Vynn (War Cats Book 4)

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Vynn (War Cats Book 4) Page 7

by Grace Brennan

  “It’s not that it’s fun, exactly,” she said, giving him a welcome distraction from his thoughts. “But it was satisfying. I’ve been washing my clothes in lakes or whatever water’s handy for a while now. So yeah, I enjoyed doing it.”

  “I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you since you started your journey. How long have you been living outside?”

  She shrugged. “A few weeks before I came here. I’ve missed some modern conveniences, but it hasn’t been all bad. I enjoyed it, for the most part.”

  “Anything could have happened to you, though. Is it really worth it?”

  Frowning, she cut him a look. “You mean going to find my brothers? Of course, it is. I need to know what happened to my dad. Wouldn’t you want to know?”

  “Sure, but only because I’d want to know for sure the bastard was gone. I sure as fuck wouldn’t go with the intent of getting revenge on someone if they got rid of him. I’d thank them, instead.”

  “That’s the difference between us, I guess. My dad wasn’t a dick like yours.” She paused, and although he wanted to break in and say her assessment was highly debatable, he held his tongue. Her frown deepened, and when she looked at him again, the gray streaks were back in her eyes. “You mentioned last night how he was while you were growing up, but I didn’t realize it was bad enough that you’d wish him dead. Or be okay with someone else killing him.”

  He exhaled as he sat his mug on the coffee table. “He was basically evil incarnate, and the world is a much better place with him gone.”

  “But he was your family. Aren’t you supposed to avenge them if someone does them wrong? Not be okay with someone killing them?”

  “Your brothers are your family too, yet you’re dead-set on revenge against them.”

  The gray in her eyes lightened, making the green stand out vividly. “I don’t know my brothers. I didn’t even know I had any until my dad told me. But I did know him. He took care of me, in his own way.”

  He wanted to say what her father did hadn’t been taking care of her, but he didn’t want to piss her off. He needed to choose his words carefully. And hope that someday, hopefully soon, she’d realize her dad was as bad as his had been.

  “There are some people who are bad enough that being family doesn’t matter, Ash. It wasn’t just me he hurt. He was nasty to everyone he came across, other than the old alpha. And like I told you last night, I’m sure he killed my mom. I can overlook what he did to me, but not what he did to her, to others. It doesn’t matter that he was family. He was evil, pure and simple, and I’d applaud anyone who rid the world of him.”

  Her brow twitched, and he hoped she was applying his words to her own situation. Looking at him with a solemn expression, she said softly, “That’s really sad. I wish things had been different for you. I hate that you feel that way about your dad. And hate even more that he gave you reasons to feel that way.”

  Fuck. Didn’t even come close to getting through to her. How could she not see that her dad was as bad as his had been? Maybe if he got her talking about her past, she’d draw the same conclusion. He was just opening his mouth to ask for her story when someone banged on the front door.

  “Vynn, open up. Now.”

  Frowning at Zane’s words, barked in a harsh tone, he stood and walked to the door. Opening it, he frowned harder as he took in Zane’s scowl and clenched fists. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, I think you know, asshole. I expected you to act eventually, but I didn’t think you’d do it so underhandedly. I thought you’d come at us head on.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Zane’s eyes, the blazing neon green of his tiger, narrowed on him as he searched his gaze. “The palace was broken into, and someone left an asp in Kian’s chair.”

  Fuck. That wasn’t good. For most shifters, getting bitten by a venomous snake wouldn’t do them much harm, because their animals worked to heal them the moment the venom entered their systems. But Kian was the only exception Vynn knew of. He’d been bitten as a child and almost died. Something about the poison affected his tiger, and the animal was incapacitated and unable to heal him.

  “Was he bitten?”

  Vynn glanced around at Ashley’s concerned question, finding her standing next to him. Her eyes were worried, and he thought that spoke volumes about her as a person. She didn’t even know Kian, yet she cared enough to be concerned. For someone who didn’t like people, she was still incredibly compassionate and caring toward them.

  “No, he wasn’t. The snake was seen in time, and then caught,” Zane replied before switching his gaze back to Vynn, his glare returning. “But that’s not the point. The point is that it was there to begin with.”

  “I had nothing to do with that snake, Zane. It wasn’t me.”

  Zane’s eyes narrowed into slits, and he looked like he was trying to read between the lines. He was trying to find lies buried within those simple truths, trying to find something that wasn’t there.

  Ashley looked between them, her brow furrowed. “Wait, you think Vynn had something to do with this? That’s just crazy.”

  Zane snorted. “You clearly don’t know him well yet.”

  Vynn narrowed his own eyes, suddenly beyond tired of this game Zane was playing. “You know, it wasn’t very long ago when we were just alike. We were good friends, because we were the same, Zane. Then you left for Eagle Creek with Kian and came back, acting like you’ve changed and you’re so much fucking better than everyone else because you’ve suddenly seen the light or some shit. Have you forgotten who you were not that long ago?”

  “No, I haven’t. I remember exactly,” Zane growled. “Which is why I’m so suspicious of you. I know how you feel about the changes, because I would have felt the exact same fucking way. I know you want to change shit back, and the only way to do that is to get rid of me and Kian. That’s why I’m watching you so closely, and why asking if it was you is a valid fucking question.”

  Ashley stepped forward, glaring at Zane. “It sounds to me like you’ve turned into a hypocritical jackass. And I do know Vynn. Well enough to know he wouldn’t try to kill anyone. I think it’s you who doesn’t know him all that well. At least, not anymore.”

  Lips quirking, he fought to keep a smile off of his face at her words and the surprise in Zane’s eyes. It was nice to be defended for once, instead of accused. And he was suddenly weary of the accusations. Of everyone always believing he was going to strike out and hurt others, of them waiting on him to do it.

  He’d let it happen. He’d made no effort to ease their suspicions. Honestly, he thought it was amusing for a long time to let them think he was going to go after Kian and Zane. But out of the blue, he was suddenly feeling like it was a shitty way to live. He didn’t want everyone to always think the worst of him all the time.

  He cast a sidelong glance at Ashley as she glared at Zane. He knew exactly where this was coming from. And he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He didn’t want to care about what others thought of him and his character. He didn’t want to care about anything, period. And now he was. Because of one slip of a girl with bright red hair and gray-green eyes.

  Change is good, his tiger said, not trying to hide the satisfaction in his tone.

  I’m in no way convinced of that, he replied, unsure of how he felt about this unexpected change in his thinking.

  “Look, Zane. I didn’t take a snake into the palace. I didn’t have anything to do with this. And I know you can hear the truth in my voice. I haven’t tried to kill you or Kian, and I have no plans to. I never have. I know you’re trying to find the lies you think I’m hiding in the truth, but there are none to find. Your time is better spent trying to find who did this. And if you need help, I’m available. This is my tribe, too, and I don’t like anyone messing with it any more than you do.”

  Zane frowned again, but this time it was more puzzled than threatening. “Who the hell are you?”

  His brow twitched, and he
felt unsettled as he glanced quickly at Ashley. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m changing, too. But then, maybe I wasn’t who you thought I was to begin with.”

  “Yeah,” Zane said slowly. “Maybe you weren’t. I’m gonna go see if they’ve found any leads.”

  Exhaling, he glanced at Ashley regretfully. He wanted to get that talk in. And then later, maybe do more than talk. Kiss her, at least. Test the waters.

  But he meant it when he told Zane this was his tribe too, and no one messed with it or the people in it. If someone was trying to kill Kian, it was a big problem.

  “I’ll get my boots on and go to the palace, too.”

  Zane’s eyebrows rose, and he looked a little wary, but he nodded. “See you there.”

  Ashley touched his arm as Zane left. “I want to go, too. My clothes should be dry now, so I won’t hold you up.”

  He stared at her, contemplating whether he should protest or not. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? We’ll be around other tigers, and your fox freaked out the last time she sensed them near her.”

  Brow furrowing, she pursed her lips before finally nodding. “Yeah, I’m sure. I think she’ll be okay. She knows they don’t mean her harm now. Besides, she doesn’t like letting you go without us while there’s someone out there trying to kill people.”

  Surprise washed over him, and he couldn’t help wondering if this meant she knew they were mates now. He studied her closely, but she gave no clues, and wasn’t looking at him any differently than she normally did.

  “If you’re sure your fox will be okay, then I don’t mind at all. Go change and get the coat I gave you, then meet me in the mud room. It’s cold out there.”

  She gave him a beaming smile and he watched her as she toward the mud room. Yeah, maybe what he told Zane was the truth—that he wasn’t the man they all thought he was. That he never had been. But the other part, that his mate was changing him, was also uncomfortably true.

  As much as he wanted her as his mate and wanted to keep her, she was sparking thoughts and emotions in him he wasn’t sure he wanted. And he knew in his gut that he would only continue to change the longer he was around her.

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he was sure of one thing. It wasn’t nearly enough to get him to let her go.

  Chapter Eight

  Ashley shoved her hands in her pockets as she walked next to Vynn, burying her nose in the scarf he lent her. It was yet another example of his consideration, and like the shirt, it smelled like him. She’d been reluctant to take it off when she changed, but she needed something warmer than a flimsy t-shirt on underneath the coat Vynn gave her to wear.

  Despite her words to him, and her fox’s assurance she’d stay calm, she’d still expected to fight her animal for her body. She almost tried to suppress her, but she decided she needed to start this whole trust process. And what better time than when she had Vynn to watch over her?

  But her fox hadn’t once tried to take her body. She’d been alert and wary, but she hadn’t made one move for control. It was looking more and more like he’d been right about their animals. That they weren’t evil, or bad. And that her fox really had acted out only because of the way Ashley treated her.

  There was that pesky guilt again.

  Before she had a chance to examine it more fully, they cleared the thin line of trees between Vynn’s home and Kian’s, and her mouth popped open. She’d heard Zane call it a palace, but she thought it was more a title than a description. She was wrong. This was a literal, sprawling palace.

  After they walked outside of Vynn’s house—well, it was more like they waded through the snow—she’d turned to look, curious about what the outside looked like. It was a gorgeous home, the outside a cream color, with sweeping arches, large windows, and a pretty blue door. And she’d thought it was the grandest residence she’d ever seen.

  But it had nothing on this. She slowed to a stop, staring in awe at the palace in front of her. It looked similar to Vynn’s, with cream walls and arches, although the door was red. Only it was massive in size, easily three or four times bigger, and Vynn’s home was already quite large.

  “Hey, you okay?” Vynn asked as he came to a stop next to her.

  Swallowing hard, she started to nod and then stopped, shaking her head instead. “I can’t go inside there. I’ll just wait for you out here.”

  He frowned, studying her closely. “Is it your fox? Come on, I’ll walk you back to my place.”

  She shook her head again. “No, not this time.”

  “Ash, I’m not leaving you outside in the cold while I go inside where it’s warm. Besides, there will most likely be other shifters walking around out here. It’s better not to risk it.”

  “No, I meant it’s not my fox. She’s fine. Wary, but quiet, and she’s not trying to get out.”

  His frown turned puzzled. “Then what is it? I don’t see the problem if your animal’s fine.”

  She chewed on her lower lip, her breath frosting in the air as she stared at the palace. Exhaling, she turned to him and gestured toward the structure. “I can’t go into a place like that. Look at it. It’s even worse than yours.”

  “You don’t like my house?”

  There was something in his voice she wasn’t sure she understood, and her brow twitched as she studied his eyes. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I like it, it’s just really nice. My house back home is more like a shack than anything, and I’m not used to staying in a place like yours. And this place—it’s huge and fancy. I can’t go inside somewhere that fancy.”

  Realization dawned in his eyes. “Sweetheart, it’s fine. I promise. The palace has been in Kian’s family for generations, since Durga Valley was founded. It might look pretentious, but I promise you, he’s not. You’ll be fine, but if you really don’t want to go inside, I’ll walk you back home.”

  Sweetheart? She knew her eyes were wide, could feel them widening as he said it, but she couldn’t help it. No one had ever called her anything like that before. He didn’t look like he even realized what he said, but it still gave her hope. Because maybe that meant he’d be open to being more than just friends while she was here. And weirdly, it gave her a little bit of courage.

  “No, it’s okay. If you say the people inside are nice, I believe you. Let’s go, shall we?”

  He smiled slowly, crinkling his dark brown eyes and showing off the groove in his cheek. Breath catching as he nodded, she followed behind him as he went, walking through the groove he left in the snow. She focused all her concentration on walking through the snow without falling, and before she knew it, they were at the door of the palace. The warmth his endearment and smile inspired inside her faded as he knocked, and she felt nerves take over.

  Shit, why was she nervous? She rarely felt that way, but something about this situation was causing the nerves to rise up in her, making her a little bit nauseous. The door opened, and a pretty woman with silvery blonde hair and a warm smile was standing on the other side, rubbing her hand over her heavily pregnant belly.

  “Hey! You guys come on in.”

  Ashley glanced up at Vynn, surprised when she saw discomfort flash across his face. He gestured her forward, and she stepped in, focusing on the woman, rather than the opulent surroundings.

  “You must be Ashley. I’m Kelly, Zane’s mate.”

  That! That’s the word. That’s what I mean when I say Vynn’s ours. He’s our mate, her fox said.

  What does that even mean? That didn’t exactly clear it up for me and I still don’t know.

  I don’t either. I guess that’s for you to find out.

  Well, shit. Realizing Kelly was waiting on her reply, she smiled as she shook the hand Kelly had extended. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Kelly glanced past her to Vynn. “They’re in the study. I think they’re about to go run the property, see if they can find any trails. Ashley, you’re welcome to come hang out with me and Jessica if you’d like.”

  Vynn glanced at
her and she hesitated before nodding at him. As much as she wanted to be near him and maybe help, she thought maybe she could get answers from Kelly and her friend about what a mate was. She’d rather ask them and have them wonder if Vynn was hers than the man himself. Especially not until she knew exactly what it meant.

  “Okay, I’m going to go to the study before they leave. My gift will come in handy when we look for whoever did this. I’ll be back soon, Ash.”

  She nodded, watching him disappear through a door on the right. “Why does he always talk about his gift?” she muttered as she watched him.

  Kelly gave her an odd look. “You’re a shifter, right? I thought Zane said you were a fox.”

  Her brow twitched as she nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

  “Well, then you know what gifts are. If I remember right, tracking is Vynn’s gift.”

  She cocked her head. “I’ve never been around other shifters until I met him. My mom was a fox, but she died when I was little, and I was raised by my dad. He never taught me anything about that part of my nature. So no, I don’t know what gifts are. I don’t really know what anything shifter related is.”

  And this is your opening. Your excuse for asking about mates, her fox said with interest.

  Ohhh, she was right. Ashley had felt a little embarrassed admitting that she didn’t know about her heritage, but it faded as she realized how perfect this was. Kelly hooked her arm through hers, and she looked at her in surprise. She wasn’t used to anyone touching her. Never liked it, other than when Vynn brushed his fingers down her cheek last night. But this was nice. It kind of made her feel like she just made a friend.

  And that was pretty damn awesome. Weird, but awesome.

  “Oh, honey. Come on, let’s go find Jess. We have so much we can tell you.”

  She nodded as Kelly pulled her toward a hallway on the left, finally allowing herself to look around. The floors were tile, and there were what she thought were Persian rugs arranged over the gleaming surface. The artwork and decorations all looked crazy expensive, and she did her best to get nowhere near them, especially the little statues sitting on what looked like antique tables lining the walls.


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