Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel Page 17

by Stephany Wallace

  They stopped by the steps of her building and Samantha looked up at him, knowing she had to say goodnight. Yet, she didn’t want to. She couldn’t seem to think straight, she could barely breathe, and all she wanted to do was have him kiss her like he had done at the park. The way she had felt with him, pulled her to him, but it also confused her. She loved Jonathan. He was always present, in her heart, in the back of her mind. Yet, when she was with Christopher it was almost as though her shattered heart was whole again. The way he made her feel was… wonderful. She felt as though she was special to him, she felt safe, unharmed by it all. The kiss he gave her touched her in a way she never expected. It changed her. It had given her hope. “I’m sorry, Jonathan,” she thought, and pushed him out of her thoughts. She smiled at Christopher, kissed his lips softly, and said goodnight. Letting go of his hand, she began walking to the door, feeling the weight of every step she took.

  Christopher’s heart constricted, seeing her get to her door. He turned around to walk away, but stopped the moment she called his name. He faced her again. “Yes, Princess?”

  She didn’t respond, instead she walked towards him stopping a foot away. She cupped his cheek like he had done at the park and he leaned into her delicate touch closing his eyes. As he did, he felt her lips on his once more. He pulled her close to him, and kissed her back, his hands on her back, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss ended and he opened his eyes, resting his forehead to hers.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, and brushed her lips with his, kissing her again. She leaned back looking into his eyes.

  “Would you hold me tonight, Christopher?”

  The statement tugged at his heart, and he looked at her concerned. Had kissing him hurt her? In the past, she had only asked him to hold her when she cried, when she needed him to console her. His heart began to sink.

  “Are you all right, Princess? Do you feel like crying?”

  She looked into his eyes. “No, I just don’t want the night to end. I want you to hold me tonight, is that ok?”

  Christopher couldn’t even describe how it felt to hear her say that. He smiled, and nodded, kissing her again. Pulling back from the kiss, he held her hand and they began walking to his apartment. They got to his room and he removed his blazer, his shoes and laid on the bed. Samantha took off her cardigan and flats, and laid next to him as she had done when she needed his arms to console her in the past two weeks. However, tonight she only needed him. He placed his right arm around her, and lifted her chin with his fingers, kissing her lips. It was a soft and gentle kiss that left her feeling as if she was floating. She smiled, and leaned into him. He kissed her forehead, and watched her rest her head back on the pillow. The image of her next to him was the last thing he saw before falling asleep.

  Christopher woke up in the middle of the night and saw her in his arms, peacefully sleeping. He felt something he had never thought he would experience again. Happiness. Just lying there with her next to him, was mind-blowing to him. It felt good. Leaning closer, he placed a soft kiss on her temple, then one on her cheek. He leaned back to find her opening her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Samantha smiled, and slid closer to him. Lifting her head from the pillow, she rested it on his arm. “You want to be closer to me, Princess?” she nodded and he grinned. “My sweet princess,” he whispered, kissing her forehead, and reached for her waist pulling her body closer to his. She moved until she was completely nestled against him. Christopher wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

  “Is this better?” she nodded once again and closed her eyes, resting her face on his neck.

  She hugged him, her hand settling on his back. Their legs intertwined together. He felt amazing with her lying against him this way, while they held each other.

  “On second thought, this might not have been the most brilliant idea,” he mused, feeling her warm breath on his neck. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest, and her leg between his, were doing extraordinary things to him. The smell of her perfume filtered through his nose adding to the sensations. She smelled of flowers and vanilla, and it was intoxicating to him. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm himself. His body was responding to her, alarmingly fast. Her leg shifted between his, and his breathing became faster. An inch higher, and she would feel him hardening for her. He took a slow breath, the last thing he needed was to scare her off.

  Samantha raised her lips to his, and kissed him. She couldn’t understand the effect he was having on her tonight. The kiss had changed things between them, now there was this feeling inside her. It was strange and unfamiliar, yet nice and appealing. She loved the way it felt to be held like this by him. She had never laid this close to him before, or to anyone. She had been in his arms, as he eased her tears a few times before, sure, but it hadn’t been like this. They continued to kiss and the tingling in the pit of her stomach increased. She felt nervous, excited, and there was also this peculiar feeling running through her body, one she hadn’t experienced before. Well, maybe once, when Jonathan was kissing her in his bed, it had made her hot and cold all at the same time. There was need inside her, a different kind of need. It was an overwhelming and unsettling sensation, but it also made her feel so good. Just like with Jonathan, her body was reacting to him, to their kisses, and the feelings that arose in the different parts of her were making her head spin. The pace of their kiss changed, intensified, as the sensations clawed at her body, demanding more.

  Christopher kissed her, with more urgency, responding in kind to the need in her lips. He was finding it difficult to think. Arousal rushed through him, taking him prisoner, and controlling every inch of him. He wanted her. He needed her.

  Samantha placed her palm on his back, pressing herself to him. She was finding it hard to resist the feelings running through her. It was as though a flame had been ignited inside her, and he was the only one that could help her calm the burning. She needed to be closer to him. His lips left hers, leaving her panting. He began to kiss a trail along her jaw, her ear, her neck, and new sensations exploded in her.

  Christopher was beside himself, the passion and desire with which she was kissing him was driving him crazy. He could feel her tight nipples rubbing against his chest even through the fabric, as she pressed herself to him. Every inch of her was against him, doing delicious things to him. He nibbled the curve of her neck and she moaned in his ear. Her breathing became ragged. Her hand roamed his back, her nails grazing him as she fisted his shirt. He could tell she wanted him, just as much as he wanted her. He laid her on her back and rested his body on top of hers, letting the passion take over him. He parted her legs with his knees and settled between them, allowing her to feel all of him against her. She moaned at the contact, just as his lips closed over hers again. His right hand caressed her neck, slowly grazing her skin with his fingertips as his hand followed the trail his lips had created. He traced her collarbone, and continued down her chest. His fingertips circled her hardened nipple and he held her breast in his hand massaging it.

  A loud moan rippled through Samantha, and into Christopher’s lips, breaking through her haze and bringing her back to reality. She sat up abruptly, forcing him off of her, and breaking their contact. Her breathing was coming in short pants and she looked straight ahead, as realization suddenly dawned on her.

  “This is it. This is what it feels to want someone. This need, this scorching heat inside me. It’s what wanting to make love feels like. I want Christopher to make love to me?”

  She asked herself, immediately receiving an answer from her body. The pulsing in her increased, at the thought of Christopher making love to her, and closed her eyes, confused. She had never been with anyone, she hadn’t been in a relationship since David Flanagan, and that didn’t even qualify. They had hung out at school for two weeks, and then he had dumped her. She had always thought that Jonathan would be the one to show her what it was like, to make love t
o her. Jonathan, her throat constricted at the thought. She took a deep breath, she wanted it to be him, she wanted him to love her… but he wouldn’t, he was not here, and he wouldn’t be.

  Christopher stared at the ceiling, silently freaking out. His chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing, as he shouted at himself in his mind. “Bollocks! What did I just do? What the hell did I just do? I’ve ruined everything!” He knew he had, he hadn’t a clue what to make of Samantha’s reaction. “I went too far,” he thought, and tried to calm his breathing. She hadn’t looked at him, which was a bad sign. She hadn’t even spoken since pulling away from him. He sat up next to her, carefully placing his arm around her, and rested his forehead on her temple.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Princess. Please forgive me.”

  Samantha turned towards him, but didn’t look at him. She held his hand. “Don’t apologize.”

  “I have to. I went too far and I scared you, I’m sorry. You must not be ready for this, I don’t even know if I’m ready for this. I should have been more level headed. I’m so sorry.”

  She placed a soft kiss on his lips, and when she finally looked into his eyes, she noticed the hint of pain in them. “Don’t apologize, it wasn’t something you did,” she said, and lowered her gaze to their hands together, becoming quiet. Christopher watched her, confused. He could see her retreating. She seemed embarrassed. He tightened his hold on her hand, and brought it to his lips, kissing it. Samantha opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at him.

  He cupped her face with his right hand.

  “It’s ok, Princess. Whatever it is, please, just tell me. You can tell me anything, even if it was my fault. You don’t need to hide it.”

  She shook her head slightly. “It wasn’t you, is just,” she took a slow breath. “I’ve never been with anyone before.”

  He looked at her, shocked and confused, but instantly it dawned on him. “You have been in love with him for so long, you would never let anyone else touch you that way, love you,” he said as a fact. She nodded.

  “I always thought it would be him,” Christopher held her in his arms, and laid them back on the bed, kissing her forehead. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, as a tear ran down her cheek. He got up, resting on his elbow to look at her, and kissed the tear off her cheek.

  “There is nothing for you to be sorry about. I don’t want you to cry, please, I can’t take it,” she let her fingertips caress his lips and looked into his eyes. He lay back.

  “You don’t understand. I felt so many things with your body against mine, when we were kissing. It was so intense I could hardly breathe. I felt as if different parts of my body became alive,” the look she gave Christopher in that moment unraveled him, and his heart responded to her. “It felt amazing. I just wanted your body closer to mine, I yearned for your touch, and I wanted more. I wanted everything from you, Christopher,” he swallowed hard. Hearing her admit that was awakening him again, intensifying his need for her. “That was desire,” she said as a statement more than a question. He answered nonetheless.


  Samantha’s eyes lifted from his lips, and when she looked into his eyes he could see the intensity in them again. Her need. “Would you kiss me like that again? Would you touch me once again?”

  Christopher closed his eyes trying to control himself. “This isn’t a game. She’s too precious, too important. I can’t risk it,” he told himself, and shook his head slowly.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Samantha, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t. You need to experience that with someone you love,” he stopped, unexpectedly realizing that his next words would cut deep. “And you love Jonathan.”

  She held his face in her hands until he looked into her eyes. “And you love Abby,” she answered simply. He nodded, the pain clear in his eyes. “It wasn’t only my body feeling it. I felt it in my heart too. The yearning for your touch, the ache as you kissed me. I felt the need intensify inside it, the longing for you… I wanted you to make love to me, I still do,” her gaze became vulnerable as she stared into his eyes. “Do you want to make love to me, Christopher?”

  He looked at her, realizing the meaning of her words. “Yes.”

  “Did you feel your heart wanting me, as much as your body wanted me when I kissed you?” He closed his eyes trying not to think about it. This was more than what he had been prepared to accept. Yet, it was the truth. He could feel it every time he was with her, his heart reacted to her, to her smile, her words, her touch. And now it reacted so much more to her kisses, to her honesty. He cared about her. It went deeper than what he would have wanted to admit.

  Christopher opened his eyes, looking straight into hers. “Yes. I care deeply about you, Samantha. More than I thought I could, or that I should. I want to make love to you. Desperately so.”

  A small smile curved her lips. “I care about you too, Christopher, it’s taken me by surprise. I never expected this, I never expected you.”

  He leaned in to her, as his heart screamed at him to kiss her, to hold her in his arms, to make love to her. He placed a tender kiss on her lips and pulled away looking into her eyes.

  “Make love to me, Christopher. Show me what it’s like. Show me how you love someone, and what it feels like to be loved.”

  His heart raced in his chest, as he looked at her. Everything inside him was begging him to give in to her. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes, I trust you, Christopher. I need you.”

  He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her, letting go of the hurt, of the fear in his heart. Giving in to what he felt for her.


  Samantha lay on Christopher’s bed, as he kissed her. His body pressed against her, and the sensations ran through her body once again, stronger, and overwhelming. She could feel every inch of him on her and it excited her to know his body was responding this way to her. His hands caressed her on their way down her body. They slipped under her cotton dress, and slowly guided it up her body, his palms caressing her skin while gliding up. She lifted off the bed allowing his hands to pull it over her hips, her waist and shoulders, finally over her head. Her back lay on the mattress once again, and she looked at him as her heart raced. His hooded eyes roamed her body, lingering on her full breasts and the lace thong wrapping around her hips.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered. His eyes returned to her and he kissed her again, slowly, passionately, disarming her with each stroke of his lips against hers.

  His hands caressed the bare skin of her waist and the heat of his skin seeped through her. His lips left hers and began their descent along her neck. He gently nibbled at her skin and her soft moans began to fill the air. His lips felt amazing on her. His soft, lingering, whispers of a kiss on her neck were melting her inch by inch. Samantha arched her back for him as his hands slid between her and the mattress. Reaching for the clasp of her bra, he tugged at it and it became loose. His hands lazily slid to the front of her body.

  Christopher was taking his time undressing her. There was no haste in his actions. He was enjoying every step. The sensations running through him as he touched her, kissed her and unveiled every inch of her skin to his eyes, were something he hadn’t felt in a long time. And the way she responded to it… her moans, and sighs with everything he did to her were shattering him. He wanted to be part of her more than anything. He was dying to feel her warmth wrap around him, be inside her but he wouldn’t dare rush this moment. She was the first woman he had touched this way, or even allowed near his heart since Abby. This night was special for him too, and he planned to make love to her with every part of him, relish every second as he savored her. His tongue licked her chest a second before his lips kissed the top of her breast. His hands slid up to her shoulders and began to pull the straps of her bra down her arms. Her breasts became free, falling naturally out of the bra under his gaze. They were perfect to him. Not too big or s
mall but full, round, and luscious. Absolutely gorgeous. He looked at her nipples, and a smile curved his lips. They were big, and light pink, almost blending with the color of her pale skin. He loved it. They managed to harden even more under his gaze. Her thick tip begged for him to taste it. He obliged.

  “Stunning,” he whispered, and closed his lips over it, sucking lightly. She moaned for him, a shudder running through her. He smiled, sucking it again. His tongue circled her nipple, and he nibbled it. She moaned again, arching into him. Soft touches seemed to bring her the most pleasure. He smiled, and licked the curve of her breast slowly. She shuddered once again. He had no problem taking it slow, he wanted her to tremble for him. He wanted to give her all the pleasure she deserved. His lips sought her other breast, and he licked her nipple and sucked until it became so sensitive that his breath alone made her moan. His lips continued down her belly and he placed a soft kiss on her belly button. His hands caressed her hips, while his fingers slid under the lace band of her thong.

  “Christopher,” Samantha said, breathless.

  He placed a kiss on the skin above the edge of the lace, and pulled himself up to look into her eyes.

  “Yes, Princess?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she caressed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to her. Kissing him. He gave in to her, kissing her with all the need he had for her and feeling hers. She pulled back looking into his eyes.

  “I want to see you too.”

  He smiled, and kissed her softly. “Anything you want.”

  Leaning back from her, he reached for the edges of his polo shirt, pulling it off. He lay back on the bed, and watched her as she sat down next him. He closed his eyes, once her hands began to caress his chest.


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