Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 2)

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Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 2) Page 1

by Crystal Perkins

  Devouring the


  Book #2 of Corrigan & Co.

  By Crystal Perkins

  Copyright © 2015 by Crystal Perkins

  Cover Design by Helen Williams

  Ebook formatting by Jesse Gordon

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  About Devouring the SECRET

  Other books by Crystal Perkins


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Hearts on Fire


  About the Author

  About Devouring the SECRET

  A string of tragedies have made her cold and calculated

  Faith is the Corrigan & Co. Foundation’s most successful agent. Seeking justice for others is the only thing that guides her. Until she meets a sexy stranger, and gives in to a night of passion. When he turns out to be a suspect in the mission she’s assigned to soon after, she’ll have to decide if it’s worth the risk to let love back into her life.

  He was born with a silver spoon, but only wants a chef’s hat

  Gavin can’t stop thinking about the woman he let go with for one night. When Faith shows up to interview for a job as his mother’s personal chef, he knows that working with her side by side in the kitchen will be torture. Until they both give in to what they feel, and it becomes so much more.

  They’re both hiding from each other, and the past

  While Faith tries to remain impartial, Gavin struggles with the need to protect his mother—and what he believes in. There are forces bigger than the two of them working behind the scenes, and they learn that you can’t outrun the past, no matter how hard you try. Is their love strong enough to make them stay and fight for it, or will running be the only option?

  Secrets can multiply, and the biggest SECRET that’s revealed could bring down the entire foundation. Love alone may not be enough to save them, but friendship and loyalty just might.

  Other books by Crystal Perkins

  The Griffin Brothers series

  Gaming For Love (The Griffin Brothers #1)

  Building Our Love (The Griffin Brothers #2)

  Creating A Love (The Griffin Brothers #3)

  Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers #4)

  Designing The Love (The Griffin Brothers #5)

  Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers #6)

  Corrigan & Co. series

  Fielding Her SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #1)

  Publicly, The Corrigan & Co. Foundation has been supporting women for years. Secretly, five powerful women led by Jane Corrigan have recruited ten agents, sending them to rescue women and children in need, and take down those who exploit the weak. This secret society of women all have unique skills they’ve brought to the foundation. Additionally, they’ve all had training in weapons, etiquette, martial arts, technology, and languages. Helping out friends and family of their five mentors from time to time is something they were told to expect. What they didn’t plan for is falling in love.

  About the Corrigan & Co. Foundation and the Society:

  • Mitchell Corrigan created the Corrigan & Co. Foundation for his wife as part of his company ten years ago. He stipulated that the foundation would continue as long as there is a Corrigan woman to oversee it.

  • Jane Corrigan, Cyndi Evans, Maggie Griffin, Mallory Daniels, and Helen Wilson are the founders of the secret society within the foundation. They focus on helping women and children, but take on other missions from time to time.

  • While they assist government and private organizations on a regular basis, they only take referrals for private missions.

  • Each founder has recruited, and mentors, two agents.

  • The company was founded in Chicago, but has now moved to Las Vegas, where Mitchell was born. On his deathbed, he asked his grandson to move the company headquarters to help revive the economy in his hometown. There are satellite offices all over the world.

  • Jane’s grandson, Matt, who is President and CEO of Corrigan & Co., knows of the society. His friends Nathan and Aiden, who he brought in when they all left the military, know as well. This was a decision by the five women when they needed help on a mission that went bad. They do not know all mission details, but help when they are asked.

  This series is also dedicated to Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Indiana Jones, Remington Steel, Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Chuck, Myron Bolitar, Windsor Harmon Lockwood III, Alex Delaware, Milo Sturgis, Monk, Columbo, James Rockford, Starsky & Hutch, Magnum P.I., The A-Team, Bruce Wayne, The Hardy Boys, and their creators. I’ve loved watching and reading about these men and their adventures just as much as I love the women I dedicated the series to as well.



  I’m happy for Ainsley. Zack’s a great guy, and she deserves the fairytale. Just because I realize that, it doesn’t mean I want to see it. I don’t want to settle down, but a boyfriend would be nice. I’ve been doing so many missions and pretend caterings lately that it’s made finding one impossible. I can’t even remember the last time I had sex, and I really need that release.

  “Not over there celebrating with the happy couple?”

  I look next to me and see a gorgeous guy with short black hair, and dark brown eyes, looking at me with a cocky smile on his face. He looks a little familiar, but honestly so does everyone lately. Between the missions and fake catering I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the whole city in the last few months.

  “I congratulated them.”

  “So you can get out of here then.”

  “With you?”

  “Yes, with me. I’ve been watching you all night.”

  “Stalker much?”

  I should be freaked out, but I’m a little turned on. He’s hot and he wants me. I’ve never been a one night stand girl like some of my friends, but I want to leave
with him. I want to do something wild and fun, just for me. Besides, it’s not like I couldn’t take him down if it came to that.

  “Interested is a more appropriate word. I want to get you out of that tight blue dress, and wrap that sexy long hair of yours around my hand while I fuck you hard.”

  Oh. He’s one of them. Dammit. I’m not cutting my hair just because the weirdos like it. “I’m not into guys with a hair fetish. So thanks but no thanks.”

  I start to move, but he places his hand on my arm. “I don’t have a hair fetish. I normally could care less what a woman’s hair looks like. Your hair is just part of what intrigues me about you. I do want to pull it, though. I won’t lie.”

  “What do I get to pull in return?”

  “Anything you want. I’m happy to be your plaything.”

  “Let’s get out of here before I change my mind.”

  * * *


  Faith was in charge of the menu tonight. She thinks her hair turns me on? I wonder how she’d feel if she knew her food is even sexier to me. I’d noticed her before I ate. Who wouldn’t? She’s got on one of those sexy bandage style dresses in a bright blue. It goes all the way to the floor, but it’s sexy as hell. It’s got a deep v neck with a couple of the straps crossing over the top. I’ve been itching to get my hands inside that v to caress her small, but perfect looking breasts.

  Then there’s the hair. I mean what I said about not having a fetish, but damn if I couldn’t be persuaded to take up one after seeing hers. It’s brown with a few red and blonde highlights, and it falls in layers to her waist. I don’t just want it wrapped around my hands, I also want to feel it whipping my chest as she rides me.

  When you get past her body and hair, her face is no less remarkable. Brown almond-shaped eyes, a cute little nose, high cheekbones, and lush lips combine to make her one of the most stunning women I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen my fair share.

  But it’s her food that made me bold enough to approach her. Her menu for tonight was decadent, but simple. Everything she used was organic, but she hid it well enough that the snobs wouldn’t turn up their nose. I was in heaven from the first bite I took. I knew I had to have her.

  I’m being reckless tonight, and I know it. I may have seen quite a few women in my life, but I haven’t bedded as many as I could have. I have to be selective about who I choose, and for dating, I don’t normally have a choice. My mother, or someone from her staff, chooses for me. She would kill me if she knew I was following someone home without even knowing her name. I don’t care. I want this woman, and for once I’m going to do something for myself.

  * * *


  I shouldn’t be bringing him back to my place, but I know I’ll be safe here, so this is where I’m taking him. I stop at the guard gate to let him catch up and tell them to let him in. I park in my spot and wait for him at the elevator. He reaches for my hand, and I let him take it. We walk across the lobby like that, holding hands. The guys in the lobby raise their eyebrows, but I smile at them and they relax.

  We take the interior elevator to my floor. I start getting nervous the second we step out. My apartment’s not exactly normal, so I hope he doesn’t freak out and run. I open my door and pull him inside after me.

  “Whoa.” I stiffen. “This is amazing.”

  I spin to face him. “You like it?”

  “What’s not to love about this kitchen? I wish my place had a kitchen taking up two-thirds of the living space.”

  “You like to cook?”

  “I love to cook.”

  I reach for him and crush my lips to his. We stumble a little, but he steadies us. He starts pulling me towards the giant island in the middle of the room, and I let him. He’s kissing and biting my neck as I pull his jacket off and start working on his tie.

  “We don’t need our clothes off this time. I just need to be inside of you.”

  “Yes.” Oh God, yes. I want it here in my kitchen.

  He turns me around and pushes my dress up to my hips. He runs his hands over my ass before tearing my thong off. I bend over the island and brace myself as I hear his pants drop to the floor and then that unmistakable sound of foil being ripped open.

  “Are you ready, chef?”


  He enters me in one thrust and I cry out from how good it feels. “You like it.”

  “I do.”

  I feel him twist my hair around his hand and it stings a little when he tugs on it. He doesn’t pull so hard that it hurts me, just enough to increase the pleasure I’m feeling.

  “Touch yourself. I don’t know how long I can wait for you.”

  I do what he commands me to, rubbing circles around my clit. He starts sucking and biting my neck again, and I arch back into him as I come. He follows pretty quickly after me. We stand there for a moment as we both try to catch our breath.

  “I hope you have more condoms, because I obviously didn’t do a good job that time.”

  “It was great. I promise.”

  “You didn’t scream.”

  “Oh. I don’t do that. Scream, I mean.”

  “You will for me.”

  “You can try to make me, but I promise you, I’m not a woman who loses control.”

  “Wanna bet?”


  He turns me around and has me lean back as he puts his hands inside the top of my dress. I gasp as he pinches my nipples. “Loser cooks breakfast in the morning.”

  I nod because if I open my mouth, I’m screaming. Good thing I love to cook breakfast.

  * * *


  She screamed last night. More than once. It was hands down the best night of my life, and even though I won, I’m cooking breakfast. When I woke up with her in my arms, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t just walk out on her.

  “I was supposed to cook since I lost the bet.”

  “I know, but I wanted to cook for you.”

  “No one ever cooks for me, so thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “I’m Faith, by the way.”

  “Gavin,” I tell her, wishing that I told her sooner so she would’ve screamed my name as she came. Too late for that now.

  “I don’t normally do…this…so I’m not sure how this works.”

  “We have a nice breakfast together, fuck again if you want, and then I go on my way.”

  “Do you want to see me again?”

  “Yes. But I can’t.”

  “Oh…? Oh! You’re not married are you? Please tell me you’re not married.”

  “I’m not married, Faith. And I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m not the type of guy who would sleep with another woman while I was with someone else. My life’s just complicated, and as much as I like you, this has to just be a one-time thing.”

  “Okay. Well, thanks for breakfast.”

  We eat in silence and I hate it. We had so much fun last night, and now it’s just awkward. There’s nothing I can do about it, though. A chef wouldn’t be up to my mother’s standards and until I can untangle myself from her, I’m stuck. Once we finish eating, I get dressed and kiss her softly at the door before leaving.

  * * *


  I’m with my mentor, Cyndi, waiting for the woman I need to impress for my next mission. She’s a senator who likes to spend her off time here in Vegas. Winter recess was just announced, so she’s getting her house ready. We paid her normal chef to quit so I can take over and work undercover in her house.

  Either she, or someone who works for her, is passing along state secrets to the highest bidder. This was a last minute thing, so I wasn’t able to go over her file. I only know that she’s very conservative, and runs her house—and her family—with an iron fist. Fun times ahead for me.

  She’s been after Cyndi’s support for years. With the platform she runs on, she’ll never get that support, but Cyndi’s using the promise of it to bait her into hiring her favorite chef. Me.
I’ve prepared one of my favorite dishes, and I hope she likes it well enough to hire me.

  While we wait, I think about Gavin. It’s been two weeks since we were together, but I can’t stop thinking about him, and what we did. I want a repeat, and I’ve had to stop myself from asking Ainsley to find him, on more than one occasion.

  “Sorry we’re late. My son was being difficult this morning. I’m sure you understand that, Cyndi. Your family had some little scandal a few years ago, didn’t they?”

  “My granddaughter’s marriage wasn’t a scandal, it was a blessing. We’re not here to talk about family, though. Faith has prepared something wonderful for you.”

  “There’s no need for that. My son will be the one doing most of the actual cooking.”

  “Your son cooks?” Cyndi asks. This could definitely be a problem.

  “Yes, but I have to keep up appearances, so I hire a fake chef. I mean, how would it look for everyone to know my son is a world-class chef who does the cooking when we entertain? If he’s out with a suitable girl, or has other plans, the chef can fill in. But no one cooks better than my son.”

  “I’m sure Faith could handle that.”

  The senator looks at me then. “Are you Asian, dear?”

  “I’m part Chinese, yes.”

  “I don’t want fried rice every night you cook.”

  “That’s enough, Mother. She’s hired.”

  My breath catches in my throat as we all turn to him. I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Gavin is the senator’s son, and I’m in bigger trouble than I imagined.

  Chapter 1


  “We can’t just take you off this case without a reason, Faith.”

  “We can’t take her off of it period, Cyndi.”

  “Please, Reina. I-I can’t do this one.”

  “You have to tell me why. You know there’s no one who can replace you. Hell, I’m lucky if I can boil water without burning it.”

  We’re in the small conference room at the Corrigan & Co. Foundation offices. Cyndi and I came straight here after we left the meeting with Gavin and his mother. She freaked out when I turned down the job offer, especially when I refused to tell her why. Reina, the second in command for both the Foundation and the Society, is grilling me.


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