Her breath caught at the intensity in his voice and whiskey brown eyes. Clearing her throat, she sat up, trying to ignore the heady way those words made her feel. “I’m satisfied, but not completely. But I think if you join me on this bed, we can remedy that.”
His eyes lightened even more, and he leaned up, meeting her halfway for a scorching kiss that made her body heat up with desire again. Un-freakin’-believable, after the never-ending orgasm he just gave her, yet there she was, burning with need again.
He broke the kiss, standing to get on the bed, and she scooted backward until her head was lying on the pillow. She licked her lips as he crawled over her, looking for all the world like he was stalking her and she was his prey. That, combined with the taste of him and her mixed together on her lips, was enough to make the blood boil in her veins.
Her legs fell open, and he settled into the cradle of her thighs. He lowered himself over her, and her breath caught as his dick brushed her center. It made her crazy with the desire to feel him inside her, and when he kissed her, she nipped his bottom lip hard in demand.
He groaned, pulling back with a strained smile. “Loving the impatience.”
“Me, not so much. Get a condom and get inside me.”
He froze, his eyes surprised. “I didn’t even think of that. Shit, hold on.”
She groaned in frustration as he scrambled back off the bed and rummaged in his jeans for his wallet. There was a big part of her that wanted to say fuck the condom and just get inside me, but she held the words inside. She knew from Kelly and Jessica that shifters didn’t get sick, so both of them were clean.
But there was still the risk of pregnancy. And even though there was a part of her that suddenly longed to have his baby, she wasn’t going there. She wanted her life back the way it’d been before. As much as the thought suddenly pained her, this was a temporary stop on her journey. And when she was finished, she’d go back home to her solitary life.
Just the way she liked it.
Before she could consider the lie even she could hear in her thoughts just then, Vynn was back, ripping the condom open and sliding it on. Fuck, as much as she longed to feel him skin to skin inside her, watching him put it on was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.
He was back, hovering over her, his dick pressed to her center again, causing pleasure to spike through her. Leaning back, he took himself in hand, rubbing his dick through her folds, coating himself in her wetness. Her breath caught as the head bumped her clit, and then he positioned himself at her entrance.
Leaning down on one arm, he kissed her gently. “Are you ready, baby?”
“Do I really need to freakin’ say it again?”
Laughing huskily, he began easing slowly inside her, going in a little at a time before pulling back out. The slow pace was driving her insane, but she was still glad he was using care. It had been a long time since she’d had a man inside her, and his size was substantial.
When he was about halfway in, he dropped down over her, holding himself up on his forearms. Without warning, he thrust hard, seating himself fully inside her. Pleasure shot through her, and she felt near to bursting with him. And the stretch, while a little uncomfortable, felt amazing too.
He held himself still, and, finally getting impatient, she began rolling her hips as much as she could in an effort to get him to move. Groaning, he pulled back and pushed back inside a little more forcefully, every push gaining intensity and speed until he was rocking into her so hard, he was pushing her up the mattress.
Moving her hands from where they’d been digging into his shoulders, she clutched the headboard, holding on for dear life as he pounded into her. She felt every bit of his hard length, and she swore she felt the veins, even through the condom. Her core tightened, and she was on the verge of another earth-shattering orgasm.
She just needed something. Maybe she just needed to let go and trust that he’d be there to catch her. That he’d be there to catch all her scattered parts when she broke apart again. That was probably what she was scared of. Breaking apart again.
But then he took the decision out of her hands. Leaning back on his knees, he pulled her hips up, changing the angle. The next time he thrust in, he hit the spot his fingers hit earlier, and she gasped as pleasure exploded through her body. And when he pressed his fingers against her clit and rubbed, the lava in her veins boiled over, and she erupted, soaring high into the sky as she came.
She was vaguely aware of him dropping back down over her, his hips still pistoning. And then he pressed his mouth into the juncture of her neck as he came, and she could feel his dick pulsing as his hips stuttered.
“No, no, not yet. It’s too soon,” he muttered, pulling his mouth from her neck.
His words mystified her, but she didn’t have a chance to think them over as his pulsating dick triggered her orgasm again. When she finally floated back down, she felt wrung out, limp and completely satisfied.
He collapsed down on the bed next to her, and they both fought to catch their breaths. Finally rolling his head to look at her, he smiled. “That was fucking amazing, Ashley. I’m gonna dispose of the condom, and then I’ll be back.”
He pushed himself off the bed, heading toward the door to what she assumed was his en suite. And the urge to bolt hit her, strong and hard. The desire to stay and sleep cuddled up next to him was just as strong, but she was going with the first one.
What was between them was just desire. Lust and sex. That was it. She couldn’t let it become more, shouldn’t even want it to. Their animals were already trying to make this about more, which she thought was bad enough. She couldn’t let her human side go there, too.
Staying meant opening herself up to it—that ever terrifying more. To lending the impression that she was open to it. And she already felt exposed and vulnerable after it felt like she broke apart and was glued back together, over and over, with each orgasm.
Ashley didn’t do vulnerable. And she sure as hell wasn’t comfortable with this feeling she had of not being who she was anymore. Like her whole world view had shifted, and no fuckin’ way was she okay with that.
She forced her weak limbs to move, and pushed herself off the bed, legs trembling like a newborn deer. Thankful she wouldn’t waste time trying to find her clothes, she shakily made her way to the door, casting one last regretful look at the bed as she did so.
She’d wanted to sleep with him as much as she could while she was here, but until she got ahold of whatever it was that made her feel like she broke apart, she couldn’t risk it.
Damn it.
Vynn finished drying his hands off and walked back into the bedroom, eager to get back to Ashley. Pulling up short in the doorway, he cursed when he found the room empty.
She’d bolted. Fuck.
Exhaling, he picked his clothes up off the floor and tossed them in the hamper before sitting on the edge of the bed, scrubbing his hands over his face. He guessed he could see why she’d run. That had been fucking intense. More so than he’d been expecting. And she probably hadn’t been expecting anything like that at all, since she didn’t know how it was between mates.
He should have known it might go this way. That it would be too much for her. But he hadn’t thought of it, especially since she’d wanted it so badly. Now he needed to figure out how he was going to fix this. One thing was sure, though. It wouldn’t be tonight. He wasn’t going to push his luck by going after her. He’d pick it up tomorrow.
Suddenly feeling wearier than he could ever remember being, he dropped back onto the bed, stacking his hands underneath his head as he looked at the dark ceiling. The good news was, they still had a couple of days before the weather cleared and she demanded her ride to Denver.
The bad news was, there was so fucking much to try to work out. Her issues with her animal was a big one. Her hating her fox and being a shifter meant, in essence, that she hated herself. And even if she never accepted him and being his mate—but please, Jesus, let her accep
t it—he needed her to accept what she was. She’d never truly be happy if she didn’t, and he needed her to be, even if it wasn’t with him.
Then there was her insistence on revenge against her brothers. He was all for revenge, obviously, when it was appropriate. But she wanted it for all the wrong reasons. And he genuinely believed she’d come to hate herself for it later. For someone who was so big on family, hurting them would haunt her. Especially when she learned, as she inevitably would, that she hurt them because of a motherfucker who wasn’t who she thought he was.
He didn’t know the whole story, didn’t know what happened between the bastard and her brothers. But he knew anyone who could raise his daughter to think she was subpar, to hate herself for what she was, was someone who wasn’t to be mourned. His death was to be applauded. He just had to figure out a way to get her to understand that the revenge she thought she wanted was wrong.
How can you teach her that revenge is wrong when you’re so dead set on it?
Vynn snorted at his tiger’s words. This shit again?
It’s an honest question. You’re generally a fairly smart man, but how you don’t see the truth in this, I don’t know. You’re being beyond hypocritical.
And you’re being fucking annoying. Her dad was a dickhead who deserved what he got. Much like Ian and Luke will deserve what they get.
They don’t. Ian was defending his mate’s honor, in direct retaliation to your provoking. And Luke was just trying to stop you two from killing each other. There is no revenge to be had there.
He frowned, uneasiness roiling in his gut. For the first time, he wondered if maybe his tiger was right. Shaking his head, he pushed the uneasiness down deep. No, his cat was wrong. They deserved to get what was coming to them, deserved the revenge Vynn was plotting.
Your words are just like Ashley’s. You two truly are a match.
I’m done talking about this.
Willing his tiger’s voice away, he forcefully turned his thoughts in another direction. He needed to figure out how he was going to approach Ashley’s freak out in the morning, but he didn’t have a clue. Despite how tired he was, he had a feeling it was going to be a sleepless night while he figured shit out.
Chapter Eleven
Ashley crept warily down the stairs the next morning, looking around for Vynn. She wasn’t at all sure what his reaction was going to be for the way she ran last night. She’d half expected him to chase after her—well, more than half. She was almost certain he would.
And she wasn’t sure how she felt about the fact that he didn’t. She should feel relieved, but there was a part of her that was disturbed. Did him not following her mean he got what he wanted and was done with her now? She thought that should make her happy, but contrarily enough, it didn’t.
And that made no sense. She didn’t want anything more with him. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted another night in his bed.
No—scratch that. She totally wanted another night in his bed. She just didn’t know if it was wise.
She just thought that this whole mate thing meant he wouldn’t want to let her go. Yet he had last night, easily. None of this made sense. Most of all her desire to walk up to him, shake him, and demand he explain why the hell he let her run away.
Shit. She always knew she was a little crazy, but maybe she hadn’t realized the extent of it until just now.
She reached the bottom of the stairs, hearing noises coming from the kitchen, along with some delicious scents that made her mouth water. Hesitating, she bit her lip, but she needed to just get this meeting over with. It wasn’t like she could avoid him forever. Besides, she was hungry.
Inhaling deeply, she walked into the kitchen, entering to find him putting some plates on the table. Pancakes and bacon. Yum.
He glanced up and saw her, giving her a smile that weakened her knees. “Good morning. You have great timing. Breakfast is done.”
That was it. No immediately calling her out on it. No getting in her face. No acting upset or put out.
What. The. Fuck.
Maybe he really didn’t care. Damn it, that thought shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did. She had to get out of this place before she continued changing into someone she didn’t recognize any longer.
“Thanks. It smells great.”
Sitting in a chair, she took a couple of pancakes off the plate he offered her, studying him as closely as she dared while he was occupied. On the surface, he was calm and smiling, but his eyes stayed just the tiniest bit lighter than his normal dark brown, and he had faint lines of strain and tension radiating from them. He looked tired, too, like he hadn’t slept much.
So he wasn’t as indifferent as he was pretending to be.
And just like that, she felt better.
She really was going crazy.
They ate in silence, the only sounds in the kitchen the scrape of their forks against the plates. She wasn’t planning on speaking, but she kept waiting for him to, only he never did. Not until he was finished eating and was rinsing his plate off.
“I have to go make a phone call, then I’ll come back and clean up the kitchen. You can watch TV or check out the bookshelves. Whatever you like. Nothing’s off limits.”
And with that, he was gone. Feeling disturbed down to her core, she put the leftovers away and started cleaning the kitchen. He’d said he would do it, but it was the least she could do to pay him back for everything he’d done for her.
She finished up and stared out the window at the gently falling snow, trying to analyze her feelings. It wasn’t something she did often—or ever, really—but maybe it was time she attempted it. She was way too jumbled up inside right now, her emotions swinging from one extreme to the other.
She’d been set on her course last night. Ready to get out of Durga, get her revenge, and then go back to her life. She’d wanted to sleep with Vynn at least once, and she got her wish, but she got more than she bargained for.
When she came last night—well, it really had felt like she broke apart on a molecular level, and the person she was put back into was someone completely different than the person she knew. She still wanted to find her brothers and get her revenge, but she didn’t want to go back to the lonely existence she led before.
She wanted to come back here. To get to know Kelly and Jessica better, and… most importantly, to stay with Vynn. Get closer with him, be with him.
Maybe—maybe even forever.
Oh, fuck, she couldn’t breathe. Moving to a chair, she slumped down, a hand over her racing heart.
See, we need him. Even you’re admitting it, her fox whispered inside her.
Shit, she wasn’t guarding herself very well right now, but how the hell was she supposed to concentrate after that revelation? She didn’t do people. Ever.
But she wanted to do him. In more ways than one, apparently.
I don’t like this, she replied.
You better get used to it. It’s not going to go away. You heard the girls. It’s for life.
Why am I even talking to you about this? I’m supposed to be burying you, too.
You need me just like you need him, but you’re being stubborn. When are you going to admit that you need us both?
Never, because I don’t.
Her fox snorted but didn’t say anything. Maybe because she could hear the lie in Ashley’s thoughts the same way she did.
She dropped her forehead to the table, rubbing it against the cool surface. She didn’t know what she was going to do. But she knew she had to figure it out soon, because maybe her animal was right. She needed her and Vynn, both.
Vynn made sure the door to his office was shut before pulling out the paper with the Adams’ brothers’ phone numbers on it. Inhaling deeply, he punched the number in for the older brother, Sam, and then waited as it rang.
“Sam Adams.”
“Sam, this is Vynn Sardana. I’m a member of the War Cats tribe. Do you have a minute to talk?”
“Yeah, of cou
rse. Is Kian okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine.” Blowing out a breath, he slanted a look at the door, listening for any movement beyond. “I’m actually calling because I found a shifter on War Cat land a few days ago. Turned out to be my mate, actually.”
“Well, that’s nice for you,” Sam replied, his voice confused.
Lips quirking, Vynn shook his head. He needed to just come out with it and get it over with. “Look, I’m just gonna say it. She’s a feisty redhead. Gray-green eyes. Her name’s Ashley Adams, and her animal’s a fox. She says she’s your sister.”
Sam sucked in a breath he could hear even over the phone. “Our sister? We have… we have a sister? Fuck. Did she say anything about our mother?”
He frowned, wondering exactly what the story was. “She said she died when she was five. That the state sent her to live with her dad then.”
“Our dad? Fuck. That’s not good. We didn’t know about her. I mean, we knew our mom was pregnant with her when she left, but that’s it. We need to get down there and meet her.”
“It’s a little more complicated than that.”
“What do you mean?” Sam asked, caution in his voice.
Blowing out a breath, he cast one more glance at the closed door before moving to the window, looking out at the snowy landscape. “She’s… upset. From what I understand, your dad was basically a drunken bastard. But she says he was family. The only family she had. Then he left to find you guys to tell you about her or some shit, and never came home. She thinks you guys had something to do with it, and, well—she wants answers, and then revenge.”
“Shit,” Sam breathed. “He did come here. Messed around for about a year, from what my brother Garret said. Fucked with shit on our farm and the neighbor’s ranch, tried to start a shifter war between our families. He said he was trying to ruin our lives like we ruined his, or some shit. Garret started tracking him, and finally caught up to him on the side of the mountain. And as our dad was telling him everything he’d done to us, he stumbled and fell over the side. He died. But in all the shit he threw at Garret, he never mentioned our sister.”
Vynn (War Cats Book 4) Page 11