Hannah's Blessing

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Hannah's Blessing Page 16

by Collette Scott

  “You look healthier.”

  “Thanks, Mike, you too.” She laughed, her blue eyes twinkling. “Although you have more freckles than I.”

  As Mike looked down with a scowl, Hannah’s new physical therapist entered the lounge. She was a small young woman, with large brown eyes and closely cropped brown hair. She sported a hesitant smile until Diana came to her feet and welcomed her in.

  “I love ‘The Nutcracker’,” she said approvingly.

  “Me too,” Diana said. “It was always one of my favorites. My mother took me up to Boston once to see it when I was a kid. It was the most beautiful ballet I had ever seen, and it’s stayed with me. One day I’d like to take Hannah.”

  Mike cocked his head to the side, listening astutely to their conversation. It occurred to her that Mike may not have been introduced to her yet. She smiled in apology.

  “Mike O’Hare, have you met Lani Matthews? She’s here to help Hannah’s leg get better.”

  Mike nodded politely and held out his hand, but he retreated to the back of the room while Diana and Lani shared small talk.

  “He’s so stiff,” Lani remarked, nodding her head towards Mike.

  “Not really. He just takes his job very seriously,” Diana said.

  “Well, you can still do your job and have fun at it. That’s my motto anyway. It also helps the patients when you make it fun. Today Hannah and I had such a good time, and she didn't even seem to notice the discomfort as much.”

  “Oh, Lani, I’m so glad to hear that,” Diana said. “I mean, she’s been so good and doesn’t seem to be having nightmares like they warned me, but I still worry. She’s been through so much.”

  “I know,” Lani said with a sympathetic smile. “And it helps when they have someone who can relate to their confusion and loss.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Diana whispered.

  “You have an exceptional daughter, and I’m happy to be here. She’s a hard worker.”

  “I’ll make sure I tell her that you said so.”

  “She’s going to do great.”

  Lani smiled encouragingly and continued to smile straight through dinner. Eager to chat, she was very attentive to Hannah, and Hannah was excited to have someone new to show all her presents to. The pair hit it off, and Lani good-naturedly went along with Hannah after dinner to play with her dolls.

  Devlan watched it all and merely shook his head in wonder when the pair slipped away. But he was quick to capitalize on the missing distraction. No sooner had they left the dining room than he was reaching for Diana and leading her to the salon to watch a movie. Diana followed happily and tried not to see how easily their activity could become a nightly habit.

  Justin and Betty had dimmed the overhead lights and lit candles to add a bit of romance to the room. Stretching lengthwise along the sofa, Devlan pulled her onto his lap.

  “I missed you this afternoon,” she said as she snuggled into his chest.

  “I know what you mean. I can’t believe I went three hours without seeing you,” he teased.

  Chuckling, Diana reached for the remote and leaned back against him. Though she knew he was teasing her, she could not stop the thrill his words gave her any more than she could stop the fantasies of this dream becoming a reality. But reality was always close by, and they were just about to start the movie when Devlan’s phone rang again. Straightening slightly, he pressed it against his ear but refused to let Diana pull away. She closed her eyes and listened to the deep timbre of his voice through his chest.

  “Tomorrow?” He asked sounding slightly irritated. “We’re going to Molokai tomorrow. What? Maui? You couldn’t…? All right, I’ll meet him there. Thanks Kathy, I know you tried.”

  As he hung up the phone, he let out an exasperated sigh. “What was that all about?” Diana asked.

  His lips nuzzled the top of her head. “I have to go to Maui tomorrow. Business meeting on the green.”



  “So? That sounds like fun.”

  “I haven’t enjoyed a vacation in far too long. It’s been great to get away and be with you and Hannah.” Devlan sighed deeply. “It would be more fun to visit Molokai with you. It’s one of the quietest islands here, and the most beautiful.”

  Feeling a twinge of guilt, Diana straightened. “Look, Devlan, we don’t have to stop at every island. I know you’re a very busy man. You’ve done so much for us; we’re having a great time.”

  “I want you to go to Molokai with me. There are some beaches there that people rarely set foot on, which means privacy for us,” he said pointedly.

  “So we’ll do it another day and skip an island further down.”

  The room fell silent as Devlan toyed with her idea. Almost absently his fingers went to her white cotton blouse and slowly the buttons fell open to reveal the pink bikini top. He glanced down and stared appreciatively.

  “Did I tell you just how beautiful you look in pink?” he asked huskily.

  Pushing his hand away, Diana ignored the flutter in her chest. “Have fun tomorrow, Devlan. Enjoy the day without your poor relatives.”

  His hand came up to cup her cheek, and his fingers stroked lightly before he drew her down once more. “I’d rather be with you and Hannah.”

  “We’ll be here when you get back,” she said with a teasing smile.

  “You better be.”

  The sheer possessiveness she heard in his tone took her by surprise, for there was a depth of emotion that she was not accustomed to hearing from him. But it also sent those familiar warning bells off in her mind. So he would go to the ends of the earth for her today, she thought, but what would happen tomorrow? More importantly, would there even be a tomorrow? That was still the greatest unknown.


  It was a beautiful day of eighty degrees or so. The bright blue sky and warm sun shone down on their heads, warming them through their lightweight clothes. Glittering off in the distance, the aqua colored water contrasted sharply with the emerald green course. But Devlan was not noticing the gentling rolling green and well-placed palms. Instead he stared out at the course impatiently. It was already nearing lunch and they had only completed three holes. Not to mention that Hugh Davis, Hollywood director and successful leading man, had yet to reach the point of this critical meeting that could not be changed, no matter what.

  Hugh was a handsome man in his mid-thirties, with golden brown hair and cheerful brown eyes. After making a start on Broadway, he had broken into film by starring in one of his own productions. When that project had succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations, he had moved behind the camera as well. Since then he had been nominated for an Oscar, received a Golden Globe and picked up an award at one of the European film festivals. A smart man, Hugh had made many friends in Hollywood, and his immense popularity had not come from rushing into things.

  Kathy had told him that it was urgent that Devlan meet with Hugh today, and yet he was casual and laid-back, purposely avoiding the issue. With other things on his mind, mainly Diana and Hannah, Devlan had enough of the small chat and decided to get down to business.

  “So, what’s up, Hugh? Why were you so urgent to see me?”

  The other man straightened and shot Devlan a wide grin. “I have a favor to ask you.”

  “What kind of favor? Financial backing?”

  “A friend of mine wrote a book back in college. Never published, just couldn’t get his foot in the door, but boy is it a strong novel.”

  “Okay,” he said carefully. This was not new to him. He was approached frequently from people who needed help. However, usually he would not interrupt his vacation for a sales pitch. His frustration deepened.

  “Yeah, it is strong. Made even me cry.”

  Devlan chuckled. That was not so hard to believe. After all, the man was an actor. “What’s it about?”

  “Husband cheats, get AIDS, dies. Mother and small son left alone. No money, no friends, you know, all the tear-jerking
stuff. She fights for her son, does whatever she can to get them out of poverty. Then mother finds out she has breast cancer. Dies. Leaves son all by himself. Like I said, a real tear-jerker.”

  “Sounds like TV to me, not big screen.” Devlan frowned thoughtfully. The idea was appealing to him. It struck a chord within him since it was very close to what Hannah and Diana had gone through. Real life experience.

  “That was my thought exactly.” Hugh grinned from ear to ear. “Like a woman’s network.”

  “I don’t know anything about television.”

  “But you’ve worked with the networks before. You have connections.” He grinned sheepishly. “I don’t.”

  Devlan shook his head. “You’d have no trouble selling one of your projects.”

  “But it’s not a chance I’m willing to take.”

  He could understand his hesitation. If he were rejected once, it would be all over for him. Meanwhile Devlan would have nothing to lose. At this point, he would do just about anything to get this game over with. “Do you have a script yet?”

  “No, but I’ve spoken to a few good screenwriters about a screenplay.”

  “Send it to me when you get it. I’d like to give it a read before I agree to anything.”

  “You got it man,” Hugh said. After a moment, he threw back his head and laughed. “I can’t wait to start working with you. This is going to be great.”

  “I don’t usually do this. I’ve got a company to run.”

  “I know. This will be a huge favor for me, and I won’t let you down. I owe you one.”

  It was Devlan’s turn to smile. “Yes you do… especially when you interrupt my vacation.”

  “You won’t regret this. I promise.”

  He set his ball and tee down and squeezed his date’s rump. His excitement was infectious and Devlan smiled too as Hugh swung nicely. They watched his ball land directly in front of the next hole while his companion, a young blonde who hung all over him, giggled and jumped enthusiastically. Frowning at her loud display, Devlan set his ball down. That was what he liked about Diana. There were no games. She gave him what she had with no drama or deceit. Everything about her was wholesome and real, including her body. Unfortunately, he reminded himself to concentrate too late, and his ball sliced to the right again.

  “Wow, you’re just not in the game today, are you?”

  Devlan shook his head and sighed aloud. “I’m a thousand miles away.”

  “Wouldn’t have to do with those new stories would it?”

  “Which ones? I haven’t looked in the past few days.”

  Hugh laughed. “I don’t blame you. Can be downright nasty can’t they? These were pretty low. I dunno, something about that cute little widow using her daughter to get her hooks in you.”

  A sense of dread filled a pit in his stomach. “Oh, that’s just lovely. What next?” Turning to Mike, he said, “Go find me a few copies. I want to know what’s being said.”

  Mike nodded and began to turn away, but Devlan stopped him. “Call Kathy and have her get Teddy from public relations involved. Oh, and do whatever you can to keep it away from Diana. Got it?”

  “You didn’t know?” Hugh asked sympathetically.

  “No. I thought I had the situation under control before we left the city. We’ve been at sea or sightseeing since. I haven’t had time to watch the TV or read anything.”

  “Wow, sorry, man. I wish you didn’t hear it from me first.”

  Devlan patted his back as they began walking to collect their balls. “Actually, it’s better to hear it now than later when Diana finds out. At least I’ll be prepared for her.”

  “A handful, eh?”

  Knowing of her skittish attitude, Devlan knew that if she caught wind of what was being said she would be ready to fly off again. The thought made him go cold. No, he could not allow that. He had to prevent it somehow. Suddenly his good mood was shattered.

  “More than you know,” he said ominously.

  Chapter 12

  The sight that greeted Devlan when he returned to the ship was a scene of pure chaos. Betty and Justin were rushing back and forth, carrying their suitcases and bags of toys from below deck. They did not even stop to greet him as they passed. As he walked through the salon he came face to face with Lani, who was sitting nervously on one of the barstools nursing a beer and chewing on her fingernails.

  “What’s going on?” Devlan asked, placing down his clubs.

  “Oh, Mr. Doyle, it got so hot out that we decided to come in and watch TV until Hannah woke up from her nap. There were so many channels, and we were having fun flipping through. Then she saw herself on one of those programs. Of course she stopped to listen. They said some horrible things. She was in tears.”

  “Wait here for Hannah.”

  Devlan’s mouth thinned. He could figure out the rest from there, for it was just as he feared. Oh yes, she was ready to bolt. With the sight of toys and suitcases to meet him, he knew exactly what was going on in her head. A sudden possessiveness filled him as he imagined her leaving him. He did not want it to happen. Not yet.

  All was quiet as he went further into the ship’s body. The carpeted stairs muffled his rapid footfalls as he descended. It was too silent below, and the door to his suite was solidly closed. He turned the knob easily and entered the dark room, pausing only long enough to shut the door firmly behind him. Diana sat by the window. She was wearing her own clothing again, and her knees were drawn protectively up to her chin. Her forearms rested on her knees and her chin on her forearms as she gazed sadly out at the royal blue waters of the Pacific.

  She did not move when he came to sit behind her, nor did she flinch when his hands went around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest. Wanting to enjoy the feel of her, he did not speak, and a comfortable silence filled the room with only the whoosh of the air conditioner breaking the silence.

  “I was waiting for you,” she finally whispered in the silence of the room.


  He allowed his hands to slide up and down her upper arms. He noticed that she was tanning from her days in the sun. She looked good – healthy and happy. He was proud to know that he had a part in her current good health.

  “I’m leaving.”

  “I noticed,” he said dryly. He heard vulnerability in her voice and fear.

  “I can’t stay anymore. I can’t have them saying those things about me. I mean, what if Hannah heard what they said?”

  He heard the tears threatening in the back of her voice and stiffened in anger. His very public lifestyle had hurt her, and that was his fault. While he had worked hard to get to where he was today and was used to the scrutiny, Diana was not. She had jumped right in without any knowledge of how nasty rumors could be, and it was very possible that he could lose her and Hannah because of this. But he wasn’t ready yet. The truth was that he was not sure if he would be ready for quite some time.

  “I heard about the rumors today too, Diana. And my publicist has been called. He’s diffusing the situation now. He’ll give them quite a statement, believe me.”

  “Now? But what about tomorrow? People will think; they’ll remember the bad. I’ll always have that stigma hanging over my head.”

  “I’m sorry that I’m in such a position that I have very little privacy. There was a time when I didn’t mind, but now that I have others to think of it’s become a nuisance.”

  “You enjoy it though, and I don’t.”

  “I tolerate it, not enjoy it.”

  “I don’t want my daughter exposed to that kind of nastiness.”

  “Nobody thinks you used Hannah to get to me. Jesus, you’d have to be a real monster to have your child hit by a car to get me.” She shuddered at the thought, and Devlan tightened his hands around her. “Besides, all the people that matter know the truth anyway, Diana. You don’t have to leave.”

  Diana arched her neck to stare into his eyes. He could see a tear dangling just under her lid and reached
up to wipe it away. Pain and anger pierced his heart as he realized just how upset she was and how serious about leaving. The idea scared him, more than he was ready to admit. He could not lose them now. Hannah and Diana had brought stability to his life. The two females had made him happy, and he had promised to do the same for them.

  Slowly his hand went to cup her cheek, and she leaned into his comfort. That small gesture of trust renewed his determination. But when she spoke, he was reminded that he still had a long way to go before he had it all.

  “I can’t stay. I don’t belong in this lifestyle, you know that as well as I. It’s wrong to try and fit in here.”

  “No it’s not. I want you here. You and Hannah will always have a place with me. I’ll take care of you.” He frowned fiercely in a small show of anger. “Let the tabloids have their day. You’ll be tomorrow’s news soon after. Somebody else will do something wrong and they’ll be hounded.”

  She shook her head. “I have to think of Hannah.”

  “I’ll always think of Hannah. She’ll be sheltered from these stories. You know I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure her happiness.”

  She sighed.

  “Don’t leave yet, Diana. I just got you here. You can’t go. Not now.” Though he knew he was beginning to sound desperate, all he cared about at that moment was convincing her that he was right.

  There was a flicker of hesitation in Diana’s wide eyes. He could see the fierce overprotective mother as well as the frightened woman struggle to make a decision. He pressed his slight advantage. “Please, Diana. I’m asking you to stay.”

  “I don’t know, Devlan. I just don’t have the strength to fight people’s opinions.”

  “You won’t need to. I’ll take care of that. Anything you want; everything you need. I’ll do it all.”

  “You make it hard to say no,” she said softly.

  “I’m trying to,” he said fiercely. “I want you to stay. Getting away from it all and coming here with you and Hannah has reminded me of how much I’m missing in my life.”


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