Hannah's Blessing

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Hannah's Blessing Page 18

by Collette Scott

  “I don’t think he’d listen to me.”

  “He may not listen, but I can guarantee that he’ll agree to anything you ask in order to get you away from me. Wow, I never knew he was so possessive.”

  “Possessive?” Diana asked breathlessly just before Hugh dipped her yet again. “Of me?”

  He chuckled. “Yep, he’s had enough and is on his way over now. Since he’s looking very territorial right now, I think I should escape before he accuses me of stealing his date.”

  With one last spin, Hugh pressed a quick peck on her cheek. “A good word, right?”

  Hugh abruptly thrust her away as soon as she nodded in agreement. She stumbled, but Devlan’s hands were there to grip her waist from behind and prevent her fall. He scowled at Hugh, but the younger man laughed cheerfully and danced alone back to his pouting girlfriend with a happy wave. Diana leaned her head back into Devlan’s chest and inhaled deeply.

  “Wow, that was something,” she murmured. “Did I tell you how good you smell tonight?”

  “I thought you were supposed to be dancing with me tonight,” came the sullen response.

  “Are you jealous?” she teased.

  “I think it’s almost time to go,” he growled. “They’re beginning to clear everything away.”

  Stilling her hips with his hands, Devlan spun her around to face him. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

  “Dance with me now?”

  “I can think of better places to dance.”

  Diana giggled, her eyes shining. “Later. But now I want you to dance with me. Hugh was right. You need to have a good time. Relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “And you’re being a grouch. I never drink, Devlan, allow me one time.”

  Taking her words in slowly, his dark head nodded slowly and then dipped as he pressed his lips against hers. She entwined her fingers in his hair and pulled his head closer to hers. After a moment of allowing her to deepen the kiss, Devlan slowly pulled away and looked down at her. The corners of his mouth had turned up in a teasing smile.

  “If you’re like this every time you get drunk, Diana, I may never let you get sober again.”

  Feeling slightly foolish, she giggled again. She noticed that her voice sounded high pitched and happy. “It’s you, you know. You do this to me.”

  “Me?” His smile faded. “What do I do to you?”

  “You make me all crazy. Fluttery.” Waving her hands at her middle, she took a step away from him and pointed to her middle. “I’ve never felt like that with anyone but you. It’s all you.”

  A slow and very satisfied smile appeared on his lips. “Must be love.”

  “Yep. Must be.”

  She leaned into him and placed her head on his chest. He was strong and felt so nice that she sighed happily. Raising his hand to press her head against him, Devlan tenderly smoothed the loose tendrils of hair from her face.

  “I truly hope so.”

  Chapter 13

  Darkness had overtaken the glorious night. The laughing voices and music were loud to her ears, but Diana was only aware that Devlan was finally dancing with her and she again felt like her dream fairytale princess. The hypnotic music captured her, and they danced together in sync. It was as though they were one, for their feet moved effortlessly in the crowd under Devlan’s expert guidance.

  The warm night caused her dress to cling to her. Devlan’s hands seemed to be all over her, touching her in her sensitive spots that he had so studiously taken note of in the past few days. She was dizzy from alcohol and giddy from happiness. For better or for worse she had been blessed with some sort of magic in meeting Devlan. It was because of Hannah that she was here. Though her accident was terrifying and painful, it had ended up bringing them both great joy. It was Hannah’s magic, Hannah’s blessing.

  Too soon the luau came to a close. Speaking on behalf of both of them, Devlan was quick to say good night to Hugh and his still pouting girlfriend. Her dramatics eased any remaining insecurities that Diana may have had. Of all the things that she had learned about Devlan in the weeks they had spent together, she knew there was no way he would accept that kind of behavior for very long.

  As she watched them disappear in the evening, Mike appeared from seemingly out of nowhere. His hair was slightly ruffled from the wind, and there was a ruddy glow on his cheeks, both signs that he had been having a good time as well. He was all smiles as he escorted them back to the dock, and he and Devlan fell into an animated conversation about the evening while Diana followed along reluctantly.

  “I had a great evening,” she whispered when he helped her into the launch. “Thank you for convincing me to go.”

  “I’m glad you had fun, Diana.” Grinning with true pleasure, he followed her into the boat and pulled her against him for the ride back to the yacht.

  She smiled at him teasingly. “How shall I ever repay you?”

  His eyes danced with amusement. “Oh, I’m sure we can think of some way.”

  “I have a few ideas myself,” she announced softly. “But it may involve a bedroom.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. I’d like to make sure you’re a willing partner.”

  “I could probably be convinced,” he said with a grin. “Are you up to the challenge?”

  “Yep.” Her hand went to his thigh, and she began to walk her fingers oh so slowly up until he captured her hand in his. Smiling impishly she pursed her lips. “But I guess you’ll just have to wait and see to be sure.”

  Growling in answer, he held her hand tightly for the remainder of the ride. No sooner had they come to a stop alongside the yacht than Devlan was shuttling Diana from the launch and down to their stateroom. As they disappeared down the stairs, they heard Mike behind them laughing aloud in true amusement.

  Diana paused long enough to read the note that Lani had left posted on Hannah’s door. Her alcohol-fuzzed brain took a moment to decipher that the two had spent a leisurely evening watching movies on the big screen television before retiring early. It sounded great to Diana, but she still opened the door to check on her. Hannah was sleeping soundly, her small arms wrapped securely around her stuffed bear, and she did not flinch when Diana leaned over her and kissed her cheek. Nor did she move when Devlan pulled her covers up to her chin. Diana smiled up at Devlan and entwined her fingers with his.

  Returning her smile, Devlan led her from the room. Hand in hand, they crossed the hall together and slipped into their room like newlyweds fresh from their wedding. No sooner had the door closed behind them than Devlan turned the lock. It was dark, with only the light to the bathroom casting shadows on their waiting bed.

  “What does my locket say?” she whispered in the darkness.

  Devlan glanced over as he pulled his shirt from his slacks. Gone was the tender man gazing down at the little girl as though she were his own. In his place was the male, the virile alpha who was remembering how seductively she had danced with him. His tousled hair gave him a rugged look, and his pupils were dilated with both hunger and promise. He strode to their bed and pulled back the covers before returning to her and pulling her into his arms.

  “Right now I have more important things on my mind.”

  “Like what?”

  He smiled devilishly. “Like how you’re going to repay me.”

  Remembering her earlier words, Diana tossed back her head and laughed. His eyes were dancing as he watched her display, but then his head lowered and he became all business again. As if from a will of their own, their clothes seemed to suddenly disappear, and together they fell backwards onto the soft mattress.

  When Devlan finally raised his head, Diana was breathless. She gazed up at him, holding him riveted as every emotion she felt and was feeling were exposed in her wide eyes. At the moment she did not care if he saw how deeply she had grown to care. This night was their night; it was magical and the fulfillment of every one of her dreams.

  “I wa
nt you, woman,” he growled.

  “Yes,” she gasped in answer.

  Their gazes remained locked as he filled her and suddenly they were flying, soaring high above with the blue sky and puffy white clouds of Hawaii. Right beside her was Devlan, his warmth and strength supporting her. For one night, they were completely in tune to each other. And after days of learning each other’s needs and likes, they culminated their newfound knowledge with action. Her body answered his need, and she felt like a part of him as though they were truly one. Never taking his eyes from hers, he watched her lips part and her breath come in quick gasps. Unable to stop, she finally broke their gaze when her eyes squeezed shut and she cried out in a mixture of pure joy and pleasure. Though shaking from the effort, he allowed her to arch against him before he took his own release with a low growl of triumph.

  After several moments, Devlan rolled to his side and wrapped his arms around her tightly. In the silence of the room all Diana could hear was their mingled breathing while his fingers gently stroking the smooth skin of her back. Her eyes were just drifting closed when she heard him speak.

  “I take it back,” he whispered.

  “Take what back?”

  “I was wrong when I said that you rated yourself pretty high… I don’t think you rated yourself high enough.”

  Though so tired that she could not open her eyes, Diana managed a short laugh. “I’m glad you can laugh about it.”

  She heard the rumble of his chuckle in his chest. “Who says I’m laughing? I think you damn near killed me tonight.”

  “Then you better get your rest and recover because I definitely want to try that again tomorrow,” she warned.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Smiling against the velvety smooth skin of his chest, Diana pressed a warm kiss before snuggling deeper into his embrace. He continued to stroke her until long after she fell asleep, and when she awoke during the night she noted that she was still locked within the safety of his embrace. It did not take her long to realize that it was exactly where she wanted to be.


  A rustling sound awakened Diana, and when she reached for Devlan’s warmth she found only cool sheets. She sensed the early morning with a feeling of dismay and confusion. It was too early to be up while they were on vacation because it was still dark out. Dragging her sleep-heavy eyelids open, she saw him standing by his dressing room. He had just finished pulling the suit jacket over his vest when he caught her gaze, and he smiled as he hastily shut off the light.

  “Sorry, did the light wake you?”

  She stretched and sat up, wincing at the throbbing in her head. Oh my, she thought, what had she done? Certainly she had consumed too much alcohol. Finding herself hesitant to meet Devlan’s eyes, she shook her head.

  “What are you doing up this early? Are you leaving?”

  She could see that he was freshly showered and clean-shaven. His hair was smoothed back, and as usual not one hair was out of place. Resting by the door was a suitcase, the seams bulging, and sadness enveloped her when she realized that she had just stated the obvious. Yes, he was leaving.

  He came to sit by her side, smelling of his regular cologne and shampoo. One finger came to gently trace the outline of her lips as he stared down at her apologetically.

  “I was going to tell you last night, but I didn’t want to ruin the evening. I have to fly to New York. One of my subsidiary companies took a rather large dive in the stock market, and I have a meeting with the chief shareholders. It’s not something I can miss.”

  Though she attempted to force a smile on her lips, it was so difficult that she was sure it appeared more like a grimace. Giving up the futile gesture, she reached up instead to cup his cheek in her hand. He seemed so sorry that she suddenly felt selfish. “I understand.”

  “I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped. I’ve booked you and the others first class tickets back to California for the flight home. I’ll have the jet, so you’re going home on a commercial airliner. I hope that’s acceptable.”

  “Of course it is,” she said quickly. “But when will you be back?”

  “I don’t know yet. The house in Malibu is ready for Hannah, and there will be a car at the airport to take you. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. I hope to be back at least by your birthday.”

  Diana gasped. With all the worry about Hannah and her progress and her new relationship with Devlan, she had completely forgotten that her birthday was a week away. She sighed and gave him her one of her exasperated looks, ignoring the stabbing pain in her head. “You had to bring that up, didn’t you? How do you know when my birthday is?”

  Though his eyes danced with amusement, his face grew serious. “I can’t divulge my sources, but suffice it to say I know a lot about you, Diana.”

  She went still, knowing that it was probably a lot more than she even suspected he knew. Yet before she could question him further, he leaned over her and pressed a kiss to her forehead then her lips.

  “Enjoy yourself and the rest of the trip. I’ll see you back in California, okay?”

  “Shouldn’t we just leave now too?” she asked before she could stop herself.

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect you to cut your vacation short too.”

  “But – ”

  “No buts,” he said, placing a finger against her lips. “Enjoy the ship; enjoy the islands. You are my guests, remember?”

  Diana nodded, but she felt empty inside already. It would not be the same without him there. There would be no more laughter and fun sightseeing trips. The beach would be dreadfully boring without him tossing Hannah high over his head and splashing her with the spray from his hair. She and Hannah would be alone again.

  Seeing her hesitation, he cocked a brow in question. “Tell me you’re not feeling uncomfortable now.”

  No, she was uncomfortable for an entirely different reason. She just did not want him to leave. She shook her head in answer, too afraid to speak, and he removed his thumb to replace it with his warm lips in a long and lingering kiss. With a content sigh, she brought her hands from under the covers to his shoulders and hugged him tight, afraid to let him go.

  “Stop now Diana or I’ll never get out of here,” he warned huskily. She pressed herself even harder against him.

  “What’s another fifteen minutes?” she whispered.

  “Mm,” he responded reluctantly. “As much as I’d love to, I can’t. I have to go now.”

  She released him with a sigh of regret. Lying back on the pillows, she primly pulled the covers back over her shoulders. “Okay then, fine. I’ll see you next week. Have fun in New York.”

  “You’re a vixen,” he said with a chuckle. “Tell me you’ll miss me.”

  It was her turn to laugh, and she did until her eyes watered. The dampness was suspiciously like tears though, and she swallowed a lump in her throat. “Sorry,” she said saucily. “That’s the last thing I’ll do.”

  “I tried,” he said with a shrug. Reaching down to give her thigh a gentle squeeze, he gave her one last smile that softened his eyes. “I’ll miss you.”

  Coming to his feet, he walked away with confident and sure strides. With every step he took, she felt more alone. There was an emptiness growing deep within her breast, and he was just about to open the door when she called out softly. When he turned around questioningly, she smiled shyly.

  “I’ll miss you, Devlan.”

  A slow smile of pure pleasure spread his lips, and he gave her an elegant bow before he continued out the door. It closed with a gentle click, and Diana sank back beneath the covers and curled into a tight ball. She tried to hold them in, but her tears trickled from between her closed eyes. Empty. The bed was empty, the boat was empty, and her heart felt empty. Without Devlan, she no longer felt whole.

  A frightening thought, but she had to admit the truth. She was completely in love with him. Head over heels for sure. Clinging to the last thing that tied her to him, her fingers sought out her new neckla

  “A Vila Mon Coeur, Gardi Li Mo,” she whispered in the darkness. “I wonder what it means.”


  The answer was not forthcoming in the next week. Devlan called only once, and they were off the yacht when he rang. She was gripped with disappointment when she got the message and spent the entire evening hoping he would call again. Realizing that she was making a big mistake and that she had grown too dependent on him in just those few days they spent together did not help. Now the ship seemed quiet and empty, even with Hannah’s cheerful laughter. It just was not enough to break her down mood, especially when her bed seemed so much larger and colder.

  Beautiful Hawaii now seemed dull and boring. As she suspected, sightseeing was not nearly as entertaining without Devlan’s extensive knowledge and playful antics. She missed his lust for life and adventure, and more than anything his willingness to try anything from parasailing and water-skiing to spending an entire afternoon with Hannah in the Children’s Discovery Museum in Kaua’i. After spending one full day touring a sugar plantation and wishing Devlan was with them to enjoy it too, Diana and Hannah no longer tried to hide their loneliness. By evening, Hannah was voicing her disappointment that Devlan was gone. By morning of the second day, she was eager to go home. And by mid-morning, Diana had their bags packed and waiting by the helicopter to catch their pre-arranged flight.

  After another white-knuckled ride to the airport, Diana, Lani and Hannah boarded the commercial airplane back to the mainland. Though she was eager to return, Los Angeles was noisy and dirty compared to the quiet serenity of Hawaiian shipboard life. The busy airport was crowded, and people rushed by them without any concern for Hannah. Nevertheless, she still felt somewhat closer to Devlan, and for that reason she was pleased to be back.

  Diana stayed close to Hannah, pushing and shoving with the rest of them until they found their luggage on the carousel. The flight had been long and cramped, with Hannah sleeping across their laps the whole trip. Now it was the crowded airport that sent Diana’s already frayed nerves over the edge. When she saw Wills saunter in through the glass doors and approach with a wide grin, she almost laughed aloud her relief. For a moment, Diana’s heart leapt in her chest when she saw the dark suited man behind their young chauffeur, but then she noticed that he was older and chubbier, and certainly not Devlan. She greeted the young man with a little less enthusiasm.


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