Aftershock: A Collection of Survivors Tales

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Aftershock: A Collection of Survivors Tales Page 4

by Kristopher Lioudis

  Max and Rocky

  My dad’s a farmer. Was a farmer. Whatever. I live on a farm. Rocky is my side kick. He’s a 4 year old golden retriever. Good dog for a kid, and great at sniffing out the zombies. He’s all I’ve got left. Me and Rocky, have been kicking butt and staying alive alone for 3 weeks now. It’s hard to be 9 and alone, but I’m not really alone with Rocky.

  School got closed, and all us kids were happy as hell. I can say hell now, I’m the man of this house. Anyway, school got closed and I went over to see my best friend Trudy. Trudy wasn’t feeling good, so she was in bed. Her mom lets me go up and check on her. She told me Trudy had been asleep since last night, and hopefully her fever had broken. So I grab my backpack with our favorite Wii game and go running up to Trudy’s room.

  I get to her door, and that’s when I hear the moaning. Trudy is making this weird zombie noise. I thought she was feeling better and messing around with me. I opened the door. Trudy rushed me, and bit my arm. I screamed and ran back down the stairs, right out the front door and back home. My mom sees the bite and starts crying.

  Dad and her are sitting at the kitchen table talking about what to do when I get sick. I can’t hear much, but it’s whispers and Mom’s crying a lot. Dad put a bandage on my bite, then sends me to bed. I fell asleep real quick that night, cause I was real tired. I had dreams about Trudy all night.

  The next morning I woke up fine. Mom comes in with a gun in her hand to check on me. When she sees I’m OK, she hugs me and cries for a really long time. She gets Dad to check on me, and for a few days this was what we did. I’d wake up, Mom would bring a gun in to check on me, then she’d cry. Rocky just slept on the floor watching me. I felt fine, but my parents wouldn’t let me leave my room.

  A week goes past and Dad comes in saying I can come out now. Way he figures it, if I was gonna get sick I’d have gotten sick by now. Dad says the town is in bad shape, and we need to be careful when we go outside. My Mom still watched me like I was going to turn into a monster any second. It was really great to be out of bed, even with the looks.

  Another week went by, and we all loaded up in the truck. My parents figure we have to get to town, find out what’s going on and get some stuff. They didn’t want to leave me by myself, so Rocky and I had to go for the ride. They told me I had to stay in the truck, and not to talk to anyone. I was in charge of watching the truck.

  We get to town and it looks like a bomb went off. Windows are busted. Stuff is everywhere. There were no people. The town is usually pretty busy, so it felt weird. There were a couple of wrecked cars in the streets. The front door to the store was open, and there were boxes laying everywhere. Dad and Mom both looked really worried.

  They had a fight about getting out of the truck. Dad says it’s a bad idea. Mom says we need stuff, and maybe we might have to leave the farm. She says we got to get somewhere safe. That’s when she looked back at me. I never saw my Mom that scared. Dad’s just pissed. I can say pissed, I’m the man around here.

  Mom wins the fight, and they get out of the truck. Dad tells me to keep watch and to yell if I see anyone. I said I would, I meant it too. I really wanted to keep watch, but there were so many places to watch. So Dad and Mom go into the store, and they come running out with loads of stuff. Food stuff, medicine stuff, and weapon stuff. All the stuff we would need to get out of town.

  Then the moaning starts again. I start yelling, but I can’t see where it was coming from. I yell to them to get in the truck. They are coming and I know it! Rocky starts barking like crazy. They come running out of the store, but as Mom gets in her door she got bit. I tried real hard to keep watch, and Mom still got bit. It’s all my fault.

  Dad pulls mom into the truck and speeds off. He ran over two or three of the moaning guys as we sped away. He didn’t even look back to see what happened to them. That’s when I knew Dad didn’t see them as people, and if he didn’t neither did I. No one talked on the way home. Mom cried really quietly.

  That night Mom slept alone in a locked room. Dad went in and kissed her good night. He said good bye. I didn’t understand why he did that. If I didn’t get sick, she wouldn’t get sick. Mom called me in and kissed me good night. She said she loved me, and would always love me. She said I was her everything, and she was nothing before I was born. She really scared me. She wasn’t going to get sick. I didn’t get sick.

  The next morning Mom was sick. She had a bad fever. She got so hot. This wasn’t fair. I didn’t get sick, she shouldn’t have gotten sick. Dad sat with her for the day, and by that evening she had died. I didn’t cry. I was too scared to cry. Dad locked the door and sat down on the hall floor. He wouldn’t talk to me. Rocky followed me around. He just kept putting his head in my hands.

  In the middle of the night the moaning started. Mom was scratching at the door to get out. She wanted to bite us. I kept seeing Trudy come after me, then it would be my Mom. I stopped trying to sleep, the dreams were too bad. Dad was still sitting in the hall. Now he had a gun in his hand.

  I was so mad. ‘You aren’t going to shoot her, are you?”

  Dad didn’t say a word. He just hugged me, and pointed for me to leave. I heard the door open, and then a shot. He had shot her. He shot and killed my Mom. That’s when I cried. I sat down on the floor and cried until I was asleep. I didn’t have any dreams. I just slept.

  I woke up the next morning and found Dad outside putting the last of the dirt on my Mom’s grave. I didn’t want to talk this time, but Dad did.

  “She wasn’t your Mom anymore. Your Mom was gone.”

  “You shot her. You shot Mom. You killed her.”

  “No, Max, that thing that bit her killed her. Your Mom was gone. The thing that was left wanted to hurt us. It wanted to hurt you. Your Mom wouldn’t want that.”

  That’s all we said. I was so mad at him. I didn’t understand. He killed Mom. I thought she would have gotten better. I didn’t get sick. She could have gotten better. He’s not a doctor. He doesn’t know. I didn’t talk to him for days. I don’t know how many, but it was a long time. He killed my Mom, I didn’t want to talk to him. Rocky just kept following me. He looked worried, if a dog can look worried.

  Dad started packing up the truck one morning. He said we needed to leave. We needed to see if there was anyone else who was ok. He spent days going from room to room finding things we would need on our trip. He said if we were going to leave the farm, he was going to be sure we got everything good before we left. That meant all the canned food, water and camping stuff. We brought fishing rods, and our rifles. He even made me bring some books. Some for him, some for me. Dad said the road was going to be boring at night with no TV.

  The day before we left Dad said I needed to learn to drive. That’s when I started talking to him again. Driving was going to be fun! It took all day, but I got really good at it. Dad said it was harder for me to drive because I just reached the pedals. That and seeing over the steering wheel was hard. Dad said if we were going to have a chance, I needed to drive too. That night we practiced loading the guns. He wanted to let me shoot some, but the noise would bring the moaners.

  We got up early and did one more walk through the house. Dad grabbed a picture of Mom, and we got in the truck. I asked to run back in real quick, and I got my baby blanket. You better not think I’m a baby, I just got it because my Mom made it for me. I waved at her grave and we drove off. I know men don’t have baby blankets, it’s my Mom’s. Screw you.

  That day was hard. We drove, but kept ending up stuck where cars were blocking the road. Sometimes Dad could go around. He had to be real careful. Other times he would get out and put the car blocking the road in neutral. He’d push it out of the way. Sometimes I had to help. Rocky got really good at barking if he heard a moaner. He sat on watch the whole time. Rocky is much better at being on watch then me.

  We didn’t see anyone alive all day. A bunch of moaners were on the road and in the grass next to the road, but no real people. Dad never stopped, he just
drove around them. They were too slow to catch the truck. He hit a few as we went, but they wouldn’t get out of the way and the rest of the road was blocked. They were all ages, and colors. Some didn’t look too sick, but you knew they were.

  We had to get fuel twice. None of the gas stations worked anymore, so Dad pulled gas out of other cars. He showed me how to do it too. Said I needed to know all of this stuff so I could help keep us alive. He said I had to grow up real fast, and yea it’s not fair but it’s gotta be done. We drove a lot that day. I kept hoping we would see someone, anyone. By dinnertime I figured there was no one else left. It’s not right that the world changed so fast. I don’t think anyone saw it coming.

  Dinnertime comes and Dad says he wants to stop for the night. It’s warming up, and he says staying in the locked truck is gonna be better than trying to find a dead guy free area. I hated being in that truck all that time, but I knew he was right. Dad got all our camping supplies, except the tent because a tent in the truck would have been stupid. He lit a small fire, and we ate canned stuff for dinner. It was gross, Mom always cooked better than this, but Mom was gone and food is food.

  He put the fire out as soon as the food was cooked, and we got in the truck and locked the doors. Dad said you don’t want to draw attention to where you are. The fire would have shown the dead guys, or someone else, our spot and we wanted to sleep in peace. Once I ate and got that blanket around me I feel asleep. It was one of those times when you are awake, then its morning. I thought I would wake up to a moaner chewing on my face, but when I got up there was no one.

  Rocky was wide awake when I got up. He was staring out in the distance. I wonder if he slept at all that night. Rocky is better at watch than me. Dad woke up freaked out too. Jumped right up with that ready to fight look on his face. When he saw it was just me, him, and Rocky he calmed down. We all had to take a leak, and back then we didn’t go nowhere alone, so all three of us went out of the truck together. That’s when we heard it.

  Moaners. Sounded like a group of them. Rocky growled soft, and pushed me with his body back to the truck. We all got in and waited. Dad said starting the truck would bring them over to us so we just sat there. The sound got further away. It took forever before it was gone. Waiting sucks. Dad had me try to read my book. Said I should get my mind on something else. I couldn’t do it then, but today I can ignore the moaners. They are only scary when they are close. Even then, I can hold my own.

  We waited and waited and waited some more. About an hour after they were gone Dad got out of the truck. He grabbed breakfast and drinks out of the back of the truck. Jumps back in and hands me an empty bottle. You gotta piss he says, do it in there. We aren’t stopping unless the truck needs gas. Then we take off.

  It was hard to get very far. There was so much in our way. There were cars, or moaners. Traveling was hard, and Dad was right the nights were boring. I missed TV, and video games. I missed my friends, and I even missed school. Most of all I missed my Mom. Dad tried to keep me happy, but there wasn’t anything to be happy about anymore. I think Dad thought we would find people by now, I sure did.

  Dad was getting gas out of another car when it happened. Rocky and I were keeping watch, but we never saw it. A moaner, was a kid once, crawls out from under the car and bites Dad in the leg. He screamed and kicked the thing about 20 feet. Punted it like you would a football. That moaner was the scariest thing I ever saw. It came out of nowhere. Its small size made ambush easy for it.

  Dad finished getting the gas, and climbed in the cab. He wouldn’t look at me, or talk to me for miles. I didn’t know what to think. I know Mom got sick, but maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe I got my ability to get bit from him. Rocky whimpered a few times, I think he felt bad. Maybe he wasn’t better at watch then me. Dad pulled to a stop near a bunch of wrecked cars. He made sure the truck was on the other side so we could take off easy if things got bad.

  “I’m going to sleep in one of the other cars tonight. You and Rocky stay in here.”


  “You damn well know why Max. If I change I want you two to take off.”

  “I’m not going to leave you here!” I fought.

  “To hell you’re not! This is not a discussion Max. You know what to do, you keep going. Rocky will keep you safe. Follow the route I’m going to mark on the map. You stay safe for as long as you can. I’m sorry son, this world has gone to hell and it sucks, but you’ve gotta try to find other people. You’re different. You got bit and didn’t get sick. That’s gotta mean something. You might be the way to fix this. Find a doctor, or a scientist. Let them get a look at you. Even if it hurts, let them look. I’m sorry son. I should have done better, been more careful. I’m sorry…” That’s when Dad started to cry. Dad was tough; this scared the shit out of me.

  “You might be OK.” I hoped he would agree. He didn’t, he just shook his head and packed his stuff up to go to the other car.

  I slept really good that night. Laying down in the truck without Dad there was a lot easier. Rocky fell asleep on my legs with his head resting on the window. Morning came really fast. I did my best to check for moaners before I got out of the truck. I could see Dad in the car next me, and he didn’t look good. He looked sick like Mom. It didn’t feel real. It wasn’t fair. I already lost my Mom, now I was going to lose my Dad too. If there is a god, why would he do this to me?

  I walked over the car Dad slept in. He rolled down the window with a handle or something. I never saw anyone open a window with a car off before. He looked really sick, all sweaty and red. It wasn’t fair. He should have been ok like I was. If I didn’t get ability to stay healthy from him or my Mom, where did it come from? Dad coughed really hard and a bunch of goo came flying out of his mouth.

  “You’ve got to go Max.” he said.

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  “You have no choice son. I ain’t gonna get better. I’m going to get sick, then die. After that I’m gonna be a monster. You need to keep going, and I need you not to look back. You’re special boy. Something about you is different. Stay away from the things if you can. Don’t go near cities. Try to stay out of towns too. Kill em if you have to, but don’t go looking for trouble. You’re gonna have to do it on your own. I’m sorry son. I did so much wrong. Not just now, but before. Before all this shit started. I should have been less hard on you. I should have shown you and your mom how much you meant to me. I should have been a better man.”

  “Dad, you’re a great man. We knew you loved us. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I got mad about Mom.” I started to cry. Screw you if you laugh, my Dad was dying.

  “You’ll be ok Max. You’re a smart boy. Rocky’s one helluva dog too. You keep each other safe. I know you’re gonna be a great man one day Max. I wish I could be around to see it. Be good to other people, but be careful too. Don’t let no one walk all over you. And watch out for moaners. I love you son.”

  “I’m going to get you a gun and some food. I’ll be right back.” I said, but he motioned for me to stay.

  “You need all the guns, and dead men don’t eat kiddo.”

  I didn’t want to leave him with nothing. He was just going to sit there and rot away. I didn’t want to have him turn into a monster either. I guess that’s why he shot Mom. He didn’t want to see her that way either. It took me until then to figure that out. That’s when I went back to the truck and got the gun. I was going to be a good man just like my Dad.

  “I love you too Dad.” I said as I pulled the trigger. Clean shot, and he was gone.

  Rocky and me got in the truck and pulled away. I needed to get as far away from that spot as I could. Now its three weeks later, and all I do is drive. Driving around was fun for a while. Now it’s lame. I need to find a doctor or a scientist or some junk like that. I’ve got the cure in me, and someone will know how to find it. I just gotta find them.


  Mother was bitten today. The nice neighbors down the street came out on the lawn while we were looki
ng for food. I walked over to say hello, but Mother screamed at me to STOP! FREEZE! I did as she said because when I do what I’m told I get a Mars bar. I really like Mars bars. They are quite possibly the tastiest thing on Earth. So Mother was running toward me, but I don’t know why. She and Father always said the neighbors were “good” people so why wasn’t I allowed to say hello? I didn’t used to be able to say hello to people. It was scary and it made my head swim. We worked hard so I would be able to say hello to people. Mother and Father both said it was important. But now, Mother was screaming “STOP!” “FREEZE!”. I waved to the Nice Neighbors like she showed me. They didn’t wave back, which Mother says is rude. They started walking toward me, I thought they wanted to say hello which is polite, but Mother screamed even louder. She grabbed me at the same time the Nice Neighbor man did and they played tug of war with me. I did not like that at all. Mother was hurting one arm and the Nice Neighbor man was hurting the other. I tried to get them both to let me go. The Nice Neighbor man let go of me and bit Mother on the hand. She screamed so loud I thought my ears would explode. Father came running out of the house with his gun. Father says I am never allowed to touch his gun. He says it not a toy and I am never to touch it. I don’t touch it because I was told not to and when I do what I am told, I get a Mars bar. I very much like Mars bars. He shot the Nice Neighbor man several times. My ears were ringing so loud I didn’t hear the Nice Neighbor Lady come up behind me. She put her arms around me. I do not like hugs. It is very impolite to invade someone else’s personal space. Personal space is very important. Mother and Father both have tried to hug me and I do not like it at all. The Neighbor Lady tried to give me a kiss. This is beyond rude. The only one who has ever been allowed to give me a kiss is Mother and only on very special occasions. The neighbor lady tried to bite me on top of the head and I squirmed and screamed. I cut my hand on some broken glass once, it felt like that only on top of my head. Father’s gun went off again and the lady fell back into the street. I looked and Mother was crying and Father was crying so I started to cry too because sometimes when a bunch of people are laughing or smiling or shouting, you’re supposed to be doing the same thing. We stood there for a long time, all of us crying. Mother and Father moved close to each other and started talking. Mother said something that made all the color drain from Father’s face. He began shaking his head and crying even harder. I have never seen Father so upset. His face turned all red and he pressed his head into Mother’s chest and sobbed and sobbed. Mother slowly took the gun from Father’s hand. He just kept sobbing and sobbing. Mother turned to look at me. I tried really hard to look into Mother’s eyes, I really, really tried, but I ended up looking at her mouth instead, just like I always do when somebody looks at me in the face. I saw her mouth make the words “I love you William.” I said “I love you to Mother” because that’s the proper thing to say. She bent her head down and said something to Father, and then she kissed him on the head. I think she got confused and thought that Father’s gun was a telephone because she put it against her ear like she was going to make a hello-phone call. Father moaned and cried like something really sad had happened on a television program. I had seen Mother cry like that watching her stories while Father was at work. I was about to tell Father about the two people coming up the street, they were walking funny like they had had too much to drink. Sometimes, Father and his friends would watch football games in the garage and they would drink beers. Father never had too many, he said that getting drunk was not proper. But sometimes his friends would have too many and they would walk around like the people coming up the street now. They swore and yelled and smelled bad too. Just as I was about to tell Mother and Father about the people coming up the street, I heard the loud BOOM of Father’s gun again. Then I heard Father yell louder than I have ever heard him yell before. Only he did not sound mad, at least I do not think he did. It’s kind of hard for me to tell sometimes. Father was crying which I know means sad. The people saw us and started moving closer. I did not want another hug so I called out for Mother and Father to “let’s go in the house.” I was hungry and Mother had promised me a marshmallow sandwich with peanut butter for lunch. Marshmallow sandwiches are almost as delicious as Mars bars. Mother did not answer so I ran over to Father and started tapping him on the shoulder.


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