have dignity and pride and I will not allow myself to be ridiculed by anyone."

  Allie stood there shaking with rage, incredulous that the men she'd placed in such high regard would stoop to such levels. The two brothers looked at her in silence for a moment when Nicholas finally replied, "Allie who said that we were ridiculing you? Don't you realize how beautiful you truly are?"

  Victor chimed in and said, "I think what my brother is trying to say is that your curvy body is what we've waited for our entire lives. We don't mince words Allie and we certainly don't use them to insult. It takes a very special type of human female to mate with a bear shifter. You are the one for us."

  Allie's legs gave way and she wobbled back into a seated position on the bed.

  Were they serious?

  Was this really happening?

  She couldn't ignore her feelings and the power the men had over her. If she were being truly honest with herself, she knew that her most cherished dream in life had always been to be a mother.

  But, she was still a virgin. Aside from fantasies in her mind she'd played out alone in the privacy of her bedroom, she had no idea how to satisfy a man, let alone two. She sat motionless on the mattress struggling to make meaning of it all.

  Victor continued and said, "You will want for nothing Allie. All of your worldly material needs will be met. But, you must stay confined to our homestead until you are carrying our progeny within you."

  Worried, Allie replied, "But, my aunt… and… my cat… What will happen to them?"

  Victor answered reassuringly, "If you prefer, we are happy to bring them here. Otherwise, we can arrange to have them cared for at your aunt's home, whichever you like Allie."

  They had stripped away all barriers of resistance for her. What was she holding on for anyway? This wasn't exactly her fantasy but it was pretty damn close. However, there was still a huge obstacle in her way.

  Allie hung her head slightly and said, "I am still a virgin."

  Victor replied, "Yes, we know Allie. Don't you understand? Nature has preserved your womb for our child. It is meant to be and the time to begin is now. We have given you every reason to accept but of course, the choice is yours…"

  "Now?" she squeaked.

  In unison, both brothers replied, "Yes." Victor stood up directly in front of her and a moment later, Nicholas walked over as well.

  Allie looked up at the twin towers of mating prowess before her. She was torn between months of unfettered desire and a gnawing fear of the unknown. She found herself unable to speak any words of consent, or refusal. Still, she could not deny the emotion deep inside that made her feel as though she was bound to them somehow.

  "Allie?" Nicholas said as his emerald eyes flickered hungrily.

  She inhaled a deep breath of uncertainty, stood before them and then softly nodded her acceptance. Her chaste core pulsed beneath the fine silk fabric of the oversized pajama bottoms she wore. She couldn't believe it was happening to her - the most perfect moment from her most perfect dreams was unfolding right before her eyes.

  Wordless, the brothers began to slowly remove their clothes. Allie bit the fleshiest meat of her lower lip as their rippled torsos emerged and filled her senses. Then, quite suddenly, another realization struck her and she said, "Wait, I… Both of you? At the same time?"

  Her eyes darted back and forth between their unblinking, dark gazes.

  Their lack of response was like the first great thunderclap from an inescapable storm. She could sense their animal nature rising to the surface. She couldn't be sure but she could have sworn she heard Nicholas growling.

  Finally, in a sexually threatening tone, Victor replied, "Yes. That is the way it must be. Until my seed or my brother's has claimed the fertile valley of your womb, you must submit to both of us. Whenever and wherever it is required."

  Allie swallowed hard. She knew nothing about such things and as she cast her gaze downward towards their thick spears of creation, she wondered how she would manage.

  "Enough talk…" growled Nicholas as he stepped towards her.

  Victor swung his arm across his brother's barrel chest and said, "Patience brother. She has agreed. We cannot risk harming her."

  For a moment, Allie thought she'd made a mistake. But, suddenly, she felt a soothing sense of calm emerge from her new found sense of purpose. Not in her wildest imagination could she ever have dreamed of being shared, pleasured and mated by men like this.

  From the deepest recesses of a place long ago squelched by a chubby young girl, the new Allie stepped forward and claimed her rightful place as a voluptuous woman that could bring out the breeding instinct in men such as this.

  She bravely moved in between the tanned stacks of flesh and within moments they engulfed her. Her surroundings faded into a blur of hands and skin and she could have sworn… fur. Victor claimed her mouth as his own first. He crashed his full lips against hers. Her head tilted back and allowed the thick hardness of his tongue its first exploration within.

  As their twin serpents danced hungrily, she could feel Nicholas strip away her clothing. It was almost as if they'd been shredded away from her body and seconds later, she was bared before them.

  Her old instincts kicked in and she wanted to somehow hide herself away, conceal the flaws she knew were there. But, under the power and determination of the brothers, there would be none of it. Nicholas pressed himself against her curvy flesh, pulled a tuft of her hair away from her ear and whispered into it, "You are fucking perfect."

  Allie's body wobbled from the moist heat of his voice. As if joining his brother in silent agreement, Victor stepped up his intensity and lashed at Allie's mouth with ravenous intensity. Nicholas lingered in her ear. She could detect a soft lick of his lips before he continued and said, "Your skin and curves flow like a delicate, milky river of flesh. All of you was meant to be touched, caressed and suckled."

  Allie moaned into Victor's mouth and her skin erupted with goose pimples as Nicholas reached down and cradled her plump, round ass. Not to be outdone, Victor's enormous hands filled themselves hungrily with Allie's full breasts. Her nipples had pebbled under his touch and he rolled the fleshy rose-colored bits between his meaty fingertips.

  For a split second, she thought she might collapse to the floor if not for the confident strength of the hands which supported her. Her mind spun wild visions of what lie ahead under the guidance of all twenty digits.

  Her curves were alive like she could have never imagined. There was no more awkwardness for her. She had no need to hide anything away from them. She was free to expose all that she'd held back and surrender to the focused passion of her two lovers.

  Just then, the men suddenly changed positions. As intense and passionate a kisser as Victor had been, Nicholas was surprisingly different. He was gentle, attentive and gifted with a delicate ease about him. Victor swung around behind and kneaded the bountiful flesh of her rear in his thick palms.

  The mind splitting sensation of completely and utterly possessed began to take hold of Allie. Even with her lack of exp
erience, she could feel her body readying itself. Wet heat radiated from deep inside and spread across every square inch of flesh. Her supple contours flushed with crimson approval as the brothers brought her ever closer to the penultimate moment when they would claim her.

  Just then, Victor brazenly reached between her thighs. It was a foreign sensation to her but one that she'd lusted after for as long as she could recall. His fingertips pressed hard against her inflamed mound and she whimpered audibly in response.

  He began to fondle her slick folds as a talented musician might a priceless string instrument and then said, "Brother, she is ready." Overwhelmed, she broke free from Nicholas. Her hips arched into his large palm and attempted to draw his fingers inside of her. Allie was acting purely on instinct, driven by a primal need to satisfy their every demand.

  The animal within her was seizing control of her mating machinery. She was overcome with wanton needs that could only be met by the actions of these men. She craved dirty things, taboo things that she would never admit to anyone. She had no idea how to act, what to do or how to behave and for the first time in her life, she could have cared less.

  Her round ass brushed back and forth against his cupped palm and as she did, traces of her feminine honey coated his hand. Allie practically dripped her approval upon him. Her virgin veil pulsed with need and the only thing that mattered to her at all in this moment was the full and final gratification of her urges.

  Nicholas stepped back slightly and said, "Yes, from the looks of it, she is."


  In a sudden burst of speed and sinew, the brothers moved Allie onto the bed. She found herself on all fours before the pair. It was a heady experience for young Allie. In her sights pulsed the two prodigious shafts she’d yearned to savor for so long.

  Pleased with how things appeared to be progressing, Victor turned to his brother and said, "With apologies brother… But the order of birth being what it is her womb is mine to claim first."

  Nicholas nodded and replied, "Jealousy would not be appropriate for me in this circumstance. She will be ours until the end of days. But, I would be misstating the truth if I did not say that I envied you. It is the rarest of gifts that you claim. But, you do so in the name of our clan and for that I am grateful."


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