Covered by Bubbles

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Covered by Bubbles Page 8

by Gracie Meadows

  “So we solve this case, pull Trent out, beat the shit out of him, and set him straight, then we fuck Bubbles until she pops that outer shell and agrees to be with us. Simple,” Chance stated matter of fact.

  “That could work.”

  “It will work, trust me I got this,” he joked. People knew Chance as the lighthearted one, and he was, it was a middle child syndrome to want to see everyone smile. So he cracked jokes, and goofed around, but this time he was serious. They finished their beer and decided to head back to talk with her. They needed to find out more about her before they jump in bed together and let hormones run wild. Once trust was earned on both sides, it would work better for all of them.

  Opening the garage door, they saw her car was gone and knew she left. Shit. Well, now time for plan two. Figure out her next move and try to avoid anything drastic. Walking into the house, they spotted her note, and his heart sunk. They must have hurt her more than they thought, but what she didn’t know was that even though she didn’t want to work together, she had to since they now had a contract in place with her company and the department. She may not like it, but she was tied to them, at least until this case was done.

  Brandie woke up groggy and in serious need of a shower and a toothbrush. After she came home yesterday, she curled up with her favorite movie and a pint of ice cream before heading to bed and finishing off the ache she was left with last night. She didn’t need a man when she had a toy who could do everything within two minutes flat. No muss no fuss. Quickly she showered and dressed for the day with the girls. Coffee wanted to come but she was working on something so it was just Rainbow and Smokey Eyes.

  She arrived at the restaurant in record time and ordered all of them something to drink and some cheesy fries as an appetizer. It didn’t take long for the girls to arrive. Both looked amazing like normal. Smokey Eyes was a bit shorter than Rainbow, but both turned heads. Smokey Eyes had amazing long brown hair that flowed around her in a chestnut halo, and green eyes that sparkled, while Rainbow, well, she was always up to something. She had her hair in a side pony and currently it was a mix of brown and red. But she was happy to see both were wearing yoga type pants and t-shirts so she didn’t look like such a bum by herself.

  Each of them gave her a hug before they sat down, taking a drink of their drinks.

  “So, kiddo, what’s going on with the hottie cops?” Leave it to Rainbow to be blunt. “You sleep with them yet, and if so, alone, or together?” wiggling her eyebrows at her.

  She couldn’t help but blush as she tried to avoid it, but she was going to have to face them anyway.

  “Fine, whatever, yes, I slept with one of them, Dylan, in a heat of the moment thing. But when the three of us went to play, I joked with them because they were talking about being together and that I was theirs yadda yadda. But then they left. Just like that. The fuckers left me hanging too. Shit, I was naked on their bed, and they left. I am so done with men. However, that’s not why I wanted to talk to you girls. I wanna set up a small sting and go deep inside this thing.” She proceeded to tell them about what happened at the bar with Dylan and that she wanted to go back by herself and see if she could get them to talk to her.

  “Listen, chick, I’m all up for wanting this solved and such, but they seem a little bigger than our avenger person. You will need some serious equipment so we can keep track of you and them. Then you need a gun or knife to hide,” Smokey Eyes quipped. She was the one who knew more about the equipment she would need to be wired for sound, along with GPS to follow her movements, and then everything they would need for a possible visible surveillance. She had all the hook ups, and knew exactly what she would need. “Give me about two days, then go back. I can get some things together. Do tell, do the men know?”

  “I don’t think so, I am not dealing with those pricks, I can’t.”

  “Oh, hon, you do know you have to, right? The chief signed a contract and everything with Coffee and set it up so we are working with them. We are consulting, so you have to talk to them at some point. Plus, it's not like you to sit back and stay quiet. Stop being a whiny bitch and pull up your big girl panties and deal with it, damn it!” Rainbow yelled. Brandie had to turn her head to look to see who was looking at her at that moment. She didn’t want to draw any attention to her.

  It didn’t take long for them to order and food to come. She was happy that both her friends ate like normal people and not chicks who ate salads to stay thin. Yes, they needed to stay in shape, but that was simply because they needed to be able to run after or away from a situation. Soon food was done and she wanted to head home. She was curious about what the bug had captured but like Rainbow said, she was working with them and they had to provide her with that information now. But she had no intentions of sharing what she was going to do. Both of them would freak out and tell her no and stop her, but her plan was great, and she didn’t need their damn permissions, they were assholes.

  Saying goodbye to the girls, she headed out and to her home. She wanted a long bath and then she would email the men the ideas. Crap she had to find out about the auction too. Grrr, this wasn’t working out the way she wanted. Hell, she didn’t think she would find much, if anything it would be stolen cars, but the owner might not cop to who took them. That is what she needed to figure out, and right now the men at the bar were her best option. Happy with her choice, she made it home in no time.

  Pulling up her laptop, she typed up her ideas and after she found both Dylan’s and Chance’s email, sent them. There, see she could play nice if she had to. Heading to the fridge, she pulled out a wine cooler and headed to take a nice long bubble bath, not thinking about anything at all.

  Chapter Ten

  It had been two days since Dylan had heard from Brandie. She had been avoiding them and it was pissing him off. He stopped by her house, and she was conveniently gone. He waited only to find out she went to stay at a friend’s house. He would get reports about her ideas and thoughts through an email. He finally resorted to texting her. She didn’t respond but after a while he finally broke the shell, stating he would track her down if she didn’t respond. According to her friend, Rainbow, who was all too happy to spill the beans that the rejection they did to her made her second guess men, and that just didn’t sit well with him. He wanted her and no one else. She was his and Chance’s and she was sure going to know it tonight. Pulling out his phone, he sent her a text.

  Dylan: Hi…

  Brandie: What do U want Dylan, I’m working.

  Dylan: I want to C U.

  Brandie: NO. I’m done. U f’d up big!

  Dylan: Had our reasons.

  Brandie: F* ur reasons. I’m done. I don’t do games.

  Dylan needed to find a way to get her to forget about that damn night he fucked up, him and Chance. Knowing she was one who loved information, he used his secret weapon, well, not really a secret, but it was one he was going to use anyway.

  Dylan: Do U want 2 know what I found on bug?

  Brandie: Um duh! Send me email

  Dylan: No over dinner. My house 7.

  Brandie: No can do. Got plans

  Dylan: Plans? With who?

  Brandie: Y Jealous?

  Dylan: Yes, Ur ours. No one else touches!

  Brandie: Awe Thing One, didn’t know U cared.

  Dylan: Yes I do! My house 7!!

  Brandie: Cant, plans remember.

  Dylan: Cancel!

  Brandie: Nope wont work. Will txt U after OK?

  Dylan: What R Ur plans?

  Brandie: Now that would be telling. J

  Dylan: Brandie….

  Dylan: Tell me… Please

  Brandie: Have work w/ the girls. I will txt okay.

  Dylan: Fine Be safe!

  Brandie: I always am ;)

  Dylan: No ur not! Seriously be safe!

  Brandie: Fine I will. Bye! ((hugs))

  Dylan looked over the text again and smiled. He knew she couldn’t stay that mad at him once he got her talk
ing. He knew in his gut they were going to be together, and if not, he would hound her until she gave them a second chance.

  Dylan knew he didn’t have anything on the bug, just information that certain people were looking for certain cars. No names and no locations. He planned on going back tomorrow during the day and use Brandie's connections to try to plant more bugs. He couldn’t risk himself going back and Trent seeing him. In the meantime, he quietly asked Coffee, the girl’s computer geek, to look into his history for him, off the record. She was hesitant, but agreed when he explained that Trent was his brother and he was worried and didn’t want Brandie to get mixed with him. He had also gotten the information from Coffee about the prick who left the number in Brandie's, um, top. It seemed that it went to a call service, but nothing else. So he was happy that it didn’t lead to anything big, but at the same time disappointed that it didn’t give him any leads. Sending another text to Chance, he told him about Brandie's night out working.

  They both spoke more in length about her and how to handle her. It seemed that she didn’t take not getting what she wanted hard. That was something they were going to have to rectify. She would be theirs, but it would be a give and take relationship, not one sided. He admitted he was hesitant in starting a relationship with her, but in the end it would be worth it. He was nothing like his dad, and Brandie sure as hell was not even close to his mother. Chance, on the other hand, had a great relationship with his family, and he was almost positive they would welcome the three of them with open arms. Chance was taking it a bit harder because he honestly thought she would have stayed, but like all things in life, you never know what to expect. Deciding to grab some coffee before he went into the station, he headed to the coffee shop with all thoughts of Brandie on his brain and the many things he would like to do to and with her.

  Brandie looked at the phone amazed at how much Dylan had played her. He knew exactly what to say to get her to talk to him. That bastard! Shaking her head, she started to get dressed. She wasn’t lying too much when she said she was working, she just didn’t say she was going back to the bar. She had every intention of making herself seen and maybe play nice with the prick and get him to slip some information her way. She didn’t want to wear the same thing, so she pulled on a short jean skirt and a black tight fitted top. It showed off her boobs, thanks to her new friend, the water bra. Pulling her hair in ponytail once again, she put on make-up and was out the door. Since she didn’t have a bike to ride like Dylan, she took a cab. Coffee and the girls already took care of a hotel for her. That was if she allowed one of them to drop her off, making it look like he left her.

  The cab pulled into the bar and she handed him the money and scooted out, praying everything she was strapped with stayed. In addition to her new water bra, Rainbow hooked her up with a tracker in the heel of her boot. A small recorder in her earrings, and a knife on the side of her thong panties. She wanted to wear her gun, but she didn’t have Dylan to keep an eye out that she didn’t show. Yes, she could have put one in her boot, but it would have shown in those damn things too. Opening the door, she was happy to see they weren't there yet, so she walked to the bar and took a seat the best she could. Placing a twenty on the bar, she asked for a beer and a shot of tequila. She didn’t really want it, but she needed to pretend she was down from being kicked to the curb, and nothing says desperation like a women drinking tequila. She quickly did a shot and left the lime and salt sit next to her to show she had been here longer than she looked.

  She pulled out her phone and reread the text she had with Dylan. She liked him in his flirty mode. He seemed to be the tough one, and Chance was the fun flirty one. She needed to figure out what the hell she wanted and just go with it. Not all men were like Duncan. He was an upper-class prick who couldn’t take a woman being in charge. That didn’t seem to be the case with Chance and Dylan. They both seemed to really like the fact she was her own person. Maybe she just needed to let go more. She knew she was closed off and used to taking control in bed, and that seemed to be something both men wanted to control. Why couldn’t she try it? It’s not like both of them asked her to stop working and play housewife and mommy. Shit, she was still her own person. What if she did sleep with both of them the other night, what then? Maybe she did need to think more about it before she jumped. She needed to jump with both feet, and not just dip her toes in the water, expecting everything to be warm as bath water.

  She would wait another ten minutes and then she would leave and ask if the guys would do dinner. But to her amazement the suits finally came in. She ordered another shot and left it there, playing with it to let them see her. Like last time, they sat in the back of the bar and the others kept lookout. But this time she was watching more closely. She had missed a bunch of men who sat down and started to talk to them. She looked over and they were all shaking hands. Looking around, she noticed the same prick from last time was there, but with a bruise on the side of his face. Trying to stifle a giggle when his eyes locked on hers. She didn’t know what to do, so she would play coy. Lowering her eyes, she tried to make herself blush and turn to her drink. She took a deep breath and did the shot of tequila followed up by the lime. As she pulled the lime out of her mouth, she felt someone gently rub a finger down her arm.

  “I see your old man isn't here? Did he get senile and forget you?” the prick purred in her ear. She wanted to gag as his breath smelled sickly sweet, like bourbon and cigars.

  “Something like that,” she retorted and went to order another shot. She knew her limit before she started to get even the tiniest bit fuzzy. And to her luck, Mac was working and didn’t give her as much as the other. That is something she was grateful for.

  “You telling me you’re all alone?” this time letting his finger run down her body until he reached her thigh, making small circular motions with his fingers.

  “Yep, it seems he forgot all about me when his new toy came into town. Now I’m stuck,” taking in a deep breath, then sighing as if she was hurt by this fact.

  “Well, sweet thing, you’re lucky I came in tonight. What’s your name?”

  “Bubbles, my name is Bubbles.”

  “I like it. Come sit with us and we will take care of you.” Not giving her a choice, he grabbed her hand, pulling her with him. She followed trying to get a good look at everyone at the table. She saw a guy that looked like Dylan but younger and clean shaved. An older man in his mid-fifties talking to the guys from the bar. She knew them right away, and prayed they wouldn’t remember seeing her at the station. They were the kids that were picked up for the BE, breaking and entering, at a local coffee shop. No evidence was provided, but she remembered the facts about them. Turning her attention back to the man who seemed to be the ring leader. She allowed the prick to pull her along until she was next to the group of men.

  “Hey, boss, you remember Bubbles, right? She was here the other night. Seems her old man skipped town and forgot his toys. Think we can keep her?” She suddenly felt dirty and in dire need of a hot shower to wash away the slim from him touching and talking to her like that.

  “Bubbles, huh, your old man seemed pretty pissed off the other night. Ruined a perfectly good meeting. Guess you weren’t as important as he led everyone to believe. Come sit by me.” He scooted over, allowing her to sit next to him on the bench seat.

  “No, I guess not.” She tried to act hurt by his words.

  “Oh, come now, it will be okay. How about a drink?” She looked up and told him she wanted tequila. The prick left her sitting next to the boss man. He wrapped an arm around her and she tried to smile up at him. He caressed her shoulder and she stilled when she felt her body shutter. He leaned over to whisper in her ear.

  “Let the big boys finish this meeting and then we can take you back to my place and let the real party begin.” She could only nod at his words. Soon the shots were distributed and she took hers without a second guess. The men around her seemed to settle in and started talking.

o we have an order. Seems we have some new customers who want something more exotic. Let's see what you can find. Try to look elsewhere. It seems this is the best cover we have had. The cops are looking for missing cars and going to be running back and forth to cover the real operations we have going on. Stupid small town hick cops. That’s why I love small towns. So worried about pleasing the local big wig and people with money, that they don’t even see what is happening. So you think you can fill this one in, and then we should be done with the town,” Mr. Bossy said. She had yet to catch his name, but as his hand moved to caress her thigh she needed another shot so she didn’t stab him were he sat. Her head was spinning trying to figure out what was the big thing she was missing. Cars were where all the focus was set, but nothing out of ordinary showed either. Racking her brain, she tried to think.

  “Get the drugs settled and when we ship a car, we send another five. We got high praises for the stuff.” She started to cough when he said drugs. They were selling drugs in her town. How the hell didn’t she know that? Because no one ever had issues with drugs in this town. Damn it, this was bigger than she thought.

  “Sure, boss, we can do that.” The same prick who grabbed her shoved another drink in front of her and this time she didn’t hesitate and knew that if something was in it she had the girls watching her. Needing to get out of here, she went to stand.

  “Whoa, baby, were you going?” Mr. Boss guy said.

  “Sorry, I gotta pee,” she said, trying to stand, but he held her steady.

  “You come right back, got it!” he commanded and she knew she needed to think quickly on her feet. She nodded her answer like a dumb stupid drunk blonde and headed toward the bathroom. As soon as she entered, she saw prick guy follow her and stand by the door. Fuck a duck, she needed to think quickly. Pulling out her cell that was tucked between her water bra, she sent a text to Rainbow that she needed a distraction. She waited the proper amount of time to pee and wash her hands before heading back out to them. Like before, she was pushed against Mr. Bossy man. She sat and was forced to do another shot and she was feeling slightly fuzzy and off balance. She was in a world of shit now and needed help because she could almost bet they put something in her last drink. Fuck! Just as she was starting to panic that she would need to leave with them, the sound of sirens started to fill the bar and the smell of smoke filled the air. Fire, awesome! Mac came around the bar and started pulling people out the back door. The prick went to grab her and drag her with them, but Mac grabbed her and told the guy to grab a hose and help. It seemed to work and before she could register what was burning, someone grabbed her and pulled her backwards covering her mouth. “Shh, Rainbow sent me. Quiet, Bubbles we got you.” The fireman she realized now picked her up and pulled her back behind the fire truck were she spotted the girls in the car. Not questioning, she jumped in as they drove off into the night and away from the now fire as the world started to go black.


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