Storm of Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 9)

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Storm of Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 9) Page 7

by Setta Jay

  There was a barrier out of this Realm, one she couldn’t get through.


  They reformed, this time with his dick in agony and a shocked look in her lust-glazed eyes. They both panted as she tried for words. “I cannot leave here?” She paused and narrowed her eyes. “Why did you even attempt to take me from this place now?”


  Gefn breathed deeply as Pothos rested his head on hers while moving. “Privacy. If anyone comes here when we are together… I might lash out to protect you. I feel like a fucking animal in need right now.” The slang seemed to form in her mind as he spoke the words. He hadn’t trusted that the priestesses or her brothers wouldn’t come there.

  She called the winds to slip from his hold, irritated that he’d thought she’d lied to him. She was sure her emotions were driving her, because she didn’t feel rational. She felt raw and needy, and it was all new and uncomfortable.

  When she was away from him, she steeled her back. “I told you that my brothers cannot get here. Obviously, if I cannot get out, they cannot get in.” It was a thought that made her stomach turn, because she was the one who could truly be trapped if what he said about her gaining his power ended up being a lie. He was a few feet in front of her, shaking his head as if in pain. She glared at him as he spoke.

  “You will have my power after we finish the bond. That means you’ll be able to come and go at will.”

  His wings flexed as power and wind whipped around the area. More clouds filled the sky, completely blacking out the sun. Their need was primal and intense, and she wasn’t sure if it was his or her power calling the storms.

  She began again, “The priestesses will not return until tomorrow.” Had he doubted her authority as a Goddess when the females hadn’t left when she ordered them to? “They will not disobey unless Spa and Velspar think I need them, and right now the cats are more intent on whoring me out for the good of Thule.” She bit out the words that felt sour on her lips.

  He growled, his brilliant sapphire eyes flashing with fury. “Whoring?” he snapped. “Is that what you think you’re doing with me?”

  “I do not know you, yet my beasts led me to you for the sole purpose of spreading my thighs. And the compulsion to do so is far too intense and conveniently painful to deny. What would you call this?”

  He balled his fists, and she felt the first drops of rain on her cheeks as he snarled, his anger should have scared her, but it only filled her with anticipation.

  He stalked closer until he towered over her, his breath against her skin. “In my world a mating is a rare and beautiful gift. Only a lucky few are fated to someone whose soul calls to theirs. So whore? No. You are mine. I’ve envied my brothers and sisters their matches, because Every. Single. One has found something incredible.” He sucked in a deep breath as lightning crashed around them. “I intended to take you from here because I’m a warrior. Your brothers are not my mate; neither are the females that were here. You are, and I’m meant to protect and care for you. I’d rather not do so in an unknown place with the potential of visitors when all I can think of is being inside you. I’d much rather we be in a secure place the first time I’m deep in that wet pussy. A place I can control. If you wanted a male who trusts blindly and doesn’t give a shit about safety, then fate has chosen wrong for you.”

  She was panting by the end of his furious display. The last word had barely spilled from his lips before she was in his arms, her mouth on his. He gripped her ass tight as he grunted against her lips. He slid her up and down along his shaft, ruthlessly pleasuring her against him until she was aching for more.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders before sliding up to his wet hair and down to his jaw as he devoured her. She relished the tangling of their tongues, becoming dizzy from the assault.

  He controlled the kiss with a fierceness she needed. His words had turned her upside down. No male had spoken to her like he had, and he’d answered her hurt with a powerful protectiveness that pulled at her heart. He might indeed be a match for her.

  Her nipples rasped against the leather of her vest as she wrapped her legs tighter around his hips. They were moving and she didn’t care where he took her in this sacred place. Water slid over their cheeks, inside their joined lips as he angled her head for more. She trailed her fingers over wet feathers that moved under her touch. She moaned, needy for more. For skin against aching skin.

  He broke the kiss and slid a hand into her hair. His fingers wrapped and tugged the strands until her neck arched to his questing lips. She panted when his teeth grazed over her rapid pulse beat. She couldn’t stop touching him; she wanted his flesh to burn against hers. Her hands slid between them to her vest, and she yanked the fastenings with an urgency that left her breathless. When the tight material parted, she moaned and shrugged the firm fabric over her shoulders and onto the stone beneath his feet. The second her breasts connected with his hard chest, she cried out at the soft rasp of hair against her hard nipples.

  “I want to lick every drop of rain from your sweet skin.” His rumbling voice slid over her neck. He released her hair to kiss her again before nipping her lower lip.

  She barely felt him take steps to an area far from where the priestesses had appeared. Thunder rent the air and she loved that wild sound; it was exactly how she felt, alive, charged… She heard the flowing water of a pool to the left and caught sight of ivy-laden stone statues. He stopped under a massive flowering tree and her skin tingled with anticipation.

  She felt his power flood the space before he laid her out on the suddenly dry padding of a wide lounge. She lifted her bottom to help him remove her leggings, undergarments and boots. Within the blink of an eye she was bare to his gaze. He stood above her as his eyes took her in slowly. That perusal felt like a touch as he spoke. “Beautiful.”

  She moaned as a soft breeze teased her bare skin. His eyes flashed with need that matched her own.

  His wings were unfurled and magnificent as wicked power whirled over her. No longer comforting, this was pointed, as if fingers were caressing her skin. She moaned and arched her back, sending her winds to divest him of his leggings. He shook his head when she lifted up on her forearms to watch as she sent the power to his fastenings.

  He growled low. “Not yet.”

  “Why?” Her voice was breathy and her eyes were on the hard length she planned to reveal.

  “Because the second I take them off, I’ll be inside you, and I want this first time to be slow. As slow as I can.” Her eyes shot to his at the seduction of his harsh tone. More lightning flashed in the dark skies as the spattering drops added more stimulation to her aching flesh. She was so wet and greedy for him the drops were a kind of torment.

  She closed her eyes and moaned deep, barely hearing his next words. “I want to savor every inch, thea mou.”

  She gasped when she felt invisible hands on her breasts, pulling her aching nipples until she cried out. Her eyes slitted as she moaned, “What is that power?”

  “Telekinesis of a sort.” She’d need a better translation because she had no idea what he’d said, and his next words made her forget she cared. “Now spread your thighs. Make room for me, thea mou.”

  She swallowed through the erotic agony and did what he said. If she didn’t relieve the pressure between her thighs, she was going to die of need.

  When he climbed between her legs, she almost cried out at the pleasure of the coarse fabric against her wet skin. Her moan was swallowed by his demanding kiss.

  He tunneled his fingers in her wet hair, angling her to best devour her mouth. Shivers ran the length of her body as she writhed beneath him, grinding her, what was his word… pussy. Yes, her pussy was against his hard shaft, but it wasn’t enough friction. When her nipples connected to the muscle of his chest, she nearly lost the ability to breathe while matching the passion of his demanding tongue.

  Those invisible hands of power gripped her hips, holding her down against the padding. She bucked an
d fought to get the friction back where she needed it, but the hold was true.

  She protested against his lips, sliding her hands down to his backside. Digging her nails into the firm flesh, pulling him down to her, demanding contact where she needed it. His mouth broke from hers and he shook his head with a slight tense curve of his lips. Even pained, that sexy grin changed his entire face and made him even more beautiful. Her lips parted and he nipped at the swollen bottom one before saying, “I need the first time you come to be on my lips.”

  It took seconds for her mind to translate the words before she groaned, “Then put them there now.”

  He choked out a laugh and set his mouth to the sensitive spot behind her ear. Her head turned, allowing him to torment her more. Her entire body was covered in gooseflesh and shivers racked her relentlessly. She fought the invisible hold; the power was making her wild. Being held down only made her ache and fight for more when her skin was already on fire. By the time his mouth slid to her breasts, she was speaking incoherently. When he scored her tight nipples with his teeth, her entire back bowed. The pain in her womb was long gone, but the agony of not finding release was surely going to kill her.

  “It won’t, my greedy Goddess,” he said with a tight smile against her skin. Either he’d read her mind or she’d said the words aloud, she wasn’t sure. It didn’t matter when his tongue flicked her nipple as he watched her before leaning in and sucking hard enough that she cried out as his hand plumped and tweaked the other tight tip.

  “It will kill me,” she snapped, feeling wild and out of control. The winds whipped around them as she sent power to cool her overheated skin. The rain turned to steam the second it touched her.

  Too hot.

  More water fell. The drops cascaded down her flushed cheeks and slipped over her lips. She licked them off, and when he growled against her skin, she opened her eyes. His were intent on her mouth.

  She licked them again and watched his entire body tense. His outstretched wings rose above them as he lifted his torturous mouth from her breast. She breathed out. Finally he would finish this.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to those lips?” he growled.

  “Yes.” She nodded, eagerly lifting her chest closer to his lips. “But you would need to free yourself first,” she challenged, more than ready to torment him as much as he had her.

  “Soon.” He growled and shifted his body until he was kneeling on the ground at the end of the lounge before pulling her closer to his questing hands and lips. More water washed over her face, her hair… her exposed breasts.

  She watched the drops slide over his short dark hair, down his neck, his wings, over his beautiful coarse jaw. She moaned. His eyes held hers as he leaned in. The second he set his lips to her mound, she cried out and bucked against the hold on her hips again. His hands slid under her backside to angle her up, spreading her wider with her knees at her sides, displaying all of her intimate places to his hungry gaze. Her breathing stilted as he lowered his head. Her back lifted the second his tongue slid over the wet flesh between her thighs.

  A silent scream caught in her throat as her neck tilted back with an agonizing release. Her fingers grasped the short drenched strands of his hair, not finding enough to pull as he licked and sucked her slowly, groaning in pleasure.

  His voice was harsh in her head, just one more erotic provocation that she couldn’t process. You taste so damned good, thea mou. Come again. Give me more. His tongue lashed and circled before sucking her hard, drawing more pleasure than she’d ever known existed. He buried his face against her, his breath hot, his tongue slipping inside her body as water washed down her aching thighs.

  She couldn’t do it again, no matter what he demanded, no matter how much she wanted to. His ruthless kisses were destroying her, building the need all over again until she thought she’d die. When his tongue slid down to her backside, her body shuddered as her eyes shot to his in surprised pleasure.

  His looked feverish, as feverish as she felt at his demands.

  When he spoke, his voice was a harsh growl. “Do you give yourself to me?”

  She moaned and nodded, thinking she already had. That apparently wasn’t enough for him as he pushed two fingers inside her and lashed his tongue against her. Say the words.

  She couldn’t form more than the one. “Yes.”

  His fingers spread inside her as they pumped. “Good. That’s it, widen enough to take me, thea mou.” Those ruthless fingers toyed with her for long minutes, stretching her until three fingers were invading her. He bit into her thigh as he watched her opening for him like a male starved. His tongue lashed at the sting created by his teeth. It was too much.

  He growled, “I could feast on you for days, but right now I need my cock inside you so bad I can barely breathe.”

  “Yes.” She echoed her last word.

  “You want my cock?”

  She could guess what that word meant before the translation became clear in her mind. “Yes. Now,” she demanded.

  His other hand rubbed the water from his hair as he lifted up, still watching her as he used power to slip from the dark leggings clinging to his body. The second he was bare for her, she was mesmerized by the beauty of her male. His cock jutted up against his stomach, enthralling her. She was intoxicated by everything he did to her; every glance and touch was like lightning charging her body. It had been a very long time, but never had anything been like this.

  When he crawled over her, taking her mouth beneath his, she tasted herself. Her fingers wrapped around his neck, her nails digging into his skin. Wet flesh slid against more hot skin as her breasts meshed against him.

  Finally. Her hips, no longer held immobile, tilted for him. He slid a hand between them and she breathed out when she felt the thick hot crown slowly push inside her. She moaned and her vision blurred with the primal pleasure of being filled. It was nothing like she’d ever known. It was as if they were one by the time he fully breached her, inch by slow exciting inch.

  You feel so damned good wrapped around me. Your tight pussy was made for me, he growled in her mind, and she finally breathed when he pulled out only to push back in and hit a spot that made her cry out in pleasure. He rolled his hips and thrust inside her over and again, hitting a spot that made her keen and throb around him as she panted through it.

  He wasn’t finished. He slowed for moments and then powered inside her with a force that took her over. She mewled and begged for more. Her words were incoherent demands for him to take her harder. Faster. And he gave her what she wanted. Their bodies slapped together with brilliant force as water slid between them and down his wings. Harsh grunts and moans lit the skies thundering above them. Power barreled out like a hurricane, lifting water from the nearby pools. She felt the elements themselves spin and blend impossibly as they came together in a wild roar of passion. Her entire body lifted from the padding before they came crashing down. She watched, enthralled, as his neck arched while his thick arms tensed ruthlessly as he roared his climax to the sky. Hot seed pulsed deep inside her. They stayed like that, him on top of her, inside her as he kissed her forehead, her eyes.

  Every muscle felt relaxed until she couldn’t even hold onto his shoulders anymore. He’d given her some of his weight, enough that she felt perfectly snuggled instead of suffocated. His forehead met hers as their breathing evened out. She didn’t remember his fingers in her hair, but they were when his thumbs stroked in soft circles along her jaw. She smiled as he leaned in to kiss her lips.

  Gently. Reverently.


  That was her last thought before darkness took her.

  Chapter 7

  Mystical Lake, Earth Realm

  Hades hadn’t taken his eyes off Hroarr since the bastard issued the last demand for his sister’s return. Pothos’ telepathic warning from Thule indicated that they needed to be watchful of the God, but Hades had already known there was something wild and dangerous about the male.

  I don’t like this, Sacha said.

  Don’t worry, agapi mou. I will take care of everything, he answered with dark anticipation, finally able to breathe easier knowing that his son was leaving that damned world. It made focusing on Hroarr and the beasts his primary concern. The muscles along his bare chest pulled tight and his wings flexed against the magic of the beasts while imagining tearing those cats to pieces. The need to battle was strong and emotions were high with tension and worry. Fighting the other God would be a very satisfying release.

  But first he would see that the others were freed and protected. For the moment he need only bide his time, because if Hroarr could somehow shake free of the beasts’ power, then Hades had no doubt that he would be able to do the same.

  Power was slowly changing around them. The wild winds had changed direction, shrieking furiously through the darkly shrouded forest.

  Sacha’s voice sounded over the angry tumult. “You’ll soon have verification that your sister is safe.”

  Before her words were fully out, the currents shifted again, crackling with electricity as lightning sliced down from the black sky. Thunder rocked the ground beneath their feet while the powerful beasts hissed their displeasure. Both stalked to stand before Hroarr, confirmation that the bastard was responsible for the display.

  Tension filled the thick, charged air before heavy gusts of now icy mist whipped over Hades’ bare flesh and wings like shards of glass.

  The male’s voice rumbled over it all. “My sister’s presence is the only acceptable verification.”

  A primal blast of power shook everything around them, even the watery portal pulsed and shimmered in its wake. And then Hroarr was free and stalking forward above the water’s surface. The elements themselves seemed at the dangerous God’s very command.

  Sacha sent a wave of personal power through their bond, knowing his intention. Hades used her immense porting ability and snapped free, breaking into a million pieces before reforming a few feet ahead of his Goddess. He rolled his shoulders, reveling in the freedom to flex his outstretched wings.


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