Only In My Dreams hp-5

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Only In My Dreams hp-5 Page 3

by Dana Marie Bell

  If he claimed her. She was slowly beginning to have doubts about that. He’d spent an awful lot of time talking to another woman for Sarah to feel upbeat about their future mating.

  She tried one more time to call Gabe back, but got his voicemail. “Gabe, it’s Sarah. I was bringing in groceries and missed your call. Call me back, okay? I have something to tell you.” She sighed, grabbing the mop out of the closet. “I miss you.” She hung up and began to clean up the spilled cola.

  “So will Gabe be back in time for the wedding?” Jim picked up his French fry and dipped it in some ketchup.

  “I have no idea. I haven’t spoken to him in about two weeks.” Her nerves were completely frazzled. The last time she’d heard his voice had been on her answering machine. He’d never called her back, never heard her news.

  This long-distance crap really sucked. If it wasn’t for the fact that she knew he was alive she’d be much more upset. Not that she wasn’t thinking of killing him when she finally did get hold of him.

  “Tell you what, if he’s not back in time we can go together.”

  She smiled at Jim. God, he was so nice. Jim Woods felt…sweet. Safe. Like a man you could rely on no matter what. But deep down, there was a small spark of mischief in him that would be irresistible to the right woman, and a core of strength that would shock anyone who took him at face value. All of that was wrapped up in a package that screamed all-American hometown boy-next-door. Blond and hazel-eyed, he stood a full head taller than she. He wasn’t as broad-shouldered as Gabe, his legs not as muscular, but his grin was engaging in ways not even Gabe could manage. He was a treat to all of her senses. If she hadn’t been so hung up on her mate she’d have made a move on him a long time ago. “Wouldn’t you rather bring a real date?”

  His expression was charming and open, but that little mischievous spark danced in his eyes. “Think of the fun we could have!” He shrugged. “Besides, you know I’m not interested in dating right now.”

  Liar. She had a good idea of exactly who he’d like to be dating, and it wasn’t her. “You should ask her out.” It would certainly make Sarah feel better if he asked out the woman he really wanted.

  He made a face. “She’s too young for me.”

  She tried not to eye the bouncing red ponytail of Chloe Williams. “She’s not that young.”

  “She’s twenty-two.”

  “Yup. And you’re an ancient, wrinkled mess.”

  He almost choked on his French fry.

  A new iced tea landed in front of her. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Sarah held back her sigh. For some reason Chloe seemed to be pissed at her today. “Nope. Thanks.”

  “Oh hey, I heard from Gabe last night. He said to tell you hello.”

  Sarah gritted her teeth. “Thanks.” The sympathy in Jim’s gaze was almost too much to bear. “That will be all, Chloe.”

  Chloe hesitated for a moment. “Right. Should I tell him to give you a call tonight?”

  He’s calling her again tonight? He talked to Chloe almost every day, but couldn’t be bothered to call his mate. Sarah’s temper, normally hard to rouse, snapped its leash. “Don’t bother.”

  Chloe looked like she wanted to say something more, a frown marring the smooth surface of her skin, but Sarah chose to ignore it. “All right. Holler if you need anything.”

  Sarah ignored the other woman, focusing instead on her nearly empty plate. The burger sat in her stomach like lead.

  “So. Want to be my wedding date?”

  Sarah looked up into Jim’s warm hazel eyes. “Sure.” After all, it looked like her mate wouldn’t care one way or the other. But first she was going to make a little appointment with Dr. Howard. She was tired of dreaming about something it looked like she was never going to have.

  Chapter Three


  Oh my God. Sarah gaped at the sight of Gabriel Anderson standing in the Philadelphia Airport. He looked so tired it broke her heart. She took a step towards him, her heart hammering in joy and disbelief.

  He’s home.

  “Gabe!” A flash of red streaked past her. Gabe looked startled for a moment but smiled and held out his arms. Chloe jumped into them, wrapping her legs around the sheriff’s waist.

  Gabe’s face was slowly turning red, but the affection pouring off him for the woman in his arms twisted through Sarah’s gut. “Um. Hello, vixen.”

  Next to her Jim cleared his throat. “Sorry, kiddo. Looks like lover-boy has a girlfriend.”

  Sarah opened up just enough to feel the hurt Jim was trying to hide, then slammed her shields back into place. She’d gotten good at building those shields in the last few months. She was tired of other people’s pity hammering into her recently. Even with Jim pity flavored his pain. “This is all your fault.”

  “My fault? How is this my fault?”

  She turned to him with a grin. “Because you never asked her out, Dr. Jurassic.”

  He made a face. “Sure, blame everything on me.” He took hold of her arm and led her towards the gate.

  “We’re sitting together, right?”

  She heard Gabe calling her name but ignored him. “Sure are.”

  “Because neither one of us wants to watch the two of them together.”

  She grimaced. “Right. Hey, maybe they’ll be so busy saying hello they’ll forget to get on the plane!”

  They headed down the ramp, arms entwined. “You always see the bright side. That’s what I love about you.”

  She giggled. At the very least, Jim would keep her entertained, despite her heartbreak. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at Gabe.

  He’d made his choice clear. And it wasn’t her.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Gabe looked down at Chloe. She was normally good company, but today Gabe just couldn’t get into a conversation with her. “Everything’s fine, little vixen.”

  Liar, his Puma purred.

  He had to admit his Puma was right. Things were far from fine. Some guy named Jim, Sarah’s fucking date for the wedding, had her giggling like a schoolgirl as he told her some outrageous tale of his travels.

  Jim had been at the airport with her, smiling and obviously happy to be with her. He’d held her hand, kissing the back of it and smiling down at her seductively. He was delighted with her, commandeering her to sit next to him on the plane, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, even carrying her luggage. And when Sarah had tripped, Jim had caught her, saving her from a nasty fall. He’d even planted a soft kiss on Sarah’s forehead.

  Gabe had wanted to break Jim’s pretty-boy face at the sight of the other man’s hands around her waist, his lips on her skin. His Puma was growling so loudly Gabe was surprised his chest wasn’t vibrating.

  And Jim was pretty. Even as a guy Gabe could see that. He had that smarmy charm women seemed to fall all over themselves for.

  Sarah certainly didn’t seem immune to it. Jim reached up and brushed some of that golden hair off his forehead and half the females on the plane sighed, including Sarah.

  He stared at Sarah, torn. Why was she acting like this? He’d gotten straight off the plane, exhausted from making sure he was back in Philadelphia in time to go to the wedding of his Alpha and Curana, only to find his mate hanging all over another man. He couldn’t have imagined the shocked joy on her face when she’d first caught sight of him, but he’d been distracted by Chloe’s overenthusiastic greeting. Once he’d gotten himself disentangled from his friend, Sarah had latched onto Jimbo. She’d barely acknowledged he was there. A growl escaped his control when Jim stroked Sarah’s soft cheek. Oh, fucker. Get your hands off her or I’m gonna eat ‘em. He saw Jim’s gaze travel down to where Sarah’s little flowered sundress revealed the sweet swell of her breasts and wanted to rip the bastard’s eyes out of his head.

  Gabe forcibly kept the snarl off his face but was helpless to stop his eyes from changing. She’d touched him. She’d dragged those delicate fingers of hers down Jim’s
arm, her expression full of mischief and admiration.

  Gabe didn’t like that. Not one damn bit. Jealousy churned in his gut. He wanted to pounce on the other man and rip his goddamn throat out for putting that soft look on his mate’s face.

  But what startled him was the sound Chloe made as she watched the couple down the aisle having a wonderful time together. The moment Jim’s hand touched Sarah, an odd, high-pitched yip left her lips.

  She clamped her mouth shut immediately, turning her face away from the couple to stare at the seat in front of her. Her cheeks turned bright red and she refused to look at anyone. She blew her bangs out of her face, a gesture that reminded him of Sarah. He glanced over at his mate to see her leaning her head against Jim’s shoulder.

  “You shouldn’t have left.”

  Gabe’s hands clenched in his lap. He would not get up and throw the fucker off the plane. He. Would.

  Not. “You know why I had to. Hell, she knows why I had to.”

  “Then why don’t you go over there and do something about it?”

  Gabe gritted his teeth. He’d like nothing better than to get his hands on Sarah right now. He hadn’t spoken to her since March, and Chloe’s updates on his mate’s whereabouts had been less than encouraging. She seemed to spend an awful lot of time with the handsome veterinarian. Hell, he’d gotten so upset he’d cut his training short by a week just to be with her.

  What the hell is she thinking? She had to know how he’d feel about her touching someone else, especially after being apart for so long. He’d meant to see to it that they were mated this week. Now that his training was finally over he was home to stay. But instead of being thrilled to see him she’d frowned and turned her fucking back on him.

  He couldn’t remember anything that had hurt him more. Or pissed him off more. Her ass was going to be very sore by the time the week was over.

  “While you sit there with your thumb up your stubborn kitty ass my mate is making goo-goo eyes at your mate.”

  His head whipped around to study Chloe. “So why don’t you go over there and do something?”

  She flushed. “He thinks I’m a kid. I overheard him telling someone at the office.”

  The low, canine growl in her voice nearly matched the feline one lodged in his throat. “Well I hope you’re one of those people who have more than one mate, because I’m gonna kill me a vet if he doesn’t learn to keep his hands to himself.”

  Chloe glared at him. “And what should I do about your sweet little pus—”

  He slapped his hand over her mouth. “Don’t call her that. It’s not polite.”

  She grumbled against his palm. He laughed, ignoring the looks the other passengers sent their way.

  He also tried to ignore the niggling little voice telling him that maybe Chloe was right. That maybe he had made a mistake he was now paying for. It should have been his hands stroking Sarah’s satiny skin, not Jim’s. But what in hell was he supposed to do about it now? He sat back and stared out the plane’s window. He had no idea what to do, but he knew he had to stop watching Sarah and Jim. If he didn’t, there’d be an animal-related death at thirty thousand feet.

  Sarah tried to ignore how happy Gabe and Chloe seemed as they left Orlando International Airport.

  Their heads were close together, deep in conversation as they waited for their luggage.

  Sarah was still in shock. She hadn’t known Gabe would be able to make the trip to Florida. It wasn’t like he bothered to call her and tell her his plans anymore. Sarah tried to hear what they were talking about, but the noisy Orlando airport was just too much. Jim stayed close by her side, trying his best to keep her spirits up in the face of Chloe and Gabe’s obvious involvement.

  The affection she could feel pouring off Gabe every time he looked at Chloe was tearing her apart.

  “Emma says I’m riding in the limo with you, but Chloe isn’t.”

  Ouch. “Won’t she be offended?”

  Jim grinned down at her, putting the last of their bags on the cart. “Do you really care?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “Nope. Do you care?”

  Jim laughed, gaining both Gabe’s and Chloe’s attention. They both glared at Jim, though why Chloe would be angry with the man Sarah had no clue. Jim, the big ham, leaned down and bussed her cheek.

  “They’re watching us.”


  Jim surprised her, picking her up and twirling her away from the baggage return. She squealed, laughing when he put her down. “Having fun, sweetheart?”

  She nodded up at him, grinning like a loon.

  She tried to ignore it when Gabe helped Chloe get her rental car, joining them at the limo only once he was sure she was on her way. There was only so much distraction Jim could provide.

  “Everyone ready?” Max gently ushered Emma inside the limo, his gaze lingering on his mate’s pert backside. He settled next to Emma and had her in his lap within seconds. Emma curled around him, sighing softly.

  Sarah climbed in next, delighted when Jim sat next to her. She immediately snuggled closer to him, giving Adrian and Sheri, the Pride Marshall and his mate, room to get in. Dr. Adrian Giordano was Max’s business partner; his pale, legally blind mate was the latest addition to the Halle Pride.

  Rick and Belle, the Poconos Pack Alphas, took the seat next to the door. The large Pack Alpha settled Belle in with unexpected gentleness, careful of the hip she’d injured saving Sheri from her insane ex-boyfriend. Her hip was better now, but thanks to a rival, Belle had been forced to have the pins removed too soon in order to shift and face a dominance challenge. She’d limp for the rest of her life because of it, but Rick didn’t seem to care. They’d both been asked to be in the wedding, an honor they’d accepted happily. Rick’s long red hair was pulled back in a tail, wisps flying up in the Florida breeze as he climbed in after his petite Luna.

  “Damn, Rick. You need to wash your hair.” Simon, the Pride Beta and Max’s best man, climbed in, pretending to spit out bits of the Wolf’s hair. Becky, Emma’s Beta and matron of honor, climbed in after him, laughing and smacking Simon on the arm as Rick gave Simon the one-finger salute.

  Gabe was the last party member in the limo. He stopped short when he saw Sarah sitting close to Jim, his gaze fixed on the hand Jim had resting on her thigh.

  Sarah turned her face away from Gabe, looking up at Jim with affection. The entire plane ride Gabe had chatted and laughed with Chloe, showing no signs that Sarah’s sitting with Jim bothered him in the least.

  So why is he growling?

  She used her newfound powers to try and figure out how Gabe felt and was shocked. He was livid. Jim looked remarkably like a chew toy to the Second.

  Jim leaned down, his gaze caressing her face as his fingers stroked her thigh. “So, how about dinner tonight?”

  “Sorry, she’s busy.”

  She blinked, anger stirring at Gabe’s smug expression. “Excuse me?” He hasn’t bothered to call me for a month and suddenly thinks he has the right to dictate my life?

  I don’t think so.

  “Gabe’s right, Sarah.” Emma shrugged, the traitor. “Tonight we’ve got reservations for the entire wedding party, plus Jim and Chloe, of course, at The Rainforest Café.”

  “Oh.” She grinned up at Jim, delighted when Gabe’s expression turned fierce. Suck it up, big guy, just like I’ve had to every time Chloe throws your “friendship” in my face. She knew it wasn’t logical, but a tiny spurt of hope bloomed with that look. Maybe things weren’t as grim as she’d thought they were. “Looks like you’re taking me to dinner on Max’s dime.”

  Everyone except Gabe chuckled.

  “Tell you what. I’ll take you dancing on my dime after dinner.” Jim picked up her hand and kissed the palm, oblivious to the way Gabe’s sapphire blue eyes turned gold before they were quickly shielded by his ridiculously long lashes.

  “Oh, dancing! That’s a great idea!” Emma giggled, her gaze darting back and forth be
tween Gabe, Jim and Sarah.

  Subtlety, thy name is not Emma. The Curana knew that Gabe and Sarah were meant to be mates and was obviously trying to play matchmaker.

  Jim lifted his lips from her palm. “Does anyone hear a tearing sound?”

  Sarah looked over at Gabe, not surprised to see his hands in his lap. Next to his right leg, four long furrows had been dug into the leather seat.

  She tried to hide her glee at the sight. He’s actually jealous. Maybe this will work out! She snuggled next to Jim, a small smile on her face as she listened to her friends chatting and laughing together. Only Gabe remained silent, his face cold as he watched Jim play with her fingers.

  Gabe settled into his hotel room with an angry growl.

  Sarah was pulling away from him.

  All during the flight from Philadelphia to Orlando, he’d watched her. Not once had she glanced over to see what he was up to.

  And that chapped his ass more than he thought it would. Almost as much as the fact that the mate dreams had stopped seemed to bother his Puma. He hadn’t had a taste of his sweet Sarah for weeks. He had no idea what that meant, but his Puma had damn near gone into mourning.


  He’d nearly lost it in the limo at the sight of another man’s hands all over his mate. The only thing stopping him from changing and killing the son of a bitch had been the presence of his Pride leaders, and the fact that the very human Jim didn’t stand a chance against him.

  If Jim were a shifter, however, Gabe wouldn’t have been able to hold back. There’d be one less dickhead in the world sniffing after his Sarah, Chloe’s intended mate or not.

  He lay down, intent on taking a short nap before his shower, hoping it would ease the growing headache that always seemed to be present these days. He was dreading what was going to happen at dinner. If Jim touched Sarah’s soft skin one more time, he was going head first into the mouth of an animatronic gorilla.


  She shivered as that deep voice rolled over her. She didn’t dare look up, knowing that would earn her a spanking. Not normally a bad thing, but that wasn’t what she wanted just then. I wish I’d taken another one of those damn sleeping pills. She slept like the dead when she did, not dreaming at all, not even the silly little dreams she’d had before she’d met Gabe. Unfortunately she’d decided not to, not wanting to be light-headed through dinner. The sleeping pills always made her groggy when she woke up too soon. Besides, Gabe didn’t seem the type to take an afternoon nap.


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