Covered by Bubbles

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Covered by Bubbles Page 2

by Gracie Meadows

  “I’m sorry about that. Sometimes they act first and think second. He’s a dinosaur when it comes to how he does things.” He watched as a smirk came across her face.

  “It's okay, officer, shit happens and rolls downhill. I get it, honest. No need to apologize. So let’s get this paperwork shit done, I’m in serious need of a shower and a drink.” She reached around, taking off her wig, making her natural hair come cascading down and around her shoulders. He was right about the color, but it had a soft curl to it and he suddenly felt the need to run his fingers through it before grabbing her and kissing her senseless while he rammed his cock in and out as she screamed his name. Shaking his head, he tried to focus on the task at hand.

  “Please, Ms. Anderson, call me Chance, and we do need you to fill out paperwork. Do you mind riding to the station with me and my partner?” Chance really hoped she didn’t care, hell, even if she did he would make sure she came with them anyways. It was odd to see a woman with her beauty, acting so calm at the situation that just happened. Not to mention shooting someone, and in the dick of all places. He didn’t want to tell her that he was proud of her, as he was always told to serve and protect. He couldn't agree with shooting someone. However, the fact remained she had avoided getting raped, or even killed.

  “Well, crap, I don’t suppose I could take my car can I. Damn, okay, let’s get this over with.” He pointed the way to the car, and nodded to Dylan as he opened the door to the back. Dylan Turner had been his partner now for almost ten years. They first met while they attended the police academy, and both put in to work the Rockledge area by fate. Chance grew up in the military and had decided he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps and joined the academy. Dylan, on the other hand, had come up from the typical broke home, but it was his father that had raised him with a strict hand. His mother was killed when he was only eight from a mugging gone wrong. Since then, Dylan had longed to protect those around him from criminals.

  Dylan watched as Chance loaded up the suspect, who oddly enough was a private detective for some small agency. He could see how Chance was acting around her. He had only had a glance at her, but at first look he could see she had a smoking body that he wanted to explore more, preferably with his tongue. It didn’t take long to get her loaded into the car and they drove the fifteen minutes to the station.

  “Umm, I’m sorry, Ms. Anderson, but do you need to see a doctor or anything.” Dylan wanted to make some type of small talk as the tension in the air was thick. He knew she was only defending herself, just by the scratches on the guy and hell, she shot him in the dick. He smiled, not sure if it was intentional, or accidental, either way it was a great shot. Once they got to the station, she had removed her wig and he was shocked by the blowing soft looking blonde hair that now flowed freely around her. She was stunning. It also didn’t hurt that she had a delectable ass. He openly admitted that he was an ass man, and she could bend over and stand in front of him anytime. Shifting his pants, he followed Chance into the station with her. He didn’t know what would come from this incident, but just getting some back story on her, she had been on the job for about five years.

  Chance led her into one of the interrogation rooms and he once again followed her. “Dude, can you stay with her while I get the paperwork and something for her to drink.” Chance had asked him while he started to walk out of the room. He nodded in agreement and took a seat opposite her. Trying to stay professional, he asked to see her license and other identification. He would need them anyway to make copies, but he needed to see for himself that she was real. Smiling, she agreed and pulled them out of her small purse. He looked at the picture of her and was amazed at how she looked when she was smiling. She was beautiful, there was no other word to describe it.

  “So, Ms. Anderson, could you tell me what happened in exact detail.” She let out a large sigh and rolled her eyes before telling him the details. He was amazed by her recollection of detail on the event that happened. Once she was done, she filled out the proper paperwork and statement before her friend showed up to take her home. He was shocked at how much she stirred his inner caveman. He wanted to pull her from her friend and clean her head to toe, then dry her off with his tongue. Yeah, he had it bad, and he didn’t even know anything about her, other than the basics. He might have to change that. However, Chance must have been thinking the same thing.

  Chance was glad Dylan was showing some interest in the sexy Brandie. He wanted a way to get a hold of her. “Brandie, is there an easier way to get a hold of you? I know you work for Heels for Hire, Inc., but if you need some help, here is my cell number. I think it would be great if we got together sometime.” Shit, did he really just say that? “I mean, that is if we run into each other, or work on a case together, maybe we could help each other?” There that sounded better, at least I hope it did. She smiled at him and handed him a business card before programing his number into her cell phone.

  “Well, Thing One and Thing Two. I need to get going. On the back of the card has my cell, but you can call the office anytime. Just ask for Bubbles.” He looked at her, did she really say Bubbles?

  “Bubbles?” He watched as she turned pink and her friend started laughing. Crap, did he miss something? Did he have lunch still in his teeth? Quickly running his tongue along them, she answered.

  “Yes, it’s my handle. We don’t give our real names out, well in this case, you have it because of official paperwork. I’m Bubbles, well for various reasons, and you have Smokey Eyes over there. The other two are at the office.” He was dying to ask her about her name again, when her friend pulled her along. “Well, I got to go, Thing One. Have fun protecting and serving, officers.” She raised her hand to wave at Dylan. “Later, Thing Two.” And with that, he watched her walk out the door. He knew he was smiling ear to ear, and Dylan was just leaning against the doorframe looking at her picture he photocopied earlier.

  “You like her too. She sure is something,” he said to Dylan.

  “Yeah, something. More like a royal pain in the ass, but you know how I’m an ass man. I would love to pop her bubble though.” It seemed they both were on the same page.

  Bubbles walked in, never so happy to be home. She needed a shower, and a serious scrub down. She would prefer to take a bath, but looking at her state of wear she didn’t think that was advisable. Stripping out of her now torn hooker dress, she would have to throw the boots and dress away. She knew it was going to cost her with Rainbow to get her new boots, but sometimes things couldn’t be helped. Walking around in just a pair of panties, she flicked on her radio, turning it to her favorite station. After a second she started to feel better. She made her way into the shower to wash away the grime. Even though she got the information for the client, and almost got, well, she knew the asshole wouldn’t get far. But the highlight was seeing Thing One and Thing Two. They both rated an eleven on her yummy scale, and that was almost as high as chocolate. Smiling to herself, she washed her body three times with her favorite jasmine, cherry blossom soap. She could only find the stuff in a few places, but it was so worth it. The sweet floral smell was light, but playful.

  Once she was washed her stomach growled, making her realize she hadn’t eaten in a while. Although, Thing One did offer. She just couldn’t stomach vending food. Pulling on a small blue robe she had, she headed into the kitchen. Knowing she had some left over Chinese in the fridge she could heat up, she went about her task. She didn’t cook much, at least not something she couldn’t freeze for the next couple of days. Shockingly it was Smokey Eyes who could cook up a storm. Rainbow could bake like you couldn’t believe, but poor Coffee, nope, that poor girl loved her microwave. Quickly popping the food into her trusty friend she pressed the start button. Waiting for the beep, one of her favorite songs came on. Running over, she tripped on the rug but managed to catch herself. Smooth move you dork. She started dancing in a circle until the magic beep snapped her out of her groove. Pulling a fork out, she started to dig into her pe
pper steak and veggies. Swaying in the living room as she ate lifted her spirits. You put the lime in the coconut and shake it all about. Over and over again she hummed and ate. Now grateful she lived alone because she knew she looked like a dork dancing and eating in her living room. She was having her own dinner party, and the best part was she didn’t have to do dishes.

  Finishing her food, Brandie threw her fork into the sink, and the container in the trash. Her song had ended, but she still moved as yet another song came on. She was in the mood to dance. She couldn’t do it well, but hell if she didn’t have fun dancing at home. Wonder if Thing One and Thing Two likes to dance? Maybe in the bedroom? What was she thinking? She was anti-men right now, after Duncan. He was a great guy, but he wanted a stay-at-home wife who would pop out some kids and have dinner ready when he got home. She wasn’t like that. Yeah, sure, she wanted to have kids one day, but not now. She had some time, and she didn’t want to have to stop her career because he told her to. Needless to say it ended, and last she heard, he was dating someone else. Well, good for him. NOT. She didn’t want to think about him right now.

  Her feet started to hurt, she was starting to get tired, and her body ached. This was normal after she worked out hard, or kicked some dude's ass and shot his nuts off. Smiling to herself, she headed into her room. She sat down on the bed and winced. Leaning on her side, she looked over her shoulder and down at her ass, she saw she had actually scrapped and bruised it pretty good. Talk about getting caught on your ass. She stood, then walked into the bathroom and found some cream for her ass. Quickly she applied some and instantly started to feel better. Guess it was going to be a side or stomach sleeping time. Pulling her trusty and favorite Tigger pillow pet, she pulled her covers back. The soft quilt was just what she needed after a really long and shitty day. Hugging her Tigger, she climbed in after removing her robe. The clean cold sheets felt welcome to her skin. Reaching over, she clicked off the light and closed her eyes. She knew it was a shitty day, but she would sure enjoy the hell out of a night dreaming of Thing One and Thing Two. She wondered who would be the more dominate one, and hell even if they would share. She knew of course this was all in her mind, but hell, a girl could dream.

  She made a note to find out more information from Coffee about them, just in case she needed their help with something. After all, it would be nice to give them a heads up if she was in the area, even if it was undercover. Then she could avoid officer lard ass again. Sleep started to come and the last thing she thought about was the deep look both men gave her when she flirted back with them. Hell yeah, sister still has it going on. Yep, good dreams to come.

  Chapter Three

  It had been a couple days and Bubbles was feeling like her old self, not that she hadn’t before, but her ass was now healed, and the asshole was in recovery. “Seriously, Bubbles, if you don’t wrangle them up, I think Rainbow and I will take them for a ride.” That's all she'd been hearing since she was dragged into the police station with Thing One and Thing Two. She hadn't heard from either of them since then, but wonderful Coffee had indeed looked them up to show everyone how hot they really were. She didn’t know what to do. She could call them, but the reality was that she would have to choose one of them, and she didn’t want that. She kinda liked the idea of being tucked between two men in the sheets. That would be the extent of their connection. Smiling, she shook her head and followed Coffee into the conference room.

  “So spill, what’s the next case. I am itching to do something other than stupid paperwork.” She knew she started to sound whiny, but she wasn’t one to sit and do nothing. That is one reason she liked this job. She could work here and there as needed.

  “Well, actually I am glad you spoke up, we have a small situation. It seems we will actually be working with Rockledge police on this one. A number of small expensive cars have gone missing. Including Mrs. Rio’s 1961 Ferrari Spider that her husband bought her right before his passing. She is distraught and wants us to find it and bring it back to her. Since the thefts are already in the database, I have them on file. But I need you to head over there and get the witness reports. Here is the file and I will talk to you all later.” With that Coffee walked into the office shutting her door, effectively leaving them alone.

  “So how are we doing this one?” Bubbles asked. She knew right off that all of them would want a chance to work this case. It was fun doing something out of the normal routine for them.

  “I say we rock-paper-scissor,” Smokey Eyes stated.

  “That’s so not fair, we all get stuck with the crap when we play with you. I say we draw straws,” Rainbow chimed in. Bubbles didn’t like that idea, Rainbow had learned right off how to work that to her advantage.

  “Nope, we shoot for it,” Bubbles countered.

  “Really, you want to play basketball now?”

  “Umm, no you dork, we shoot rubber bands, since there is no firing range anywhere close to here.” The girls seemed to be up for the idea and started to make a line, dumping the rubber bands on the ground.

  “Okay, on the count of three. One…two…”

  Dylan just hung up the phone with the newest victims in the vehicle thefts. The cars they are taking are not normally found in today’s market. They spanned to classic cars. He could see those taking higher cars to strip for parts, but this was off. He heard someone call his name and as soon as he looked up, he was stunned. Standing up quickly, he smiled at the extremely sexy Brandie Anderson. “Ms. Anderson, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He pointed to the chair in front of his desk as she sat down and crossed her long legs. Today she was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged every curve of her legs, leaving him panting for more. Her blue top only brought out the color of her eyes more. She smiled at him and started to pull out a file from her bag.

  “Please, either call me Brandie, or Bubbles. Mrs. Anderson is my mother, not me.” He watched as her smile started to fade from the mention of her mother. He remembered reading somewhere that her mother died when she was little.

  “Okay, sounds fair, so, Bubbles, what can I do you for?”

  “Actually, I am here to work with you. I was assigned to work a vehicle theft that a client wants us to find. So I would like to work together to get this done. I figured that would be easier than us running around in circles only getting bits and pieces from each other. It would save time as well.”

  Dylan thought about it, and he knew that it must have been Mrs. Rio’s car. It was amazing and valued over five million dollars. He knew right away that Chance would jump at the chance; however, he didn’t think it was wise to have her do the dirty work. But he could use her to talk to the victims. He hated that part and normally it was Chance who did that part. He was just the muscle of the partners. Before he could answer, his partner's voice rang out.

  “Sure, I think it’s a great idea. We are short people and need all the help we can get.” Chance must have just come back from doing whatever the hell Chance did. “And with you around, I am sure we will get information out of some of the local shops.” Chance smiled at her as he pounded Dylan on the back. It wasn’t a friendly pat either, it was a more of a 'what the hell are you thinking, dumbass, let her help', type of smack.

  Chance couldn’t believe his luck. He had actually debated calling the sexy as hell Brandie or Bubbles this morning after his shift. He had thought of nothing else but her amazing eyes, and yes, her smoking body. But he also liked the fact she was real with them when it came to her answers. She looked like she could play the poor blonde victim, but in reality, she could wipe the floor with them. That wouldn’t stop him from worrying about her when she went on assignment, but he wanted to make nice with her so when she did, she would tell them. However, luck or fate was on their side today as she came to them.

  “Really, that would be great. I hate the 'he said she said' crap. This would help us both. And with my mad spy skills we will have no trouble getting the cars back. At least now when I go to talk to people
I have badges with me.” She stood and started rubbing her hands together as she started to walk back and forth. He watched her, but then was lost in whatever she said when she walked away from him. He hadn't noticed before, 'cause she was sitting, but her jeans hugged her ass like a glove, and he just wanted to bite the soft globes. She cleared her throat and he looked up. Shit, she caught me staring. Trying to play it cool, he sat on the edge of the desk.

  “So I think we need to brainstorm, but I’m a little fried. We had late shift and get off in about thirty minutes. How about we meet you for coffee at the bakery across the street. We just need to finish up the paperwork here and we can have a drink?” He knew he really needed to go home and sleep since he was coming off night shift, just like Dylan, but any time he could spend with her, he would take.

  “Umm, don’t you guys have to do this on company time? I mean, I don’t want to get you in trouble or anything.”

  “Nah, the chief is pretty easy to deal with. Plus we only have this case, since it involves several people with money. We can’t normally run leads during the night, but you could help with the day stuff until next week. That's when we go back to days.” He gave her his most innocent smile, hoping she would be okay with this arrangement. The truth was he could do just about anything and his chief didn’t give a rat’s ass. Half the time the man wasn’t in there, and when he was, he was on the phone with someone. He was trying to head into the political office, so this case was a priority to the chief. The rich people of this county would help line his pocket for the running of what political office he aspired. Personally, he wouldn’t vote for him.


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