Hannah's Blessing

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Hannah's Blessing Page 21

by Collette Scott

  More determined than ever to tell her these things before the evening was over, Devlan hurried outside to greet her. She was still jogging when he reached the stairs to the beach, and he rushed to meet her halfway out. The sand did not slow him, even though it got into his shoes and scratched the fine leather.

  “Diana,” he called.

  She stopped jogging and turned around, her eyes wide with surprise. “Wow, you’re back early,” she said, a little breathless.

  “Why is the house so dark? Am I not welcome in my own home?”

  His attempt at humor was lost on her ears. Her face remained still, although she began to jog in place as he continued to advance. “I saw you on TV tonight.”

  He nodded and stopped in front of her. Her chest was heaving slightly, and he saw the sweat glistening in her cleavage. Watching it drip lower and disappear into the cloth of her sports bra, Devlan licked his lips as he imagined tasting the saltiness on her skin. But he stopped from reaching out for her while he studied her closed countenance.

  “I bought tickets to this charity a couple of months ago. I couldn’t stand her up. It would’ve been humiliating for her and detrimental to me.”

  “Kathy told me.”

  “Oh,” he said. He glanced down at his shoes. “Listen, Diana, I’m really sorry. I did everything I could to get out of it.”

  She held up her hand. “You don’t have to apologize to me, Devlan. I understand.”

  It was plain that he did need to, more than anything. She was hurt, that much he could see in her otherwise guarded face. When Diana turned to jog away, Devlan reached for her and grasped her upper arm.

  “What are you doing?”

  He pulled her against him, his arms encircling her tightly. “I just got back from New York, and all afternoon I’ve been harassed by the women in my life. Right now I need you. I need your forgiveness.”

  “I don’t know, Devlan. I’m all sweaty, please let me go –”

  His lips came down on hers at the same time as he pulled her hips against his. Though he felt the breath rush out of her lungs, he did not release her. There was no way he could. Despite the damp sweatshirt that clung to her skin and her salty taste, Devlan thought she was freshest thing he had seen all day. His heart was pounding violently against his chest, and it was matched by her heart as well. No matter how long it took or how many kisses he had to give her, he was determined to ease her anger and make her smile for him again.

  Luck finally seemed to come to his rescue when she began to relax slightly against him. Apparently he was wearing her down, for her fingers slid through his hair and gave him a slight tug when he began to move away.

  He raised his head a little, his tongue slipping out to taste her on his lips. “You truly are a sight for sore eyes,” he whispered.

  “Well, when you put it that way,” she said with a brief smile. It was fleeting, too quick for his tastes.

  He sighed in frustration. “I spent the entire day planning your birthday dinner. I had so much to discuss with you, and I was dying to see you and Hannah. Then I get called to this ridiculousness. I’m such a fool.”

  Nodding her head, she evidently agreed.

  “Thanks for your support,” he said wryly.

  Her lips curved again, this time in a half smile. “Why can I not stay angry at you?”

  “Because I don’t want you to.” When she shook her head and began to pull away, he grasped her tighter. “And I’m willing to work very hard to get what I want…”

  She chuckled softly in the night.

  “Let’s go in before I ravish you on this beach where everyone can see us. I really do need to talk to you.”

  “Alright,” she murmured. “But let me at least shower.”

  “I’ll join you,” he said, raising his head and wiggling his brows at her.

  She chuckled and pushed away from his loose grasp. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Come inside,” he said. “Now, before I do something stupid again like throw you to the ground and take you right here on the beach.”

  “Alright already.”

  Grasping her hand, he smiled when her fingers entwined with his. She laughed her magical laughter, and the sound warmed his heart. He really had missed her, and once more he was overcome with the urge to discuss his plans with her. And he would have if her joyous laughter had not given away their precise location.

  “Mr. Doyle, sir? Telephone.”

  Devlan stopped dead in his tracks, the blood rushing in his ears louder than the words he dreaded hearing. Mike stood on the steps, holding the house phone in his hands and peering out into the darkness. He looked uneasy, and his eyes remained averted when he spotted them.

  “Take a message,” Devlan said shortly.

  “Uh… I’m sorry, but it’s Roxanne. She said it was imperative that she speak with you now.”

  Devlan felt Diana go rigid beside him, and her fingers tightened around his. Devlan glanced down at her, very aware of her discomfort.

  “Can’t you see that I’m busy?”

  His sharp tone surprised Mike, but he nodded and took a step back. “Yes sir.”

  Devlan grasped Diana’s hand and pulled her up the steps behind him, eager more than ever to lock them in his bedroom.

  “Come on before something tragic happens,” he muttered.

  Diana smiled and picked up the pace, her long legs matching his strides easily. They were halfway up the stairs when Mike caught up to them. His face bore a pained expression, and he stared at a spot beyond Devlan mournfully.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but she said it was an emergency. She said that she mistakenly overdosed on her sleeping pills tonight and is afraid that she’s going to die.”

  Diana gasped, but Devlan was unmoved. He spoke through clenched teeth. “Has she called an ambulance?”

  “No sir, she’s afraid of what the news would report. She’s asking for you to come and drive her to her doctor.”

  “This is unbelievable.”

  “I’m sorry for interrupting. I wouldn’t if it was unnecessary,” he said again, his gaze flickering to Diana.

  Before he could refuse again, Diana turned to face him and placed her hand on his arm. “Go, Devlan,” she said softly. “Go take care of her. Who knows what will happen next?”

  Devlan glanced at Mike, who nodded in agreement. “She’s right.”

  With a heavy sigh, Devlan turned to face Diana. He took her hands in his and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’m so sorry to keep doing this to you.”

  “I do understand.”

  “I don’t know how long this will take.”

  Though he did not hear it, he felt her heavy sigh. It matched his feeling of helplessness. Her disappointment was evident in the drooping of her shoulders and the strained look on her face. As he watched, she continued up the stairs slowly, her feet dragging and her head down. It made him feel a little better to see that at least he was not the only one affected.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he called after her. “We still need to talk, Diana.”

  She waved in answer and disappeared into the dark house. Devlan remained where he was, watching her balcony until the light went on. Then he gave Mike his attention.

  “That woman is turning into a nightmare,” he ground out angrily.

  “This is pretty serious,” he agreed. “Who knows what she’s capable of?”

  “I know, Mike.” He took a deep breath and adjusted his clothes in an attempt to regain his composure. “Let’s go and get this over with.”

  Mike fell in step beside Devlan. “You know, sir, you’ve stood Mrs. Somerset up twice tonight.”

  “You don’t need to remind me,” Devlan snapped.

  Mike chuckled as he dropped the phone on the long dining room table. “I meant to say that it’s her birthday and all, and you’ve left her twice for another woman. She’s been pretty understanding about it.”

  “Scary, isn’t it?”

  “Well, yes
. There’s got to be a storm brewing.”

  Devlan’s brows rose over his piercing blue eyes. “I can see what you’re getting at, but I have a plan that will ensure my forgiveness. Tomorrow I plan to shop Rodeo Drive to find the perfect ring. I want to make this legit.”

  Mike’s eyes widened in surprise, but his face broke into a wide smile. “Glad to hear it, sir. She’s a fine woman.”

  “Yes. The finest I’ve ever met.”

  “Quite a catch when she doesn’t give a hoot about your money.”

  “No,” he said with a chuckle. “Actually she would rather I didn’t have any. That’s one of the best things about her. She accepts me for the man I am, not the money I have. That’s a rare feat.”

  “And she’s a rare find. I’m very happy for you, and I hope you’re both happy.”

  “Thanks, Mike. As soon as I can get Roxanne out of the way and work on my retirement I plan to make her very happy indeed.”

  “Retirement? Does that mean…”

  Devlan smiled at Mike. “It does. I’m cutting back on my work. I want to take care of my family. I want to spend more time with them.”

  Mike let out a low whistle.

  “Let’s take the Mercedes. I hate to get Wills out of bed for this.”

  “Very well, sir.”

  The two men strode to the garaged vehicle, and Devlan slid behind the driver’s seat. As the engine purred to life, Devlan gave one more glance at Mike. “If you were me, Mike, what would you do?”

  “I would grab her before somebody else does.”

  Devlan nodded, a smile brightening his angry countenance. “I thought so. Now I just need to explain all this to Roxanne. ”

  Chapter 16

  Diana sat by the wall of windows in the white living room, the soft leather of the couch caressing her skin like a warm glove. The heavy rain pattered rhythmically against the ceiling high window. The droplets cascaded down the shining glass, and the small rivers caught her attention. With a finger, she traced the path of a single raindrop as it slid down the glass like a lone tear streaming down a smooth cheek. The day was as gloomy as she felt, for Christmas was approaching fast and she had still not seen Devlan since the night on the beach.

  Sighing deeply, Diana returned her gaze to the hardcover book on her lap. She was already halfway through, and she had only bought it yesterday. She, Hannah and Lani had gone to Beverly Hills the day before, shopping for Christmas gifts and just to have fun. Although the area was not quite what she had envisioned from the movies and television, it was the shopping trip of a lifetime. It was yet another moment in her life that she would remember always.

  Not willing to forget her host, Diana and Hannah had chosen Devlan’s Christmas gifts. Hannah had picked a sweatshirt that sported a child on a man’s shoulders and read ‘World’s Greatest Dad’. Although Diana had objected, her stubborn child was adamant and stomped her feet so hard that tears had flooded her eyes.

  Diana had also found the perfect gift for him. It took her a lot of soul searching, for what could she buy for the man who could have whatever he wanted? But she knew the one thing he could not just take, one thing that he could only borrow. Hannah and Diana had treated themselves to a photo session dressed in fancy new clothes. To go with it, Diana purchased a costly frame with her own money and was having the items delivered on Christmas Eve.

  The day had been perfect, although Diana had run out of steam a lot faster than the others did. It seemed to be the growing trend. Lately she was tired all the time, with absolutely no true reason for it. She had no idea why.

  Of course now it was getting easier to go out with Hannah since she was continuing her recovery. She had put aside her cane, and Diana was sure that with Lani’s help she would regain the full use of her leg in a matter of weeks. As good as that sounded, it also meant that she would be free to leave Malibu – and Devlan.

  With growing trepidation, Diana faced the reality of it all. Her fairytale existence was fast coming to a close. As hungry as he had been for her during their vacation, his desire for her did not overpower the demands of his friend and his work now that they were back on the mainland. He had always been so charming and open, but not once had he given her any indication of wanting her to stay when Hannah was better. In fact, his last reference to their relationship was that of a fling, and he appeared to have completely forgotten about them both now that their trip was over. That certainly did not bode well for any type of future.

  Devlan had taken Roxanne to the hospital the night of the beach incident, and stayed in the city for the next two days. He had called to tell her that Roxanne was going to be fine, but he was too busy at work to come home. Then he was again called to New York. It had been two weeks already and he had yet to return.

  Christmas was now only four days away. Devlan had called Mrs. Maclean the afternoon before and told her to hire a cook for a large Christmas dinner. With bated breath, the entire household assumed he would try to be home for that, but Diana felt that she would believe it when she saw it.

  “Mrs. Somerset?”

  Diana glanced up to see Mrs. Maclean standing in the doorway. Diana smiled in greeting and placed down her book. “Hello, Mrs. Maclean.”

  “Mrs. Somerset, you have a visitor,” Mrs. Maclean said. The older woman appeared nervous, with her hands first twisting her apron and then smoothing it down.

  Diana frowned in surprise and came to her feet. “I have a visitor?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said, her gray head bobbing. “It’s Miss Lemieux.”

  Diana’s breath caught. Suddenly the room began to feel warm. “Roxanne?”

  “Yes, ma’am. She’d like to speak with you.”

  Before Diana could reply, the raven-haired beauty strode in. She appeared devastatingly beautiful in a white fur sweater and black leather pants. Her hair was flowing loosely down her back, and a wide red belt cinched in her narrow waist. Diana suddenly felt awkward and small next to this highly polished professional. She hated to admit that Roxanne Lemieux’s startling beauty was perfect for Devlan’s debonair good looks.

  “Hello Miss Lemieux, it’s nice to meet you,” Diana said, holding out her hand.

  Roxanne entered the room, leaving behind her the lingering smell of a costly perfume. She took in the magnificent living room with its fifteen-foot ceilings and smiled in approval. As she looked around, Diana stepped forward to greet her. She dismissed Diana’s hand with a wave and entered further, crossing to the tall windows and glancing out at the pool below.

  “You know, Devlan and I picked out this house together. It was to be our home when we married. Malibu is private, and you know how much Devlan likes his privacy.”

  Diana watched Roxanne with a pained expression. She was no fool to realize that Roxanne was here for a reason, the question was - what?

  “You would know better than I,” she answered carefully.

  Her hand fell to her side where it brushed against her tattered jeans. Next to Roxanne she felt plain, ugly, simple. It was like a glass of cold water in the face. Roxanne glanced at her with a sly look. It was the look of a cat that had swallowed the canary. Despite the outward show of friendliness, there was a palpable tension filling the air. Diana felt ill at ease.

  “I do, don’t I?” she said with a smile. “And I am just learning quite a bit about our handsome mutual friend.”

  Diana felt the urge to sit down, so strong was the dread settling in the pit of her stomach. She was too tired to fight, and she assumed that was why Roxanne was here. Taking in a shaky breath for courage, she attempted to smile. “You are?”

  “Yes, well word leaked out today in the papers about his Christmas plans. Have you heard yet?”

  Roxanne spun around to look at Diana, and her wide gray eyes watched for her reaction carefully. Seeing this, Diana schooled her features to remain impassive. After all those years with Peter and his ridicule, Diana was sure that she could maintain a poker face. With every ounce of strength she had with
in her, she held herself proud and emotionless.

  “I don’t usually watch TV,” she admitted with an apologetic shrug.

  Roxanne again smiled, knowing full well that Diana had watched the night of her birthday. It was the night that Roxanne had called; the night of the charity when Devlan had left her home alone. Diana remembered clearly what Roxanne had said.

  “Ah, I see. Well, I had a minor accident a couple of weeks ago and had to go to the hospital. Dev realized just how close he was to losing me and proposed right there on the spot. Now our little secret is out. He picked up the ring a couple of weeks ago. He had told me that he wanted to talk to you and his niece first, but I figured that since he was out of town I’d stop in to say hello and pass on the good news.”

  Diana’s heart came to a sudden stop before starting again in a rapid tempo. Her chest felt tight, as though a ton of bricks prevented her from breathing. Her head was spinning as she considered whether Roxanne was telling the truth.

  Had there been any indication?

  Yes, she thought wildly, Devlan had told her he needed to speak with her. It had been the very last thing he had said to her. Perhaps all this time he was afraid to tell her. Maybe that was why he had stayed away. Roxanne’s chatter echoed in her ears, slowly drawing her attention back.

  “I was so excited and just had to tell someone. I figured we should start to get to know each other. Especially since we’ll be in close quarters until your daughter gets better.”

  Diana’s world slid out from under her feet. She began to tremble in earnest. As badly as she longed to collapse into the soft sofa, she continued to hold her ground. Still, it was a tremendous effort to stay on her feet.

  “Well, uh, congratulations are due you then,” she stammered. Her voice sounded miles away, shaky and hoarse.

  Roxanne’s gaze never left hers, and she gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. “Thank you. I’m glad that we’re going to be family. Even if it’s only for a short time. I hear that your trip to Hawaii last month really did wonders for your daughter.”

  “Yes, she’s healing quickly.”

  Not quickly enough!


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