Gabrielle Demonico

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  “Suck it Ellie.” He commanded.

  She brought herself to the edge of the couch and began to take him within her mouth. As she feared, his girth was difficult to accommodate and she struggled to get even a few inches inside of her. After a slow start, she managed a few steady pulls and moaned in delight as she was able to take more of his fullness within her.

  He reached for the back of her head and began to direct her. With each stroke, he grew fuller and longer and she felt comforted by his control of her motions. Her ample bosom began to sway back and forth as she sucked him under the guidance of his steady hands.

  For several minutes the two of them exchanged needful grunts and lustful moans. Unbelievably, Jason’s cock continued to swell as the moments passed by until she finally began to realize that she simply could not accommodate all of him. Perhaps sensing it, he slowly pulled her head back from his tool and it emerged, glistening with a mix of spittle and precum.

  “Turn around.” He demanded.

  Ellie spun up onto her knees and grabbed onto the back of the couch. As she did, her ass arched upwards into the air. She was starting to get the hang of the spontaneity of the brothers and loving everything about it.

  He moved down over her milky white flesh and began to flutter her upper back with delicate kisses. Her skin pimpled with tiny nodules as his warm mouth caressed her skin. As he moved along, he paused occasionally to suckle her flesh and nibble it lightly. The sensations drove Ellie wild and she began to push her hips back towards him. The feeling of complete submission was thrilling beyond words.

  “Please, fuck me…” she hissed as she turned her head over her right shoulder.

  Ellie was surprised at her sudden boldness. It wasn’t like her to be this way but then again, perhaps she’d never been around anyone that could bring such emotion out in her. Whatever the case, she was certain that she was ready to receive what she’d requested.

  He paused above the nape of her neck for a moment and then stood up. His immense palms fell onto her round bottom. He paused briefly to squeeze the ample flesh before reaching down between her thighs and moving them outwards. Once into position, the fingers of his right hand trailed upwards along her inner thigh until they reached the dampness of her slit.

  As she looked on, he wasted no time and thrust both the index and middle finger of his right hand inside of her. Ellie’s body lurched forward as her pussy contracted around his digits and drew them within. He paused for a second and then began to stroke the inner walls of her pussy with slow, firm movements.

  Ellie groaned and bit into the sofa. Her wolf was alive and ready once more and eager for another lion taming. With his free hand he reached down and wrapped a fistful of her hair into his hand. He tugged at her scalp and drew her head backwards, in the process arching her pelvis into the ideal position.

  As he did, his fingering became more focused. He alternated between quick thrusts and hard pulls until finally withdrawing from her. She moaned as he exited and sunk her hips even lower in the direction of his pelvis. His digits glistened with her wetness and upon withdrawing from her, he reached down to his ballooned member and spread her slickness upon it.

  His balls vibrated between his thick thighs as he moved into position and prepared to claim her as his brother had only hours earlier. He steadied her plump rear for a fraction of a second and then positioned the head of his cock against her entry. Unyielding thickness be damned Jason wasted no time and pressed into her. Ellie cried out as he split her in two. His dick felt like hardened oak or jungle bamboo and it seemed to have gained even more rigidity since the time it had exited her mouth.

  “Ohhhhhh, Goooodddd…” she groaned.

  But in spite of her cries, he continued to drive deeper inside. Ben had filled her in a different manner. No less uncomfortable in the beginning but nowhere near the extreme tightness she now endured with Jason. Eventually, he’d pushed himself within her entirely and as he came to rest, he made small circles against her ass with his hips as if to drive home the message that he now owned her.

  He held onto her hips with his palms and began to pull his shaft out, but only slightly before immediately slamming it back into her. Ellie moaned with his powerful re-entry and began to grunt like a feral animal as his fucking began in earnest.

  With her hair clasped in one hand and her ass cheek filling his other, he began to rut her with a determined savagery. With each stroke, his granite like pelvis slapped against her fleshy rear causing the air to fill with the unmistakable sound of his conquest.

  In between thrusts, he leaned in over her and whispered, “Isn’t this what you always wanted from me Ellie? Isn’t it?” As he finished asking the question, he drove home the point with another deep thrust. Her breath caught in her throat rendering her incapable of a reply. She could only manage a half-growl, half-grunt of, “Unnnhhh…”

  He repositioned himself higher above her ass which shifted his angle downward considerably. Ellie felt the change might rupture her for a moment and she bit her lip hard to combat the sensation. Once the immediacy of pain had passed, her consciousness was possessed by the awareness that his cock grew harder and longer still. But the shift in position had also set off another spontaneous event deep within her womb.

  “Don’t stop! Just like that!” she cried out.

  Jason’s rhythm was steady, hard and precise. She could feel the payoff swelling inside of her and she knew that it would only be mere moments before she coated his member in loving tribute. He rocked up and down into her with such force that the couch began to moan beneath them.

  He jack hammered into her. The strokes came powerfully and swiftly just as she was to at any moment. After several more beastly thrusts, she reached her breaking point and exploded into rapture. Her legs began to buckle and her ass wobbled under the terrific assault.

  She climaxed along the full length of his great dick.

  “Yes, yes, yes!!! Oooohhhhhh…” she moaned.

  “Come Ellie, come!” he yelled.

  She required no instruction but the feelings his command had awoken within her caused the orgasm to linger for a few more precious seconds. Eventually her climax began to calm but her service of him had only just begun. She knew she had to remain strong to satisfy him the manner he deserved.

  His cock was impossibly hard and felt incredible as it ravished her post climactic channel. Her velvet was like a choke chain around his girth and milked it fully with each pass. She was determined to extract his prize as she had Ben’s and if it was now it still wouldn’t have been soon enough.

  She could feel his dick begin to pulse inside of her. Involuntary contractions which foretold the moment that lay directly ahead. She thought only of extracting his thick cream and furrowing it deep into her womb where she knew it belonged. Her desire began to crash into her with horrific force. Each subsequent thrust of his cock brought her wild wolf closer to the surface. At last it had become too much and she cried out, “Cum in me!”

  “Yes Ellie. Say it again!” he demanded.

  She threw head back and shouted, “Come in me, come in my pussy!”

  A low fiery sound came from the center of Jason’s body. Suddenly he plunged deep inside of her and drove his tool all the way down into her womb. She could feel his body turn from muscle to stone. His hips ground into her with the power of a locomotive and it was all she could do not to collapse under his weight.

  “Aaaaahhhh…” he moaned.

  His dick erupted inside of her. She blew a huge breath out and drove her hips up one last time. She could feel his cock pulse inside followed by the delightful warmth she’d suddenly grown to crave from the brothers. His steaming jism roared into her channel like a tsunami of creation.

  His body lurched forward. He heaved and spasmed inside of her hurtling hot streams of sperm everywhere. It felt as if he were impaling her with his dick as his rapture unfolded behind her.

  After several more seconds, Ellie could feel the final pulses o
f his climax slip inside of her. Almost as one, their bodies began to go limp from the exhaustion of dual climaxes. Jason gradually withdrew his still firm erection, slid off and came to rest next to her on the couch.

  Ellie’s hips had been stretched like never before. To claim a respite, she rolled into his arms and said, “That was amazing Jason.”

  His own breathing began to slow as well and he replied, “Yes… I… wow.”

  For several minutes, they continued to hug and kiss gently. Finally, Ellie reminded him that she needed to deal with the issue of Lukas and the pack.

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” He smiled.

  “Uh huh, I bet.” She replied. Even though Ellie enjoyed the distraction of his humor, she knew that what lie ahead was not going to be easy for her by any means.

  “Do you need me to come with you?” he asked.

  “No.” she replied. “This is something that I must do alone.”

  “I understand. But, if anything should happen, I will leave my cell number for you.” He said.

  “Thank you Jason.” She replied.

  Several minutes later, he’d gotten dressed and left. Ellie simply could not believe that in the span of her young life she’d only had sex with one man and then within the last twelve hours, two men - and brothers no less! She shook her head in disbelief at the bewildering road that life seemed to be leading her down and readied herself to visit Marlon, the pack leader.


  In spite of its wonderful beginnings with Jason, the day had suddenly turned dreary.

  A cold, rain spat down upon the window of her car as she pulled up to Marlon’s home. She couldn’t recall being so nervous in her young life. Luckily, Lukas’ car was nowhere to be seen.

  She looked and felt like a nervous wreck but she did her best to make herself presentable in the rearview mirror of her car before going inside. She’d never known her Dad, who was human. Growing up, Lukas’ uncle, the pack leader, was the only father figure she’d known. Her mother was his second cousin.

  She walked up the large oak door and knocked. After a few moments, Marlon opened the door, smiled broadly and said, “Ellie, so good to see you. Please, come in.”

  As she crossed the threshold, he embraced her. “It’s been a long time hasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it has. I’m sorry about that. I’ve just been busy. I know that’s a terrible excuse but it’s true.” She said reluctantly.

  He chuckled and replied, “That’s the way of the world these days isn’t it? So much to do, so little time do it?”

  She nodded.

  “In any case, it’s good to see you again. Can I offer you something to drink?” he asked.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you.” She said.

  “Alright, well. I suppose we should just get right to it then. Don’t you think?” he questioned.

  “Yes, I would like to do that.” She answered.

  “Let’s go to my office. It’s quiet in there and we won’t have to worry about any… interruptions.” He said.

  She shook her head in agreement. They made their way through the living room to the far side of the home and then to his office. As he reached the entryway, he said as he stepped to the side and waved her in and said, “After you…”

  “Thank you.” She replied.

  They entered his office and took their seats - him behind a large teak desk and her in one of two plush leather chairs directly across from it. He leaned forward, crossed his hands on the desk and said, “Okay… well, I’m not going to mince words. I’ve heard Lukas’ side of the story but I’m sure you already knew that.”

  Ellie nodded.

  “I’ll be blunt Ellie. Lukas has hurt you over the past few years, has he not?” he asked.

  She tried to stay stoic and hold back the pools of wetness in her eyes but it was too late. A single tear escaped and ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away with her palm and sniffled, “It’s not completely his fault.”

  “I see. But, it is true isn’t it?” He said lowly.

  She shook her head in agreement.

  “It’s alright my dear.” He said softly.

  He then leaned back from the desk, reclined into the chair slightly and said, “I want to tell you something that you may not know. Before your mother died, I made a promise to her that as long as you desired it, you would remain a part of the pack. Even though you are only half wolf, it is your rightful place.”

  Ellie listened intently and her emotions calmed a bit as he spoke.

  He then continued and said, “Lukas has a lot to learn about life and how to treat others. He has many traits that are admirable but some which are not. Most notably is his inability to lead and his questionable ethics. Having both of those traits intact is what makes a true pack leader. I have no doubt that he will challenge for leader one day. But as with most things battles for power are often fought with brains as much as with brawn. And, as much as Lukas has of the latter he lacks of the former. Soon I will be forced to step aside for the new pack leader but until that time, I am in charge and I decide what is right or wrong. Do you understand what I am saying Ellie?”

  She sniffed a bit and answered, “No, I… I’m afraid that I don’t.”

  He cleared his throat and said, “Well, it is fairly simple. I must honor your mother as she was a loyal pack member until her unfortunate early demise. All she would have wanted is what any parent wants for their child - their happiness. I know that the situation you find yourself in with Lukas does not bring you happiness. So no matter what you decide to do, you will not be shunned.”

  Ellie thought that she hadn’t heard him correctly.

  He continued, “I also know that you have not been claimed. And because you are only part wolf, you are not able to shift for the first time until you are mated for life. This I am sure you already know. But what you may not know is that if your human side chooses any other mate besides a wolf, then you will forever lose the ability to shift and become a full member of the pack. Until or unless such a time should ever come to pass, you will remain as one of us.”

  Ellie looked at him through glassy eyes and said, “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course, Ellie.” He said firmly.

  She began to sob uncontrollably from relief. Seeing this, Marlon got up from behind the desk and headed around towards where Ellie was seated. Upon reaching the chair, he gently grabbed her head and pulled it towards his waist. He stroked her hair softly and said, “Ellie, I know that things have been difficult but you have to keep faith that they will get better in time. You do believe that don’t you?”

  She sobbed a bit more and then said quietly, “I do. I try to remain optimistic. It’s just that I miss my mother so much. Even though it’s been a long time now, it’s hard being all alone.”

  He stopped stroking her hair while listening to her and then said, “Ellie, you will never be alone no matter what path you decide to travel down. I want you to believe that.”

  For several minutes the only audible sound in the room was her soft weeping. Finally, she looked up towards him and said, “Thank you Marlon. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you.”

  He smiled gently at her and said, “You’re welcome but you know that isn’t necessary Ellie. Whenever you are troubled, you can always come to me. As for what we’ve discussed here, your fate remains in your hands.”

  She stood up and they hugged and then Ellie said, “Well, I should be going. I’ve taken up enough of your time.”

  “Let me walk you out.” He replied.

  “Thank you.” She said.

  They walked back through the house making small talk as they went. As they reached the front door, he grabbed for the handle and said, “You have some big decisions ahead of you. You know that I wish you the best.”

  “I do. Thank you.” She said as she turned to head out to her car under a much more persistent rain.

  “Don’t be a stranger Ellie!” he called out.

  “I won�
��t, I promise!” she yelled back as she hurried to the relative warmth and certain dryness of her car.

  As she drove away she was both saddened and relieved when reflecting back on the conversation she had with Marlon. She knew that if she chose to be with the brothers it will exclude her from the pack, for life. But, at the same time, she was relieved that Marlon has intervened in Lukas’ power play to try and get her shunned before she even had a chance to make a decision.


  She was fed up once and for all and was going to put a stop to it and so she reached in her purse to get her phone and call him.

  It was dead.

  Of course it was.

  It must have been roaming the entire one hour drive out to Marlon’s home and drained all the battery life looking for a signal.

  Just her luck.

  Besides wanting to chew Lukas out she was also supposed to call the brothers back and make plans to get together later. But, there was nothing she could do about it at the moment so instead she drove as quickly as she could back to her apartment. As she made the final turn into her apartment complex, she realized that fate was going to give her a chance to deal with Lukas after all - his car was there. From a distance, it was obvious he wasn’t in it and so she assumed he must be inside.


  She’d been dumb enough to give him a key at some point and so she figured he must be inside waiting on her to get home. For a split second, she thought of spontaneously ramming his car in anger. But, then cooler heads prevailed and she knew that the satisfaction she was going to get from the conversation would last far longer than any momentary rush she would get from metal clashing into metal.

  She parked her car, got out and headed inside to confront him.

  She opened the door to her apartment to find him seated comfortably on the couch. Knowing she needed to capitalize on her anger she walked straight towards him without even so much as closing the door behind her.

  She stopped dead in her tracks and said, “It’s too late Lukas, I’ve already spoken to Marlon. He told me that I would be always be welcome in the pack.”


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