Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel Page 29

by Stephany Wallace

  Samantha placed the book aside and stood up, discreetly assessing the woman in front of her, and made her way towards the window. She knew how to deal with her kind. She had grown a surprisingly thick skin for that type of woman while working in Oxford, especially after that first encounter with the Queen of Hearts. She took her time getting to the window, letting Chantelle take a full look at her. After all, something told her that was the reason she was here.

  Samantha turned around, and gave her the fiercest pose she could come up with. A half amused, half bored smile curved her lips, and she arched her eyebrow. If Maggie were here she would probably be proud.

  “Is that so? I’m famous here?”

  Chantelle smirked. “Oh, yes! He talks about you all the time. Well not so much talk all the time, more like he has said your name a few times when he’s with me. When we are having passionate sex, but I have heard it before,” Samantha chuckled sarcastically, while Chantelle continued. “He did tell you he has passionate sex sessions with me didn’t he? That he can’t get enough of me? You should see him. He kisses me and caresses me with such passion and need, that it’s mind-blowing really. Ever since he started working here, he just can’t seem to get his hands off me! I mean it’s been five years and he still hasn’t been able to stop!” She paused again, and her expression changed to concern. “I hope he told you because I would hate for you to find out like this. I mean the last thing I want is for you to get hurt or be intimidated by the kind of woman I am,” she finished with a full smirk, and Samantha smiled.

  “Oh, sweetheart, of course not. The truth is, I couldn’t possibly be intimidated by the kind of woman you are. To be honest you are a dime a dozen. As by him being with you, well, the first time I get. I mean everyone makes mistakes, right? But for the rest, I assume he must have been bored out of his mind. I mean, for him to stoop so low more than once and actually continue touching you…” She made a face looking up and down at Chantelle with a hint of disgust. “Oh, you poor thing. Don’t worry about me getting hurt, sweetheart. The fact of the matter is, that it’s my name he says when he’s with you, isn’t it? It’s me he sees and thinks about when you are with him, not the other way around. After all I am the famous Samantha, aren’t I?”

  She walked back to the couch and sat down crossing her legs. She reached for her book and remembered the Queen of Hearts once more. Raising her left hand, she waived Chantelle off dismissively.

  “You may leave. I’ve lost interest.”

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder, with all the attitude she could muster, and began to read again.

  Chantelle was so livid she could probably breathe fire if she tried. She whirled around to leave, and crashed into Rose who was standing behind her with a cup of tea. The tea spilled all over Chantelle’s blouse, burning her. She gasped.

  “Aahh! Look what you did, this is Italian silk, you idiot!” She yelled, hysterically. Rose hid a smile.

  “Oh, no! Look at that, I’m so sorry,” she said in an almost robotic voice, shaking the teacup in Chantelle’s direction so the last drops of tea fell on her too.

  Chantelle continued to dab at her blouse urgently, without realizing it. She pushed Rose aside, walked back to her office, and slammed the door behind her. Rose laughed, and rushed into Jonathan’s office.

  “Oh my God! That was amazing. I wish I would have ever had the guts to talk to her that way,” Rose said, short of clapping and sat beside Samantha on the couch, immediately noticing the look in her eyes.

  “Oh, no, sweetie. You didn’t know?” She guessed, as she saw Samantha close her eyes and take a deep breath. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I really am. If it helps, I know that he was lost without you, but he was in denial, and that was just his way of trying to move on.”

  Samantha nodded. “I knew he had been with different women, while he was trying not to deal with his feelings. He told me that much, but I didn’t know about any of them specifically. It was an abstract thought before. It’s real now that I saw her. It’s harder like this, I’m so furious at her right now I could scream… but I also can’t help but feel hurt. Despite of what I said to her,” she lowered her gaze to her hands. Her eyes glistened. Her thick skin had turned into worn, brittle paper, crumbling as Chantelle’s words triggered images in her mind.

  “Oh, sweetie. I’ll go get you more tea. I’ll be right back.”

  Samantha took a deep breath, determined not to let the tears fall. She was tired of hurting… crying. She was doing this for herself, damn it. Regardless of the past, she was with Jonathan now, he was hers and she was happy.

  The door opened and Jonathan walked in. She looked up at him and a treacherous tear ran down her cheek. The image of Chantelle under his body flashed before her eyes, torturing her.

  The second Jonathan walked in he noticed the tears on Samantha’s face. He knelt in front of her, cradling her cheek with his right hand.

  “What’s the matter? What happened, baby?” The concern was clear in his voice, he caught a tear with his finger. She finally opened her eyes and looked into his, but before she could speak, Rose came back with the tea.

  “Here you go, sweetie,” Rose said, handing Samantha the teacup. Her gaze settled on Jonathan’s. “It was Chantelle,” she told him simply, and turned around walking out. She closed the door, giving them privacy.

  Jonathan took a steadying breath, and looked at Samantha. His eyes filled with remorse. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I didn’t want you to find out this way. I was about to tell you when Jim called me into his office. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you, I swear.”

  Samantha nodded looking at him, and wiped her cheek. She could see the sincerity and regret in his eyes. Placing her hand on top his, she rested her forehead to his.

  “I don’t care about the past. We are together now, and that’s all that matters.”

  Jonathan kissed her lips softly, and placed two small kisses on her forehead. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry,” he whispered, regretting yet another decision from his past.


  Three hours later, Jonathan finished working on his priority case, and stepped out the office with Samantha by his side.

  “I’m leaving for the day, Rose. Please take messages for me. If anything important comes up, you can call me at my cellphone. Otherwise, I am not to be disturbed.”

  “Of course, Mr. Smith,” Rose smiled at Samantha. “Bye, sweetie.”

  Samantha returned her smile. “Bye, Rose.”

  They walked into his apartment and Samantha stopped. Everything seemed different now. She looked around and then closed her eyes trying to erase the assault of images, the different women in this place, in his arms. Jonathan walked up to her, taking her coat off and draping it on the couch. Holding her waist, he pulled her into his arms and cradled her on his chest knowing exactly where her thoughts had taken her.

  “I’ve never had anyone here, baby. No other woman has ever been in my place, in my bed. It was all so meaningless for me. A desperate attempt to forget, to fool myself into thinking that I was fine without you…” His fingers lifted her chin, until he was looking straight into her eyes. “I’ve never held anyone in my arms as I hold you, Sam. I’ve never loved anyone else but you.”

  Leaning in, he claimed her lips in a long and tender kiss, filled with need and remorse. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore, yet all the stupid mistakes he had made kept coming back to haunt him. It was enough. It was time for her to be happy, for them to be happy… together. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, his heart tightened as another tear fell from her eyes. He opened his lips to apologize but she silenced him, placing her fingers on his lips.

  Samantha looked into Jonathan’s eyes, realizing this was how he must have felt when he learned about Christopher. He had hurt just like she was hurting now. The thought sent a tear running down her cheek. She knew exactly what Jonathan had felt imagining her with Christopher. This torturing, heart wrenching feeling that was clawing at her by just the
mere thought of another woman in his arms, was the same thing he had felt, knowing that Christopher had made her his.

  “I’m sorry too. I know I hurt you, and I need you to know that I never wanted to be anyone but yours. My heart has never been anyone else’s but yours. I was born to be with you. I am yours, Jonathan. All yours.”

  Jonathan claimed her lips again. This time there was nothing but love pouring out of the kiss. Tightening his arms around her, he carried her into his room and laid her on the bed. Their hands intimately caressed each other, while their clothes fell to the floor. His lips followed the trail they had previously burned on her skin, marking her as his. The world outside disappeared, while they loved each other, giving themselves to one another, as though it were the first time. Jonathan’s body wrapped around her, holding her tight against him, and he became part of her, making her complete in his arms. They belonged together, and nothing in this world would ever be able to change that.

  Their bodies lay naked against the other while Samantha looked into Jonathan’s eyes. They were still joined and breathless, after becoming undone in each other’s arms. She smiled, certain that nothing would ever feel this way… nothing ever had.

  Jonathan placed two small kisses on her forehead, and tightened his arms around her. Rolling onto his back, he brought Samantha with him carefully, so their bodies remained connected. There was nowhere else he wanted to be but inside her. Feeling her this way was mind-blowing to him. All he wanted was to love her over and over, drink the moans right out of her lips, and make her fall apart for him again and again until there was nothing left of them. Until they had literally become one… until he was in every cell of her body, and part of the very essence of her. He hardened once again at the thought, and a surge of need filled his body.

  Samantha clung to him, as the pleasure traveled through her body and his hips began to rock into her once more. Her eyes closed in ecstasy, and a moan attempted to escape her lips. Jonathan crushed her lips with his, capturing her moan, and kissing her passionately.

  “I love you, Sam,” he whispered on her lips.

  “I love you, Jonathan,” she was barely able to answer as his lips claimed hers again.


  Their week together was almost over. Jonathan had taken Samantha to all the places he knew would be meaningful to her. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts was first. She fell in love with the early American Art, the second she walked into the exhibition, as well as the Asian and Egyptian Art collections. They visited an Italian neighborhood called The North End, Boston’s oldest neighborhood settled in the 1630’s. There they enjoyed walking on the cobblestone roads, looking at more of the beautiful architecture from the different periods, and going into the Old North Church. A beautiful church full of history since it was the first church in town, previously known as The Christ Church. It was constructed in the 18th century. It was the oldest surviving Church in Boston and therefore, a National Historic Landmark. Inside the church, they saw the famous George Washington Bust, which Marquis de Lafayette reportedly pronounced to be the best likeness of him that he had ever seen. Needless to say, Samantha enjoyed every second of the history in that church. They stopped at Pauli’s for the Famous North End Lobster Rolls and they fell in love, they had never eaten anything so delicious. The Public Garden was next on the list, then the Freedom trail and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Museum and Library. As pointless as it was, Jonathan had even tried to bribe her for her to leave the library, it wasn’t until it was time to close and the security guard had all but escorted them to the door, that he was able to get her attention once again. Yet, he enjoyed every second of it.

  Tonight, he had surprised her by taking her to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, to a Special Performance from a famous Greek Violinist and Conductor that along with the Boston Orchestra was performing Mozart’s five violin concerti and Symphony No. 39. They sat in the audience as the violin concerto transported Samantha to a place she had never known existed. She could feel the emotions running through her body while the tears fell. She was delightfully overwhelmed. She had never been to a concert before, never seen anyone play the violin, she couldn’t explain how beautiful it all was. She had heard that some people felt such vast feelings at the opera that they often cried. However, she had never quite understood the kind of emotion that someone could experience from a performance that would bring a person to tears. Tonight she had experienced it, tonight she understood.

  Jonathan’s eyes fell on her face while he held her hand. The pure bliss that illuminated her, and the wonder in her eyes were art in its purest form, his heart grew a few inches more. There were tears in her eyes, but he knew they were from happiness, from admiration, and awe. He saved the image of her like this, beautiful and soft, in his mind. He wanted moments like this with her, for the rest of his life. He smiled at his thoughts and pulled the handkerchief from the pocket of his tux. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed it, while he dabbed at her cheeks. Samantha turned on her seat to face him, and smiled in return. Leaning in, she kissed him softly.

  “Thank you, baby. This is absolutely beautiful. I’m speechless,” she placed her forehead to his and smiled. The love she felt for him was overpowering and all-consuming, she loved him with every cell of her body and every single part of her soul. She was his, for the rest of her life.

  They walked out of the theater and she stepped in front of him blocking his path. He couldn’t help it as his eyes fell over her body, taking in once again the way the dress he had gotten for her molded to her skin. Even under her coat, the long, red dress looked amazing on her.

  “You are in trouble, mister,” she said, pulling his eyes from their adoration back to hers.

  Jonathan raised his eyebrows seeming shocked, “Me? What did I do now?”

  “You are not taking good care of me. I am starving, feed me! And please make it something greasy. I really need it.”

  He laughed. “What about Chinese?” He asked, stepping around her and pulling her towards the car.

  Samantha’s eyes lit up as an image came to her mind. She saw herself wrapped in his arms, and laying on the thick rug in front of the fireplace at his apartment. Their bodies barely covered by the chenille blanket that rested on his couch. She turned around with a sexy smile.

  “Chinese sounds perfect, but we’ll take it to go. I have plans for us that involve, you, me, a fireplace, and the rug,” she answered, stepping in front of him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes.

  He smirked, and pulled her closer to him, kissing her. He looked at her again but this time gave her a deliciously evil grin. Bending his knees, Jonathan hugged her legs and pulled her up, draping her over his shoulder. Samantha squealed and smacked his butt, but she made no attempt to get down. She rather liked the view.

  “Oh, no. Don’t worry, sir. I’m ok. This is just my caveman boyfriend being romantic. I’m ok,” she said, the to a couple on the sidewalk that had stopped, and stared at them in shock. Jonathan laughed, and continued to carry her to the car, while she repeatedly smacked and pinched his butt.

  The next day, Samantha woke up with a wide smile while she lay in his arms. She felt him kiss her forehead and her arms wound tighter around him.

  “Good morning, baby,” she whispered, opening her eyes to find him smiling with his eyes still closed.

  She pulled herself up on his body slowly, leaned in and brought her nose close to him. She nuzzled the curve of his neck slowly. The tip of her nose caressed his skin on her way up to his ear. She stopped right below it and inhaled deeply, letting his scent travel through her. A shudder ran through her body, and his arms tightened around her waist. She sighed.

  “I love doing that,” she whispered against his skin, kissing his neck. Jonathan held her even closer to him.

  “And I love you doing it,” she chuckled, and gave him one last kiss on his neck, then began to get up. “Wait, where do you think are you going?”

  She chuckled
. “Well excuse me, I didn’t realize this was a dictatorship, General Smith.” He laughed. “I’m going to the kitchen to get some coffee, is that ok with you?”

  He shook his head, getting up. “I’m afraid not, you might try to escape. I’m going to have to go with you.”

  Samantha knew she should have laughed, but she had lost her train of thought as she looked at his glorious, naked body sauntering towards her. Her eyes instantly travelled over it to a certain part of him that was urgently demanding attention.

  “That is what you do to me when you smell me like that. You are dangerous,” Jonathan whispered on her lips once he got to her, and pulled her into his arms. He claimed her lips and carried her, her legs immediately wrapped around his waist. She clung to him, moaning on his lips when she felt him slide inside her. He began to walk out of the room. She looked at him, breathless from the feel of him and saw him smirk, his eyes full of desire.

  “We haven’t done it in the kitchen yet.”


  Samantha grabbed her bag, looking for something to wear. Jonathan had mentioned she should wear something comfortable and informal, he was taking her somewhere for a fun surprise. Finding an outfit, she went into the bathroom for a quick shower, while he was in his closet.

  Jonathan stepped out wearing a cream, fitted, cable knit sweater, faded blue Jeans and a pair of tennis shoes. He walked into the kitchen, placed the navy-blue sports jacket he had grabbed on the counter, and pressed the button of his espresso machine.

  “I’m ready.”

  He smiled, hearing Samantha’s voice and turned to find her standing in the entrance to the kitchen. She was wearing a light pink turtleneck, faded blue jeans, his Harvard sweatshirt and her Converse shoes. She looked at him with the biggest smile on her lips and his heart skipped a beat. He walked towards her speechless, and hugged her.

  “That just made my day. I never thought I would to see you in my sweatshirt again, Sam,” he whispered against her neck, then lifted his lips to hers, kissing her. He stood back to look at her again. His eyes fell on her old, beat up, brown Converse shoes and he laughed.


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